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'Dozens' of Women Vanish From Canadian Wilderness

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:05 PM
This is truly a sad story; however living in BC I would not state this a new event most of us in BC have over the years been paying attention to "The highway of Tears". It is good that more people will be hearing about this. Perhaps parents will be able to convince their young daughters (15-early20's) to stop hitchhiking on a known death trap of a road.
edit on 11-7-2011 by ozbodiare because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by silo13

With due respect for the ladies....

Pack heat and DONT go to "crime scene two".

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by felonius

Sure, of course, but it's my understanding they can't there. Otherwise the amount of murders here would be significantly less.

And my thoughts with all the victims. It's indeed a great tragedy..

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231

Believe it or not, only about 60% of murders are solved in Western countries like the US, Canada, UK, France, etc

Your statement that only 60% of murders are solved is true in the U.S., but the clearance rate for murders in Canada has been steady at around 85% since the early 60's.

Overall, it was found that among the 24,000 or so homicides that have occurred in Canada since 1961, 85% have been solved by police.


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:29 PM

I see a major flaw we are all now falling into is talking about a problem and not providing solutions...

From the information that has been gathered so far overlooking the job/ mental condition/ race of the people involved we can assert one thing, this happens on a particular strech of road with few turn offs relativley speaking,

so why can this road not be documented? is there a law preventing that in canada?

A few all weather security cammera's placed in trees watching all the off and on roads to this main road would be all it takes to document every car that passes the road, and when, how frequentley, it would almost always catch an image of the girls/women in question as they cant magically get onto this road.

i dont doubt this wouldnt help anyone who has been abducted but i doubt anyone can do that now, all you could work towards is preventing it from happening again, if people know its there it would be a deterant... surley

and as i said, the road doesnt have many off ramps, it really wouldnt cost that much, instead of campaigning, investigating, spending money on things which is not helping, this may be a cost effective solution.

look at how many women these stories have touched on this site, plus all other sites linked, a small donation could easily allow for a set up like this. motion capture/ infared camera's/ running off street lights where permited or solar panels, wifi bridges running the legnth of highway... could be done for a few thousand dollars, could be achieved through fundraising, could save the lives of countless women.

Just my thoughts.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by ProphetOfZeal
reply to post by felonius

Sure, of course, but it's my understanding they can't there. Otherwise the amount of murders here would be significantly less.

And my thoughts with all the victims. It's indeed a great tragedy..

Not to derail the topic, but this is what happens when you have an unarmed populace. the predators come out.

Of course, gun grabbers wouldnt agree with me...but then again, neither would dictators.

IF the ladies are hitchhiking this area, fore warned, AND just for kicks (there may be some that have no choice) this is Darwin at its most pure. Cull the stupid ones. Its harsh but true.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by burntheships
reply to post by silo13

I wonder if anyone has ever looked into these missing women, and
possible correlated reports of "UFO" sightings?

Funny you should mention this, I don't know if anyone else has said it yet, but this same area is also known for having a high amount of UFO activity.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by GonzoSinister

There are no offramps, it is a two lane highway for hundreds of miles that runs through the cities and towns along the way. There are however countless, and I do mean countless backroads, and logging roads, I don't think your idea would work too well. Where on earth would one start?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by stirling

most cops dont care about anything other than their own including their fams and other cops anyways

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:50 PM
Look this is not case of fasted drawn gun. I wish it were, and so do those victims. These women, please remember, are in fact victims of poverty and corruption. Do you not not think it would be relatively simple to capture a killer in a rich western country with plenty of resources. This is a clear case of police corruption, or a lack of public scrutiny, and media attention. Why is that? Perhaps it's too sorted, or perhaps there is more going on in this case.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by elocin

hmm murder is easier then explaining a UFO but if you were to ask for details of course i would have to kill you mwhahahah jk

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Mividau

Very negative stuff. This is the occult corruption, cia/black ops, gangsters set up to run the drugs/prostitutes, and slave trades, all based on tptb bloodlines from Egypt royal familes, and their negative connections. The current crop is associated with the fourth reicht. We're talking families that channel in negative beings, and ritually sacrifice one of their own children all the way back to Egyptian occult days. I'm serious. This is for real.

These women are either murdered ritualistically and some may be slaves. This corruption goes all the way up. Some could be snuff movies. Very sick stuff the ruling groups are into and the black ops, which would include police, judges, some politicians, militarys, black operations, satanic type groups. ie. laurel valley cia/ritualistic things. Everything is connected. Even our military bases are directly connected to US, and even the ones shut down are still in use.

I think the testimony about the crooked cops is a good lead, and even over their heads.

Hells Angels is very real presence and is connected to the reservations the police and politicians, and is cia affiliated. I won't say more on them, don't really want them at my door. I know about them, every town has many affiliated people. Enough said.
edit on 11-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by silo13

sounds like the phenomona of the bermuda triangle or the zone of silence, where people will just disapear, but its never really been gender specific so it could be something else. something more human responsible for this,

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by seeker11

Never a wiser post was posted.

Where to begin. The removal of all these persons rights, was postmortem. Snap out of it. Their rights were removed post mortem.

Virtually all depicted as drug traffickers and sex traders. Mind you, no trials, no witnesses. All dead and all convicted without a trial of drug trafficking and sex trading. Read OP's link to the bottom. Virtually all, even the honor roll kid, drug trafficker, sex trader and/or deviant who tended toward a relationship that was deviant of some kind.

But then I am assuming Canadian law is close to US law, well, actually better than US law. Most of these murdered females were not 18 years old, so....the "woman" label for me is problematic. In the US, you are not a woman until you are 18 years old.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:10 PM
By the way I'm making general blanket statements, saying things that might be out of some leagues, but are true nonetheless. Without real team work and community busting this open, its not really safe to go into specific. Even on my posts on laurel valley and the cia connection, I had a note on my computer, in linux at that, appear unexpectantly, called a dead joe letter, and though its a error message for a editor, its not one I use often and the note wasn't there before not even when you show hidden files which I do often, and it turns out its a threatening song. As I posted that on this thread about the rock stars that had untimely deaths, someone kicked my wall with a boot.

I'm sure this thread is heavily monitored.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by seeker11
reply to post by GonzoSinister

There are no offramps, it is a two lane highway for hundreds of miles that runs through the cities and towns along the way. There are however countless, and I do mean countless backroads, and logging roads, I don't think your idea would work too well. Where on earth would one start?

Well the women/girls have to be getting on to this road from somwhere? major towns that are connected or from these countless backroads? and ignore the logging roads for now, i doubbt many of the ladies are walking down the logging roads, if it wasnt do-able that way... every so many meters (tens, even hundreds)... it could be done

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
Why does the race card come out in every ATS thread nowadays? Maybe there's a killer who has a preference, who might not be racist at all. Just because one group is targeted more than another doesn't mean there's something "racist" about it. When I was a swingin single, I preferred dating white women although I dated a few black women as well. I am white. My dating preferences do not make me "racist".

Jeez louise.

I understand what your saying here, however I think the situation is something else. It says in the article that the previous women who were being taken were aboriginal. And ever since a white women has gone missing has the story started to get attention. And that, at least as far as I'm concerned is a little "off". Maybe I'm reading more into this than it is, but face value isn't good.
edit on 11-7-2011 by 12thHelix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:33 PM
This is a case where there is nothing but human responsibility, this is a trend from coast to coast; native women and young native boys go missing by the dozens each & every year in Canada but the MSM does not report on any of this...

example...Thunder Bay Ontario, bodies of native boys have recently been found floating off the shores and in the rivers around Lake Superior.

It is pretty clear the provincial governments have almost closed its eyes on these issues much like they do with many other items that may involve natives in this country.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by GonzoSinister

Originally posted by seeker11
reply to post by GonzoSinister

There are no offramps, it is a two lane highway for hundreds of miles that runs through the cities and towns along the way. There are however countless, and I do mean countless backroads, and logging roads, I don't think your idea would work too well. Where on earth would one start?

Well the women/girls have to be getting on to this road from somwhere? major towns that are connected or from these countless backroads? and ignore the logging roads for now, i doubbt many of the ladies are walking down the logging roads, if it wasnt do-able that way... every so many meters (tens, even hundreds)... it could be done

My dear you clearly have no clue here what depth of landscape is at hand here.

In the short highway strip we speak of - and just slightly north of it - we could fit in 3 Scotland's.

Getting the picture yet babes? Hundred's of thousands of square miles.

edit on 11-7-2011 by leo123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:49 PM
Ok. First, I think it's important to notice that it is NOT just First Nations women who have been targeted. Please have a look at this photo, and tell me these are all clearly First Nations women.


2nd, here is a map to show you how vast this area really is. To help you get a visual of the area.


I stick to my original opinion that this is not a huge conspiracy against First Nations women. It is a relatively small number of women to have disappeared since the 70's over such a large portion of land, when you think about it in relation to how many people go missing all over the world at any given time.

I do agree that not enough attention was given to these first nation women, and too much time went by, the right people did not care, and had they cared enough I believe much more details would have been found and at least some of these criminals would have been found.

Instead these women were forgotten by the people who had the power to do something, and too much time passed. So much sadness in my heart for these women, however the amount of time that has gone by and the amount of women who have disappeared during this time, it just doesn't make any logical sense to me that they are all disappearing for the same reason.

I believe it is criminals taking advantage of the vulnerable women, and the fact that nobody cared enough to bring them to justice, and taking advantage of the vast wilderness, and little towns, and not enough police to keep track of everything all the time.

Having lived on this highway for 21 years of my life, there are SO many trucks that go by at any given time, day, night, and there are a few people who make extremely poor judgement calls in hitchiking along this highway. I have seen it myself many many times, and most of these women I saw hitchhiking were First Nations women, trying to hitch a ride back to their reservation. Too trusting, too naive, bad things happen. I know that not all of these cases were hitchikers, but many of them were.

So, that is my opinion from my first hand experience.

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