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UN Torture Investigator Denied Access to Bradley Manning

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posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by kuai137

Hey Jon Stewart! I love your show but you know what i used to be angry at you and your comedy team for laughing at us alien beleiver nuts! but hey! Your attention is badly needed at the Bradley Manning front! there is a conspiracy unfolding before your eye's! please open you pupels! I beg you! This kid is being used as a weapon and a peice of stradagy and it's unreal! Please someone Help this soldier!!!!! And If you think I'm kidding about soldier then I'd like to see you or me or one of are friends go through what this WARRIOR is going through! Hope you make it through this my brother!

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by TDurdan

Sory I meant that "The daily show" is showing little interst in this patsy and for a studio and forefront suposedly at the frontlines they show little care for this "Lone soldier" who is gonna die alone and helpless unless you #ers! yes I said #ers! shed some light on this? cause know one that matter's usaully does unless you say anything!

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by kuai137

Come' on Stewart You pussy! push this subject! The media including your subsadary Sumner Redstone controlls the media along with his 5 brotherin so please you talk the talk so walk the walk! Ask the federal elect you have on your show whats cdoming or at least what is happening with that kid who os being fed to the wolves to use and try and get Assange! Oh ofcourse you talk the talk til it matters Stewert! we all know.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by TDurdan

Calm down Sir. This isn't fox news, I don't think anyone wants a conversation consisting of screaming, name calling, and enjoying one's own smug.

I am neither for or against Manning, because I don't know what the results of his actions will be. But as for everyone who was for him, just because he's a hero, a martyr in your eyes, doesn't mean that he shouldn't be in prison. He committed a crime and he is in the brig because of it.

Next, the few rights that he still have aren't being violated. He is being put through normal jail house procedures. How many of you complain when a federal inmate or an inmate in a state prison goes through the same thing over and over for life.

I'm here because as a Marine, I have had to stand guard, I have stood suicide watch (had a flash back to bootcamp and my blue lens moon beam), I have had to keep watch over prisoners for 12 hour shifts. The last thing that they want is for this soldier to get hurt in their custody.

Lastly, think to yourselves. This man is in military detention, the brig, prison. If they were torturing him, theres no way a letter detailing his abuse would get out. They read every letter that goes out. The letter the Manning wrote, that some use as evidence that he's being treated inhumanely only shows how uncomfortable he is. He is going through normal prison life for someone that has committed a crime of this nature, and that has the star status that he's gotten.
edit on 13-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Even if in military you're guilty untill proven innocense then how is it that they conviniently removed the part where he has a change to prove himself innocent?
And to all those who says "it's not torture". Yeah you say that from the comfort of your home. You wouldn't last a month in the same conditions.

ME! *Raises hand* I have been in the same conditions for 3 months. He will get a chance to prove himself innocent one his trial comes, which should after the military finds out the full extent of the data and documents that he's stolen.

I have been in the brig. I've been on suicide watch, and I've stood suicide watch for other people. This man isn't being tortured. He's in prison and needs own up to his decisions.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Santh
reply to post by TDurdan

Calm down Sir. This isn't fox news, I don't think anyone wants a conversation consisting of screaming, name calling, and enjoying one's own smug.

I am neither for or against Manning, because I don't know what the results of his actions will be. But as for everyone who was for him, just because he's a hero, a martyr in your eyes, doesn't mean that he shouldn't be in prison. He committed a crime and he is in the brig because of it.

Next, the few rights that he still have aren't being violated. He is being put through normal jail house procedures. How many of you complain when a federal inmate or an inmate in a state prison goes through the same thing over and over for life.

I'm here because as a Marine, I have had to stand guard, I have stood suicide watch (had a flash back to bootcamp and my blue lens moon beam), I have had to keep watch over prisoners for 12 hour shifts. The last thing that they want is for this soldier to get hurt in their custody.

Lastly, think to yourselves. This man is in military detention, the brig, prison. If they were torturing him, theres no way a letter detailing his abuse would get out. They read every letter that goes out. The letter the Manning wrote, that some use as evidence that he's being treated inhumanely only shows how uncomfortable he is. He is going through normal prison life for someone that has committed a crime of this nature, and that has the star status that he's gotten.
edit on 13-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

He hasn't been tried for, let alone convicted of, anything. And you think his indefinite detention under the known circumstances is OK? You're some kind of whacked out American. Why is he in "prison" and experiencing "nortmal prison life" if he has not been tried and convicted. Isn't that a fundamental principle of American justice? You know (1) accusation, (2) trial, (3) conviction or acquittal, and (4) punishment if and only if convicted. Try to calm the chaos inside your head for a moment and give that some thought and get back to us with your insights.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by dubiousone

Because when you commit crimes while serving in the military, you don't go to some small county jail. You're guilty until proven innocent remember? You stop being treated like a criminal when the evidence suggests you're not.

This is the one thing people seem to be forgetting. He isn't a civilian. He isn't going to be jailed, prosecuted, punished like he would in a court in the civilian world.
edit on 13-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:03 AM
The United States of [North] America is currently in a state of internal moral and financial collapse. It was the same during the final collapse of Nazi controlled Germany. Where in one innocent psychiatry student "Sophie Sholl" and her "Fraternity of the White Rose", based in Munich, were murdered by a court of law that was not driven by a desire to serve justice, but instead were driven by a desire to be pleasing to their political leader Adolf "Hitler" Sickelgrubber.

In the case of Bradley Manning the government of the USA are using torture, which is worse a crime than is murder. At least the Nazi authorities executed "Sophie Sholl" immediately the very next morning after the trial, which was convened at a days notice. It all happened very quickly. However in the case of Bradley Manning there is not even a trial in a court of law and also so obviously the conditions in which Bradley Manning is being held are beyond any shadow of doubt certainly torture.

All is known to God. She knows everything. God alone is the One Judge there be no other Judge. Her judgements are perfect. Thus all should think upon the inevitable coming of the Day of Judgement. All shall answer for their sins naked before the bench of Almighty God. The "Law of Karma" is absolute. What will be your next reincarnation ?

What law are the USA bound to ? This law that holds the USA bonded into militarism is obviously the law according to man. Such law created by man is null and void. It is of no importance. Ignore it.

The law that I live by and which is holding us all bonded is called PRAECEPTAE CAELENIUM(tm). I did not read it in a book. You will not find it in any book. It was revealed to me by audio clairvoyance during the celebrations of the New Millennium in 2000. Summed up it basically means no sex no drugs and no violence. (1) From eternity to eternity, infinity to infinity, there be the one absolute. The One God there be no other God. Her names are many but she be the one true God. The one judge there be no other judge. (2) La deus nostra, notre dame, our lady, The holy spirit, the cause the maker Cosmica. (3) Angelic powers of truth and beauty and righteousness be sure to be loving her above with all your mind and with all your heart and with all your strength. (4) So as to be pleasing to her above therefore do not be serving the masculine. (5) Do not be and do not allow masculinity into positions of government. (6) Honour and respect the virgin pureness of the christae. (7) Honour and respect the Immaculate Conception reproductive process of the christae. (8) Do not fornicate or adulterate or sodomize. (9) Do not bully or torture or murder. (10) Do not lie. (11) Do not steal. (12) Do not be covetous. (13) Do not be jealous. Copyright NGL 2000.

He who trusts in violence to be his security cannot speak that he trusts in God to be his security.

edit on 13/4/2011 by CAELENIUM because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

Good god, this video is in another thread and like i told the fail OP there, SHOW ME detainees being shot
You cant because there ISNT ANY!!!

Fail Post

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:36 AM
Well, the international community has probably delivered their verdict already. They probably think that USA has no moral authority when it comes to human rights.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

your pretty adimit in saying that hes being tortured prove that he is, go down to fort levinworth and take some videos of him and prove it

jsut because the UN torture investigator was denied access to something the UN should not be getting involved in doesn't mean anything

that fact is he committed a crime while in a military uniform and the oath he took before he went to boot camp says he will protect the united states from enemies forgien and domestic, just because he didn't kill anyone doesn't mean he hasnt committed a crime against him country, by leaking the things he did he put more american lives in risk then already are in risk.

o yea and comparing america to nazi occupied europe...
there nothing a like

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Or I suppose those dead people after the incident just died of natural causes from shock? Or do you have a better "explanation"?
to you too.

[Edit to add] If you cant see the detainees in the video then you might want to see an eye doctor.
edit on 13/4/2011 by PsykoOps because: added

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:36 PM
i wantched it three times, and myself, amongst others, saw nothing

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

Here you go:

How about gunning down civilians. Is that enough of a war crime for you?

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by wayouttheredude

yes, the muslim extremists gun down civilians, dress in police uniforms, set off suicide bombs...yeah those i'd consider war crimes

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by CAELENIUM

Good god, this video is in another thread and like i told the fail OP there, SHOW ME detainees being shot
You cant because there ISNT ANY!!!

Fail Post

there is plenty of evidence if you could be bothered to look... evidently you dont do much reading..

people let us stop feeding this low level troll.....

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:20 PM
YOURE the troll, you post a video and dont show proof of allege3d war crimes in said video

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:32 PM
you post these videos, why not post videos of american soldiers and civilian contractors getting there heads cut off on TV,

you want to talk about war crimes how about that bull#, you talk about rotting in a jail cell so bad how about those poor bastards who got killed like that with a dull #ing knife and a camera infront of them so the whole world could see

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:35 PM
Yeah, lets talk about Daniel Pearl, Lets talk about the 4 contractors from blackwater beheaded, hacked to pieces and burned
I guess to you those are NOT WAR CRIMES

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by caf1550

How do you know who it behind the mask on one of those tapes. It would more likely be a mercenary working for the DOD contractors who are making bank on these wars. Did you ever stop to think who benefits from this war? It is not the troops involved and it is not the hagis involved either. It is the huge global banks and defense contractors that is who. Take your head out of the sand and think for a moment just who is the most likely to cause Americans to become angry at the Arabs. That is right. The huge banking cartel funding all this mess and the contractors who
are mopping up their money for them that is who. Get a clue people.

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