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UN Torture Investigator Denied Access to Bradley Manning

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posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Thats because you're brainwashed. I've met so many military people like you who just love to talk about the honor and blah blah of serving. I wear this old Navy shirt I bought at a resale store and I've had soldiers get mad at me cuz I "didn't earn it." What, I can't wear a shirt I think looks cool? You have to go through shuch hard stuff in the military and say these crazy oaths and junk, it really can mess with your mind. It's clear to EVERYONE (just about) that this guy is being treated like crap for doing what was right. And what about the soldiers who don't follow unjust orders? Are they scum and traitors too? Dude, you should talk to someone about your military expierence becauze it sounds like it has warped you.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by g146541

I couldn't agree more brother. that guy is exposing the corruption of the elite and they're not going to stand for it, hents why they're using our boys against his ass and he's sleeping on a slab in solitairy now. this is all the work of the folks who don't pay taxes and expect us too and then spend our hard earn dollars on illegal wars half way across the world. he is a patriot and his sacrifices wont be soon forgot!

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:23 PM
How can you possibly get a fair trial if you are driven insane before you get the trial?

How can you defend yourself then?

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by kuai137

This is not a UN issue, this is a US military issue, the UN will do best by keeping their nose inside of their NY safe house.
We shoot blue helmets in mah neck o the woods.

Do ya? When was the last time you guys did that down there? O right, never.

But threatening UN troops on an internet message board is cool. You are a true American hero.

I DELETED MY POST. I apologize for reacting rather than thinking. I called g146541 "a true American lame brained knucklehead who has had one too many of something and is beyond any hope of recovery". It was a thoughtless expression of how I feel about what he posted. I don't know what toxic substances or mental conditioning s/he's been exposed to or expeoses him/herself to. I actually do not believe that anyone is beyond all hope of recovery, even people who post what g146541 said.
edit on 4/12/2011 by dubiousone because: Deleted personal attack.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:32 PM
So....the information released wasn't really important by their accounts.

But it was important enough to lock up someone in solitary confinement?

So which is it? The information wasn't important, and everyone really knew already.....or it is important, and wasn't properly dealt with and not properly secured?

They should really make up their minds as to which way this works. Important enough to confine someone, but not important enough to protect to begin with? Important enough for jail, but not important enough that people when they saw it in the press should have been concerned.

Of course, the real reason is that they are trying to make a point which is "don't cross me."

Are they also going to jail the people who never properly dealt with this so important data to begin with? So that some lowly nobody could access it? Or is that just too.....sensible?
edit on 2011/4/12 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:33 PM
Jeez.... I wonder what Mr. and Mrs. United Nations, Biden and Hillary, are going to say about THAT.

I wonder what can save poor Bradley by now... perhaps Wikileaks should released its info bomb?

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by purplemer

I wouldnt violate the oath I took concerning classified materials, I would do my DAMNEST to get it released LEGALLY

In a perfect world that would be great but our world is far from perfect.

Its pretty transparent why the Gov. wanted the material kept under wraps and its pretty transparent why someone raised to know right from wrong would have issues with this material protected by its classification.

Manning was damned from the begining. Damned if he does because he breaks an oath and commits treason or Damned if he doesn't because he then is complicite to the crime and that too is treason.

Its all subtle shades of grey.

One thing is for certain though, our Gov. doesn't want the public to know the true details of what happens around the world, especially if it paints them in a bad light.

Having myself served in the USN and worked closely with classified material I can appreciate what must of went through Mannings mind. Some secrets are best kept that way, but when crime is being covered up through classification? thats something to think about.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:39 PM
Well, if times were different i might say, the guy is a traitor. Only problem is, and it's just my opinion, but the traitors and treasonous snakes that currently occupy our beloved, precious capitol, to me at least, make what this guy did, seem pretty tame, and probably the right thing to do.

Well that's all i can say, anyway whether i'm right or wrong, i hope true justice is served in the end. If there is any left in the world.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:46 PM
He's only an enemy if he doesn't say what he is supposed to and that's the problem - even in the screwed up military there's still the moral code soldiers are supposed to adhere above all else. A trial isnt to decide whether he was guilty of distributing information that much is certain but if his doing so was morally right which I believe it was.

The government is just like anything else that wants to stay in power, control the information, lie, kill, steal, ruin and double cross anyone you have to in the interest of the "common good" The common good is what people in Japan understand far better than we

It's like that bull# we always hear about not knowing how bad "it really is" people aren't stupid and shouldn't be treated like they are - tell the truth, fix the problems and advance the human race before life becomes pointless.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:48 PM
How you recon it's certain that he is the guy in the first place who released the cables? That's exactly what a trial should determine. Then in the sentencing, if "guilty", he shoud be awarded a medal and a hefty sum to compansate for what he has endured in captivity.
edit on 12/4/2011 by PsykoOps because: added "if guilty"

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by kuai137

The ultra cons in our country do not want to be in a position where they have recognized the UN authority in the matter. The neocons will never give the UN the time of day much less anything like an "official" visit to this poor kid.

Boy talk about tight BVD's.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by MakeSoap

I THANK GOD you never served, people like you get people killed

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:56 PM
...and not the kind that actually start the wars in the first place? If you serve with that kind of mentality you're not only danger to yourself but to others as well.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by kittendaydreamer

Manning swore an oath to defend the constitution of the United States of America and defend it he did from what I have read of these leaks. A fair trial is the right of every soldier. Not a jury trial mind you but a trial just the same before a court martial board. He has not been granted even basic human rights never mind a fair trial. This is a sham and an insult to the integrity of the rule of law. He has seen no attorney. He has seen no judge. He has been treated in a inhumane manner according to the UCMJ and the Constitution of the United States of America.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Compass99
Manning is a treasonous little scumbag and should never see the light of day again. Screw the UN.

In your eyes maybe... To others he is seen as a Patriot who was willing to forfeit his life to warn the Citizens of the US of an entire lifestyle of corruption and ultimatly selling out our Military soldiers lives out for coruption and greed. A select few trading our lives to enrich their lives and selling out the USA. But those same people have spun a web which has corrupted even the little man. Yours is a knee-jerk reaction, a "burn the witch" slogan-like reaction without merit. Fortunatly his actions will unmask a great many evil and truely traitorous people from the president on down....... Your going to have to do beter than a one liner to earn any credability here. These are not simple minds here...

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:46 PM
Your thread leads nicely into this:

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:49 PM
Well, lets have a jailbreak then! I'm down, not like I have anything better to do.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by aravoth
Well, lets have a jailbreak then! I'm down, not like I have anything better to do.

LOL then you'll be sitting in the cell NEXT to him

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 05:22 PM
Why is the band of thieves and America hateing (UN) sticking their noses where it doesn't belong? So their denied access to the treasonous piece of waste (widdle bradle manning) guess the little dirtbag should've thought about the cost of selling information against the US.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by CosmosKid
Regardless of the sensitive nature of the information this guy divulged, he is in the can not as much for what he did making him a traitor, but that he in fact went back on an agreement that he made when he was given access to information in the first place not to willfully divulge it to folks who where not cleared to access it. So, even if the info he gave away makes him look like a "brave" person for doing the 'right" thing, he broke an agreement that everyone else would get the same treatment for if they did what he did. I think they should let the bum from the UN or anyone else that has a "problem" with how he is being detained see him and talk to him and let him cry on they're shoulders or whatever. Manning willfully divulged information he was supposed to protect. What the information was isn't really relevant, regardless of how much damage or death it causes, also being irrelevant. Manning basically commited a crime for which HE has already convicted himself. That's what's so stupid about the whole thing because HE did something he has no defense against.

you make a point there, that maybe he should or shouldn't be convicted in court for his "crimes". BUT the one thing that makes my blood boil, and feel sick to my stomach, is that our own government isn't trying him in court for treason or whatever charges, but putting him in 23 hour-a-day solitary confinement and torturing him probably with water-boarding and whatever other means they use.

i mean if that doesn't ring a bell in your mind that, "hey, first they did it to the terrorists, and now they're doing it to our own soldiers... is it possible they will use them on us?" then you're an ignorant moron living in a country you don't deserve to. Because the Nazis did all of this first. And every day our country resembles more and more Nazi Germany. So what is irrelevant is the deaths and damaged it caused yes, but what's even more irrelevant is this "traitor" or "treason" label being given to him when he's being TORTURED. And for what? Information on where Bin Laden is hiding?

They know what documents were released, how many, etc. They know the entire story but are going to give this American soldier severe, life-long brain damage because of a broken oath? F them and all their fascism. It's time to end this because if we continue to sit idly by, and wait for the next MLK Jr. or Kennedy to come around, it won't happen and we'll all be treated in the same manner as Mr. Manning. History repeats itself and unless you've been living under a rock for 10 years, you might take note that this happened before - approximately 10 years before WWII. God bless Manning. He's gonna need it
edit on 12-4-2011 by tallymebanana because: typo

edit on 12-4-2011 by tallymebanana because: typo

edit on 12-4-2011 by tallymebanana because: (no reason given)

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