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'Dozens' of Women Vanish From Canadian Wilderness

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:51 PM
Silo13,you are the type of person who causes investigations to be misdirected and resources to be taxed,the peace officer angle was one of the first and most thorough investigated,let it go already.

You have no right to attack me for posting my perspective,I pointed out that there are red men involved circumstantially and that is not against decorum on this site,I did not use that term in a derogotory fashion,I also used yellow ,brown and white.again no breach of decorum.

I pointed out that there is a massive breakdown in the domestic workload and delegation of responsibility in many of these homes due to the red mans laziness that ends up forcing many of these women to be put in dangerous situations hitchhiking alone in desolate areas,no breaches and on topic,I pointed out that police officers are definately accused of and at times convicted of raping and abusing women sometimes native,it is not unheard of and it does not point to a murderer,actually thinking cop is kind of loopy,it isnt like its new york and there is a precinct full of cops,there arent that many locals.Maybe a fake cop.

So whats your problem,do you need a timeout?,threats and accusations like that should be moderated.

Your post showed your true colors and it didnt take much,maybe you are the type to lose it like that in a moment of fury or frustration,sure looks that way,in fact nothing you said was even on topic just angy personal attacks.

Have you ever spent time in these communities because I have and in a lot more than those across canada,I am qualified to make my statements regarding the issues we are discussing about the red mans cultural challenges here in canada.

I have many native canadian friends and two sons with native canadian heritage,and they have a lot of relatives,I am submersed in canadas multiculturalism,I am qualified to speak my piece without absurd accusations from some unbalanced bully.Possibly a violent person in training.

This is a terrible tradgedy but you are nieve and underinformed if you get childishly defensive over cultural observations especially considering that anyone with even the slightest amount of knowledge about these tragic murders and disappearances knows full well that these cultural challenges are a MAJOR dynamic factor in the opportunity to harm these women that one or more people are taking advantage of.

And furthermore if any woman I loved or knew was living in these communities with these kinds if lazy and irresponsible men ,I would hope that she would leave and find herself a man who would love her enough to provide for her enough that she wouldnt have to hitchhike anywhere.Red,white,brown,yellow any man would be better than the ones I am referring to at protecting his partner,I am not predjudice and I can say those words without fear of retribution here on ATS,there are no forum breaches and the information is relative and on topic,if you dont like what I say YOU must be predjudice .

With that number of victims it is a very complicated dynamic involving many offenders over many years,there are definately multiple offenders ,but it is a long term gradient and there will be much work to do.I am sure the best available professionals are working hard to clear these cases.

For anyone interested ,sometimes you need to be honest about circumstancial factors surrounding criminal dynamics ,and this is never easy and sometimes you need to immerse yourself in those dynamics,honesty combined with hard facts can oftentimes evoke strong emotions,but strong emotions are what are needed to find resolution to these types of crimes and this is a hard reality.

My earlier post was not written randomly,it was written tacticly,it wasnt designed to offend ,only to present a frank perspective ,my writing style is my choice,my information is on topic,not inflamatory and most importantly comes from personal experience not conjecture,I have lived it.

Inflamatory by intent with a focus on derailing a thread is a different story,but simply evoking strong emotions when dealing with controversial topics is akin to breaking an egg to make an omlette,no harm no foul.

I do find your references to my being a homocidal type of individual to be slightly offensive but I evoked the emotions you were venting ,I accept my scars,by proxy.I offer you no retaliation.Hopefully you can gain something from my perspective.

edit on 11-7-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:09 AM
I want to thank you for binging this into the light, as it is tragic for the Northwest. Even in the states, specifically the Pac NW states, as the known haven for serial killers, etc. More so than not I believe the sex trafficking plays a part in missing women across North America. When I first moved this way, I have overheard a few times "When the snow melts, the bones come out", it gave me a sense of caution...

Here's a few points of interest...

In the universe of serial killings, the Pacific Northwest, if only in public perception, may be one of its capitals.

Does Northwest Draw Out Serial Killers?

May be a combination or many factors, leading to missing persons...
The solution not sure, but keep yourself safe from being in a risky situation(let loved ones know where you'll be, carry a weapon, take self defense classes or or take up a martial art, and more)

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by seeker11
Ok. First, I think it's important to notice that it is NOT just First Nations women who have been targeted. Please have a look at this photo, and tell me these are all clearly First Nations women.


2nd, here is a map to show you how vast this area really is. To help you get a visual of the area.


I stick to my original opinion that this is not a huge conspiracy against First Nations women. It is a relatively small number of women to have disappeared since the 70's over such a large portion of land, when you think about it in relation to how many people go missing all over the world at any given time.

I do agree that not enough attention was given to these first nation women, and too much time went by, the right people did not care, and had they cared enough I believe much more details would have been found and at least some of these criminals would have been found.

Instead these women were forgotten by the people who had the power to do something, and too much time passed. So much sadness in my heart for these women, however the amount of time that has gone by and the amount of women who have disappeared during this time, it just doesn't make any logical sense to me that they are all disappearing for the same reason.

I believe it is criminals taking advantage of the vulnerable women, and the fact that nobody cared enough to bring them to justice, and taking advantage of the vast wilderness, and little towns, and not enough police to keep track of everything all the time.

Having lived on this highway for 21 years of my life, there are SO many trucks that go by at any given time, day, night, and there are a few people who make extremely poor judgement calls in hitchiking along this highway. I have seen it myself many many times, and most of these women I saw hitchhiking were First Nations women, trying to hitch a ride back to their reservation. Too trusting, too naive, bad things happen. I know that not all of these cases were hitchikers, but many of them were.

So, that is my opinion from my first hand experience.

That was what my problem with this thing was. According to the article the OP posted, it was the disappearance of a white women that caused the MSM to pick this story up. However, your evidence shows women who were not of aboriginal origin were in fact taken before hand. Thanks for the data

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by habfan1968

anyone here with any more insight into the cases? Read most of the thread and really have not found any specifics, like where were bodies found?

I’ve not posted specific cases as they’re so numerous.

This link (one of many) gives an in-depth look into each woman/girl missing/murdered with pictures and in some cases case description.

Missing/Murdered Native Women


posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by 12thHelix

No problem, just trying to keep things straight here. I grew up around here and the highway of tears was common knowledge, yes Nicole Hoar got loads of media attention, much more than the first nation girls have gotten, but the highway of tears, and the disappearances surrounding it had been (in my personal experience) something that was common knowledge.

Like I said in previous posts, I always had a healthy fear of walking alone along this highway, and never did without my dog, bear mace, or another person, and even then I was still very cautious because of the stories that had circulated. Mind you, I lived 25 k away from Prince George, towards Vanderhoof, BC.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by natters
Hello Natters

everyone commenting on the few amount of women are focusing on the abduction/murders of the women on that small stretch of highway. This goes beyond that, it's a nationwide issue that's been covered up for years and years and years. If the Highway of Tears is the catalyst into the investigation of the rest of the missing First Nations people then power to those who are researching.

Yes, such is the reason this thread has morphed from it’s genesis covering the ‘Highway of Tears’ into a subject with a broader sweep - though still intricately related, the state sanctioned genocide (yes genocide) of the First Nation women and children.

You mentioned the stories you’ve heard first hand, and cover-ups. We would be appreciative if you’d share some of these stories.

peace to you and yours

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting
Hello Ladyinwaiting

Thank you for the link - I’m particularly interested in reading up on this Leland Switzer and his acquaintances. It’s the direction I’ll head in this morning!

I found a little here but unfortunately two other websites? My server is not able to open.

Thank you again for the link

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:32 AM
IMO you need to keep the focus on the Highway of Tears and not let overlapping issues cloud the immediate topic at hand.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:33 AM
The amount of time the victims spent with the offender is critical to evaluate the comfort zone of the offender,shedding light on wether they are local or not.

Location of bodies relative to side roads they came off of.

Season of year,relative to workers hours and routines

specialization of MO,again to isolate groups of similar victims

Time time time--how messy are the murders,how badly does the offender need to clean up,blood dries fast and stains everywhere,does he clean on site,or in a vehicle down the road,or in a gas station,or at home,or is he very clean and tidy working outside for example like a travelling salesman would do to keep his rental car clean.

In areas that are desolated ,gas station reciepts are a good resource especially if you can cross reference several years looking for commonalities.Like someone who uses their holidays as a killing time.

Positioning of bodies,are any injured post mortem indicating dumping from a high spot like a rigs cab.

Are they taken off road,by hand or do they get pushed out on the go.

Is it possible to extrapolate by body positioning if the offender is left handed or right handed or by wound positioning.

What types of weapons are used,indicator of location and degree of cleanliness needed by offender.

Is there a bar or place to get alcohol and cool down near the dumping spots and can reciepts be checked to match with gas reciepts from up site.

if the offender is to fast and neat it may mean they are on their way to something regularly scheduled and local and they are opportunistic in victim but have a fairly regular shedule on the roads,and they just fit the crime into their schedule as they go.

not sure if this is helpful,hope so.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by GonzoSinister
I agree - we've been talking about the problem and yet to touch on the solution.
It seems to come down to lack of funding, more lack of funding, and honestly, IMO, I feel the authorities just don’t care to pursue the issue. Maybe I'm wrong, but, that these murders have been going on for so long indicated I might be right.

Solutions. That’s what we need. Thank you for getting us on the right track and suggesting some of your own. I’ll try to make that the focal point, at least mine, from her on out.


posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by 12thHelix

That was what my problem with this thing was. According to the article the OP posted, it was the disappearance of a white women that caused the MSM to pick this story up. However, your evidence shows women who were not of aboriginal origin were in fact taken before hand.

Highway 16 aka "Highway of Tears"

Highway 16 west has been dubbed the Highway of Tears, after at least five First Nations women vanished or were found murdered there, between 1994-1995.
In recent years, more women of Aboriginal ancestry have disappeared, or have been found murdered in this area.



First Nation girl case unsolved

LANA DERRICK, , aged 19

First Nation woman - case unsolved


all First Nation girls -all cases unsolved


Aboriginal girls and women - cases unsolved


Aboriginal girls and women - cases unsolved


Aboriginal LITTLE GIRLS and women - cases unsolved

VERNA LITTLECHIEF aka Bernie Roberts

Aboriginal girls and women - cases unsolved


Aboriginal girls and women - cases unsolved

There’s another TWENTY Five on this site alone - you want me to cut paste them too so you can see with your own eyes these are ALL First Nation Women?

Others on this thread might have a different agenda and their agenda might be to deflect the truth of the information - but - the truth will prevail.

These women are First nation Women. None of the above cases are solved. When did we hear about this case - again? See the original post. When a 'white' girsl went missing.

Now, tell me, do you really think that would be the case if these women and little girls were, oh, let’s see, all from downtown in the UK and white or from the streets of San Francisco - and white?

I’ll let you answer that yourself. It’s pretty self evident to me.

edit on 12-7-2011 by silo13 because: code

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by silo13

are these all highway of tears girls?

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by burntheships
reply to post by silo13

I wonder if anyone has ever looked into these missing women, and
possible correlated reports of "UFO" sightings?

Wow. Usually the weirdos don't mention UFO's so soon after the post starts.

Is this disease spreading?

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 01:24 AM
Thanks to the OP for starting this thread and for all of those showing compassion for these missing/murdered women. I've been researching this for some time, and was compelled to finish my article tonight after seeing this posted here. I've compiled information from a variety of sources and attempted to make a concise collection of information. If you're interested, you can see my article here:

Highway of Tears: Vanishing Women in British Columbia

God Bless these women, and may justice one day be served.

Btw, I included a link to this thread in my list of resources so that others can join the conversation.
edit on 12-7-2011 by NatalinaEx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by one4all

You have no right to attack me for posting my perspective

I have a right and an obligation to stand up against ANYONE who calls a woman a broad.

I have a right and a obligation to stand up to ANYONE who uses derogatory racial slurs against ANY people.

because these lazy red bums are to blame as much as the murderer

these women need to start leaving their cultural comfort zone and begin starting families with real men.

I will exercise my right and fulfill my obligation to STAND UP to anyone who believes:

just because some of the women you contact say they were raped or were forced to blow a cop means nothing

Means NOTHING? That goes beyond my parameters of ‘understanding’ - that is means NOTHING?

You can come up with any straw man argument you want - facts are it’s ignorance such as you've displayed here and the intolerance and ignorance of others who have no respect for women (‘broads’) and no respect for others (‘lazy red men) that get people killed.

One of the underlying reasons for this thread. The biggest culprit (ignorance) why there are SO MANY YOUNG WOMEN still missing, murdered, and so many cases UNSOLVED. Because of people who think just like you.

‘Hey, they’re just broads after all, who cares?’

‘Yeah, if those lazy red men would take care of their women this wouldn't be happening.’

Right? Right?


You’re a perfect example of the very reason the ‘Highway of Tears’ will go on, and on, and on. Because it’s too easy to be ignorant, racist and judgmental than to do something about it.

End of discussion

edit on 12-7-2011 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by NatalinaEx

Thank you.
I'm near to tears dealing with ignorance, with people who just don't 'get it'.

You do.

Your web-page is incredible. I've not yet been able to go through it in it's entirety, but, I'm going back now.

What a fantastic resource and testament to the women and girls of the 'Highway of Tears'.

I urge anyone who wants to become involved (signing petitions) or who's interested in this crisis to visit your link.

Highway of Tears: Vanishing Women in British Columbia

Also the information here is invaluable and speaks volumes:

As a result, many private citizens and organizations are taking matters into their own hands, and have launched their own investigations, including Vancouver-based private investigator Ray Michalko. Michalko began his investigation in 2006, as he became frustrated with the lack of attention the cases were getting from local police. He says he spends at least 40 hours per week chasing leads and digging into the individual cases, and passes his tips along to the police. Michalko told The Daily Beast that local officials, “made it quite clear they didn’t want any help from me.”
(from your link)

I'm going to try to get a hold of Mr. Michalko today. Actually I sent an email yesterday - I haven't been to my inbox today, I'll keep you posted.

Thank you again,


edit on 12-7-2011 by silo13 because: bbc doinking up

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by silo13

Thank you for all of the kind words! The Highway of Tears case has left me ill. I live not far from the Canadian border, and in my area there are many Native people who receive the same sort of "2nd class citizen" treatment that these Inuit families appear to have gotten in British Columbia.

I will continue to spread awareness about these cases, as well as those of all people who are missing/murdered/exploited everywhere.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 02:39 AM
This is very sad. We are all one, when we hate someone we hate our self. Those who are hurting others are just going to hurt them self in the long run. Its wrong to judge color, race, culture, ect.. I would go out of my way to help someone but never out of my way to hurt them. I send love to those women in hoping they will find there family and be outta harms way.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 03:37 AM
Bigfoot are supposedly known to kidnap women. Tribes have told stories of women who have been taken for years on end and then show up pregnant, bearing a large, hairy child in the months to come. Is it true? I don't know. But the facts that so many of these are Aboriginal women and that many have disappeared from camp sites have me thinking perhaps a Sasquatch population is in the area.
edit on 7/12/11 by MentalPriapism because: meant to capitilize "Aboriginal"

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 04:04 AM
Hold on a minute.

This road is 873 miles long.

In 30 years, lets say one person per year disapears.

Thats one person per year disapearing in an area that is the same distance as London to Barcelona.

Its not that remarkable really when you think about it.

I reckon if I drew a line 873 miles long across any country or countries, then at least one person per year would have disapeared near that line.

Not saying I dont care, because obviously these poor women havent been found, but theres nothing abnormal when you think about it.

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