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Vets try protecting OWS Boston from police beatings

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posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by midwest

I've never said this before, and I doubt that I will say this again anytime soon about a fellow member on ATS:

It is patently obvious that nightstalker78 is a disinfo agent.

I have a college education and three jobs. I support OWS.

Do you support OWS or their right to protest? Because I support their right to protest but I think the OWS protestors are a bunch of fools

If we don't stand up for our rights and protect our freedom, then we deserve neither. Protesting is an important part of what makes us American. In many nations they don't have such luxuries. As we speak, these rights are being taken away. This nation was founded by a huge group of protesters. They saw an unjust system and decided it was time for a change. I fail to see the difference between King George and someone like Brian Moynihan or Jamie Dimon.

Well, in this case King James wasn't involved. The person that issued the order to crack noggins was none other that Hizzoner Tom Menino, Mayor of Boston. Take your complaint up with him.

Stay alert and cognizant of this rapidly changing situation. We're about to go weapons hot. Hang on!

You're getting your knickers in a twist and you don't even know what for.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

reply to post by nightstalker78

Your take, then, is "I had to suffer, so everyone else should, too?"
But growing up like that has showed me that no, people should not have to "suffer like I did". They do not owe me their misery before i say "Okay, you can have a good life now."

Now you might not agree - maybe you think my mother "deserved it" or whatever. Fine, if so, that's all on you. But i'll be damned if you're going ot convince me that because you had it tough, everyone else should suffer too.

yes, you did it. Cool. But to my way of thinking, you shouldn't have had to in the first place.

And your take is, "I'm mad at something, so everybody has to suffer the effects of my protest", right?

I don't see the difference.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by whaaa

Originally posted by mishigas
reply to post by Evolutionsend

reply to post by nightstalker78

I don't have employment issues, but if I did, I would not work for Mcdonalds. By the time you drive there, you make so little that the first 4 hours of your shift cover the trip to work, and the last 4 cover the trip home. That's the problem!

You have spending issues. Get a cheaper ride. It's not corporate America's responsibility to subsidize your gas guzzler; its your responsibility to earn what you need and want.

But it's the American taxpayers responsibility to subsidize the oil companies even though they are making record profits. See your disconnect here?

Oh, ha ha. One mega corp gets depreciation help on a mega-expensive drilling investment, which they pay back in time, and benefits all, and the fact that she wants to drive a muscle car for her own personal pleasure while making $5/hr are the same how?

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

We follow laws.

You are funny. We follow laws? ARE YOU KIDDING? Nobody on Wall Street, Homeland security offices, Washington DC or any state capital follow laws anymore. They are all a bunch of constitution raping scumbags.

And no judge has enough guts to go after them or even good cops (if there are a few left).

If you are part of the top 1%, you don't follow laws, you make them to fit your crime.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by Evolutionsend

Most cops are vets....this story sounds like...

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by KilrathiLG

When I watched the original link provided, someone had dubbed music over the sound on the vid.

I know difference between music and drums.

OldCorp posted some on the ground vid so I at least got a gist of what was happening.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

How do you know that most cops are vets? I've been looking around for awhile to see for myself so to speak about this, I have heard many people talking about how most cops are vets unfortunately I have not found anything to confirm or deny this claim.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Originally posted by nightstalker78
These 'protesters; are the ignorant ones. And they think they're entitled to something.

Yeah they're entitled to something. A country free from warmongering, greedy thieves saving the bankers asses while the population is out of work, starving, and forced to pay for the bankers own mistakes. Damn straight they are entitled to something. And if the government isn't going to listen and respond to these protests with brute force, one day a million guns are going to descend from the hills.

Ummm........That would be a million..............and one...


posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
When a police officer yells in a megaphone 3 or 4 times that this is your last warning, to leave the area or you will be arrested....PLEASE don't act surprised when you are arrested.

If you WANT to be arrested to prove a point...PLEASE don't resist...go peacefully.

If you do resist...PLEASE don't act surprised when you are slammed to the ground.

This is basic common sense.

Ummm.........If a person is exercising their constitutional rights, and yells into a megaphone 7 or 8 times that if the corporate enforcers touch or attempt to "arrest" any person who is exercising their constitutional rights......
PLEASE, dont act suprised when you corporate enforcers are slammed to the ground and stomped...

This is basic common sense..........This is constitutional...

When the people who are exercising their constitutional right to protest TYRANNY make citizens arrests of corporate enforcers.....PLEASE....for your not resist.....go peacefully...


posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78

I don't need proof of anything. Like I've stated,you break law and with warning you get what's coming to you. I think you need to learn the truth.If you truly believe that these 'protesters' aren't causing a problem,then you're the one that needs to do some research. I'm sick of this. I've had my day interuppted enough by you people. And that's where my issue comes in. I go to work to support my family. Don't get in my way. I haven't done a damn thing to you,so it's only fair you stay out of my way.

Waaaa! I'm late to work cus theses stupid hippies want to try and make a difference for the rest of us sheeple!

Like you said in your previous post, the police do have a job to do...
But that job is to protect the rights of the people, including those who wish to peacefully assemble for any issuse regardless of if who supports it, not just the ones you choose to support. If this were the tea party bullcrap the police would have been accausted instantly. Interupting your day because someone is peacefully assembled is not a lawful excuse to arrest someone let alone beat someone. You can argue all day long that its not happening, but those of us that have truely looked into this know the countless videos online do not lie.

You say your sick of this because your day is interrupted? You should be concidering yourself lucky and count your blessings to be one of the few to even have a job right now, and to be able to support your family. If your soul grief here is they are interupting your day then here's a novel idea...get your lazy a$$ up and leave earlier then!

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

reply to post by nightstalker78

We follow laws.

You are funny. We follow laws? ARE YOU KIDDING? Nobody on Wall Street, Homeland security offices, Washington DC or any state capital follow laws anymore. They are all a bunch of constitution raping scumbags.

And no judge has enough guts to go after them or even good cops (if there are a few left).

If you are part of the top 1%, you don't follow laws, you make them to fit your crime.

You can dump that baby right on the doorstep of the DoJ. They are the top cop, responsible for upholding the laws. Don't blame anyone who takes advantage of the fact that they are corrupt or incompetent.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by mishigas
reply to post by whaaa

Originally posted by mishigas
reply to post by Evolutionsend

reply to post by nightstalker78

I don't have employment issues, but if I did, I would not work for Mcdonalds. By the time you drive there, you make so little that the first 4 hours of your shift cover the trip to work, and the last 4 cover the trip home. That's the problem!

You have spending issues. Get a cheaper ride. It's not corporate America's responsibility to subsidize your gas guzzler; its your responsibility to earn what you need and want.

But it's the American taxpayers responsibility to subsidize the oil companies even though they are making record profits. See your disconnect here?

Oh, ha ha. One mega corp gets depreciation help on a mega-expensive drilling investment, which they pay back in time, and benefits all, and the fact that she wants to drive a muscle car for her own personal pleasure while making $5/hr are the same how?

I offer this in support of my case.

and you sir could use a review of this no. 13

I thought you were above such trashy transparent tactics..............guess not!

A clear case of letting your ideology get in the way of your common sense.
edit on 23-10-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by jacobe001

It seems to some people these days, that responsibility only rest with those lower on the totem pole, while those playing the system at the top, are not required, no, actually is a given that they exists to take from others and it is everyone else's responsibility to beware of their games. Is this what our nation has come to?

There is so much discussion going on right now, it's almost impossible to keep up. Without even diving into what all is being said outside the walls of our beloved ATS it's almost overwhelming. And emotional

So, I'm sure what you just said has been said before - but this is what gets my full attention right now

The people who don't, can't or won't understand what the protests are about - and who insist on trying to paint the protests as a grandstanding waste of time and protesters as somehow being whiny do-nothings that expect the world to be handed to them on a silver platter - I say this: it's about integrity

At what point did we slide from being a country that demanded the best of it's people, institutions and governemnt to a country that should just settle?

A country that thinks 'buyer beware' should be our national motto?

If you leave your house unlocked and someone enters it and robs you blind - where does the blame lie?

It used to be illegal to unlawfully enter a person's house and rob them. Now it's your fault for leaving your door unlocked

Criminals are allowed free rein as long as what happens after they commit their crimes can be dismissed because you trusted them to do the right thing

They are above the law - and if we complain - we are whining

How many governments on this planet are corrupt to the point that the people have had to learn to play a completely different game just to survive them?

Mexico comes to mind - but it's hardly the only example - is it?

Mexico has a middle class does it? Do we? Will We?

Protest now - or lose the dream forever

edit on 10/23/2011 by Spiramirabilis because: I do know the difference between kingdoms and horses after all

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78
reply to post by OldCorp

First 15 seconds says it all. 'Last warning,now is the time to move or you're going to be subject to arrest' Again,we have laws here. Follow them. Or pay the price. It's really not hard to understand.

The world will never change if people do everything the way it has always been done. Lots of people think the world needs to change. I recognize that "laws" exist. Laws are ideas, they are your personal willingness to let somebody else tell you what to do. I don't give a F*** about ANY laws. I shouldn't have to live in fear of being locked in a cell and guess what I don't. If I happen to be "following a law" it's purely coincidence that my opinion is that action barred by the law is "wrong."

These people are standing up for their beliefs not the beliefs of law enforcement. So they would rather stand there and take a beating by people with differing personal beliefs.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Evolutionsend
reply to post by OldCorp

I try to take each person as they come at me. I've known some very good people wearing police uniforms, and I've known the absolute worst. In my opinion all police officers should take pride in themselves and the way they do their jobs, not try to get back at anyone or intimidate anyone, ever. The ones that do that, and there are many nowadays, need to take up another career. I've met so many veterans that are great people, that there's no excuse for police officers to not follow suite. I feel that they've been made into heroic figures by the media so much that police officers are not even worried about trying to convey a positive image anymore. They're also in many cases of officers in high crime rate areas, overly fearful. Maybe a police "boot camp" for some real training would help matters.

I'm sorry. It was super late last night and I was in a bit of a foul mood. Of course not all police officers are bad people - I'm friends with a few Sheriff's deputies, and I don't befriend jerks - but they do have that "attitude" to a degree. Actually, now that I come to think about it, it's probably the fact they are deputies that we get along. Police officers and deputies, although both "law enforcement," seem to approach their jobs differently. Police are in the cities where crime is rampant and they could be much more jaded than their more rural colleagues.

About 20 years ago, a friend and I were checking out his new AK-47 - at three in the morning. When I say we were checking it out, I mean we were spraying rounds downrange in his backyard (he had an earthen backstop.) We had been out there for half an hour when a deputy pulls in and says, "Hey boys, whatcha doin? We had reports of gunfire out here."

"Yo man, check this out," I replied. My buddie's new AK is sweet!"

The deputy, who I didn't know at the time said, "Mind if I give it a try?" So he stuck around for a few minutes and threw some rounds downrange himself. As he handed the AK back to my friend he said, "You boys be careful now, ya hear?"

That kind of encounter would be unheard of with a city police officer. I like living in Mayberry.

edit on 10/23/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

Except they aren't. They used to be primarily veterans, but not anymore. They also do not make soldiers like they used to.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by YouSir

So are you advocating for the protestors to attack the police (corporate enforcers)???

Because I don't think that is the official stance of it?

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by jacobe001
It seems to some people these days, that responsibility only rest with those lower on the totem pole, while those playing the system at the top, are not required, no, actually is a given that they exists to take from others and it is everyone else's responsibility to beware of their games. Is this what our nation has come to?

Exactly this. It's characteristic of the authoritarian mindset- blame the little guy, the big guys can do no wrong! Don't you dare to badmouth the king of the hill, he earned what he got by making the rest of us scrape by on minimum wage jobs like a good american! It's those poor people, the unemployed, the down-and-out, yes, they hold so much political sway and power that they must be responsible for the state of society!

It's pretty crazy... Almost like living in opposite world. It's a mindset specifically cultivated by our owners and masters to make their jobs easier. Look at the people in this thread, fighting for our need to just shut up and take it, do what we're told, grovel and beg and scrape so that we may have the High Privilege of working two minimum wage jobs just to survive... And if asked, they'd say the government needs to get rid of minimum wage requirements altogether, because they make things inconvenient for our glorious masters. Such people are doing the work of the elites for them.
edit on 23-10-2011 by wirehead because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

I remember probably the most ridiculous police officer I've ever met, being a man that did not ever stop yelling. I've been around servicemen before, I know how some of them talk and can't actually help that years of yelling has made their voice rough. This guy didn't have that problem, but he yelled constantly. I'm not sure why the intimidation tactics. I was actually in a store at the checkout line with this guy, and everyone in the store would jump when he yelled loudly. I wasn't sure what to make of it. I've never seen a police officer go out of his way to bother people before, in a public setting. He asked me how I was "doing", so I stared blankly at him, and waited until he turned his head away from me again. When his ear was right in front of my face, I yelled, "GOOD HOW ABOUT YOU SIR?" He nearly knocked his hat off when he jumped. Some guy a few spots back started laughing. Ah, the fun you can have with a police officer that can't stop yelling at everyone! He was a state police officer too. My Dad says those are the worst. I deal with a number of local cops at my job, and aside from the obligatory "Barney Fife" characters, none of them are like that.

Overall my encounters with police officers have been somewhat stupid at times. There was the time that one of them accused me of being 6'3" tall. He was 5'4" on a good day and thought everyone taller than him was lying about their height. I tried to explain to him over and over, that I was only 5'9", but he didn't want to hear it.

When I was 17 I was accused of being drunk while driving. She had me parallel park my 1977 chevy c-10 in the middle of the night on a poorly lit road, with the 400hp 350 under the hood loping and bucking as engines built more along the lines of a racing engine tend to do. Her boss finally came over and said, "If you were drunk could you parallel park that thing"? That was the end of her glazed eyes debate. It turns out if you shine a bright light into someone's eyes over and over, and accuse them of drug and alcohol use, their eyes will start to water.

The grandaddy of them all, happened when I was only 13 and just happened to be walking with two friends in the same direction as two men wanted for a crime. My 12 year old friend did exactly what the cop said, he sat down and waited for his parents. When he reached into his pocket to get a slimjim to eat, he had a gun trained on his head by one paranoid cop. That one was poor training. Always tell someone exactly what they need to be dong. Do not take for granted that a 12 year old knows not to reach into his pocket!

You could say that I'm not the biggest fan of the police, but I've still met some that are good. Sometimes you also have to learn how to take them. I know one that gets a bad rep even though she rarely writes a ticket (she busts real criminals). "You know that's illegal right?", really means, I don't wanna give you a ticket but if you don't fix it eventually someone is going to. Got to read between the lines sometimes.

I'm not sure what drives these people to do things the way they've been doing at the OWS gatherings, but if they're getting stressed enough to hurt people, they need some sort of a break or something. Better training on how to deal with this stuff, more accountability, etc, etc. Taking someone down does not mean tagging a woman in the jaw like you're Mike Tyson, nor does it mean beating on a wall of veterans that are too nice to defend themselves. If it does keep happening, one of these guys or all of them is going to get fed up and start hitting back.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Evolutionsend
reply to post by OldCorp

Taking someone down does not mean tagging a woman in the jaw like you're Mike Tyson, nor does it mean beating on a wall of veterans that are too nice to defend themselves. If it does keep happening, one of these guys or all of them is going to get fed up and start hitting back.

It WILL happen. People will only take so much abuse before they start fighting back. IMO, the police are being too aggressive. They use their "less than lethal" weapons as if it means nothing, well they are wrong. When I was in boot camp and we were in the gas chamber - I don't know, maybe I have some immunity to the gas - I came out relatively unaffected. My D.I. made me go back in.

But if you make someone angry enough, they will charge through the pepper spray and hurt some cops. I hope it doesn't come to that.
edit on 10/23/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

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