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Massive Chemtrail Attack: Midwest

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posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by Aqualung2012

Then, I get home tonight and I am suprised to read that we may expect to see the northern lights tonight, through the weekend!
I wonder if they might be stepping up the chemtrailing a bit to blurr our view of it, or even make and attempt to tamper with it?

The Aurora Borealis, or so-called "Northern Lights" do not occur in our atmosphere..... they are charged particles, ions, that are being affected by Earth's magnetic fields, and are far above the atmosphere. So, the notion of anything like cirrus clouds (which is all that a contrail is) being able to "tamper with" them is not plausible.

Further, the presence of the contrails is simply "bad luck" in this case....but, usually contrails aren't that "thick" anyhow. So, for those who wish to get this rare view from your latitudes, you have to blame Mother Nature if it clouds up more, and you miss the *show*.. The displays may keep being active for some time though, and will again with another burst from the Sun in future. So, since weather conditions are always changing, you should get another chance to see them one day.

edit on Sat 5 November 2011 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

Proudbird are you one of those holocaust deniers? You know that systems and regimes have the potential to get out of control and conduct mass experiments on its own people totally unbeknownst to the people. Or in the extreme cases like in Germany to conduct mass torture and murder on its own civilians. The reason for you to believe in Chemtrails is not to make you a "believer" but actually for your own benefit to save yourself. They want to kill you how much more simple can one phrase that? This is for your own benefit.

You are right in a sense I am not satisfied with the evidence of chemtrails, but for me my knowledge of their existence was more like a religious awakening that I had. Which I hope to god isn't linked with UFOs, because I am not a UFO believer yet! I don't want to totally go overboard with the wacked out and goofy parade. Chemtrails yes, real, how are they happening, what is their purpose and function? What exactly is going on, don't know and don't have a clue really.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 10:06 PM
Proud bird, Aloysius,Uncinus and others of the same guild, you have my full respect for the patience that you show answering these same posts over and over again without loosing your temper.

Your ability to patiently reply to the same thing over and over again, to try and get your message through to those who don't understand, or simply don't want to understand is beyond what I can do and you deserve full commendation for it.

I can't do it anymore, I have offered to take and send fuel samples to be analyzed, a photo and video tour with unprecedented access, and not one person who believes in chemtrails has taken me up on it. I guess I can only imagine they are frightened that they may discover that their God doesn't exist and they don't want that to happen.

One closing note, the parallel between chemtrail belief and religion seems strong, but there is one major difference. No one can prove if there is or is not an afterlife, if there is, or is not a God because there is no way to determine 100% until after you are dead. No one has to die to see that chemtrails don't exist, all that has to be done is investigate the facts, talk to pilots and aviation professionals, ask questions about things before assuming what they are. My goodness one person claimed that chemtrails could effect the norther lights for crying out loud.

Anyway, you guys have my full respect that you can do it day after day, keep up the good fight and hopefully one day you will get through to the masses

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Uncinus

You are right about one thing for sure... I don't remember seeing them... because they were not there in this capacity!!
Have I seen jet contrails in the skies above where I live? Without a doubt, I have seen contrails in the skies here as far back as I can remember.

The difference between then and now is this:

The contrials I have seen in the skies here for the larger part of my life are of the type that dissipate shortly after their expulsion from the jet engines. You see a contrail? All you have to do is follow it to one end or the other and there was certain to be the jet responsible for them stil in the viewable sky.

Several minutes after the plane was gone from view, so were the contrails.

The contrails witnessed here recently are not the same. You see a contrail today? Follow it to one end or another and you will run into the horizon before spotting the plane responsible.

Not that you can't see the planes responsible for all recent contrails, you can, they are still there. However, the addition of these lingering contrails that expand and turn the weather conditions to overcast are relatively new.

I remember a few years ago, looking at some pictures taken in Toronto, showing the multitude of contrails criss-crossing the sky. Before then I had never seen them here as viewed in those images.

I thought I knew what the alleged chemtrails looked like, until I saw those photos and realized that I had never seen anything like that here.

Now those images from the Toronto pictures are fresh in my mind, as the contrails of recent carry closely the exact appearance.

The criss crossing pattern, the multitude of contrails viewable, and the dissipation rate are something that have not occured here before, on the scale and appearnce they are now depicting

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 11:28 PM
I literally just returned from chicago tonite, and noticed the amount of 'trailing there, i've got pics i need to go through and see if i captured it.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by MarkScheppy

More evidence, for all you who are trying to "prove chemtrails"? I hope you're satisfied, because this is what the hoax and myth of "chemtrails" have sown. This is exactly why educating those who seem to be unaware of the science, and of reality, is so important:

Proudbird are you one of those holocaust deniers?

Does everyone see the cognitive disconnect, here? Does that question
even make sense, in context? "Chemtrail" believers, might wish to take
a critical inward look at yourselves.


They want to kill you how much more simple can one phrase that? This is for your own benefit.

All I have to that is a big

Finally, it comes to roost:

You are right in a sense I am not satisfied with the evidence of chemtrails, but for me my knowledge of their existence was more like a religious awakening that I had.

I expect that the OP of this thread might not pay attention, but I sincerely hope that others who have posted, or are just strolling by, lurking and reading, see the point being made, here......

edit on Mon 7 November 2011 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by MarkScheppy

I am now at the point where I wouldn't mind living in a primitive hunter gatherer society, with basic simple tools and thatched basket wooden huts and more of a wicker like way of life. Probably would be keeping dry during a hard storm, but I would adapt to it.

You can choose to live like that now if you want.

Of course your life would likely be short and brutal....but hey - yuo have the choice.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by gman1972

I couldn't agree more, well said. The two or three posts before yours had me staring at my screen incredulously, utterly dumbfounded. At least with some of the others on here there is a *point* to their fears, however misguided it may be. Once you start coming up against the evangelical 'believe what I say or you are a sheep" brigade (who utterly fail to recognise the irony of that position) then what is the point?

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:54 AM
There was also quite a bit of ChemTrail activity in Southern Ontario. Primarily around Georgian Bay, (Part of Lake Huron), and the Niagara Escarpment.

ChemTrails HERE!

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by moondoggy2
There was also quite a bit of ChemTrail activity in Southern Ontario. Primarily around Georgian Bay, (Part of Lake Huron), and the Niagara Escarpment.

ChemTrails HERE!

That's a very good example of a persistent spreading contrail. It's a type of cirrus cloud, made from ice particles. Kind of like a really long cirrus uncinus cloud in this case.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Uncinus

Originally posted by moondoggy2
There was also quite a bit of ChemTrail activity in Southern Ontario. Primarily around Georgian Bay, (Part of Lake Huron), and the Niagara Escarpment.

ChemTrails HERE!

That's a very good example of a persistent spreading contrail. It's a type of cirrus cloud, made from ice particles. Kind of like a really long cirrus uncinus cloud in this case.

The video clearly shows a ChemTrail being left by a passing jet.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by moondoggy2
The video clearly shows a ChemTrail being left by a passing jet.

It appears to show a contrail. Can you explain what the difference is.

Remember contrails can persist and spread, depending on engine parameters and atmospheric conditions. And conditions can very in just a few hundred feet. And not all planes have the same engines.

It's hard to tell altitude, even with identical planes:

The three types of contrail:

So how can you tell that it's a "chemtrail", if it looks just like a contrail?
edit on 7-11-2011 by Uncinus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:13 AM
The 'contrail' that was left by that jet, stayed in the sky for about 8 hours. That's how I could tell the difference.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by moondoggy2
The 'contrail' that was left by that jet, stayed in the sky for about 8 hours. That's how I could tell the difference.

Why is the length of time relevant? A contrail that hangs around is still a contrail, they have been known about for more than half a century and they don't change

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by moondoggy2
The 'contrail' that was left by that jet, stayed in the sky for about 8 hours. That's how I could tell the difference.

Most likely you did not see the same contrail for 8 hours. Do you realize how strong upper level winds are?

Besides, this whole belief that contrails can only last for a few minutes, was a lie made up by Will Thomas and Len Horowitz, to sell books and remedies, and people still continue to fall for it.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:42 AM
Contrails can persist for many hours, but by that time they will have basically turned into cirrus clouds, and probably be a few hundred miles away.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by moondoggy2

The 'contrail' that was left by that jet, stayed in the sky for about 8 hours. That's how I could tell the difference.

As pointed out already, at the altitudes where contrails form the winds are rarely, rarely still (calm). In my travels around the World, there are some places over the Pacific, deep out to sea, where I have seen winds at altitudes of 30,000 to 40,000 feet calm, or under 5 knots. Very common in the Area between the U.S. west coast and Hawai'i, for the summer time.

But, for most of us and where we live, this is not the case. So, think about anything that is 'floating' in the will drift with the air mass, in whatever direction it is moving, and at the same speed.

Try to comprehend this simple fact. Think of ocean currents, or rivers flowing, if it helps.

So, 8 hours meant that the original source contrail was well downwind after that much time. What was being seen, though, were more cirrus clouds that formed, in the same general spot over land. The clouds form, and dissipate as the air flows, but because of the complex interactions, one region can tend to show cloudiness for long periods.

Basic point is....for all you who believe in "chemtrails".....nothing "sprayed" at altitude will just stay in one spot! Not unless there is no wind at all.

Do you see now why this entire idea is just silly?

For those in the USA (other countries, just try searching the Web) here is an aviation weather site, with winds aloft data:

It is formatted in the way that pilots and meteorologist understand, but it isn't hard to learn. The last thre columns are the ones to look at - - they are for 30,000 feet, 34,000 and 39,000 feet.

Far left, three letter to identify the station (location). Reading across, each column has six numbers. (Lower altitudes have the ( + or - ) sign, for the temperatures. All temps above 24,000 are always negative, and these are all degrees Celsius.

In the SIX numbers, the two in the middle are the wind speed, in knots.

So, if you see this: 327354 .....

That means the winds are coming from the direction 320° (relative to True North).

Velocity is 73 knots.

Temperature is -54°C

Simple, yes?

Of course, if you like pretty graphics, and the data interpreted nicely, there is also this site, for the amateurs...

It is all from the same sources, just presented differently.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Aqualung2012

Do you really believe that there is nothing to the chemtrail idea?

Not "believe"...know.

It's all just regular old contrails right?

Yep. Just like it's been since high altitude powered flight was accomplished

....Just these particular ones tend to linger, start and stop randomly....

Some linger (persist). The "start and stop" appearance is due to the nature of the air mass consistency and conditions. Air is not homogeneous. Very large regions can consist of the proper relative humidity and water vapor saturation levels to allow long, persistent contrails. Or, a region of high saturation will have "pockets" of relatively drier air, all at the same altitude, but located horizontally miles apart...or just a few thousand feet apart.

When you see a cloud in the sky and it has an edge....where it "starts and stops", that is the same reason why sometimes a contrail will look the same.

...form in globules...

Not sure what that means, unless you are describing the way air currents aloft can alter the shapes of the contrails, after they've formed?

... and criss cross eachother midstream.

Airplanes travel in many directions, on many courses and headings. Just as roadways on the ground have to cross and intersect, eventually.

Are we also to believe that these streams may occour one day and not again on a virtually identical one?

By "virtually identical", are you referring to the conditions on the surface, where you are standing? If so, then there's the answer....the conditions 6 to 8 miles above your head are very, very different, and can be different irrespective of what you sense on the ground.

I think there is more to it.

You would understand much, much better if you went out and learned to fly, or at least studied some of the science.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by gman1972
One closing note, the parallel between chemtrail belief and religion seems strong, but there is one major difference. No one can prove if there is or is not an afterlife, if there is, or is not a God because there is no way to determine 100% until after you are dead. No one has to die to see that chemtrails don't exist, all that has to be done is investigate the facts, talk to pilots and aviation professionals, ask questions about things before assuming what they are. My goodness one person claimed that chemtrails could effect the norther lights for crying out loud.

Anyway, you guys have my full respect that you can do it day after day, keep up the good fight and hopefully one day you will get through to the masses

Getting through to the masses, oh because the "masses" all are in consensus that there is such a word as Chemtrails! popular vocabulary word.. And oh because we are all in agreement that the government is spraying us with deadly chemicals, you just constantly hear the public masses talking about this, I hear it, it's common, all the time! In reality no one I know of has ever heard the word — chemtrail, save one. This topic has never been mentioned on mainstream news outlets, so the ability of the masses to know of this is limited know to online research, primarily the internet.

Now the likes of you, banning together to label us relative handful as being lunatics and cult believers, must make you feel heroic. You are the ones allowing the deception to remain healthy. So as hopefully to round us up as dissidents when the government finally gets ready to go to that phase. Chemtrails sure don't exist, they are pleasant contrails. Sometimes people of faith deny reason, but sophists like yourself deny not only reason but the capacity to understand new ideas. Even in the light of those who are giving you those ideas to try and save your life. America has their same aptitude of sophists, everywhere it seems.
edit on 7-11-2011 by MarkScheppy because: add on

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by MarkScheppy

They certainly are not pleasant contrails - I wouldn't want to breathe jet exhaust!

But to say that "chemtrails exist" without a shred of credible evidence is dishonest.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by MarkScheppy

Getting through to the masses, oh because the "masses" all are in consensus that there is such a word as Chemtrails! popular vocabulary word.. And oh because we are all in agreement that the government is spraying us with deadly chemicals, you just constantly hear the public masses talking about this, I hear it, it's common, all the time!

Just wondering where you hear these public masses talk about chemtrails?

Also what deadly chemicals are we being sprayed with?

And yes contrails are common, but more in the colder months.

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