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Are Whites More Discriminated Against Than Blacks?

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posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by Maslo

nah the solution to racism is empathy for others and a history lesson. Colorblindness means ignoring race as a factor when race is a factor for many things.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by Manhater

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by Manhater

Got any examples of this imaginary white discrimination?

Because that's all it is to me.

Wahhh. Whites have all the power in this country. Whites control the wealth and Whites have built in privilege that other races don't have.

You have it wrong, Jews control the power. Though they may look white.

I was wondering when anti semitism would rear its head as well.

Blaming blacks, jews, hispanics, asians, and indians for your short comings. What a great thread.

edit on 9-3-2012 by illuminatislave because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by jibeho

Promotions without merit? So, all minorities hired or promoted are simply given oppurtunities because they are minorities and affrimative action helps them? It has nothing at all to do with their skill level, education or...other qualifications?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by illuminatislave
reply to post by SyphonX

God forbid you stop whining about the truth about this website, and stop blaming others for your shortcomings!

Haha! My shortcomings, lol.

Yes, this place is just a hangout for "fringe right-wing white folk" (your words not mine) to spout off racist propaganda and hate speech.

Hrm, I guess I'm just imagining all the diversity and discussion between people with conflicting views and values. Certainly the many threads about gay rights, liberties, anti-war, philosophy, zany threads are just all 'fringe right-wing white folk' propaganda.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:48 AM
Reply to post by dramatick

Of course not minorities are not capable of reaching such goals without affirmative action........thats why it was created..(sarcasm)

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posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by SyphonX

Originally posted by illuminatislave
reply to post by SyphonX

God forbid you stop whining about the truth about this website, and stop blaming others for your shortcomings!

Haha! My shortcomings, lol.

Yes, this place is just a hangout for "fringe right-wing white folk" (your words not mine) to spout off racist propaganda and hate speech.

Hrm, I guess I'm just imagining all the diversity and discussion between people with conflicting views and values. Certainly the many threads about gay rights, liberties, anti-war, philosophy, zany threads are just all 'fringe right-wing white folk' propaganda.

I never said 'fringe right wing white folk'. I have said 'fringe right wing loons'. I do see a bunch of fringe right wing white males crying about imaginary discrimination. I'm not you, I don't hate people or blame them for my shortcomings because of skin color. Not surprising to find out that a racist isn't above lying.
edit on 9-3-2012 by illuminatislave because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by nightstalker78

You're ridiculous. People that fail in life tend to blame other people. The fact that you only equate this coping mechanism to race shows that you are racist.

Christians blame sinners, the 99% blame the 1%

business owner blames the employees for a failed business , criminals blame society or their victims

and in this thread white people blame black people for not getting that office job

This isn't a blame game its about equality or the perception of equality at what point is the tipping scale. Most white people would say its past equality into favoritism for minorities. I would have to say I agree now does that mean its the minorities fault for wanting more lol hell no, but don't bold face lie about it. How many black people get charged with hate crimes? or women with domestic abuse the number are very low because of a double standard all I'm saying is if you want true equality then everyone has to be subject to the same rules and penalties regardless of race or religion or gender. We all know at some point these special interest group's push for their own agenda this tips the scale in their favor. These people even went so far that when English was to become the nations official language they stopped it. Our laws are written in English our schools teach English our constitution is written in English the street signs are written in English but no they stopped it because that would make some people have to learn the language to live in this country.
edit on 9-3-2012 by pcrobotwolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:56 AM
If you think getting called a cracker in school is real discrimination then I don't know what to tell you. Kids say all sorts of mean things to one another. The emotional part of the brain isn't developed fully until the early 20's.

It honestly doesn't seem like any of you have actually hung around black people for any long length of time. You can't generalize a certain race of people. The level of ignorance in this thread is appalling.

When an Australian makes an USA bashing thread all of you go nuts and call them ignorant. But someone makes a thread bashing minorities with retarded generalizations and 80% of you are fine with it.

But whatever, the TPTB love this, divide and conquer.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by dramatick
reply to post by jibeho

Promotions without merit? So, all minorities hired or promoted are simply given oppurtunities because they are minorities and affrimative action helps them? It has nothing at all to do with their skill level, education or...other qualifications?

As I've posted usually doesn't.They almost always fail.Of course it depends on the job and all that.If you know anything about affirmative action then you know what you just said is true.They get promotions based on thier skin color,even if they're not qualified for it..Atleast that's how it works here in America.Don't know where you're from.
edit on 9-3-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

"Affirmative Action" or "equality in the workplace" or as it exists today, was never created because of "discrimination". It wasn't made to combat racism in the workplace. The only reason it exists is because bureaucrats wanted to "cook the books" and adjust the numbers to fit whatever they deemed "acceptable".

So what you end up with is some workplaces that employ nothing but minorities in certain positions, because it needs to meet the quota, not because of "discrimination".

I think it's destructive.

To be clear, I've never been "pushed aside" in the workplace or didn't get a position because of this, or anything else. I've just seen it, so I hold no grudges or have any personal "shortcomings" (lol).

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

Case in point. What a bunch of ignorant bull#.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:00 AM

According to the most recent Home Office analysis, the chances for a white person is less than 1%. For Black and Asian people it is put at about 1%.

reply to post by ollncasino

So even from you own source it states,% wise Black and Asian are more likely to be the victim of racist attacks.

Always best to go with the % rather than the numbers, as white people make up the vast majority in the UK

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by illuminatislave
I never said 'fringe right wing white folk'. I have said 'fringe right wing loons'. I do see a bunch of fringe right wing white males crying about imaginary discrimination. I'm not you, I don't hate people or blame them for my shortcomings because of skin color. Not surprising to find out that a racist isn't above lying.

Here, this is exactly what you said.

Originally posted by illuminatislave
God forbid you stop the fringe right wing white male that populates ATS from having a platform to spout off their delusions that stem from their own racism.

That's exactly what you said, and you even go on to say it in the post you just typed.

You're completely blind to your own hatred, and you need to look in the mirror. I never expressed hatred or racism in this thread, because I'm not a hater or racist. You seem to be doing a fine job of it yourself, though.
edit on 9-3-2012 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
If you think getting called a cracker in school ....

That whole 'cracker' thing ... The 'N' word is so bad that hardly anyone even says it fully out .... but the 'cracker' word gets tossed around very easily. It's like the hate behind the word is not taken as seriously as the hate behind the 'N' word. It's a double standard.

Maybe it's because the word 'cracker' just sounds like such an absurd word to be chosen for a 'hate word'. Someone yells 'Cracker'. Okay . I think Ritz or Saltines? Whatever.

edit on 3/9/2012 by FlyersFan because: typo

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by doobydoll
The British are sometimes referred to as Brits or Pommies, Scottish are Scots or Jocks, Irish are Micks or Paddys, Australians are Aussies, New Zealand are Kiwis, Welsh are Taffys, Americans are Yanks, etc, etc. We all accept it and are generally not offended.

But tell someone from Pakistan he is a Paki and you could find yourself in trouble for racism, why is that? How is 'paki' a racist remark but the rest aren't?

Yes but calling someone from pakistan is fine , because Pakistan means land of the Paki's
just like afghanistan , means land of the afghans !

it;s the PC nutjobs gone wild ,that have turned the UK to # , now refugees and immigrants are given housing and benefits in advance of people who have been on the housing list or queue to receive benefits who actually need them.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
If you think getting called a cracker in school is real discrimination then I don't know what to tell you. Kids say all sorts of mean things to one another. The emotional part of the brain isn't developed fully until the early 20's.

It honestly doesn't seem like any of you have actually hung around black people for any long length of time. You can't generalize a certain race of people. The level of ignorance in this thread is appalling.

When an Australian makes an USA bashing thread all of you go nuts and call them ignorant. But someone makes a thread bashing minorities with retarded generalizations and 80% of you are fine with it.

But whatever, the TPTB love this, divide and conquer.

If you think getting called a 'n-word' in school is discrimination then you're ridiculous.See it works both ways.And your assumption that most people in this thread haven't been around black people is ridiculous.What,do you think us whites hide everytime we see a black person?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

These agencies are based in Washington D.C....and the majority of the D.C. population is wouldn't it that a significant amount of blacks would work for these agencies? Blacks account for 50% of the population of Washington D.C. and the agencies you listed have headquarters in D.C....

Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) - based in D.C.

State Department - based in D.C

Department of Education employees - based in D.C.

Housing and Urban Development - based in D.C.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. - based in D.C.

Government Printing Office - based in D.C.

Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency - based in D.C.

Fannie Mae - based in D.C.

lol you guys are delusional.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by RealSpoke
If you think getting called a cracker in school ....

That whole 'cracker' thing ... The 'N' word is so bad that hardly anyone even says it fully out .... but the 'cracker' word gets tossed around very easily. It's like the hate behind the word is not taken as seriously as the hate behind the 'N' word. It's a double standard.

Maybe it's because the word 'cracker' just sounds like such an absurd word to be chosen for a 'hate word'. Someone yells 'Cracker'. Okay . I think Ritz or Saltines? Whatever.

edit on 3/9/2012 by FlyersFan because: typo

If someone called me a name based on the colour of my skin , I would laugh in their face , because its pathetic , what kind of insult is it to call someone , how can someone be offended by being called whitey , or cracker

I'd be like " Holy #in # man , your powers of observation are astounding "
why are people bothered so much by being called a name like whitey , or cracker .

it's the PC crowd who make it what it is !

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

I live in America and I was being sarcastic. I think its funny that people like you believe that the only reason minorities are hired or promoted is because of affirmative action. That belief alone signals a male white supremacist complex...or the belief that no minority can legitimately compete with a white man. Wow.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

Well I would have guessed as a self proclaimed educated middle class white boy you would have an objective view.. Unfortunately I was wrong and you do not.

White households had incomes that were two-thirds higher than blacks and 40 percent higher than Hispanics last year, according to data released Tuesday by the Census Bureau. White adults were also more likely than black and Hispanic adults to have college degrees and to own their own homes. They were less likely to live in poverty.

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