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Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the Internet

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by NadaCambia

That's 25% at best. And that's going with the claims that in 1 in 4 are abused, which I doubt.

you doubt 1 in 4 are abused. you think people claiming to be abused are lying?

why would you object to cameras in your home if you have nothing to hide.

people have no idea exactly how many children are being abused. allowing cameras into homes would allow the goverenment to monitor people and stop any behaviour that is against the law.

surely people who object to this are merely people with something to hide?

children must have the right to a safe and secure upbringing free from abuse. the only way to guarantee this is to monitor them in their homes.

you have said the many shouldn't have to suffer for the actions of the few. but this is what has happened in the catholic church? a few priests commited crimes and now most people have no problem as referring to the church as bunch of paedos.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by ToneDeaf

He was punishing his daughter for disobeying. Not beating a woman. Get a grip on what kind of teenager would attempt to ruin a mans life for beating her butt when she was a teenager. Yes theres more here thn meets the eye.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:33 AM
this is the latest tweet for someone who appears to be the victim in the video. i have no proof of this;

shoeofallcosmos Hillary
I'm feeling some regret for publishing the video because to ruin my own father is heavy indeed. But I really want him to seek help.
29 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply!/shoeofallcosmos

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by ICEKOHLD
ok. this vid needs to be shown to every citizen of the city/county/state where he serves. then...they all need to tie him down and beat his @$$ with a belt.

how can he not be in jail for this? there is actual proof? what...statute of limitations?

i wish i was that judges son. i was a firecracker when i was a teen. my folks were scared of me along with everyone else who knew me. and not because i was big (cuz i wasn't) but because the fire of hell is in me and i would've beat my daddy's @$$ if he ever tried this $h!t with me.
edit on 11/2/11 by ICEKOHLD because: (no reason given)

This is perfect, thank you.

I really wanted to show people the double-standards and hypocrisy of the pro-government ideology. This is perfect for that.

"I can use violence but none of you can!"

"It's ok to use violence on parents who are generally trying to keep you out of trouble, but they have no right to discipline you."

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
I'm not sure whether I should put this thread here or in Other Current Events, so mods, move if necessary.

This video is beginning to go viral on the Internet, most noticeably on 4chan, the home of Anonymous. Rumors are swirling that Anonymous plans on finding Judge William Adams' personal information and doing anything they can to get him off the position as as a judge.
edit on 11/1/2011 by SonicInfinity because: Added comments


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by PutAQuarterIn

You provide some good common sense advice. I recently retired but at one time worked as a child protection worker. I had to change jobs because I could no longer handle the abuse and destruction that I observed on an ongoing basis. People used to ask me what I did for a living and I would answer you probably don't want to really know. When they insisted and I told them they did not want to believe it. When parents discipline in the midst of their anger it often spills into rage. This often led to serious injury to the child. I saw things that to this day trouble me.

Let me make it clear,I had two children and used spanking as a form of discipline. My wife and I exercised control of our anger so that the spanking was seen as a result of their actions not as a result of our anger. We explained clearly what they were getting the spanking for and made sure they understood as well. We did not verbally assault them nor label them as bad. We made sure they understood they weren't bad but their behavior was inappropriate.

This man and woman were displaying rage. Their behavior was no longer discipline but a demonstration of their lack of control and the venting of their rage. They possibly perceived her behavior as a personal disrespect for them. Research has shown that children who are victims of abuse (physical, mental, sexual or neglect) have negative effects to brain growth. This can affect them for the rest of their lives.

Often the parents who were the most violent had been the victims of abuse when they were young. I have seen bad parenting go both ways. Too harsh and too coddling. Children should respect and obey parents because they love their parents not because they fear a beating. I strongly believe in parental rights and responsibilities to raise good kids but not to leave them to abuse their children.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Gseven

you idiot. The abuse is evident. Tell you what you come to my door and I will beat you like that. Is it legal for me to beat YOU like that??? He!! no its not legal for me to beat you like that. SO WHY WOULD IT BE LEGAL FOR HIM TO BEAT A CHILD THAT WAY.

There are way to many idiots in this world.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
If this has happened before and as suggested, the need to tape it using a camcorder ( page 2 i think) - this, which happened in 2004 was the girl making a tape to get back at her father, in a spiteful way.

1) The girl knew it was coming because she willfully disobeyed an order from her parent, knowing he would spank her.

He was set up.

2) the girl deserved a spanking because she was willfully disobedient.

Was he a tad harsh? Perhaps, but only in this messed up Politically Correct world. Many of us have had way worse spankings with worse than belts and no harm done because this was not abuse. This is not child abuse. This is a hard spanking. One that was deserved even if he was a tad harsh.

This whole PC notion that you cannot spank your child is what is ruining America. There are kids out in the streets killing people and doing drugs because their parents didn't believe in spankings.

Like cops in England who don't carry guns, " Stop thief.. or.. er.. I'll say Stop again!" See, it doesn't work.

Parent: " I cannot believe my child turned out to be a serial killer" Interviewer: " Well did you discipline your child?": Parent: Oh heavens no, we could never spank our kids, that's so wrong..."

How many of us thought twice before doing something because we remembered the spanking we got the time before?

Our police over here aren’t fat donaught eaters and can actually chase and catch thief’s FYI.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Magantice
He was punishing his daughter for disobeying. Not beating a woman.

By making a fist and threatening to hit her face ?
He left the computer on , but was more interested
in giving corporal punishment, oh very smart

Obviously he got his job too by other means,
it couldn't have been by having a normal IQ.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:48 AM
Sorry but this was a clear case of abuse.

The father and mother were venting their anger, not at the daughter but their general anger and rage against the child.

I have 3 kids and sure I lose it a few times but I never vent my rage on them, never (that's what my martial arts is for).

This shows you the type of people in power, sick psychopaths.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by caladonea

She, the daughter, filmed it and uploaded it to youtube.

Her father is up for re-election, and she doesnt want him re-elected.
I dont blame her, lucky for me i never had to deal with s h i t like this growing because my step father would be too afraid of getting the athorities involved, but i like to think if he did i would turn that belt right back on him

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:50 AM


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

That's terrible...although if my 16 year old son got real smart arse with me, I would consider taking him out in the back yard and going a few rounds with him. Naturally allowing him to think he's good and then plant him on his arse.

IF the girl has cerebral palsy then this is just disgusting.

Other than that, we cannot know why she was being belted, we DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE WAS LOOKING AT ON THE NET, and we cannot jump to conclusions.

It still disgusts me seeing this though. I can generally use words to talk my children down off their high horse. Getting physical is only ever required when every other option has been utilized and they still are refusing to comply.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:51 AM
No matter if you're the father, mother or even GOD: children shouldn't be touched and this "judge" needs to go to prison, immediately. It's simply FOOLISH to think that in your house you can do a disgusting thing like this and out in the street you can't: YOU CANNOT because it's wrong, plain and simple. I'm 36, my parents never touched me and I LOVE them, never gave them a little single problem and I'll educate my son in the same manner, with LOVE!

reply to post by muzzleflash

edit on 3-11-2011 by alien because: Personalised comment removed

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by archangel2012

Now that I know the whole story and watched it again, I think a very angry father tried to set his daughter straight in the only way he exasperatedly knew how at the time. Before, when I watched it, I reacted. Clearly, the girl has no regard for her parent's rules in the house, much less the laws her father tries to uphold OUTSIDE the house.

She was not hurt that bad, and the fact that she kept yelling at him to stop, reaffirms to me that she is acting it up in this scene. No child who is abused and THAT terrified of a parent would EVER yell at a parent to stop, because they know it will only bring on more hell. I know. She's a bratty kid, and he was a Dad beyond his breaking point. Now look at what this bratty kid is doing to her father.

It's a shame. The whole thing is a shame.

edit on 2-11-2011 by Gseven because: typo

edit on 2-11-2011 by Gseven because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Emanuele_C2

Actually biting can generally ONLY be solved by showing a child what it feels like to be bitten. Once they understand what it is they are doing, and what it is inflicting upon others, then the biting stops.

Muzzle has a point BUT this is overboard IF it is just for the sake of using the internet. What am I saying....a beating like that isn't really deserved. Full stop. Some parents need to come out of the 60's and 70's.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

What .... the .... f...?

Are you kidding me?

Beating a kid for discipline is good? Do you think that this is the way that a kid learns anything?

By being beaten by a parrent kids become scared, introvert and socially unstable. Most of the drug addicts and alcoholics and lets not forget criminals come from families where they were abused and beaten.

They can develop mental health issues because of this.

Finally i want to state it again: beating your child is no way a form of discipline.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:57 AM
After watching the video, I undertsand people when they say about disciplining a child but from my point of view what he did was wrong.
Several beatings with a belt is unacceptable for what having a computer in the house?
And his daughter put a game on it? wow what a terrible child she must be to put a game on a computer it really is the end of their way of life.
Disciplining a child is an acceptable way to get them to understand that actions they take can have a consequence but all that simply because of a minor thing?
The consequences are so far way past the cause I really hope that if he is a judge then someone does that to him and to threaten your child several times, even with 'eviction from the home' is nothing but child cruelty in my mind.
Sure if a child is unruly you spank them once then explain why, you don't keep beating them, no child is going to lie there to take punishment if they know it is going to hurt, they will squirm and shy away as much as they can, but this guy kept hitting her even when she was cowering and crying, he enjoyed it no matter what he says.

He wanted respect but respect has to be earned not forced from.

That girl should press charges as it is on camera for the world to see.

Shame on the parents BOTH of them for allowing it to go on, once should always be enough.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:58 AM
Unfortunately both do not know anything about parenting

The mother is the role model and most influential of the daughter....not the father.

As far as the father goes....nothing a lawn mower blade couldn't solve...2 good whacks i wreckin.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
How about I come into all of your houses and tell you how to live?

This already happens. We're told not to murder, rape, and abuse our spouses. How about being told not to beat our children?


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