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One Mega Watt E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful!

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posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by yampa

You really believe this guy managed to create cold fusion. First it defies the laws of physics. So we would have to throw out everything we know about particle physics. Since its been right so far that's a lot we would have to throw out. In order for fusion to occur two nuclei have to fuse together. Sounds simple right but nuclei don't like each other they both have a positive charge. Now to get them together you have to get them close to each other allowing the strong force to take over. There is to ways to do this heat and speed. If you get them hot enough they become so active that they smash together. And obviously the other method a particle accelerator.

So the problem with fusion is it takes more energy then then the reaction actually produces. Unless you have a lot of fuel to waste such as the sun for example then its not practical at all. Now the funniest part is he shows a generator in the video and amazingly happens to get the output for a standard backup generator. Now if by some strange reason he did actually do it its going to throw out over 100 years of science and were back to square one. So what do you really think the odds of that are??

First, as regards to the Rossi experiment - it's not cold fusion, the fact you are using that label shows you are deliberately distorting the reality from the start. If you haven't paid attention to the mechanism of action, then why bother replying? There is no electrolysis of water here. This is not Fleischmann Pons. What is your technical knowledge of the viability of this system?

The cores of Rossi's reactor (presumably the centre of each nickel nanoparticle) are likely very hot indeed. Initially, the energy is being transferred from the resistors across a hydrogen (the gas with the lowest IR photon resistance) barrier - much of this heat is going straight into a sphere containing a few hundred atoms. What do you think the temperature inside each nanoparticle is relative to a room temperature NP?

Add this to the proven permeability of nickel to hydrogen gas (Rossi's gas is pressurised at 20psi) and you have a much greater likelihood of an elevated number hydrogen atoms being in the area of some very intense IR photon bombardment. The nickel–metal hydride cells available in every store prove the ability of room temperature NiMH interactions to store much energy in a small area. Nanoparticle materials are also strongly proven to have powerful EM mediation abilities.

Please tell me which laws of physics you are using to make predictions about a complex series of interactions like this? Remember to factor in the effect of a RF signal, attuned to a resonant frequency of one of the materials used in these superheated mini engines? Also remember the proven ability of NP to function as digitally controllable memory structure? Which class is it I have to take to understand this interaction again?

There are so many possibilities here, fusion based and otherwise. There's no reason it couldn't be a mixed effect, if it a real effect.

The Standard Model is not going to explain everything forever and quantum mechanics has been badly out of sync with reality for a long time. I think your faith in the explanatory depth of current models is probably misplaced.

Nanoparticle memory:

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 07:35 AM
the next step after making free energy is developing a way to send power (wirelessly) to cars and homes ect...

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by yampa

Your describing a battery its called chemical reactions. In order to produce energy it would need to use fusion so which is it? Cold fusion or a battery? You do realize a NiMH is just a chemical reaction and it cant be sustained batteries die.
So either hes turning physics back 100 years or hes credited a battery or finally hes cheating. Which do you think is most likely to be the truth i know which one i believe and a year from now you wont see his company they will have declared bankruptcy and fled with the cash.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by yampa

Your describing a battery its called chemical reactions. In order to produce energy it would need to use fusion so which is it? Cold fusion or a battery? You do realize a NiMH is just a chemical reaction and it cant be sustained batteries die.
So either hes turning physics back 100 years or hes credited a battery or finally hes cheating. Which do you think is most likely to be the truth i know which one i believe and a year from now you wont see his company they will have declared bankruptcy and fled with the cash.

I believe he has said that the cores need to be "recharged" or "replaced" on a regular basis, this is not an "indefinate" supply of energy.

This is also not "free energy", assuming it is genuine. It might be a way of extracting useful amounts of energy from a cheaply, easily and openly available resource; something which would be an excellent achievement, regardless of how the process actually works.

I still find myself on the skeptical side of neutral in this regard, though I must admit that my knowledge of the science involved is not sufficient for me to make a judgement of any value!

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:17 AM
I see some very brave posters here, how can we know for sure that this technology is real OR fake? There is not enough verifiable reliable information available yet. I have watched many of the videos and studied many e-cat sites, they are very interesting for sure, the amount of Scientists who have seen it and feel that it is producing anomalous heat that cannot be explained is beyond what you would expect to see from a fraudulent device. The University in Italy where it was last tested has supposedly been given access to examine and test Rossi's technology for the next two years and issue a paper describing the so far not understood Physics behind the effect, that's a report I am looking forward to seeing. Those saying it is a "scam". do have grounds for skepticism, Rossi appears to be keeping the details of it's operation a secret so that he can make profits from his work before the process becomes common knowledge. His arrest record in Italy is also cause for concern, but if it does not involve fraud, it may not be as bad as it looks. From what I have seen it involved questionable practices with research and start-up funds, and he served no prison time. If Rossi is perpetrating a deliberate fraud, he will be in serious legal jeopardy within the next year. If the Nickel Hydrogen E-Cat process is real he will be the most significant and celebrated figure in the entire history of the world. Having a home sized unit powering every house, (Imagine NO Power-lines!), while the greedy monopolies controlling the energy creation and distribution networks collapse will be a wonderful thing to watch. We won't even need power lines anymore, one possible model suggests that the Nuclear Power Plants could simply exchange the dangerous fission reactors with safe, clean E-Cat steam generators and continue operating as before. Electric transportation on land air and sea will be commonplace. Then there will be the matter of why was this vital breakthrough suppressed and covered up by the mainstream science community? Or why was this fake and ludicrous idea given so much credibility? Either way when the truth is finally revealed, the results will be very interesting, and very educational. I think we will know all within the next six to twenty four months, as the first few units are manufactured and sold, the purchasers will know quickly whether or not the mystery device functions as promised. If this is proven real, this will be a far different and vastly better world than it is now.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:54 AM
Explanation: Uhmmm?

Here is a TOTALLY UNRELATED article snippet that I just chanced to come across ... [from another ATS thread]

NEW BOMBS AND WAR CRIMES IN FALLUJAH (by Jim Fetzer, Leuren Moret, and Christopher Busby Thursday, November 3rd, 2011) []

Edited to add the original source for the quote below.

And the alternative – which is sort of science fictional and which is entirely possible – I have to say, which is that they have developed a sort of neutron device which uses enriched uranium as part of its components to generate neutrons. And the way it does this is to dissolve tritium in uranium powder. Like deuterium, heavy hydrogen is very soluble in uranium, and when it is compressed, when the saturated solution is compressed, you can get a cold fusion reaction which produced helium-4 and neutrons, and so that too is a possibility. But of course we don’t know what the answer is.

And the cold fusion bit stuck out like a sore thumb!

I then decided to look at the credibility of the person interviewed in that article ... Dr Christopher Busby.

Dr Christopher Busby [wiki]

And it seems he is quite credible and so I will take his statements about cold fusion at face value and I agree that leaves me open to having egg on my face later on if his claims are subsequntly debunked by my fellow members.

If his claims are credible then YES Cold Fusion EXISTS as a POSSIBLE avenue of power generation even if Rossi is a hoaxer!

Personal Disclosure: Having watched the video embedded by Ex_MislTech on page 14 of this thread [St*rred btw ] I was happy to find out that the potential hidden catylizer of Rossi's E-Cat device is most likely PALLADIUM!

I hope this helps!

edit on 7-11-2011 by OmegaLogos because: Edited add a missing link. crypto forum anyone?

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:27 AM
I think dragonridr has pointed out quite correctly, the reasons, that even if and a big if at that,
if Rossis device is really producing cold fusion, it will never come to fruiton or
amount to anything of consequence. Most likely you will cease hearing about this in less than a month is
my estimate

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Good follow up article from Wired on the 6th November.

Following his first sale, Rossi now says he has orders for thirteen more megawatt-class E-Cat power plants. He's offering them to anyone at $2,000 (£1,250) a kilowatt, which works out at $2 million (£1.25 million) per unit, and says he has customers in the US and Europe. Rossi says a domestic version rated at a few kilowatts is at least a year away. He is also working on adapting the E-Cat so its heat output can converted to electricity, but this will require higher working temperatures and will take two years or more.

This is not quite what you'd expect from a fraudster.

Firstly, the demonstration should have been much more convincing. The shipping container housing the E-Cat setup should have been hoisted from a crane and visibly disconnected from any external power supply. As with all conjuring tricks, the audience should have been allowed to inspect the apparatus. And why only claim 470 kilowatts when you're supposed to be producing twice that amount? If the whole thing was set-up, and the mystery customer a fake, it was not well calculated to convince anyone else. Secondly, this is normally the point at which a con artist starts issuing shares, asking for capital, or taking "deposits" from gullible consumers. Anything to grab some cash from those willing to offer it. Instead, Rossi is apparently only taking orders from large customers who will be checking the devices work before they take delivery. These are people with good lawyers to write contracts and deal with any complications. They are not easy targets. Whatever he's doing, he's going for the longer game.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:03 PM
Bloomberg TV Features E-Cat on HotZone

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by yampa

Good follow up article from Wired on the 6th November.

Following his first sale, Rossi now says he has orders for thirteen more megawatt-class E-Cat power plants. He's offering them to anyone at $2,000 (£1,250) a kilowatt, which works out at $2 million (£1.25 million) per unit, and says he has customers in the US and Europe. Rossi says a domestic version rated at a few kilowatts is at least a year away. He is also working on adapting the E-Cat so its heat output can converted to electricity, but this will require higher working temperatures and will take two years or more.

This is not quite what you'd expect from a fraudster.

Actually it is exactly what I expect - sell a few at $2 million each........what a great payoff.

Firstly, the demonstration should have been much more convincing. The shipping container housing the E-Cat setup should have been hoisted from a crane and visibly disconnected from any external power supply.

not good enough - these things are big and could easily contain something inside them that could account for the power output without needing any input.

Until he explains the process and has it independantly tested and peer reviewed he is a fraudster in my book.

. Secondly, this is normally the point at which a con artist starts issuing shares, asking for capital, or taking "deposits" from gullible consumers. Anything to grab some cash from those willing to offer it.

$2 million per unit isn't a cash grab??

Instead, Rossi is apparently only taking orders from large customers who will be checking the devices work before they take delivery. These are people with good lawyers to write contracts and deal with any complications. They are not easy targets. Whatever he's doing, he's going for the longer game.

Or he's just not quite as clever as everyone thinks.

How many small investors are going to be able to afford multiples of $2 million up front?

And why should a smaller version be a year away if this is just a series of smaller ones strung together??

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by InsideYourMind
Free energy would definetly be something life-changing for everyone and everything... good enough to be the 2012 ultimatum of change.
Maybe world peace, no excuses for the US to start the great oil crusade of insert country here anymore.

Nahhh...we'll keep going after the oil, just as a hobby. It's so much fun! Plus we get to kill babies.


Great post OP. I don't have a position of belief or disbelief at this point, because this guy and his work is news to me. I plan to read as much as I can find, on the the past tests, etc....and probably a little brush-up on the whole Cold Fusion concept.

Here's hopin'!!

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by yampa

He is also working on adapting the E-Cat so its heat output can converted to electricity, but this will require higher working temperatures and will take two years or more.

This is not quite what you'd expect from a fraudster.

So the present customers are presumably buying his unit to heat up their bath water.
Makes sense.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 07:23 AM
Although this will be great if true, the only real way it will be sucessful is if the owners release the info into the pubic domain NOW.

As was noted in other areas of this thread, governments, big oil and the like will NEVER let this happen.

Make truely free energy, TRUELY free...

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by ctdannyd
Although this will be great if true, the only real way it will be sucessful is if the owners release the info into the pubic domain NOW.

As was noted in other areas of this thread, governments, big oil and the like will NEVER let this happen.

Make truely free energy, TRUELY free...

Yep, I have heard him say that he will not release the full description of the mechanism unless he is granted a patent. I think he was refused a patent previously, because the design did not seem novel enough.

The solution to this is to successfully replicate the design and publish it publicly.

I've mentioned this to a local hacker group, and although most were highly skeptical about the truthfulness of Rossi, a couple of people agreed that it would be an interesting experiment. The design is really not too complex.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by yampa
The solution to this is to successfully replicate the design and publish it publicly.

I've mentioned this to a local hacker group, and although most were highly skeptical about the truthfulness of Rossi, a couple of people agreed that it would be an interesting experiment. The design is really not too complex.
How can you replicate the experiment without knowing what the "secret ingredient" is?

Apparently nobody knows what that is except Rossi.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

Originally posted by yampa
The solution to this is to successfully replicate the design and publish it publicly.

I've mentioned this to a local hacker group, and although most were highly skeptical about the truthfulness of Rossi, a couple of people agreed that it would be an interesting experiment. The design is really not too complex.
How can you replicate the experiment without knowing what the "secret ingredient" is?

Apparently nobody knows what that is except Rossi.

How could someone replicate the experiment without knowing the exact ingredient? Well, that's where guesswork comes in. OmegaLogos attempted a guess earlier ^, saying they thought palladium was the catalyst. I doubt this for three reasons:

a) palladium is rare and costs ~$700 an ounce (nickel is about 50 cents an ounce)
b) palladium was used in the Fleischmann Pons 'cold fusion' experiment and Rossi will be well aware that any reproduction of their materials would be considered the kiss of death by the majority of academic researchers.
c) an analysis was done on an apparently 6 month old residue from the reactor core by some external researchers - the only materials in abundance were nickel and ~10% copper.

I am currently guessing elsewhere, due to the observation:

"Nanoparticles are nanoparticles,
radio waves are radio waves,
whenever the twain meet,
they shall produce heat."

I mentioned this idea earlier, I have also read other people on other forums with the same idea: it seems quite possible that the 'magic ingredient' is the low power RF signal being fed into each system.

The catalyst is a wavelength, not a material?

edit on 8-11-2011 by yampa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by yampa

I suppose if you happen to make a lucky guess and the replication works you could think you might have replicated it, but then you still wouldn't know if you used a different secret ingredient than Rossi?

And if you aren't lucky enough to guess the secret ingredient, and it doesn't work, then you really can't claim the replication failed because without the secret ingredient, it wasn't really a true replication.

But if you want to try to replicate it, don't let me talk you out of it. Go for it. I just think it's hard when all we can do is speculate about the secret ingredient.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Angelic Resurrection

Originally posted by yampa

He is also working on adapting the E-Cat so its heat output can converted to electricity, but this will require higher working temperatures and will take two years or more.

This is not quite what you'd expect from a fraudster.

So the present customers are presumably buying his unit to heat up their bath water.
Makes sense.

Not really - there is a lot of research into how to generate electricity from low heat sources (generally considered

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
reply to post by yampa

I suppose if you happen to make a lucky guess and the replication works you could think you might have replicated it, but then you still wouldn't know if you used a different secret ingredient than Rossi?

If you manage to produce an elevated (but low intensity) increase in free neutrons, gamma rays and a 12/1 power amplification or whatever, then you've essentially replicated the ingredients. There is no other well known process which will produce measurements like that. The cake would taste the same either way

Apparently Rossi tried out thousands of materials, this indicates he could find the same effect elsewhere, but nickel was for some reason optimal.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by ctdannyd
Although this will be great if true, the only real way it will be sucessful is if the owners release the info into the pubic domain NOW.

As was noted in other areas of this thread, governments, big oil and the like will NEVER let this happen.

Make truely free energy, TRUELY free...

Everything has a cost thrown in somewhere. Solar energy costs nothing to generate, but there are costs to collect &/or store as well as maintenance fees down the line. Wind energy is free, but as before there are costs to purchase and install the necessary equipment. E-Cat and anything similar in future will also have multiple costs attached to it.

Hate to break it to you but there never ever will be 'free' energy unless a government decides to write off the cost of supplying it to it's citizens.

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