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Germany - A Koran in Every Household

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posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Sahabi
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Salafists from all around the world traveled en masse to Afghanistan to wage jihad against the Russians alongside Osama bin Laden and the Taliban.

Um...and were bankrolled by the Americans.

All I'm saying is that most worldviews are based in what one has been fed. Further, there is a lot more to the Koran than the most extreme parts. If you interpret the Bible literally, you get your Phred Phelps. Frankly, if I were to pick up a Bible cold and read it through, I'd be appalled by the crazy parts. But I know that rational human beings don't keep slaves cuz Leviticus says it's OK...catch my drift?

So...passing out Korans should not be considered a militant act.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by Kemal

Yea, that's the problem. They have no problems when those Christian missionaries go to foreign countries with their bibles.

Muslims are trying to spread their own faith in Germany so what? Becareful, some of these bible thumpers are simply hypocrits. They are fine with doing something as long as it's not done to them.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by bonnieprince

i'm confused at what you think this will do that is so abhorrent, other than spreading a religion you fear and most likely don't know a lot about?

You have just shown that you did not even read the first page of this thread! I am an ex-Salafist and used to be an Amir (community leader). I left Islam last year.

I know a thing about a thing or two. Read the few replies I've made in this thread if you have time, I exposed much information.

Salafis hold the governments of the Israelis, Americans, and their allies as open enemy combatants. Several of their Imams and Sheikhs have made statements of open jihad.

You tell me.... why would Salafists spend millions of dollars giving books to their open enemies?


posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 08:24 AM
They can offer it. I can take it and throw it in the --------------
I'll leave it to the imagination. Would hate to get a fatwah after me.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

I will try to explain this to you as truthfully as I can. I am an ex radical-fundamentalist Salafi Muslim.

Salafism, through the teachings of Sayyid Qutb, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, and their subsequent religious leading successors, teaches that Israelis, Americans, and their allies are lawful enemies who's blood is lawful to spill.

Salafis don't just talk or preach... they are battle hardened in legitimate wars and terrorist attacks.

They are striving towards a united Islamic Empire under Shariah Law and Caliphate rule.

You know how Christians say, "Everyone knows about Jesus, so there will be no excuses for non-believers on judgement day,"?

Well, in order to be as legally binding as they can.... Muslims must first introduce Islam to non-believers. If they do not convert to Islam, they are open deniers. Open deniers must either convert to Islam, pay the jizyah tribute tax, or face slaughter on the battlefield.

We have the Salafists, the most radical and fundamental ideology of Islam spending millions of dollars to give books to their declared open enemies.

Just like the Christians say about Judgement Day, the Salafis will say, "We gave you Qur'ans and a chance to convert. You refused so your blood is legal unto us."

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Sahabi
Salafis don't just talk or preach... they are battle hardened in legitimate wars and terrorist attacks.
They are striving towards a united Islamic Empire under Shariah Law and Caliphate rule.

Ok, but they can strive til the cows come home. Handing out Korans is not in and of itself an aggressive act no matter what their other motives might be. Seems you mentioned Wahabism a while back as well...don't you know they are our esteemed friends and allies (these days). Frankly, you are taking me to task for not grasping the bigger picture. Well, there's a picture bigger than yours and it's epitomized by Orwell's quote: "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."

Note it says Boot, not Sandal. Look for your bad guys there...the rest is just chaff.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Germany - A Koran in Every Household

Islamic radicals in Germany have launched an unprecedented nationwide campaign to distribute 25 million copies of the Koran, translated into the German language, with the goal of placing one Koran into every household in Germany, free of charge.

The mass proselytization campaign -- called Project "Read!" -- is being organized by dozens of Islamic Salafist groups located in cities and towns throughout Germany, as well as in Austria and in Switzerland.

Salafism is a branch of radical Islam, practiced in Saudi Arabia, that seeks to establish an Islamic empire (Caliphate) across the Middle East, North Africa and Europe -- and eventually the entire world. The Caliphate would be governed exclusively by Islamic Sharia law, which would apply both to Muslims and to non-Muslims.

Salafists also believe, among other anti-Western doctrines, that democracy, because it is a man-made form of government, must be destroyed.

Also reported by Atlas Shrugs

- I have no idea if this is actually happening. I can not confirm that it is. I"m bringing this forward to ATS because it's being discussed on the internet. It's not being discussed in the MSM. ATS - ya'll can confirm or debunk ...

- I wouldn't call Muslims giving out free Qu'rans .. 'radicals' ... just because they give out free Qu'rans. There are plenty of Christian groups that give out big numbers of free bibles and that doesn't make them 'radicals' or dangerous.

- Apparently this sub-group of muslims are called Salafists and are out of Saudi Arabia. So I'm not sure why they are in Germany giving out 25 million Qu'rans. Except perhaps because the group has called for a global Islamic Caliphate and this is part of that campaign??

The conspiracy discussion ... it's the same general 'Islam wants a global caliphate' conspiracy and the MSM is being PC and isn't discussing what is happening conspiracy.

Anyways .. it's posted for whoever is interested ...

Did not read the thread, sorry just your post and I just want to answer your points... I am German and I really not like religion at all.

It is actually happening, but 25 Million is just a number which is planned, I think they will not reach it.

2nd point: you are totally right. I really hate whats going on in Germany at the moment. First Günther Grass was called antisemitic (not sure if this is the real word) and now everybody it pissed of because of the Koran. Sure the Salafist are a very radical group and they should be forbidden, but the idea itself is not bad. We always say we have freedom of religion in Germany, most of the people own a bible and you get sometimes a bible when you get in school or at some occasions, so what is the difference?
The people who just argue with that the Koran is brutal etc. should better read the old Testament.
This are just books, books don't kill people.

3rd: the salafist might be from saudi arabia, but we have a huge muslim community in Germany especially in Frankfurt where the salafist are based in Germany. We have somehow a parallel country inside our country... but if you adress this problem, you are racist.

And I see no conspiracy, it is just happening. I only want to know where the money comes from. Probably Saudi Arabia or something like Quatar or so. They really put much money in campagnes like this.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
This will happen in the USA soon. You will be a hate mongering islamophobic racist if you speak out against it.

No, they'll just be looked at the way Jehovah's Witness' are looked at. The JW try to put their little special book in every home free of charge as well; no one's freaking out about that. Just ignore them when they come to the door; or consult with your HOA to get a 'No Soliciting' sign put out in your neighborhood.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

The bigger picture? I don't think I even mentioned the bigger picture, I am simply focusing on my first-hand, inside knowledge of Salafism and radical Islam. We could go into CIA/U.S. links... or the agendas of the European Central Banks.... or a deliberate agenda of religious polarization in order to bring about "End Times" battles or usher in the One World Totalitarian Government, etc. The bigger picture would totally throw this thread off-topic.

Salafists openly wage jihad, war, and terror attacks. Salafists want me dead because I left the religion of Islam.

But we should not question why they are spending millions on their open enemies?

Should we accept candy from all strangers, or is it more wise to understand the character of the giver?

edit on 4/18/12 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 09:22 AM
I hope they send me a couple copies, i'll use them to start the woodstove in the winter.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 09:23 AM
ANYBODY GET THE FEELING THE ISLAM SCHILLS are here on this thread today, swamping any dissent? I personally will NEVER submit to ISLAM ........ever....... I would go down on a blaze of bullets before that happened. Actually I'm hoping the world gets hip to the TROJAN HORSE of ISLAM and combat it wherever they find it. There will surely be war somewhere over it. Islam gives you three chances to adhere and join or be destroyed don't forget.!!!!!

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by DarthMuerte

Why? Have you ever read it? Its not some satanic book
Its prety much like the bible. Especially the first bit.

Dont be scared.

Edit- I started learning about this stuff way before all the scare tactics. I was really interested in Malcolm X so I naturally started to learn about what it is to be muslim. I considered converting but decided I wasnt a good enough person.
edit on 17-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

Have you ever read a satanic book???

Also, Malcolm X was a black supremacist, what was so inspiring about him that made you want to convert to his religion ?


posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

I'm not anti-Islamic, I have a couple of Muslim friends, moderate Muslims I may add.

But I'd like to ask you: would you like to live under sharia law?

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
ATS is on a "hate all the Muslims and Blacks" crusade at the moment

Truth is not hate speech. If there are negative things said about people who happen to be black, or negative things about the Muslim faith, that doesn't equate to 'hate all the Muslims and blacks". Truth is truth.

Or are you just not happy with the fact that some people here decided to wait and see what the police in Florida came up with as far as evidence against Zimmerman instead of grabbing the torch and pitchfork? Is that what you mean by hating on blacks? Being anti-vigilante somehow means also being anti-black? Or is it something else?? care to point it out to all of us so-called haters of Muslims and blacks?

reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Which begs the question .. what to do with this crap if it's in your mailbox? Will Germans have a mass throwing out of the propaganda? Will there be radicalized muslims looting and 'carrying on' because their so-called holy books are in the trash?

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Xterrain

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
This will happen in the USA soon. You will be a hate mongering islamophobic racist if you speak out against it.

No, they'll just be looked at the way Jehovah's Witness' are looked at. The JW try to put their little special book in every home free of charge as well; no one's freaking out about that. Just ignore them when they come to the door; or consult with your HOA to get a 'No Soliciting' sign put out in your neighborhood.

I don't think Muslims will be looked at the way JW's are, ever. Which is unfortunate for some Muslims.

Where I live we laugh at JW's. They come to my door and if I'm in the mood for a little religious debate I'll chat to them for a while, they're harmless. We can publicly denounce our own main faith(Catholicism) too if we like, and not expect the kind of reaction you would get in Saudi Arabia for example. Muslims, from my experience, are far more incendiary, you can't joke about their religion, and you can't speak out against it without seriously offending somebody, look at the reaction to the Danish cartoons, people died because of that.
edit on 18-4-2012 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 09:48 AM

man-made form of government

I believe that all religion can be defined this way. Regardless of your beliefs, religion is a man made entity for control of people. Cardinal Pell said himself that Adam and Eve was just a story for religious purposes. On the Islam thing, these Quran's should be littered in the street following this and burned. This is a very dangerous religion. Convert all you want, people like this only want control over you. They could give a damn less about your soul.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by stanguilles7
Just because you hate Muslims? No, you said you dont hate Muslims.
So, what, exactly, is the fear of a book?

You said this to DarthMuerte but I'll answer it. You can hate Islam and not hate Muslims.
You can hate the ignorance in a so-called 'holy book' of any religion but not hate those
who are stuck in that religion and/or cult. FEAR the ignorance of a mindless cult ... it's a smart thing.

Originally posted by ideasarebulletproof
And Atlas Shrugged? Are you kidding me?
What exactly are people to be enlightened upon by reading that monstrosity of a "novel"?

It's a good novel. Ayn Rand did a great job. I didn't like the strange thoughts she had on what was
sexual turn on ... but she definately got her message across about how communism fails.
I'm not an objectivist .. but I DO see her anti-communist writings are excellent.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by DarthMuerte

Well I think your interpretation is off.

Have you ever read the Tulmud/Torah/Tanakh. I confess I havent but I have read enough to know there is some pretty messed up stuff in there. They dont seem to scare everybody.

Im sure you could take the Bible the wrong way if you wanted to.

Dosen't the book of islam say that those who refuse Allah shall be killed?

The bible dose not say anything about slaughtering those who do not

Sounds like a bretty violent book to me.
edit on 4/18/2012 by Ironclad because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 10:07 AM
Haven't read every post so someone may have already beat me to this idea. What if they are distributing these books to every citizen so that they can feel justified in murdering those who don't convert. "You had the book, you could have converted but you didn't and now you must die non-believer!"

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

Thanks for your contribution ive learnt quite a few things from you in this post star to you

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