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Are Whites More Discriminated Against Than Blacks?

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+25 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:40 AM
According to a new study conducted by sociologists at Harvard and Tufts universities, American whites believe that they are more discriminated against than blacks.

The results showed that while both blacks and whites saw anti-black racism decreasing over the decades, whites saw race relations as a 'zero sum game' where they were losing out as blacks 'gained' the advantage.

'Whites believe...the pendulum has now swung beyond equality in the direction of anti-white discrimination.'

'Whites think more progress has been made toward equality than do blacks, but whites also now believe that this progress is linked to a new inequality—at their expense.'

Citing several studies, researchers speculated that white people tended to see any focus on ethnic minorities as an 'attack' on white values.

Responding to the results, researchers Michael Norton and Samuel Sommers said that despite predictions that Barack Obama's election in 2008 would herald a 'post racial' America, this had not in fact occurred.

They concluded: 'A flurry of legal and cultural disputes over the past decade has revealed a new race-related controversy gaining traction: an emerging belief in anti-white prejudice.

It should be made clear that the study deals with perceptions.

It would appear that white Americans have the perception that the pendulum has swung so far in the direction of minorities that it is now whites who are discriminated against.

Positive affirmation programs where a certain number of minority people need to be recruited does appear to fall into that category.

Not the best person for the job. Merely one from a minority.

edit on 8-3-2012 by ollncasino because: correct error

+41 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:45 AM
I have never been racially repressed, attacked by clowns in white hoods, nor have I been sold into slavery. This is one white man who thinks those other white men need to learn history and actually understand what discrimination against color really means.

+6 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

'Whites think more progress has been made toward equality than do blacks, but whites also now believe that this progress is linked to a new inequality—at their expense.'

That is a true statement. Because, those complaining, had no issues with how skewed the world was towards them and against blacks, they considered that fine.

But now that they have to give up part of their unfair advantage, it certainly does come at their expense.

This type of crap really makes me boil.

When it comes to the right man for the job though, I'm about skills not color.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

nevermind, misread the thread haha

edit on 8-3-2012 by loves a conspiricy because: being a plonker

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

Perhaps if the world stopped discriminating against women (51% of the worlds population) the lesser biases in the world would be mote.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

Nice find - Where I live in Southern California I am surrounded by all walks of life and I think they're good and bad of every race but I have never felt discrimination as a white person and I don't see it where I live. I have friends that are african, asian, european, etc... they never complain about discrimination. I think in Southern California people are used to having every color and ethnicity around them. I have been to other states though and the south east America states aren't the same so just my opinion from where I live in California.

+36 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by NuminousCosmos
I have never been racially repressed, attacked by clowns in white hoods, nor have I been sold into slavery. This is one white man who thinks those other white men need to learn history and actually understand what discrimination against color really means.

lol Every race has been sold into slavery at some point.

Live in the south. Im sure you'll get a diffrent opinion. It's not all shiney and clean as you think.

Minorities get free tuition. Whites do not unless they meet other standards. Dont even get me started on just the college aspect of it. I saw it. I was there.

+45 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by NuminousCosmos
I have never been racially repressed, attacked by clowns in white hoods, nor have I been sold into slavery.

Being 'racially repressed' is rather open to a wide interpretation, but it is safe to say that 99.999% of black Americans alive today haven't been attacked by clowns in white hoods or sold into slavery either.

+39 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:01 PM
We can thank affirmative action and quota legislation for this. I've seen it first hand and I'm sure many of you have also. Especially if you work for a large corporation or school district or University. Promotions without merit, overlooked disciplinary actions because someone does not want to rock the proverbial boat. Scholarship awards etc etc

What is wrong with holding everyone to the same standards?? Encourage everyone to do their best. Leave out the sob stories that are used to get a leg up and work your ass off.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by jibeho

We can thank affirmative action and quota legislation for this. I've seen it first hand and I'm sure many of you have also.

Promotions without merit, overlooked disciplinary actions because someone does not want to rock the proverbial boat. Scholarship awards etc etc

You may well be correct.

Discrimination in Federal Hiring Now Works Against White Males

The center alleges that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is a place where white males can't get hired or promoted fairly because the agency is too busy bean-counting women and minorities.

According to the government's own statistics, minorities constitute 46 percent of HUD's workforce yet make up only 15 percent of the relevant labor pool.

+50 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:08 PM
The question one might ask is...

How much do whites have to deal with now?

- Black/hispanic phone books
- Black Mc Donalds website
- (enter race here) anything...
- Black History... Why not just history? Why put up a dividing line? Oh yeah! Everything else is for whites, right? BS!
- Exceptions based on your race
- Job avalabilty based on your race
- Grants and loans based on your race.

This is something that's a slap in the face to every white person that had ZERO to do with slavery. Everyone alive today, the same. Now, if there was an all white phone book, then Id say the tables are level. BUT, should anyone try that... Wanna guess how fast he'd be sued? Put in jail?

This is how I feel personly... It's Racist only when a white person does X. For everyone else, it's ok. Im getting sick and tired of that, to be honest.

Racism will end when people stop drawing a line in the sand. Till then... Repression always has a backlash and it constantly goes back and forth as it is today. It's a never ending cycle untill you stop giving to one because of how their ancestors lived.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by theRhenn
This is something that's a slap in the face to every white person that had ZERO to do with slavery. Everyone alive today, the same.

Apparently not when it comes to Federal employment

Though 10 percent of the U.S. civilian labor force, African-Americans are 18 percent of U.S. government workers. They are 25 percent of the employees at Treasury and Veterans Affairs, 31 percent of the State Department, 37 percent of Department of Education employees and 38 percent of Housing and Urban Development. They are 42 percent of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., 55 percent of the employees at the Government Printing Office and 82 percent at the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency.

When the Obama administration suggested shutting down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage giants whose losses of $150 billion have had to be made up by taxpayers, The Washington Post warned, in a story headlined, “Winding Down Fannie and Freddie Could Put Minority Careers at Risk,” that 44 percent of Fannie employees and 50 percent of Freddie’s were persons of color.

Those figures are shocking in the extent of discrimination against white people.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by NuminousCosmos
I have never been racially repressed, attacked by clowns in white hoods, nor have I been sold into slavery.

Being 'racially repressed' is rather open to a wide interpretation, but it is safe to say that 99.999% of black Americans alive today haven't been attacked by clowns in white hoods or sold into slavery either.

I think its more to do with who they are now...maybe 99.99% of the black may not have directly involved in slavery but if their ancestors weren't killed for knowing how to read(among other suppressing things) back then, maybe blacks of today would be in better shape? less crime?

+9 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
We can thank affirmative action and quota legislation for this. I've seen it first hand and I'm sure many of you have also. Especially if you work for a large corporation or school district or University. Promotions without merit, overlooked disciplinary actions because someone does not want to rock the proverbial boat. Scholarship awards etc etc

What is wrong with holding everyone to the same standards?? Encourage everyone to do their best. Leave out the sob stories that are used to get a leg up and work your ass off.

You my friend have hit the nail on the head. The accommodations and outright overcompensation for real and imagined slights to minorities is beyond a balancing point and it has nothing to do with past treatment. The intent is to move beyond racism but is having the opposite effect. Discrimination against non-minorities is beginning to backfire. And the absurdity of political correctness magnifies the stupidity of misguided accommodation. Equality is in the eye of the beholder, I don't see equality only another form of prejudice
edit on 8-3-2012 by bladerunner44 because: misspelling

+20 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by luciddream
I think its more to do with who they are now...maybe 99.99% of the black may not have directly involved in slavery but if their ancestors weren't killed for knowing how to read(among other suppressing things) back then, maybe blacks of today would be in better shape? less crime?

I did not benefit from the slave trade nor did my family.

In fact, only a small rich elite ever benefited from the slave trade.

Why then am I be expected to share the guilt for something I never did?

Should blacks share the guilt of the genocide carried out by the Zulus in Africa, just because they are the same race as shaka Zulu?

+1 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:30 PM
Alive and well. It has been since the early 70's. I have been passed over for promotions numerous times because of my skin color. I am tired of the whole affirmative action, reparation, whitie keeping the black man down B.S. Stay in school, work hard, and you'll get somewhere. The whole attitude of I gottsa get mine is what is wrong with the enitre race, it's like the directions on a bottle of shampoo lather rinse repeat. It is a self replicating prophecy. That's all I got to say about that.

+17 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:30 PM
Being an Hispanic male I can tell that I've been discriminated against more than once in my life time by both whitie and blackie.
I was always man enough, always took it in stride, made the most of it and it always worked out for the better in the long run. Not once did I ever cry about it, feel sorry for myself nor did I ever whine like a baby.

But in my unbiased observation in what goes on between whites and blacks, I can honestly say that yes, whites really are being discriminated against now, more so than blacks.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by bladerunner44

Thank you for taking it further and for driving the nail home. A key word in your post is overcompensation. Add to that an unspoken yet innate fear of an federal audit that looks for balance solely for balances sake.

This is not the reality that MLK jr. had envisioned. People get confused between social justice and equality. King wanted equal access to the American Dream but he did not want the govt. to grant it. He wanted access based on ones individual abilities. Work hard and we should all have shot at the American Dream.

+26 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:34 PM
The only real difference is that nobody cares if a person of European descent is belittled or insulted racially. Insult someone considered to be a minority though and its front page news. The double standard is there for all to see. Everyone white is apparently supposed to feel guilty for things that happened tens to hundred of years ago.

Minorites destroyed the neighborhood I've lived in for over 20 years. When it was predominantly Italian/Irish families it was clean, safe and respectable. Now that hispanics and black people are the majority of households, there is litter everywhere, houses are run-down, some are boarded up and I can't even walk to the corner store without some hood trying to sell me drugs.

But I must be a racist to make that conclusion.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:41 PM
Im a white guy, I was raised in East Baltimore a few block from the prison right downtown. I lived in MacArthur park & mid city LA for 7 years too. While I dont think white folks are more or less discriminated against, I can say from many many issues Ive had as a white guy in the ghetto, breed hatred towards white people is very real. Racial hatred in most cases though is a breed in issue. Like the other poster here from SoCal, I have friends of all races/religions. I've dated women of everyrace. The real issues I think with this Idea of "White people are being oppressed" is the fact if we have "white pride" we are racist, but any other race to have pride in a race is acceptable.
For some reason racism in moderm america seems to be defined as "white people hating other races'. People spew the "reverse racism" non-sense. Reverse racism in tolerance, but the Left side of the political spectrum likes to use that concept (btw I think Left & Right are nutters). These issues does arise because white people cant have an equivalent NAACP or anything like that. While history is undoubtablely Euro-Centric, and obviously because history is told by the victors (european royal familys, British, French, Bovarian, Dutch). I also have an issue with affirmitive action, it is a solution to a problem that shouldnt exist. All people should have the same opportunities, and inner city people don't have that same access as suburbanites (which generally is a non-white group (inner city) and white majority (suburbs). The real problem is a lack properly run government, its biased and its easy to see. I dont think welfare is right, I knew dozens of folks who collected that check, sat around getting wasted, sold drugs, had kids just to get more money. Some truely needed it, most though, not at all. I went 3 years making less than 12k a year. I did nothing illegal just couldnt find solid work ( my world collapsed and emotionally i was a wreck.) But I collected nothing from the government. I make my way, a little or alot, its all me. I didnt want to be patted on the butt by the gov. With 3 years of hard work i make 4x's that. It just took alot of soul searching and dedication to bettering my life.

Fortunatly I feel across the board racism is waning and almost a non-topic unless someone wants to use it to highlight an agenda they have. I had tons of friend (non-white) who voted for Obama by there own admission just because he was a black dude. I showed them facts that he was just the same and Bush & Clinton and the long list before them...the didnt care. My white friends bleeding liberal hearts did the same thing, white guilt is real and emotionally easily played on.

In this 21st century racism is a non issue, its classism we need to confront as humans. I dont thing redistribution of wealth is correct at all. But true equal opportunity in a properly, ETHICALLY, run capitalist republic all should be able to live at a true high quality standard of life. This concept should spread globally. There is no reason for the state of our earth besides greed.

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