reply to post by 547000
Tell that to the millions dying from starvation,because the capitalist way of thought encourages the mass exploitation of people,excessive ownership
of property to the point of monopolization,and ending in corrupting everything we do.
And religion has nothing to do with any of this,people can be a law abiding citizens with ethics and morality,and still end up dying because they lack
the resources to sustain themselves.All if this makes the system look criminal,which it is,because humanity has allowed this decaying way of thinking
to flourish until this day.It should've been killed off a long time ago along with all the other outdated systems,simply because they only work for
the few,and always have been.It's how they were designed at their core.
A little something for you to see how capitalism has contributed to humanity:
The most basic problems we face today are no longer individual challenges. Corruption, hunger, lack of housing, these are all global challenges.
Statistics can be different for us all, but the problems are the same.
However, we continue to cling to our precious identities. Artificial labeling like country, religion, class, color, race, and many other, are each
made to divide, and not unite us. Through our self-preservative perspective, we fail to realize how much they damage they to our environment. So not
only does our planet face environmental problems,but now she must endure human conflicts as well.
>> 1 billion people suffer from hunger, hunger kills one person per second.
>> 3 billion people worldwide live on less than $ 2 / day
>> 1 of 3 people die from causes related to malnutrition;
>> 10 countries have nuclear capabilities.
>> 21 armed conflicts took place in the last decade.
>> 17 wars are ongoing, even today (2 of them, including Kashmir, more than 60 years).
>> 56 million people die each year from diseases caused by pollution.
>> 30% of amphibians, 23% of mammals and 12% of bird species are threatened with extinction, while one in ten rivers dry every year before it flows
into the sea.
>> Losing one hectare of forest every 2 seconds.
>> A species disappear every 3 minutes.
>> In 1890, the top five of the warmest years were 2005, 1998, 2002, 2003 and 2004.
>> The speed at which mankind has used the Earth's natural resources over the past 20 years, threatening the survival of the human race.
>> More than half of all world cities exceed permissible limits of pollution.
>> For 6.5 billion people living on earth, one billion live in developing countries and the remaining 5.5 billion to countries in developing or
underdeveloped countries;
>> 1 in 5 did not attend primary school in the poor countries
>> 14 million children have lost one or both parents due to HIV in a single year;
>> A person commits suicide every 40 seconds.
>> Lack of necessary food is the main cause of mortality worldwide;
>> Earth's population increased by 34 percent over the past 20 years, reaching 6.7 billion
>> Each year, 75,000 people die from natural disasters
>> Three million people die annually from diseases transmitted by water
>> Each year, ten million children die, aged up to 10 years
>> Each year about 11 million children aged below five years die worldwide, of which about 55% due to malnutrition.
And the list goes on forever, unfortunately.
To compare two types of statistics:
Annual costs:
About $ 22 billion spent annually by poor countries in these regions for defense, while half of this amount would allow children in these countries
to attend primary school;
>> In a single year, South Africa has spent $ 6 billion on arms, the amount would cover the costs of treating the 5 million Africans infected with HIV
for two years.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. "Albert Einstein
edit on 11/6/2011 by The_Oracle because:
To include quote