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Are Whites More Discriminated Against Than Blacks?

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posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Plotus
Work should be the merit for advancement

So true. And that's why people keep playing the race card nowadays, because it's not anymore. It used to be that way.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

It makes me laugh reading that whites are discriminated against. I'm Cherokee and I have seen discrimination first hand on reservations time and time again. How certain tribes are systematically being eliminated by making the women on reservations sterile through medication. It seems discrimination won't be tolerated unless the people are indigenous, then their fair game.
Look at the Washington Redskins, if there were teams named New York Spics, New Jersey Niggers, LA Kites, people would be up in arms, yet this is allowed. I can tell you the term Redskin is extremely disrespectful to Native Americans, and yet nothing gets done to change it. I could go on and on about the atrocities that have been committed against Native Americans in the past and still happening today, but I know it wouldn't do any good! I suppose unless your Jewish, Black, or Hispanic no one cares.

edit on 9-3-2012 by Nusato because: changed words

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:03 AM
(Continued from above...)

Maybe one day we will wake up to the fact that we are actually the minorities of the world, and we are being attacked by other races, i.e. whites comprise only 10% of the world population. In 1910 we were 30% of the world population. Seems like a silent genocide to me! By 2050 white people are projected to become only 5% of the world population. This is occurring because western countries are being invaded incrementally by foreigners who are swaying public opinion against whites, who statistly since to fifties have only had families of 2.5 children, while it is common for “minorities” have families in excess of 7 or 8 children, who statistically of course they don’t provide for passing that burden on to the white tax payer. When will white people wake up to the truth! Stop looking at the world for how you want it to be and look at the world for how it really is! Like all this sh*t about that African warlord who killed all those children that is going viral on the internet, well guess what guys you can’t fix the problems in Africa by clicking “like” in your status! Africa’s problems exist because of Africans! Always has been always will be, is this the tenth warlord who engages in ritual human sacrifice or the 100th. Why do you think that the most violent societies in America are comprised of the minority, do you really believe in the myth that these people are disadvantaged with laws like affirmative action. It’s simply because of biology. Wake up white America!!!!

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:08 AM
It's obvious to me. Having being born & raised in the south, the shift these days by MSM, Gov, etc etc, is toward religion, vs black & white. It;s being turned into Christian vs Muslim. Racists are all over, both colors, it will allways be here it is never going away. We are a seperated society. We seperate each other in everyway imaginable everyday and arent even aware we're doing it.

Fat vs skinny. Beauty vs Ugly. Rich vs Poor. Black vs white. We all do it. In allmost every aspect of our lives. We all have only one thing in common, we're all human. But in all other aspects, we seperate. Allways have, probally allways will. As if it's ingrained in us in some way.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:08 AM
Affirmative action may cause reverse discrimination against whites, but let's face it, if affirmative action didn't exist there'd still be far less hiring of minorities \and there'd still be a lot of discrimination against them.

It's funny though, whites have been the aggressors for centuries, selling black people into slavery, wars of genocide against the American Indian, Jim Crow laws, all kinds of other forms of discrimination and stereotyping even in the modern age, and as soon as things get a little uncomfortable for them they cry a river.

Two wrongs may not make a right, but come on. Whites are not real victims here. They've been the instigators for centuries. Many whites will use any reason to discriminate against anybody that isn't white, or isn't like them, and that's a reality that will never end. The nature of the instigator is to cause trouble then cry foul when they're taken to task and held responsible for their actions.

When whites are put on reservations and kept there, then there's a real problem.

Only in a fantasy world can there be no real racism, bigotry, and prejudice against people who are different be non existent. Until then, humans will discriminate for any reason they can muster. It's human nature.

Personally, I would love to see the end of bigotry racism and prejudice, but it will never happen. It's completely impossible for most humans to overcome their petty differences. We've had thousands of years to learn, but humans haven't learned yet.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by DZAG Wright

It is not just tuition, it is admittance at all, or the job interview. In my town the minorities will fill the job positions before a caucasian.

I remember when I first moved here, I was shocked when the pharmacist spoke to me in Spanish before addressing me in English. Coming from a city mostly black, white, and Asian, this was s big surprise for me. I have since come to realize some basic truths about reconquista and other issues. This is one of the most ethnically diverse places you can find, but partly because of the theme parks, so many people come from everywhere.
edit on 9-3-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

If this were true how come blacks have a higher rate of unemployment than whites...If they are given priority in jobs? What you think makes no sense. It's all a perception that you and others have and that perception is not correct.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by NuminousCosmos
I have never been racially repressed, attacked by clowns in white hoods, nor have I been sold into slavery. This is one white man who thinks those other white men need to learn history and actually understand what discrimination against color really means.

Or maybe you've just been hiding.....

Where i live, in a majority black city and community, i've been attacked by gangs of black people...I've been chased...I've been beaten because i'm white...I'm not welcome in my own neighborhood convenience store because i'm white...

Once, a black child in my neighborhood told me that his parents told him that every time i look at the moon i get whiter....

I'm just as poor as the man next to me, and deal with the same hardships, but have been told numerous times 'You wouldn't understand dat cuz you white"....

My family and i do not receive any government assistance (though it sounds nice), but it's not because we havn't tried during the hardest at times....At the Welfare office (if you want to call it that), i felt more discriminated against than ever before by not only the people in the waiting room, but the people behind the desks...We were made to feel like this assistance was not 'for us', and we took the hint.

Whats worse is, this has been going on here within my environment for 30 years or more. You see, i still live a few blocks from where i was born, and i've dealt with this discrimination ever since i can remember. School was very tough, being one of two or three 'white' children....

Even the teachers in my schools had some sort of bottled hate for me because of my skin tone.

In junior high one year, without warning, the black kids (boys and girls) staged an attack on the white children at our lunch period.

This was extremely painful for me because i grew up with many of the same kids that were now attacking me because of my skin color....

I've been told and heard it said about me that "He's one of the good ones"...

I've been stopped by police on my way home and asked "What are you doing over here", and had my car and person searched while i was shoved against a police car for being white in a predominantly black community....

The funny thing is, i'm not even white. Not the white that they think i am. My Great Grandfather on my mother's side was %100 native american Creek Indian. My Great Grandmother on that same side was %100 Cherokee. My father's family comes from the Choctaw and Scottland.

The white side of my family were Scottish immigrants which immediately married in to the Creek Nation, which is very common around this area (middle georgia) .

OUR TRIBAL CHIEF'S NAME IS McINTOSH!! Many of us have blonde hair and blue eyes along with our red skin.

My family has NEVER owned slaves, and in fact, the creek nation took in runaway slaves and freeman as their own people.

Indeed, some of my people WERE SLAVES. Most of my tribal nation was forced from their land, and even more of them were killed because of THEIR skin color.

Whats worse is, my children are dealing with the same discrimination now. And if it was hard for me to understand 30 years ago, its even harder for them to understand now.

What am i guilty of, and what's more, what are my children guilty of ?

If you don't experience these things we're you're from, congratulations, but pretending it dosn't happen is the same old story that's been played from all sides of the field.....

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:13 AM
I believe that no matter what race you are, at some point in your lifetime you will be descriminated against because of your race. Its is the nature of the current world we live in. I grew up around narrow minded and racist people but it never took with me. I always see people for what they are; Human Beings,nothing more, nothing less.

In my opinion, the world needs to wake up and realize one simple fact; there is only one race that encompasses us all and that is Human. I sincerely hope that one day we will have interbred so much that there is no clear divisions of skin color. To me skin color is no different than hair color, not everyone has the same hair color but that does not mean they are different as a human so why should skin color be any different.

I think we just need to let things go or we will never be able to move forward and advance as a species. Anyway that's just my two cents.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by RealSpoke
If you think getting called a cracker in school ....

That whole 'cracker' thing ... The 'N' word is so bad that hardly anyone even says it fully out .... but the 'cracker' word gets tossed around very easily. It's like the hate behind the word is not taken as seriously as the hate behind the 'N' word. It's a double standard.

Maybe it's because the word 'cracker' just sounds like such an absurd word to be chosen for a 'hate word'. Someone yells 'Cracker'. Okay . I think Ritz or Saltines? Whatever.

edit on 3/9/2012 by FlyersFan because: typo

Actually the "N" word gets used CONTINUOUSLY by blacks. I used to live in a predominately black neighborhood, and heard it used all the time, by adults and children. And when two large angry black guys showed up at my door theatening to "bust my white ass up" because my 5 year old son used it, it was pretty hard to explain to them that my son heard it from their kids. If they hate the word so much, they shouldnt use it at all. And yes, I have always made sure my little boy knows not to use it, but when hearing other kids use it to refer to each other it slipped out one day.
edit on 9-3-2012 by coop039 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2012 by coop039 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by Jace26


Why do you racist pieces of trash think that you can get away with your crap here on ATS? Grow up! People from the UK and Australia are such big whiners when it comes to people of other races.

You all sound like this: "Wahhh, I don't like the Pakis and the Blacks. They # on my crumpets and tarnish my marmite!"

do you understand the word irony?your rant is racist,try to hide it by saying ''oh you sound like this'' how you get away with comments like this i don't know.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by NuminousCosmos

So you was alive when we had slaves, you experienced all this first hand?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by DZAG Wright

By other whites, but because of legislation forcing businesses to fill quotas. You can thank the liberals and the socialsits for pushing this kind of legislation for social justice. Unfortunately the scales have been tipping out of balance the other way. Perhaps some day people will just have what they have because they worked for it, but that will not be so when economic and social justice is being forced by the Nanny State.
In Hollywood, there is another kind of discrimination: You have to be liberal.

As an addendum, the real goal of TPTB is de-population of us all down to a "sustainable" level. We are all "useless eaters" to them.
edit on 9-3-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

No it's not because of legislation or quotas. Our world is moving past racial discrimination toward class discrimination which is what has caught many whites up in the same web as minorities.

What does the word liberal mean? You spout it as if it's a nasty word. What is the opposite of being liberal? Is it conservative? Why would anyone wish to be conservative? How can this planet progress if everyone was conservative? Progression comes from radical, outside the box thought.

Yeah some liberals may take it too far, but conservatives have the game all wrong. Why would there be a desire to return to 19th century living? That is basically what conservatives ask for.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Frankenchrist

Originally posted by theRhenn
- Black Mc Donalds website

BlackDonalds? for real?

do they sell Big Blacs?

This is a serious question.

lol No, it's a site "made for black folk" by Mickey D's. I honestly dont understand it either. As Tosh put it... It's an early warning system for when the McRib comes out again... His words, not mine. (paraphrase of course)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:18 AM
How many comedy shows come on tv where all they do is make fun of white people? Have you ever heard of a show where they make fun of black people? That show would get shutdown in a heartbeat.

Also people tend to forget if you wanna speak about HISTORY all races were slaves...the more slaves you had the richer you became.
edit on 9-3-2012 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:20 AM
As a Canadian working in the oil industry it is a fact that the last person to be looked at for a job is a white male. In school that was one on the first things our teachers said. A woman will get hired over a man almost any day of the week in this industry as there are so few who go to school and want to be in this industry. Companies have to hire ethnic minorities and women to appear "fair".

But having said that I would take being overlooked for a job over having bricks thrown through my window any day of the week. Not that that happens in Canada (that I know of). Perhaps there is more racism in USA?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Storm88Trooper

My question to you would be why has your own race forsakken you so that you have to dwell with the field help?

Like I said, you are a policeman who has been convicted and sent to prison!

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by LastProphet527

Black persons = 12.6%

White persons = 72.4%

White persons not Hispanic = 63.7%

Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin = 16.3%

Asian persons, percent definition and source info Asian persons = 4.8%

Persons reporting two or more races = 2.9%
edit on 9-3-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

This is something I dont get. "Whites" are considered a race, when, in fact, I'm considered white, but my Heritage is Cajun, made up of various races that are also considered "White". German, Irish, English and so forth are all considered white but they are totaly diffrent races of people.

I guess anyone who owned slaves in the 1700s or roundabouts are the "white" race. I dunno, but I dont believe in classifying anyone as "white". It's a slap in the face to those people who are actually proud of their heritage. As a Cajun, I'm more of a mix breed of various "white" peoples, as well as Native American. So why am I considered "white"? There are Jews who are as white as I, yet they are Jews.

(Shrugs) I dont get it either.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by dramatick
reply to post by theRhenn

Oh, so only minorities get free tuition?

Reread my post.... Dont nitpick

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

Tops the list of the most moronic question in 100 years.

The answer is NO ... said the white man.

Grow up white ppl.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Evanzsayz
How many comedy shows come on tv where all they do is make fun of white people? Have you ever heard of a show where they make fun of black people? That show would get shutdown in a heartbeat.

Also people tend to forget if you wanna speak about HISTORY all races were slaves...the more slaves you had the richer you became.
edit on 9-3-2012 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

I dunno, Tosh.0 does a fine job of it

To me it's the leveling field. I like them all the same though. Tosh, Mancia, and Katt Williams.

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