If things get sh****er a civil war could come about, easily. There are many pissed off people out there -- mostly at the level of the laboring class.
We do have a "trickle-down" economy -- of the type of pig-pen used in ancient China -- a three level pen with the food being poured in the top with
the most going to the pig on the top level and the least going to the one on the bottom level. At the same time most of the waste goes to the bottom
level from above. This is a fine example of how robber-baron capitalism works. Hell, 1% of the population controls 99% of the wealth in this nation.
The best type of revolution to have is NOT a revolution that seeks to change the type of govt. (Democratic) we now have. The only trouble with it is
that the wealthy exploitive one percent has absorbed the govt. for their
advantages (one of which is the abuse of those not of the one percent) which are counter to everyone else's.
We need a rev. that gets rid of the wealthy. We need to hang one of 'em from a meathook on every traffic light in this nation! This govt. would
work very well if the rich were gone. We need a socio-economic rev, and not a political one.
Handing a vast fortune to the rich as the Moron in the Oval Office wishes will not help the economy. These people are not investing the vast fortunes
already have. Why would they invest money which is the tax payer's revenue. To break this case of economic constipation it only makes
sense to release money to the lowest level of society. The people in that bracket will either spend it on bills (which would put manufacturers and
thus workers back into production) or on amusements (same result.)
When the rev. starts, I hope I'm still young enough to string up the last rich b@#$%rd with the intestines of the last CEO!
I live in what has appropriately been referred to as "America's Third World" -- a region of America which has been described as worse economically
than that of MississippI. I know that we do not matter, but I also know that poverty, like a deadly disease, is spreading across America.
By the way, its always capitalism vs. communism. There is another type of
economy which would eliminate poverty, greed, crime, the status of
rich and poor, etc. But I'll explain that one another time.
REMEMBER: The systematic extermination of the rich is the only answer to our fiscal woes.