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Are Whites More Discriminated Against Than Blacks?

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posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by pcrobotwolf

You're delusional. There's no point in even replying to this. "Whites are discriminated against more than blacks.." hahahahahahahahahaha.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:15 AM
Yes..yes we are, our people have been held down by da man way too long now. We have rich lineage of oppression. [singing] "We shall overcome"!

On a serious note though I don't think it's a matter of race anymore as opposed to sex. I think white and black men are being oppressed by the government and they are using women's liberation and affirmative action to do it. Look around you men and remind yourself of the power and force we once wielded in this world and now ask yourself if you see anymore of those men left. Who is in total control right or women?

I know we hear all the time from women "it's hard living in a man's world" and that they get paid less..blah blah blah. But that is just a trick called an allusion illusion . The statements are made to re-direct your focus back to the initial reason for the complaint, which (back in the day) was women who felt they weren't equal. But clearly, we have passed by that now, and not only are they equal but they have taken over. I'll say it again.....count the managers where you work many are men and how many are women.

I can confidently ask this question because I have watched the workforce keenly for the last 10-15 years and every job I have had their were women managers and the men even got bumped down to replace them with women....simply because of the women threatening to take it to a feminist organization. I knew one man, who was a far superior manager than the woman who replaced him (who eventually ended up screwing the store that gave her the position), he got bumped down from manager because this girl went upstairs to the boss crying and threatened to go to the feminist organizations and the man lost his job and became asst. manager.

She then took her friend up and they did the same and the man then lost that position .....he had been there for like 12 years and worked up to that position. That female took his 12 years all in one day. He had a family with children. So, this isn't a matter of whites or blacks this is a matter of the feminists organizations using women's rights and affirmative action to batter their way into control over men. Don't believe me? Go stand in court during a divorce, especially if you have a child,......your wife can cheat on you, treat you like crap and even be a drunk or do drugs.....and YOU the man...will end up paying child support, alimony, future college tuition's etc. You will also have to PROVE, in court, that you made these payments....all while getting supervised visits with YOUR child. Simply because what your ex-wife tells a judge...the judge won't care what you (a man) has to say.

You will see real quick who's world it really is and who is really being discriminated against. The white and black male....women are doing just fine. If they tell you they live in a man's them on it an correct them. It's just a feminist lie so they can keep getting paid at the males expense.
edit on 9-3-2012 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by pcrobotwolf

Why don't you quit being a closeted racist? Come on out.

You sir, are the one with the rose-colored glasses if you think that racism against whites is anywhere near that of those of other races.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by illuminatislave

I was wondering when anti semitism would rear its head as well.

Blaming blacks, jews, hispanics, asians, and indians for your short comings. What a great thread.

edit on 9-3-2012 by illuminatislave because: (no reason given)

They blame Whites. All is fair in love and war.

Personally, I treat people how I want to be treated. That's what it boils down to. But people are too busy blaming race for other peoples problems, and it needs stop. I have seen it go on, so it is there. In all races, not just one group that everyone just wants to pin it down on.
edit on 9-3-2012 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by SyphonX

Originally posted by illuminatislave
I never said 'fringe right wing white folk'. I have said 'fringe right wing loons'. I do see a bunch of fringe right wing white males crying about imaginary discrimination. I'm not you, I don't hate people or blame them for my shortcomings because of skin color. Not surprising to find out that a racist isn't above lying.

Here, this is exactly what you said.

Originally posted by illuminatislave
God forbid you stop the fringe right wing white male that populates ATS from having a platform to spout off their delusions that stem from their own racism.

That's exactly what you said, and you even go on to say it in the post you just typed.

You're completely blind to your own hatred, and you need to look in the mirror. I never expressed hatred or racism in this thread, because I'm not a hater or racist. You seem to be doing a fine job of it yourself, though.
edit on 9-3-2012 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

Good sir, in this thread we have several white males, who veer towards the fringe right wing, bitching about being discriminated against in a piss poor attempt to blame people with color in their skin for their own short comings, and it is not only shameful and pathetic, it is IGNORANT, and I will call it like I see it.

As a product of a bi racial union, and as a person who has dealt with discrimination and racism first hand, the garbage that I see you and your ignorance spewing cohorts ejaculating all over the place is appalling.

I do not spread hate or spew it like you do good sir, but I will say something about it.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by dramatick
reply to post by nightstalker78

I live in America and I was being sarcastic. I think its funny that people like you believe that the only reason minorities are hired or promoted is because of affirmative action. That belief alone signals a male white supremacist complex...or the belief that no minority can legitimately compete with a white man. Wow.

Posts like this are exactly why I believe that.Of course minorities aren't hired because they're minorities.They're promoted because they ARE that even if they're not qualified for the job.Go back and read my posts.

"That belief alone signals a male white supremacist complex...or the belief that no minority can legitimately compete with a white man"

what? See,you're doing exactly what you people do.Blame everyone're assuming because i'm white that I think that way.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by Phenomium

You raise a great point about the emasculation and the utter beat down of the AMERICAN male. But that is another topic for another day, where feminism needs to be eliminated in favor of egalitarianism.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

You're assuming that I am going to agree in the double standard you stated. If anyone is caught up on things they were called in school then I just think thats stupid. Kids make fun of other kids for anything.

And no I don't think white people hide from black people. Just generally white people that have lived, worked, hung out with a lot of black people for a large amount of time do not say the ridiculous generalizations that you have stated because they learn it doesn't hold much truth. And no, I just don't mean "wiggers".

Plus there are tons of towns and large sections of the country that have very few black people in them. So statistically it is just probable.
edit on 9-3-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by dramatick
reply to post by pcrobotwolf

You're delusional. There's no point in even replying to this. "Whites are discriminated against more than blacks.." hahahahahahahahahaha.

No Dramatick What i said what about equality not discrimination getting rid of double standards and making the playing field for everyone level. But good for you thinking this is a contest lol yeah you won 200 years ago to about 30 years ago but not so much anymore. Personally I think most of us are getting oppressed regardless of race or gender. What i stated is obvious after MLK's dream came true over the years special interest groups pushed to far on their agenda's and tipped the scales to favor certain races if they didn't the people who are in charge of them would be out of a job.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

And you people dare question my posts after reading this drivel?

Yes, 'minorities'(which is a word that has a lot to do with the white superiority complex that still plagues this society) cannot attain success on their own merits, they need legislation and what not to do so.

Utter garbage. Continue to sit in your basement dwellings typing your racist manifestos, see how far that will get you in life blaming people who look different than you do.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:31 AM
There is nothing more destructive to a black person than giving him a job because he is black instead of giving him a job because he deserves to have the job. This is how liberals have undermined black emancipation and turned them into psychological slaves.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:33 AM

Are Whites More Discriminated Against Than Blacks?

Do people make the same repetitious, formulaic, emotionally loaded, pointless, drawn out, chewed out threads just to create separation that fuel heated and illogical debates that invariably devolve into mindless name calling only to farm stars flags and points?????

All very good questions.

Most of the people on this planet are too stupid to know when they are being manipulated. Sad but true.
The current state of the world and economy is living testament to that.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by pcrobotwolf

Good sir, I agree with you about the playing field becoming level...but sadly, it is not. The rate of black unemployment and what not right now is obscenely high, and it is not due to 'laziness' especially with the amount of COLLEGE EDUCATED black males that are currently unemployed. Obviously, there is more to that, but that in itself may be another discussion.

Well in regards to a level playing field, we won't have too wait for the field to become even, not for much longer anyway. With the rate that the poverty level is increasing in the united states, the playing field will be level sooner than we think!! Then we can have an honest discussion about equality, and who is #ing over whom, as I hand you a warm cup of watered down soup.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by pcrobotwolf

Originally posted by TheEmotionalSocialist
reply to post by ollncasino

Oooh! Poor little white guys! So how long do they reckon that's been going on? Coupla years maybe?
What ever their 'perceptions' are making them feel - maybe they should 'put up' with the 'descriminations' for, oh, let's say a coupla hundred years then maybe they can have a whinge ! Go sit on the other side of the bus whitey, ooh what are you doing on this side of town whitey? Come on down here whitey, we just want to do some tests with some drugs and stuff, won't hurt you or your future offspring, just sit down like a good white boy. No whiteys in our schools please - Someone stole my jewels, must be the white maid/butler -

Guess who's coming to dinner!!

Good way to try to rationalise their own racism -

Makes me ashamed to be 'white'

Come on the Race of Tan!

In Fellowship


Brainwashed disillusions of someone wanting an eye for an eye not equality. How can you push the actions of past white people onto future white people lol I was born in the 1980's so tell me how many laws has my generation of white people pushed onto the poor black man lol get an education and please use critical thinking

Yep Just as I said - 'Good way to try to rationalise their own racism'-
I think I have a far better education than yourself which is evident in your violent abusive reply. Critical thinking? If my post wasn't written using critical thinking then one of us doesn't know the meaning of 'critical thinking' - Ok, mine was done with a small amount of, shall we say, 'humour' -- There is nothing in my post that suggests 'an eye for an eye' you idiot. I was making a point, and obviously, your lack of education has allowed you to 'assume' and not read between the lines -- I DO NOT think white people should be punished for our past actions, and I didn't say that.

Yours is lacking in any kind of intelligent thought and your racist mindset 'shone' through your dialogue -
Mate, if I wanted to "push the actions of past white people onto future white people", I would have had a whole lot more to say than what I did.
Born in the 80s and you don't know the things that were going on then?? You must have had a sheltered and lucky life - Good on you, and half your luck -

You cannot deny that certain white people DO believe they are the superior race - I don't even know if there is a 'white' race but there is a culture of people who aren't black, yellow, red, coloured or whatever that believes they are the 'chosen' ones - Deny that if you can -

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:36 AM
Everyones a victim.. boohoo poor everyone! there are male and female millionaires and movie stars and lawyers and doctors e.t.c and of these people some are black and some are white, from every nationality they come and everyone else feels like they are being oppressed....

Yup we are all fragile little babies that can't handle the fact that the world is populated by all kinds of people and that some of these people are idiots and bigots...

Comedians can make jokes about anyone they want, as long as that comedian isn't white, unless of course if they are American Jews, because they can make fun of anybody at all without being called racist, and why?

Because everyone is terrified of being called racist...

It's crazy!

Bout time we all started judging each other on our actual merits instead of race.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:37 AM
more race dividing propaganda brought to you from the great guys at Harvard!!
I hope people see this article for what It really is, PURE propaganda designed to turn people against each other.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by TheEmotionalSocialist

Do you even read what you type? It's rather easy to tell that you have quite a lot of anger towards white people. you're claiming others are racist while spewing racism In your own posts. that sir Is called "race baiting". take your crap elsewhere, no ones gonna buy it.
edit on 9-3-2012 by TruthWizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by illuminatislave
reply to post by nightstalker78

And you people dare question my posts after reading this drivel?

Yes, 'minorities'(which is a word that has a lot to do with the white superiority complex that still plagues this society) cannot attain success on their own merits, they need legislation and what not to do so.

Utter garbage. Continue to sit in your basement dwellings typing your racist manifestos, see how far that will get you in life blaming people who look different than you do.

What?Since you're replying to me I take issue with the fact you're calling my posts drivel.I love how in your last sentence you're assuming we all live in a basement typing out 'manifestos'...Um I work full time have my own house.It's me and my daughter.And I've worked damn hard for everything I have.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:45 AM
well I wouldn’t say more than, but I will say its defiantly the same! I have seen it happened! on both sides! always an annual Pakistani , vs white vs black riot in my city!
To be honest I think the blacks and whites are getting on better with each other than the Pakistani...

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by pcrobotwolf

Why don't you quit being a closeted racist? Come on out.

You sir, are the one with the rose-colored glasses if you think that racism against whites is anywhere near that of those of other races.

lady your are a boot wearing feminazi with soup for brains and are to caught up in your imaginary world where we are still living in 1955. I bet you are a white middle class suburbanite with no husband and a million cats with a cheap degree on the wall from some ultra liberal college from the 70's. Your attitude toward men has left you alone for years and that power that your felt for the first time when you attended the feminist rally is fading. You get your jollys out of sticking to the white men who have oppressed poor little you and feel that your movement is the same as the civil right movement which you just basically piggy backed on and agree with so people take your movement seriously even though most people think feminist are power hungry closet lesbians with a Freudian complex.

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