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UN Torture Investigator Denied Access to Bradley Manning

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posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by dubiousone

his treatment is standard of someone in closed custody

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by dubiousone

Well hopefully the main intent will be acheived, and that is that Wikileaks will drop the Bomb on all the corruption and lies and murders comited by the American government, Corperations and corrupt polititions and biggest of all the financiers of these lies and murder and corruption the Banks. It will be currious to see speciffically which banks. Manning will not be forgotten, nor will Assange.''' Evil can only triumph when good men do nothing'''

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by dubiousone
When I read your cold hearted self righteous applause for our government's treatment of U.S. Citizen Bradley Manning I just want to say "shut the ***** up you heartless piece of ****". But I will not say that because it is against ATS' terms and conditions. I will just have to tone it down by saying that you're plainly no less a psychopath than those who are doing this to Mr. Manning. He is, after all, a U.S. Citizen.

No need for self applause. I starred every one of his posts.

Since you are so concerned with the rights of US citizens, maybe you should take up the cause of Sheik al-Alwaki. He's an American citizen too. He's never been convicted of a crime; hell, he hasn't even been CHARGED with one, but Obama seems to think it's within his purview to place the man on a CIA assassination list, meaning he can be killed any time, anywhere - even if he's sitting down to dinner with the folks in Chicago. What about HIS right to a jury trial? What about HIS right to be free of cruel and unusual punishment. The guy is as big a scumbag as they come, but he IS an American citizen who deserves a trial before Emperor Obama sentences him to summary execution; and I've never seen ONE of you bleeding heart liberals come to his defense.

edit on 4/12/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

Care to list the crimes?

Check these links for some of the refresher course.

edit on 12-4-2011 by wayouttheredude because: broken link

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by kuai137

UN Torture Investigator Denied Access to Bradley Manning

In a statement issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Méndez said he is “deeply disappointed and frustrated” that the U.S. government has denied him access to Manning.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

anyone surprised by this hasn't been paying attention to the criminal cartel in charge of your military...

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by dubiousone

his treatment is standard of someone in closed custody

"Because that's how we do it" isn't a sufficient justification for doing it.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp

Originally posted by dubiousone
When I read your cold hearted self righteous applause for our government's treatment of U.S. Citizen Bradley Manning I just want to say "shut the ***** up you heartless piece of ****". But I will not say that because it is against ATS' terms and conditions. I will just have to tone it down by saying that you're plainly no less a psychopath than those who are doing this to Mr. Manning. He is, after all, a U.S. Citizen.

* * * *
maybe you should take up the cause of Sheik al-Alwaki.
He's an American citizen too.
* * * *

edit on 4/12/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

Nice try.

This thread is about Bradley Manning.

And, no, I don't support the President or anyone in the CIA issuing decrees for the killing of anyone anywhere. All that does is perpetuate the problem.
edit on 4/12/2011 by dubiousone because: Spelling and other reasons.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by wayouttheredude
reply to post by OldCorp

Care to list the crimes?

Check these links for some of the refresher course.

edit on 12-4-2011 by wayouttheredude because: broken link

Not a single one of your links listed any "war crimes" committed by the US.


posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by dubiousoneNice try.

But this thread is about Bradely Manning.

And, no, I don't support the President or anyone in the CIA issuing decrees for the killing of anyone anywhere. All that does is perpetuate the problem.

I'd bet my left nut that if this thread WERE about al-Alwaki none of you people would be anywhere to be found.

That's another thing I have against libs: they can never debate an issue honestly.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 11:22 PM
when you sign a contact to join the US military you civil laws no longer apply to you when you LEAK top secret us military material

he will be tried under the uniform code of military justice and he will be article 83'd which means he will be court martialed which is a trial infront of military tribunal

as a person who is in the process of joining the UMSC i have serveral friends who are also Marines and US army rangers who are going overseas very soon, what this kid did and what wikilinks did i find very distasteful because it is now puttung my soon to be brothers and sisters in more danger then they already are.

i think what he did is shameful

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by kuai137

The UN would have no right to even talk to him. He is not a pow and therefore the Geneva convention doesn't apply. I'm surprised they let him see him with supervision to be honest. Normally when military personnel are arrested only his chain of command and jag officer are allowed to visit.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by kittendaydreamer

Absolutely not. If the president or any of your superior officers issues an order which goes against the Constitution, then you must disobey it. The primary thing you swear to is to support and defend the constitution.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp

Originally posted by dubiousoneNice try.

But this thread is about Bradely Manning.

And, no, I don't support the President or anyone in the CIA issuing decrees for the killing of anyone anywhere. All that does is perpetuate the problem.

I'd bet my left nut that if this thread WERE about al-Alwaki none of you people would be anywhere to be found.

That's another thing I have against libs: they can never debate an issue honestly.

Ah, but this thread is indeed about Bradley Manning. Try to derail it all you want.

Better hold tight to that left nut. You're sure to lose it.
Go ahead and start a thread about al-Alwaki and see whether that nut is in danger. If you lose that wager, how do you plan to make good on your bet. Will you donate it to some poor follow waiting for the right, er, I mean a left, nut donor?
I can see it now:
Your mom, wife, or girlfriend: "OldCorp, quit wankin' where people can see you!"
OldCorp: "Sweetie, I'm not wankin' agin. That's your job. I'm just tryin' to hold on to my left nut which I risked in an improvident wager that I posted on ATS."

I answered your question about al-Alwaki. Perhaps your eyes got tired and didn't read that part.
Those people who you think hate us for our "way of life" actually dislike us for much better reasons than that.
If you were in their shoes you'd "dislike" us too.
edit on 4/13/2011 by dubiousone because: It needed improvement.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by diginess
reply to post by kittendaydreamer

Absolutely not. If the president or any of your superior officers issues an order which goes against the Constitution, then you must disobey it. The primary thing you swear to is to support and defend the constitution.

Yep a few others told me I was wrong on that too but it's past the 4 hr window so I can't remove my post sorry

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by kuai137

We shoot blue helmets in mah neck o the woods.

And mate with yer family members and chickens too

Make sense

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by kuai137

The UN would have no right to even talk to him. He is not a pow and therefore the Geneva convention doesn't apply. I'm surprised they let him see him with supervision to be honest. Normally when military personnel are arrested only his chain of command and jag officer are allowed to visit.

Do you they have unfettered discretion to subject him to any and every form of inhumane treatment they choose?

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by caf1550
when you sign a contact to join the US military you civil laws no longer apply to you when you LEAK top secret us military material

he will be tried under the uniform code of military justice and he will be article 83'd which means he will be court martialed which is a trial infront of military tribunal

as a person who is in the process of joining the UMSC i have serveral friends who are also Marines and US army rangers who are going overseas very soon, what this kid did and what wikilinks did i find very distasteful because it is now puttung my soon to be brothers and sisters in more danger then they already are.

i think what he did is shameful

And the majority of us think that what the leaks reveal is far more shameful. Ah, but, let's keep that dirty laundry hidden and severely mistreat anyone who dares reveal it.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 12:06 AM
does anyone actually now if he is being tortued?
whose to say hes not rotting in a prison cell like he should be

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by dubiousone

Originally posted by OldCorp

Originally posted by dubiousoneNice try.

But this thread is about Bradely Manning.

And, no, I don't support the President or anyone in the CIA issuing decrees for the killing of anyone anywhere. All that does is perpetuate the problem.

I'd bet my left nut that if this thread WERE about al-Alwaki none of you people would be anywhere to be found.

That's another thing I have against libs: they can never debate an issue honestly.

Ah, but this thread is indeed about Bradley Manning. Try to derail it all you want.

Better hold tight to that left nut. You're sure to lose it.
Go ahead and start a thread about al-Alwaki and see whether that nut is in danger. If you lose that wager, how do you plan to make good on your bet. Will you donate it to some poor follow waiting for the right, er, I mean a left, nut donor?
I can see it now:
Your mom, wife, or girlfriend: "OldCorp, quit wankin' where people can see you!"
OldCorp: "Sweetie, I'm not wankin' agin. That's your job. I'm just tryin' to hold on to my left nut which I risked in an improvident wager that I posted on ATS."

I answered your question about al-Alwaki. Perhaps your eyes got tired and didn't read that part.
Those people who you think hate us for our "way of life" actually dislike us for much better reasons than that.
If you were in their shoes you'd "dislike" us too.
edit on 4/13/2011 by dubiousone because: It needed improvement.

That was actually pretty funny!

Just reminded me of a joke too:

Guy walks into a doctors office complaining of a painful testicle and half an hour later his doctor tells him he has testicular cancer and the offending nut must be removed. Well this guy is SUPER vain right, so he tells the doc, "I don't want to walk around with one ball for the rest of my life. Is there anything you can do about that?"

The doctor replied, "There are prosthesis available that feel and look like the real thing. You will never know the difference. The only thing is, they are pretty pricey: $10,000." The man says, "Cost is no object," so the doctor schedules him for surgery the next morning.

During the operation, the doctor accidentally drops, steps on, and destroys the implant. "Oh CRAP!" the doctor said. "Nurse, run down to the cafeteria and find me an onion about the same size. I'll be damned if I'm going to eat the profit from this operation; my kid has been bugging me for a G.I. Joe with the Kung-Fu Grip and that damn thing cost a LOT on eBay now. Besides, he'll never notice a thing."

When the man came in for his follow-up visit a few weeks later, the doctor asked him, "How's that implant working out for you? Everything OK?"

"Yeah doc," the man replied, "except every time I pee my eyes water, and every time I pass a hamburger stand I get an erection."

BACK ON TOPIC: No, I didn't see your response. I AM very tired. I think I shall hit the rack before I dig a hole from which I will be unable to extricate myself. Have a good night, and watch for the al-Alwaki thread soon. I expect great things from you.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 12:36 AM
Even if in military you're guilty untill proven innocense then how is it that they conviniently removed the part where he has a change to prove himself innocent?
And to all those who says "it's not torture". Yeah you say that from the comfort of your home. You wouldn't last a month in the same conditions.

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