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Are Whites More Discriminated Against Than Blacks?

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posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by illuminatislave
reply to post by pcrobotwolf

Good sir, I agree with you about the playing field becoming level...but sadly, it is not. The rate of black unemployment and what not right now is obscenely high, and it is not due to 'laziness' especially with the amount of COLLEGE EDUCATED black males that are currently unemployed. Obviously, there is more to that, but that in itself may be another discussion.

Well in regards to a level playing field, we won't have too wait for the field to become even, not for much longer anyway. With the rate that the poverty level is increasing in the united states, the playing field will be level sooner than we think!! Then we can have an honest discussion about equality, and who is #ing over whom, as I hand you a warm cup of watered down soup.

I agree with you Hell we are all going to be in the same boat soon enough why fight over the bs right

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

I feel sorry that your daughter is having that kind of baseless propaganda pounded into her impressionable young mind.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by pcrobotwolf


I can't blame the next man for anything if we are in the same boat! We all are in a way, we just don't see it, and it will take something catastrophic to happen in this country for the mass realization to come.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by pcrobotwolf

reply to post by nightstalker78

Affirmative action ain't helping minorities it's hurting them because it's only designed to help a few succeed while leaving the majority of them screwed, so minorities can't hold their racial status accountable for being denied access into higher etchelons of mainstream society. "See, we higher minorities. Look the president is black. You guys have Oprah. Bill Cosby. You guys can succeed if you just work hard". Yes, there are many minorities who are granted entry into colleges despite lackluster grades and there are minorities who are promoted solely because of their race, even if they are underqualified. And when an unqualified minority figure fails, it reflects their whole race. "See, told you blacks are stupid. We give them opportunities and they screw it up. Next time, let's hire a white guy or white women or someone else" or "we keep admitting blacks from urban cities into our colleges but they keep on failing. They just can't compete with other students"...ignoring the fact that urban schools have the poorest quality of education, yet they still admit them to colleges because of affirmative action..setting them up failure. How is this helping blacks as a whole?

But for whites, when you screw up at a job or fail a class, it doesn't reflect your whole race. You'll never hear an employer say they'll never hire another white guy because "the last white we hired screwed up too much, so we're hiring minorities for now on". You'll never hear a teacher say the student failed the class because he was white, or bring up the fact a white person was admitted to college despite having low grades and SAT scores. There are tons of white people who are hired just because they are white, despite under qualifications. Minorities are denied jobs all the time because of their race or gender, even if they are qualified so NO minorities have no advantages. Affirmative action doesn't benefit minorities as a WHOLE. The idea that white men are discrimated against more than everyone else is simply delusional because the system is literally designed to help the majority of you succeed. In order for the system to not appear overtly bias towards whites, a few of you have to slip through the cracks and get passed up for a promotion or denied access into a college, etc. Then you guys take the few unfair situations whites have faced in regards to employment or economic opportunities, and magnify it like it's massive issue and you're getting left out, ignoring the fact that a lot of you do very well. The majority of you will be favored because you're white. It's called white privilege and the vast majority of you benefit from it.

And no, I'm not making accuses or blaming anyone. I'm just trying to relieve you're anxieties.
edit on 9-3-2012 by dramatick because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2012 by dramatick because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:06 AM
Here in the UK, specifically London, there have been a number of black on white killings and asian on white killings, one which never fully get mainstream news exposure and are found in the depths of newspaper websites.

There are racist black people against asians/whites, as there is whites against asians/blacks and asians against white/blacks. However it's a minority thing that will happen in a multi-cultural society. I think a lot of people here are aware of it and i think it's a shame as the majority have taken massive strides to make sure everyone is seen for what they are, a human being.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:17 AM
This has just turned into a troll thread

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:22 AM
Why do people keep mentioning slavery? The article is talking about PRESENT DAY. And for any white people who say they haven't felt racially oppressed please walk through any inner city urban low income area and come back and post about it.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:25 AM
sure - there is no doubt - i have never accepted anything from the gubberment.
but i have been paying taxes for 40+ years.
i have paid out 100k for college for my kids. at one point i looked into the loan program (not sure witch one -crs- can't remember stuff) but when i got done they said i was able to pay them 17k a year - what???
i do not have eeoc in my back pocket and cannot pull the trump card out.
if you have an ace up the sleeve (eeoc) - then you might win but it will be a superficial win.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

I'm Australian. I don't consider a USA bashing thread anything but arrogance. Usually it's the left wing loopies who do it, blaming the troops for what they are created to do. Fight in combat.

I do think, however, that calling white people crackers, is just as racist as an ignorant kid in school calling someone a -- I am sure there is a censor here, so I won't break it.

Are you serious? you accept it one way but not the other? If a word is said to hurt someone because of the colour of their skin, and you say it's not as bad as the other way around, are you serious?

Come on....

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Jace26

I know in Australia, Aboriginals are given free healthcare, free education, pay no taxes, do not have to work, yet they have the highest crime percentageetc. While we white people have to pay for their centrelink, and they call us an equal country????
edit on 8-3-2012 by Jace26 because: (no reason given)

What a load of absolute CRAP - You sir, are a liar -
I too live in Australia and I have Aborigine friends and relatives - They DO NOT receive free healthcare, the DO NOT receive free education, - they DO pay bleeding taxes, they DO have to bloody work.

It's lies like this that makes is so easy for racist politicians to get into power - What do you mean ' we white people have to pay for their centrelink' ??? What DO you mean??

Your problem is you believe everything fr*&^ing Tony Abbott of the Noalition, sprouts and he is supported by three of the richest people in Australia - one being, the one and only - Gina Rinehart - dirty mining magnate and thief of Australia's resources- She is worth $17bn and pays the same tax as someone who gets $180000 a year - Why aren't you whinging about that???

This is as bad as the 'boat people' bull# that your type spread - Everyone reading this: the so called 'boat people' which make up a lousy 4% of illegal immigrants - DO NOT get a free car, DO NOT get a bloody house given to them, DO NOT get anything more than the rest of us -
edit on 9-3-2012 by TheEmotionalSocialist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by SyphonX

Perhaps in the past this was ok. But today, in this day and age, it serves one of two purposes.

1: to be exploited.
2: to perpetuate that coloured people are less capable.

I dunno, you have a black president. Pretty sure that in this sense, equality has been seen for a long time, and to continue to state that there is a need, is not to thrust equality into the workplace/education et al, but to simply say You want it.

I am of the opinion that in this day and age, merit makes the person. Not the background from a time long gone. Put your money where your mouth is and you can make it.

Or, sit on your thumb and scream inequality.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by dramatick
reply to post by pcrobotwolf

reply to post by nightstalker78

Affirmative action ain't helping minorities it's hurting them because it's only designed to help a few succeed while leaving the majority of them screwed, so minorities can't hold their racial status accountable for being denied access into higher etchelons of mainstream society. "See, we higher minorities. Look the president is black. You guys have Oprah. Bill Cosby. You guys can succeed if you just work hard". Yes, there are many minorities who are granted entry into colleges despite lackluster grades and there are minorities who are promoted solely because of their race, even if they are underqualified. And when an unqualified minority figure fails, it reflects their whole race. "See, told you blacks are stupid. We give them opportunities and they screw it up. Next time, let's hire a white guy or white women or someone else" or "we keep admitting blacks from urban cities into our colleges but they keep on failing. They just can't compete with other students"...ignoring the fact that urban schools have the poorest quality of education, yet they still admit them to colleges because of affirmative action..setting them up failure. How is this helping blacks as a whole?

But for whites, when you screw up at a job or fail a class, it doesn't reflect your whole race. You'll never hear an employer say they'll never hire another white guy because "the last white we hired screwed up too much, so we're hiring minorities for now on". You'll never hear a teacher say the student failed the class because he was white, or bring up the fact a white person was admitted to college despite having low grades and SAT scores. There are tons of white people who are hired just because they are white, despite under qualifications. Minorities are denied jobs all the time because of their race or gender, even if they are qualified so NO minorities have no advantages. Affirmative action doesn't benefit minorities as a WHOLE. The idea that white men are discrimated against more than everyone else is simply delusional because the system is literally designed to help the majority of you succeed. In order for the system to not appear overtly bias towards whites, a few of you have to slip through the cracks and get passed up for a promotion or denied access into a college, etc. Then you guys take the few unfair situations whites have faced in regards to employment or economic opportunities, and magnify it like it's massive issue and you're getting left out, ignoring the fact that a lot of you do very well. The majority of you will be favored because you're white. It's called white privilege and the vast majority of you benefit from it.

And no, I'm not making accuses or blaming anyone. I'm just trying to relieve you're anxieties.
edit on 9-3-2012 by dramatick because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2012 by dramatick because: (no reason given)

Wow I don't even know where to begin to tear down your post. Yet again its not about who's more discriminated against its about a level playing field. The mental gymnastics you are trying to pull off just to justify a victim mentality is astonishing.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
If someone called me a name based on the colour of my skin , I would laugh in their face , because its pathetic , what kind of insult is it to call someone , how can someone be offended by being called whitey , or cracker

It's the equivalent of calling someone four eyes for wearing glasses. It's not meant to point out their physical attributes, but to say You are different.

and belittle them for it.

When it is said in a derogatory context, obviously.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by mainidh

I never said one word was less offensive than the other. I don't get where you are getting that from. There were multiple people that mentioned getting called a cracker in school. So I said, if you think getting called a name in school is REAL discrimination then they have no clue. Because kids make fun of other kids in school for anything.

All racial slurs are stupid in my opinion

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by lucid eyes
There is nothing more destructive to a black person than giving him a job because he is black instead of giving him a job because he deserves to have the job. This is how liberals have undermined black emancipation and turned them into psychological slaves.

Well said, sir.

That is in the essence of it, the truth.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

In that we agree.

I just got the idea from your post, which I replied to, that the word cracker as an offensive term to whites, was not an offensive term.

Apologies if I was mistaken!

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by TheEmotionalSocialist

I too live in Australia and I can tell you that YOU are full of the proverbial.

Oh you may know a few Aborigines who have dug themselves out of the mire, BUT that no more denies the fact that they ARE given a load more opportunity to do well than non-indigenous are.

"Oh I know an aborigine, you're a liar!"

I dare you to post the discrepancy between Aboriginal welfare and non-Aboriginal welfare.. Or shall I do it for you?

You liar.

Oh you have a gall.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by pcrobotwolf

You clearly didn't get the point of my post, and disregarding my post as "mental gymnastics" is a weak analogy. Eliminating affirmative action won't level the playing field and you're not capable of tearing down anyones post. You're clearly delusional as you're the one with the victim mentality complaining about a need for a level playing field. Now that's "astonishing"...

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by nightstalker78

Black people make up 12% of the population. They couldn't oppress you by the fact of being out numbered.

People just want a group of people to blame their failures in life on.
edit on 9-3-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

Nuff said!

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes

Originally posted by jibeho
We can thank affirmative action and quota legislation for this. I've seen it first hand and I'm sure many of you have also. Especially if you work for a large corporation or school district or University. Promotions without merit, overlooked disciplinary actions because someone does not want to rock the proverbial boat. Scholarship awards etc etc

What is wrong with holding everyone to the same standards?? Encourage everyone to do their best. Leave out the sob stories that are used to get a leg up and work your ass off.

I have seen it! When I was a kid in school, we got to be "bussed" to another school, to "desegregate". Nice idea, failed in reality. The result was a few white kids at mostly black schools. My sixth grade class, before we moved (dad's job), there were, literally, THREE white students in the entire grade level for the school. Got a lot of crap from other students, too, because I was white. First I had seen of that nonsense, and had actually had black friends in our neighborhood. Till the bussing, it didn't seem to be an issue.

Seen this since then, too. No scholarships for the white kids, but black or hispanic and you could get one. Known several people that could not get aid when sorely needed, because they were working and didn't earn enough, but minorities at the same income could get it. Some of those were told, flat out, they could have had it were they another race.

Seen it in the military, too. People promoted that did NOTHING to earn it, people doing things against regs, and no penalty because the were not white, when a white guy doing less got in a LOT of trouble. One case, black attacks white, white simply blocks, and guess who got punished? Seriously NOT joking on this. Racism lives in the military, and it is against whites.

Seen it other places, too. Apartment complex my oldest lived in for a time, mostly black, and will say MOST of the people weer friendly. Most, in fact, quite neighborly. A few, though, didn't like seeing me there, because I wasn't black.

We can see black-on-white crime all the time, that, if the colors were reversed, would be called "hate crimes", and in most cases, the media won't even bring race up. The attacks at the Wisconsin State fair are one example. The flash mobs are another, and there are plenty of other reports, on a smaller scale. Even the Justice Department is racist these days, told NOT to prosecute cases against NBP members and other race cases (with perps of color).

No, NOT all minorities are like this. Most, I would bet, are as offended by this as I would be against some white supremacist crap. Some are like this, though, and too many people want to pretend it isn't happening, or at best, that it is "justified", and call it "reverse racism".

Plain fact is, there is no excuse for ANY racism, no matter what color one is. To tolerate it for any reason is to fail as a society.

Your entire post is discredited because you make the mistake of claiming the military is racist! The military is the least racist organization in America, the only color they see is OD green.

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