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Civil War?

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posted on May, 1 2003 @ 12:30 PM
no one here is asking for a "civil war" any more. As you said Civil War is a war between two different cultures coming into conflict in a single country, with one trying to form a seperate state. That is not what is being advertised here. What we want is an insurrection, a revolution, a coup, something to remove the current corrupt government from power and replace it with a better one. The only cultural difference is that our politicians are rich aristocrats and we are poor (in comparison, hey they all have $10 million+ each, what do we have? $500,000 if we're lucky) citizens. We have been betrayed by those who promise us one thing and give us something else (that something else involves that can be called "a good strong screwing").

Those here recognize that something funny is going on and want to change their government through peaceful revolution. You only want to criticize.


posted on May, 2 2003 @ 04:34 AM
The only reason America learns about other peoples history is because they have no history themselves.

Oh and all Americas governments have been corrupt why are you picking out this particular one?

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 04:52 AM
All American administrations have been corrupt? I admit, we've had our fair share, but all? Here is a list of the non-corupted: Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Cleveland, Lincoln, Adams, Jefferson, Washington. There are many others that I cannot remember at the moment because I do not have that good of a memory. Here are the corrupted: Bush, Clinton (a little), Bush, Ford, Reagan, Nixon, Taft, Grant, etc.

There are corrupt and non-corrupt just as there are in britan and the rest of the world. Making exagerations is not a way to persuade people (there are exceptions, Pope Urban comes to mind). But if you have any info that points to total and complete American corruption, please share, I would love to see your sources.


posted on May, 2 2003 @ 04:53 AM
Brit ...

What do you mean we have no history? We have a very colorfull history. What the # do they teach you over there?!

BTW .... not all of our president's were corrupt.

Here's a sweet idea ... try learning something true about america before you post ...

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 05:13 AM
Have I hit a nerve?

Name ONE president who was not corrupt.

I know lots about your crap country thanks

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 05:14 AM
Citing cultural differences as the cause of civil wars, is simplification. The causes of civil wars are usually much more complex. For example everyone thinks the American Civil War was just over slavery, but there were other issuses. For example the industrialized North loved to put tariffs on imported manufactured goods in order to protect northern industires. This placed the South at an economic disadvantage. (The southern states wanted no or low tariffs, the northern states wanted high tariffs.) Another question what is the difference between a civil war and a revolution (i. e., French Revolution and Russian Revolution)? To examine the causes of civil wars, you must look at a lot of different factors (economics, culture, power structure, religion, etc.) Also today there are all sorts of way to wage wars (such as economic warfare and iformational warfare). It has been my contention that the government has been waging economic warfare on the American public for close to ninety years now. If you wish I will post some more on this. However I still stand by my previous contention. Most of the
American public is used to a materialistic life style and as long as that public can maintain that life style there will be no general call to change the current form of government. You can strip every civil right from the average American and he will not do a thing as long as he can maintain a certain level of materialism. The only thing that will ever cause the American public to rise up and call for change is for the American public to have its expected level of material comfort removed. The average American would give up all his civil rights as long as he can maintain his material life style. Over the years yours truly could not get people to come to a seminar. You expect a public who cannot get up off its a** to attend a seminar to rise up and create a change by any means you care to mention?????

By the way britchick, don't look down your nose too much at Americans. Even though not a expert, yours truly seems to remember there were some pretty bloody parts of your history (War of the Roses) including some decapitation of kings.

[Edited on 2-5-2003 by jagdflieger]

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 05:36 AM
I know we havn't had a pretty history but at least we have one.

I just think that you can get a gun in your country by having a drivers licence - what's that about?

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 05:39 AM
jagdflieger, you're from the south arent you? The South Will Rise Again! Yeah, right. I'm from the south but I can accept that secession was bad. And slaves were the cause of the civil war. Maybe not directly (until the emancipation proclimation, which was a load of BS), but if there were no slaves there would have been no war.

Brit, what was your dog run over by an American? Why do you hate them so much? Give one valid reason, please. Hey, you come from a country were the bugger kings in the arse with red hot pokers, to give an example. Tell me a prime minister or monarch who wasnt corrupt. And I'll give you a pure president. Heck I'll give you three right now: Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon Baines Johnson. From three different eras of American history. I've got quite the list up there that I posted previously. Care to convice me why all of them were corrupt? Please?

Come on you're just a bored Limey with a bad argument. This is supposed to be a constructive thread on Civil War on revolution not an america bashing thread. There is one of those in Government and Military Programs called THE US IS NOT A GREAT COUNTRY. Go there you'll see my opinion on America there.


posted on May, 2 2003 @ 05:42 AM
Britain is great -- USA is crap

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 05:49 AM
Frankly, brit I agree with you on many points, but I'm still waiting for you to answer my question. Name a pure British Monarch or Prime Minister. I upheld my side, I gave you THREE presidents plus the ten before. Now you uphold your side of the bargain. I think my nations stance on gun control is dumb and the same with the death penalty. But Please take this somewhere else.


posted on May, 2 2003 @ 05:52 AM
The queen now, Tony Blair, John Major.

Maggie Thatcher however was very corrupt but cool

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 05:52 AM

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 05:56 AM
You rock

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 06:02 AM
Click on the words


posted on May, 2 2003 @ 06:03 AM
Click on what words - I dont understand. Am I being stupid?

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 06:06 AM

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 06:23 AM
No I was born and raised in the north. The reason I am down on the American public is I have been there and done that. While most of the American public has been complaining about the government, for several years I have been associated with people who have tried to do somehing about it. A lot of these people have gone to prison (yours truly will probably). We have talked and talked, informed and informed, warned and warned. Ever heard of the book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy". Its been around since the 1960's. Every read the Armen Condo Letter or Geogre Mercier's "Invisible Contracts" or Giffen's book "The Creature From Jekyll Island"? Ever heard of Phil Marsh, Red Beckman, Joe Bannister, Devy Kidd, Chris Hansen, Larkin Rose??? These guys have been plugging away at it for years now and not a damn thing has changed. The system has just gotten worse. I believe the only reason we keep going is we know (or believe) that the system is based on a pack of lies and just be part of it. Ever one of these people who be one Hell of a lot better off financially if they just shut up and become used car sales people.

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 06:43 AM
Thanks Ive read it - some very interesting posts

posted on May, 2 2003 @ 07:09 PM
No, for there to be Civil war there must be a CULTURAL difference.

Doesn't mean that's what the civil war is being fought over, but without a cultural difference there is NO civil war.

This is why "diversity" is so dangerous, the Government can do anything, and because you're so tollerant of "everyone" you can't bare to kill them when they are wrong.

It was a lot easier for a southern to kill an immigrant yankee then it is for us to go over to our next state and blow the head off that same imigrant, because today we grow up in such a tollerating society, that it would take a SERIOUS infringement on our rights to make us want to blow anyone's head off if they are a citizen here.

And that's in warfare though, murder doesn't count, it's easy to be pissed off at someone stealing your girl, but as a nation that just won't work to "rille" the people.

The only way there could become any path to Civil war was if there were a "seperatist party" or such running for office with plans to seceed from the union.

Boy I could see the state of Union Address on that though if they ever got a president elected.

"The state of the Union Address, *ahem ahem*, The Union is no more...."

posted on May, 8 2003 @ 03:19 PM
rebellion and open fighting in the streets, and a quiet political overthrow are two different things, both have been done before, with a lot and a little fanfare. who's to say we cannot achieve the same at once? a politcal coup, and a new army that will be the political parties private protection group. todays army is smart and numerous and strong i'll grant them that, but the skill of the individual soldier is little. an m-16 is basially spraying rounds into an enemy group, one of them has to connect simply by the amount of fire that's out. it's easy to counter that with underground tactics, infiltrate the army itself and spread our ideals among soldiers instead of fighting them. militarily is where our greatest battle will NOT come. it's politics and winning the support of the people. every great empire, the mongols, the greeks, didn't impose their ideals on the enemy, they let them have their way, and eventually they assimilated and broke apart. that is what must be done and what must be prevented. the support of the people can be bought with appeal and glamour, the luxury that entices can also destroy by making people lazy and have no cause as we see today in much of the world. give the people a reason, and an aside to the luxury the so greedily lust, and then you have support. if they have a common want, not personal, people can come together better. find those qho wish for change, make them the outspoken, sing in our own voice. they say we can change things by voting for someone we like. no more of that! we can change things by making it happen, not waiting on some policitician!!!

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