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Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the Internet

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by The X
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

John, "Beating" a child for using the internet, is obscene.

Did you read the info's i posted as to what the proffessionals regard "Abuse" as.

The way a child is treated by a parent, against, The way two strangers treat each other.
Do you have reading problems?.
If two strangers meet, one attacks the other like that, a crime is committed.
A parent attacks a child with violence, and, does not stop, that is an assault, he delivered punishment three times over, that is abuse, and, children damaged so badly that they do not recognise an abusive assault when they see it as regards their own treatment, is nothing more than an ongoing symptom of abuse that needs addressing.

edit on 2-11-2011 by The X because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2011 by The X because: (no reason given)

I do not have reading problems. I never saw this post you speak of by these so called professionals.

Again, it has never been established that he spanked his child for using the internet. In the video the father clearly indicates the spanking is coming because she disobeyed. Do you have reading or reading comprehension problems?

A spanking is not the same as attacking a child with violence. The difference is intent on the part of the parent.

Think about that for a while to let it sink in, then go re-read my story about me and my mother.

Look at my 3 examples of the abuse I have witnessed. That, to the professionals you speak of would be considered abuse. A parent disciplining a child for correction is not abuse. If however a parent just out of the blue maliciously struck out and harmed the child for the sake of showing dominance over the child, that would be abuse. That is what your professionals are talking about.

Abuse also is established by ongoing patterns. In my case, the spankings that were as harsh were received not everyday, not all the time, but rarely when it was deemed I was bad enough to warrant a spanking. In the video above we see no evidence for patterns of this type of behavior, It is a single incident. Any idea that this may be or have been an ongoing thing is only supposition on our part. There is no evidence of abuse here.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by The X
reply to post by muzzleflash

Isnt that going a little off topic?.
Nothing is perfect, NOTHING!!!, NO ONE, is perfect, but, there are a set of moral precepts each of us as individuals hold at the core of our being.
You talk a good game, but, living it as the person you are is something else entirely.
How can you say it is ok to beat a child and then attack your detractors when they point out the law, with remarks about pharmaceuticals and children, that is a whole other can of worms, the second you have opened, you cannot blame your own deficiencies on the people who make laws.
The laws are wrong in many instances, thats why people use "common sense" especially when disciplining a child, and, i certainly would never use the failings of the rest of the world as a defense to allow it.

I posted a link the law in California ( I don't know where this video was recorded however), and it really didn't seem to be child abuse according to that definition.

You supplied 'professionals' whom I find very discredited because they promote the abuse of children through chemical warfare (pills).

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull

Originally posted by OzTruth
reply to post by JohnySeagull

I dont care if you think it is hypocrisy, I didn't threaten him. I was explaining what happens in the real world if he said in public, instead he feels like he can get away with it here. Like he gets away with it. Thats not debating it... Its being inappropriate ...There is a difference.

What do you support child beatings too...??

edit on 2-11-2011 by OzTruth because: Edit for the mods

you are a liar. you did threaten muzzle flash. the mods may have removed posts but believe me I keep copies of posts like that.

you can try and back track and twist this all you like.

you threatened another members life and somehow you are still allowed post comets on this site.

i do not understand how that is?

why am I still here??? I don't support or make excuses for child beatings and if someone wants to, then maybe they should be banned. This all started because I questioned the whereabouts and safety of the little girl that is still in their custody and he didnt care...

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:31 AM
BEATING your child is a LAZY way of parenting.

If there are other, less violent ways to get the same message across, and to teach your child the same thing without beating them then that way should be used!

Violence only leads to more violence.

And just because a lot of people grew up with this doesn't make it any more acceptable.

How about you sit the girl down and have a real talk with her, take her tv, cell, computer, ground her. But for gods sake don't physically and mentally abuse the SNIP out of her.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma

Who has established that exactly? Please enlighten me.

Let's stay on topic and discuss the OP, we'd get much further then.
edit on 2-11-2011 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

Pretty much the majority of us have established it, as can be evidenced by the stars given out in this thread.

The only person who seems confused is you, and you've demonstrated obvious character bias in his favour.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:32 AM
I'm all for parents' rights to enforce corporal punishment when they see fit...but fairly.

Not because the child was using the internet.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
reply to post by OzTruth

this little girl that could be in danger and it's no worry to him.

Do you actually know how many kids are in danger right now, in real danger?
And what are you doing it about it, are you worried?

What I'm saying is dont pick on the posters who are voicing their opinion, concentrate on the OP.
Not everyone has the same opinions you know.

Danger is one thing and abuse is another ok, dont get both mixed up.


We have established that muzzleflash doesn't care...

Who has established that exactly? Please enlighten me.

Let's stay on topic and discuss the OP, we'd get much further then.
edit on 2-11-2011 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

Wow did you just say the little girl is safe or not in danger??? Am I the only one here that can't believe what is being said here...

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by OzTruth

why am I still here??? I don't support or make excuses for child beatings and if someone wants to, then maybe they should be banned. This all started because I questioned the whereabouts and safety of the little girl that is still in their custody and he didnt care...

I do care, we all should.

But not enough to go mess with these people over it.

We need to find balance between the extremes.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:34 AM


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by Dr Cosma

Who has established that exactly? Please enlighten me.

Let's stay on topic and discuss the OP, we'd get much further then.
edit on 2-11-2011 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

Pretty much the majority of us have established it, as can be evidenced by the stars given out in this thread.

The only person who seems confused is you, and you've demonstrated obvious character bias in his favour.

Well I suppose you guys are delusional because I do care.

Just not enough to create a Nazi regime and enforce my cares on others in the name of "good will".

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by NadaCambia

What a stupid, childish argument. If you really gave a damn about any of those kids you wouldn't be on the internet putting your time into debating what you see as an obviously trivial issue. I think it's disgusting that you're using the suffering of others to trivialize child abuse.

You should be bloody well ashamed of yourself.

This isn't about me, please stop the insults and personal attacks.

But it is about you. It's about you when you enter a thread and lend your support to barbarians like the man in the video. It's about you when you consistantly try to derail the thread by bringing up non-relevant issues, it's about you when you open up debate on laws and government intrusion into the family home.

IF you don't like people responding to your vile opinions and attitude you shouldn't have gave your barbaric opinion.

No, it's not about me.

It's about a debate over if the video in the OP is child abuse or if it's within the legal rights of parents.

Please, I won't ask you anymore, stop the personal attacks.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Absolute nonsense. There's actually a pretty clear correlation between beating your kids and criminality.

These beatings haven't done much for the ghettos of America, where beatings are rife.

There is no argument for beatings working, in fact the evidence runs to the contrary.

And England has a lower crime rate than America, so if you want to be realistic it works more than the American system

Please provide the statistics to back up these claims, because without evidence I am inclined to believe it's all made up just to prove/win a point.

I don't think there is a correlation between beating a kid and their future as a criminal.

How can beatings be rife in the ghetto when most of those kids are from broken families with only 1 parent who watches TV all day?

What evidence runs contrary? Please show me I am curious to learn about new scientific findings.
Thanks for helping me out.

What do you mean evidence. It's established that beatings are most prominent within working class homes. In fact isn't it a running joke in America that white parents don't discipline their children? Could have sworn it was.

Shows your character to lie and deny what you know full well to be true.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Domestic violence/child abuse later violence study

Actually it isnt nonsense i just read this and there a some very salient arguments in it.

such as,

Child abuse and domestic violence often occur in the same family and are linked in a number of important ways that have serious consequences for the safety of all family members as well as for members of the larger community. First, where one form of family violence exists, there is a strong likelihood that the other one does too. Second, research shows that the impact on children of witnessing parental domestic violence is strikingly similar to the consequences of being directly abused by a parent, and both experiences are significant contributors to youth violence. Third, many of the factors highly associated with the occurrence of child abuse are also associated with domestic violence, and many of these are the same factors that put children at risk for youth violence and adult violent crime. Overlapping all these problems is substance abuse, which is associated with each form of violence as a co-factor. These linkages have important implications for intervention and prevention efforts.


The concurrent incidence of domestic violence and child abuse within the same families is well documented. In a national survey of over 6,000 families, researchers found that 50% of the men who frequently assaulted their wives also frequently assaulted their children.1 Reviewing 200 substantiated child abuse reports, the Massachusetts Department of Social Services found that 48% of the case records mentioned adult domestic violence.2 Among hospitalized child abuse cases, 59% of mothers of abused children have been found to be beaten by their male partners.3

Domestic violence and child abuse take a devastating toll on children and society at large. Early childhood victimization, either through direct abuse, neglect, or witnessing parental domestic violence, has been shown to have demonstrable long-term consequences for youth violence, adult violent behaviors, and other forms of criminality.4

from a little later in the document.
The impact of domestic violence and child abuse may continue through adolescence and adulthood. Adolescents who have grown up in violent homes are at risk for recreating the abusive relationships they have seen.10 They are more likely to attempt suicide, abuse drugs and alcohol, run away from home, engage in teenage prostitution and other delinquent behavior, and commit sexual assault crimes.11 A study conducted by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention found that 70% of adolescents who lived in families with parental conflict self-reported violent delinquency, compared to 49% of adolescents from households without this conflict. This study also revealed that exposure to multiple forms of violence, including domestic violence, child abuse, and general family climate of hostility, doubles the risk of self-reported youth violence.

this is enlightening reading. make sure you do.

And the world should not seem so big that a single act of child abuse somewhere in the world can be seen as too many too deal with.
edit on 2-11-2011 by The X because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:40 AM


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by Dr Cosma

Who has established that exactly? Please enlighten me.

Let's stay on topic and discuss the OP, we'd get much further then.
edit on 2-11-2011 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

Pretty much the majority of us have established it, as can be evidenced by the stars given out in this thread.

The only person who seems confused is you, and you've demonstrated obvious character bias in his favour.

Well I suppose you guys are delusional because I do care.

Just not enough to create a Nazi regime and enforce my cares on others in the name of "good will".

Like I said earlier, then you support men beating their wife and other such disgusting acts of violence in the family home.

You can say you care until you're blue in the face, but so long as you deny the government the right to police such acts it's obvious you don't care.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by NadaCambia

What a stupid, childish argument. If you really gave a damn about any of those kids you wouldn't be on the internet putting your time into debating what you see as an obviously trivial issue. I think it's disgusting that you're using the suffering of others to trivialize child abuse.

You should be bloody well ashamed of yourself.

This isn't about me, please stop the insults and personal attacks.

But it is about you. It's about you when you enter a thread and lend your support to barbarians like the man in the video. It's about you when you consistantly try to derail the thread by bringing up non-relevant issues, it's about you when you open up debate on laws and government intrusion into the family home.

IF you don't like people responding to your vile opinions and attitude you shouldn't have gave your barbaric opinion.

No, it's not about me.

It's about a debate over if the video in the OP is child abuse or if it's within the legal rights of parents.

Please, I won't ask you anymore, stop the personal attacks.

What are you talking about? There is no debate about it, it's clear cut illegal. Every body but you understands this.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:42 AM
Authoritarian types love to play tyrant with those that cannot defend themselves. Bullies such as these are way overdue in taking the evolutionary path labeled "exit". Authoritarians are cowards by nature.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

How can beatings be rife in the ghetto when most of those kids are from broken families with only 1 parent who watches TV all day?

This just isn't true my friend. I was raised in the ghetto. I saw things as a child that most adults will never see in their life. Beatings by parents were "rife". But I also saw good parents who seldom had to do more than a swat on the butt to get their point across. I've always felt that the amount of beatings a child gets is in direct correllation to the parenting skills of the mother and father. At least that's my own experience.
edit on 11/2/2011 by Klassified because: Nevermind

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by OzTruth

So my question was "what are you doing about it?"

And wasn't it you who threatend people on this very same thread then deleted your comment.
Let's not go there.
Look if you read my first comment, which you wont cos you're more concerned about other posters comments than the actual abuse that went down in the OP, then you will realise that I am totally against that and would love to schmack that guy with his own belt.

What I'm totally against also is the attack on Muzzleflash for his opinions. At the end of the day you're the one forgetting this is a discussion board and without opinions that differ, there is no discussion.

If you have to resort to threatening people with violence then who the hell are you to tell me
"I cant believe what I'm reading here".

I'm out of this thread, due to immature posters like you.

Have fun.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:43 AM
This is NOT a spanking, using objects as a whips,
belts etc are weapons.

edit on 2/11/11 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

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