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Vets try protecting OWS Boston from police beatings

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posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 12:44 AM
This whole thing makes me sick. The police even ripped the US flag out of a veteran's hand and threw it on the ground. That right there probably gets me more than anything. If I were there, I'd have picked it back up. It still represents freedom to me, and to see it being trampled by police makes my blood boil.

And another thing... I'm tired of people calling these people lazy deadbeat hippies who need to "take a shower" and so on... please... They may not be able to articulate their rage as well as Obama can articulate campaign lies, but the message is there, and its a valid one.

Attacking war veterans? Our values as Americans are severely twisted. God help us. Try taking an American flag from a WWII veteran and stomping all over it. See what happens. I. Dare. You.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78

Pulease. Go to college,get a degree.Make more money. And don't tell me I've lost perspective. Try making $7 and hour,raising a daughter,without any help. In a one bedroom apartment no less. I did it. Yea,gas is expensive.That's life. Rent? Bills? I call that being an adult and being responsible. I won't say what I make exactly now,buti t's between $15 -$20 an hour now. I take care of my daughter.And manage to pay for everything else.I did it on my own. And I'm proud of that.

How many years ago did you raise your daughter making $7 an hour? How did you cover babysitting costs, or was your child a latch key kid? That is a problem in and of itself.

$7 an hour today doesn't cut it. That $7 gets eaten up in gas money, babysitting costs, kids need clothes, and etc. If a person tries to raise a child without any help, I'm assuming that includes no government assistance, no utility help, no free babysitters, no food pantries, no free healthcare for your child. That is insanely impossible to do today. Yes, it could have been done years ago when the price of gas, food, clothes, utilities, healthcare, babysitters, rent was much cheaper.

College? You're kidding me, right? If a person doesn't have a job, isn't living with their parents, how the heck are they going to afford college? Have you checked out the prices of just attending college let alone one course? Without a job, or good credit there is no way to get a loan. There is no guarantee a college student is going to even be able to get a job in today's economy. If the loan can't be paid back, it balloons worse than an over the limit charge card you are late on. Unfortunately, I know.

Can you honestly say you could survive on minimum wage $7.25 an hour if you lost your nice cushy $15 - $20 hour job? Could you pay your mortgage, car payment, and everything else? Before you answer yes by moving back into one bedroom apartment, check the price of those apartments again. I'm sure the rent has severely increased like everything else. I also know the older a daughter gets, the more expensive it is to raise them.I have three of my own.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:17 AM
Eeek... there's police beatings going on?

I got a bunch of friends down there.

One of them was in the news a few days ago because he is one of the 7 that refused to plead guilty after being arrested.

They arrested a bunch of protesters and told them that if they pleaded guilty, they would only have a $50 fine and it would be reduced to a civil offense.

It's crazy that only 7 of them refused to cooperate with that, you'd think more of them would have. After all, by pleading guilty you're saying that what you were doing was wrong.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78

Pulease. Go to college,get a degree.Make more money. And don't tell me I've lost perspective. Try making $7 and hour,raising a daughter,without any help. In a one bedroom apartment no less. I did it. Yea,gas is expensive.That's life. Rent? Bills? I call that being an adult and being responsible. I won't say what I make exactly now,buti t's between $15 -$20 an hour now. I take care of my daughter.And manage to pay for everything else.I did it on my own. And I'm proud of that.

It's commendable that you managed to survive and raise a daughter on $7/hour, that you put your daughter's life above your own interests and did what had to be done. I don't think anyone would argue with that.

However, the very fact that you had to accept $7 and hour and make it work is the problem itself, especially when the people who own and run this society make $700 a minute and wouldn't give you or your daughter a pot to piss in.

The choices you're offering the imaginary "dirty hippies" in this very thread: go work at mcdonalds or go starve in a ditch, just stay out of my way; that is a very astute articulation of the problem. What kind of society offers you the choice between death or eking out existence on a minimum wage job? Don't we deserve better, as human beings?

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady

Originally posted by nightstalker78

Pulease. Go to college,get a degree.Make more money. And don't tell me I've lost perspective. Try making $7 and hour,raising a daughter,without any help. In a one bedroom apartment no less. I did it. Yea,gas is expensive.That's life. Rent? Bills? I call that being an adult and being responsible. I won't say what I make exactly now,buti t's between $15 -$20 an hour now. I take care of my daughter.And manage to pay for everything else.I did it on my own. And I'm proud of that. [/quote

Can you honestly say you could survive on minimum wage $7.25 an hour if you lost your nice cushy $15 - $20 hour job? Could you pay your mortgage, car payment, and everything else? Before you answer yes by moving back into one bedroom apartment, check the price of those apartments again. I'm sure the rent has severely increased like everything else. I also know the older a daughter gets, the more expensive it is to raise them.I have three of my own.

I'm responding to this part only.$15 -$20 is hardly cushy. I'm sorry if I make more money then you. No,of course I couldn't survive on $7.25 and hour now. It's not just me that Im taking care of. If it was,sure I could. It's called a budget. Learn how to do that and you won't have a problem.Guess what? No mortage.I rent. Car payment? Nope.Stashed away money for years and drove junk cars.Then guess what? Before I knew it I had $9100 saved.Bought me a nice car.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78
reply to post by Lostmymarbles

No,my only real issue with this is DO NOT interupt my day with your protests. I've done absolutely nothing to any of these protesters. NOTHING. As i've said take it washington dc. Everyone has the right to fight for their rights.Even if people don't agree. But again,you do NOT have a right to keep me from going to work and making an honest living because you're pissed off at 'the man' .

So in short this is about YOU? They are an inconvenience right?

Take a detour, heck maybe put some of that grey matter to use and try to see the bigger picture. Living down there in your little box, the world you created for yourself that revolves around you will be shattered when the poo hits the fan if you continue to remain this way,. Maybe re evaluate your life and do some inventory, how about go down to OWS and start up a chat. See how normal and realistic people they are.

Dont be afraid, they don't bite

edit on 23-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by wirehead

Originally posted by nightstalker78

Pulease. Go to college,get a degree.Make more money. And don't tell me I've lost perspective. Try making $7 and hour,raising a daughter,without any help. In a one bedroom apartment no less. I did it. Yea,gas is expensive.That's life. Rent? Bills? I call that being an adult and being responsible. I won't say what I make exactly now,buti t's between $15 -$20 an hour now. I take care of my daughter.And manage to pay for everything else.I did it on my own. And I'm proud of that.

It's commendable that you managed to survive and raise a daughter on $7/hour, that you put your daughter's life above your own interests and did what had to be done. I don't think anyone would argue with that.

However, the very fact that you had to accept $7 and hour and make it work is the problem itself, especially when the people who own and run this society make $700 a minute and wouldn't give you or your daughter a pot to piss in.

The choices you're offering the imaginary "dirty hippies" in this very thread: go work at mcdonalds or go starve in a ditch, just stay out of my way; that is a very astute articulation of the problem. What kind of society offers you the choice between death or eking out existence on a minimum wage job? Don't we deserve better, as human beings?

I'm not looking for respect.or someone to pat me on the back. that wasn't what i was getting at with my replies. I suppose I'm narrow minded. I guess if I can do it,I think everyone else can.I accepted that pay because you know what? I had to take care of business.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Unknown Soldier

Originally posted by nightstalker78
reply to post by Lostmymarbles

No,my only real issue with this is DO NOT interupt my day with your protests. I've done absolutely nothing to any of these protesters. NOTHING. As i've said take it washington dc. Everyone has the right to fight for their rights.Even if people don't agree. But again,you do NOT have a right to keep me from going to work and making an honest living because you're pissed off at 'the man' .

So in short this is about YOU? They are an inconvenience right?

Take a detour, heck maybe put some of that grey matter to use and try to see the bigger picture. Living down there in your little box, the world you created for yourself that revolves around you will be shattered when the poo hits the fan if you continue to remain this way,. Maybe re evaluate your life and do some inventory, how about go down to OWS and start up a chat. See how normal and realistic people they are.

Dont be afraid, they don't bite

edit on 23-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

sure its about me. you're getting in my way,interfering with my life. Why don't you see the bigger picture? You're getting in MY WAY. It works both ways. Dont pretend it doesn't.

And the poo ain't gonna hit my fan. I'm not all paranoid like most of you.
at tellin me to re evaluate my life.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by sine.nomine
This whole thing makes me sick. The police even ripped the US flag out of a veteran's hand and threw it on the ground. That right there probably gets me more than anything. If I were there, I'd have picked it back up. It still represents freedom to me, and to see it being trampled by police makes my blood boil.

And another thing... I'm tired of people calling these people lazy deadbeat hippies who need to "take a shower" and so on... please... They may not be able to articulate their rage as well as Obama can articulate campaign lies, but the message is there, and its a valid one.

Attacking war veterans? Our values as Americans are severely twisted. God help us. Try taking an American flag from a WWII veteran and stomping all over it. See what happens. I. Dare. You.

I was not aware of this

These are not Honorable men, that is saying they are working for China as far as I am concerned.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

Your take, then, is "I had to suffer, so everyone else should, too?"

Personally I think the meaning of life is striving to improve the lives of others. Granted sometimes I'm not that great at it, but I figure I still have ~40 years or so to get it right.

I grew up in a single-parent household. My mom, owing to a number of things (two kids, spousal abuse, lack of meaningful skills) was never able to land anything other than a minimum-wage job when i was growing up. When I was old enough to work, I threw in to support her and my little sister. This left me without much by way of "opportunity," to be perfectly honest, but as it stands right now, I think I'm doing okay.

But growing up like that has showed me that no, people should not have to "suffer like I did". They do not owe me their misery before i say "Okay, you can have a good life now." They have a right to meaningful pay. They have a right to support their children without financial panic. They have a #ing right to not be put on the verge of bankrupts if someone side-wipes them on the drive to work. They have a right to have time off from work to be human.

Now you might not agree - maybe you think my mother "deserved it" or whatever. Fine, if so, that's all on you. But i'll be damned if you're going ot convince me that because you had it tough, everyone else should suffer too.

yes, you did it. Cool. But to my way of thinking, you shouldn't have had to in the first place.
edit on 23/10/2011 by TheWalkingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

sure its about me. you're getting in my way,interfering with my life. Why don't you see the bigger picture? You're getting in MY WAY. It works both ways. Dont pretend it doesn't.

So if a bunch of road workers tore up a street and were putting in new sewer pipes and this was "in your way" then what? How about what if the police closed a street because of a crime?

Who do you think you are King of New York? The world is not here to accommodate your special needs, the DOT dictates that driving is a privilege not a right. Let that marinate for a minute.

And the poo ain't gonna hit my fan. I'm not all paranoid like most of you. at tellin me to re evaluate my life.

Paranoid of what? You took what i said out of context. Not paranoid, not afraid no fear here.

So nothing that happens in this economy, no bail out, no war, nothing will directly affect you in any way?

WOW just WOW

edit: but wait a street filled with protesters interferes with your commute does
edit on 23-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

i'm done with this thread. I don't need #ty inbox messages. I have my opinion,you all have yours. Let's just leave it at that,okay?

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

So you don't care to answer my questions, OK that's fine

Have a nice day

edit on 23-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

I will,I'll be sending you a pm shortly with my replies.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78

I'm responding to this part only.$15 -$20 is hardly cushy. I'm sorry if I make more money then you. No,of course I couldn't survive on $7.25 and hour now. It's not just me that Im taking care of. If it was,sure I could. It's called a budget. Learn how to do that and you won't have a problem.Guess what? No mortage.I rent. Car payment? Nope.Stashed away money for years and drove junk cars.Then guess what? Before I knew it I had $9100 saved.Bought me a nice car.

You admit you could not live on minimum wage now. Why are you telling others to try? Even being single it is nearly impossible. Minimum wage is basically good for roommates, and kids who still live with their parents. Maybe a family with two parents working two or more minimum wage jobs each, but in doing so neglecting the children.

In my perspective, since you put everything in your perspective, $15 - $20 hours is cushy. My husband works, and I don't. He makes an average of $11 an hour, and it fluctuates each week. We have three daughters, which makes a family of five. We can't do it without help. Yes, we have assistance. I drive a 10 year old beater van to transport my kids. He drives an beater made in 89. Luckily, he can do most of the work himself on the vehicles.

I know more about budgeting and living frugally than I ever wanted to. Surprisingly mortgage fixed rate on a small house is less than rent. Both cars paid for. We live without many unnecessary expenses. We do have a couple of luxuries such as the internet. Besides the internet is the best place to find another job.

Even though you think you are secure in your job, you may end up like my husband one day. The company he is working for currently is hanging on by its last thread. We are basically waiting for the owner to say the doors are closing. My husband right now is a little bit in limbo, but knows he will need to be looking for another job very soon.

I did work for a little while during a time period when my husband didn't. We always believed the kids needs one of us at home. Even now that they are older, my oldest admits she wants and needs one of us here. My middle who is disabled rather be independent really needs us. My youngest, well enough said.

Anyhow, I learned the only half way secure job is one that a person is willing to bend over backwards for. Go where they want you to go, work the hours they want you to, and do everything they ask you to. If not, bye. I actually worked all three shifts in one week to keep a job. Never again. Never again will I over work and over strain myself to the point I can't move the next day.

This is one of the things these people are protesting. Jobs where corporate only consider you cattle, and useless eaters if you don't do everything they ask. They look down on us. The bottom workers they may see a little better than the prisoners in the concentration camps. They feel they have a right to walk all over us, and control us as much as they want.

The protestors are not only protesting for themselves, but for you, me, and future generations. They are protesting the greed that compelled corporations to make decisions to either reduce us to practical slaves, or get rid of us totally.

Can't happen to you? Tell that to the millions that it already happened to. Tell that to those who never thought they would loose their job, house, car.

They are out there trying to make a change and a difference. Their message is getting out. How that change will take affect, I'm not sure. I do believe there will be a change coming. Don't think these protests are not going to affect anything. Remember, it only took one little old lady refusing to leave her seat and going to the back of the bus to kick off the civil rights movement.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

Why a PM? I never check my PM's, ask the moderators

If you want to talk dirty to me then no thanks

edit on 23-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by Evolutionsend

reply to post by nightstalker78

I don't have employment issues, but if I did, I would not work for Mcdonalds. By the time you drive there, you make so little that the first 4 hours of your shift cover the trip to work, and the last 4 cover the trip home. That's the problem!

You have spending issues. Get a cheaper ride. It's not corporate America's responsibility to subsidize your gas guzzler; its your responsibility to earn what you need and want.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

Dude, really? I'm a guy constantly getting his posts pulled for being too... uh, caustic, I guess. I agree with almost no one here. I am covered in My Little Ponies. I've been here for six years. Not once have I gotten a "#ty inbox message." Not during the 2008 election year, not anything related to my posts on flamebait topics like Israel / Palestine, not even my open loathing for Saint Paul wins me that sort of negative attention.

What the hell are you doing to get that stuff?
I think that's talent.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by mishigas

Oh! oh! They're eating their own again! This is my favorite part.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by mishigas
reply to post by Evolutionsend

reply to post by nightstalker78

I don't have employment issues, but if I did, I would not work for Mcdonalds. By the time you drive there, you make so little that the first 4 hours of your shift cover the trip to work, and the last 4 cover the trip home. That's the problem!

You have spending issues. Get a cheaper ride. It's not corporate America's responsibility to subsidize your gas guzzler; its your responsibility to earn what you need and want.

But it's the American taxpayers responsibility to subsidize the oil companies even though they are making record profits. See your disconnect here?

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