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UN Torture Investigator Denied Access to Bradley Manning

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posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by dubiousone

Starred and proud to add you as a friend.

Following orders is not enough..................if those orders break the morality of human decency.

No one should obey blindly an order because those running the show are clearly psychopaths.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:08 PM
And for all of you living in butterfly-land, happily convinced that our soldiers didn't murder innocents, I present to you a moment of clarity.....

How U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan murdered innocent civilians and mutilated their corpses – and how their officers failed to stop them. Plus: an exclusive look at the war crime photos censored by the Pentagon


Get your head screwed on straight.
edit on 12-4-2011 by aravoth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:13 PM
I just searched google to find out the conditions that everyone is calling human rights violations.

Bradley Manning is under maximum security conditions and was under suicide watch. From what I understand, this means 23 hours a day locked up, at random searches to make sure he has no contraband and hasn't been hurting himself. Pretty much, prison.

Until we see the full results of his actions, I won't judge him for what he did. BUT... He needs to suck it up. His rights aren't being violated, he's in prison. He stole top secret documents and gave them to an unauthorized party, and now he's paying the price. It's not something unjust, he is being held until all the facts are found out then he will be sent to trial.

In the military, you are guilty until proven innocent. I've had buddies NJP'd for things that they MIGHT do. And theres no bail from the brig. He made a decision and he has to suffer the results, whether they be good or bad.

That said, once again, until we know the implications of the data that he released, I'll reserve my own opinion for him. But he did what he did knowing full well what could happen to him. Either he's a hero or a piece of poop, but there hasn't been any evidence of him being tortured. He is in prison. What does everyone expect? A five star Hotel?

edit on 12-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:14 PM


posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:16 PM

He Joined the Military to protect what he held Sacred.. His birth place.


All those files show War-Crimes nothing non substantial..


You are what I like to call a Sellout.. You get paid to spread disinformation which you don't even realize is harming yourself, You are being used BECAUSE MONEY DOESN'T EXIST its a Machination to instill Neo-Serfdom Do you think the VIKING KINGS used money? No only the Citizens under them and it was a form of trade not a form of Power because 80% of the time PEOPLE DIDN'T WANT THE GOLD.

Hell there were only 2 classes back then The People The King.

In america there are 5 disctinct classes.


You are the reason I am a Politician.
edit on 12-4-2011 by Gestas because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:19 PM

There is simply no escaping the fact that the fate of the Constitution is in our hands -- as voters,
representatives, justices.
If we allow ourselves to abuse the tradition of higher lawmaking, the very idea that the Constitution can be viewed as the culminating expression of a mobilized citizenry will disintegrate.
After all, the American Republic is no more eternal than the Roman -- and it will come to an end when
American citizens betray their Constitution’s fundamental ideals and aspirations so thoroughly that
existing institutions merely parody the public meanings they formerly conveyed.

- Bruce Arnold Ackerman (born August 19, 1943) is an American constitutional law scholar.
He is a Sterling Professor at Yale Law School and one of the most frequently cited legal academics in
the United States.

edit on 12-4-2011 by Khurzon because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Santh
I just searched google to find out the conditions that everyone is calling human rights violations.

Bradley Manning is under maximum security conditions and was under suicide watch. From what I understand, this means 23 hours a day locked up, at random searches to make sure he has no contraband and hasn't been hurting himself. Pretty much, prison.

Until we see the full results of his actions, I won't judge him for what he did. BUT... He needs to suck it up. His rights aren't being violated, he's in prison. He stole top secret documents and gave them to an unauthorized party, and now he's paying the price. It's not something unjust, he is being held until all the facts are found out then he will be sent to trial.

In the military, you are guilty until proven innocent. I've had buddies NJP'd for things that they MIGHT do. And theres no bail from the brig. He made a decision and he has to suffer the results, whether they be good or bad.

That said, once again, until we know the implications of the data that he released, I'll reserve my own opinion for him. But he did what he did knowing full well what could happen to him. Either he's a hero or a piece of poop, but there hasn't been any evidence of him being tortured. He is in prison. What does everyone expect? A five star Hotel?

edit on 12-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

Human rights advocates describe the conditions as unreasonably harsh, degrading and even illegal. According to their claims, for nine months, the prisoner has to spend 23 hours a day in a small cell without personal possessions and even bed sheets. He is allowed to have a “walk” for an hour in another room with no other prisoners present. Manning is also being forced to disrobe before sleeping. The military officials explain the treatment by the fact that the prisoner is under suicide watch. This assertion was questioned by top US psychiatrists, who signed an open letter in Manning’s support. Another note protesting Manning’s mistreatment was recently signed by 250 top US legal scholars, including Laurence Tribe – a constitutional law professor for Barack Obama and a key supporter of his 2008 presidential campaign.


posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by purplemer

What part of that is inhumane?

You left a quote with no comment or any direction for me to see your side. What were they doing that was over the line when it comes to humane treatment?
edit on 12-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Starred and proudly added you as a friend.................this video says it all.

Those that oppose your post are brain washed, mind controlled sheep trying to justify a horrendous agenda.

For all you naysayers...............I dare you to watch this video.

You were played for a pawn by TPTB for the oil...........blood money, profit, you stupid fools.

How dare you call security of homeland when 911 was a false flag................and resulted in the shedding of innocent blood.

Fools,,,,,,,,, all of you that swallowed and keep swallowing the American Corporate Dictatorship all in the name of profit.

God, wake up!


What if one of these innocents had been your child, your grandchild?

Cannot you empathize, or have most of you become nonhuman?
edit on 12-4-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Santh
reply to post by purplemer

What part of that is inhumane?

You left a quote with no comment or any direction for me to see your side. What were they doing that was over the line when it comes to humane treatment?
edit on 12-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

Top US law scholars: Manning’s detention violates 5th and 8th amendments Nearly 300 of the top law scholars in the United States have just called on the Obama administration to end the torturous treatment of Bradley Manning.

is that clear enough for you or do you want more. why do you think the united nations is investigating his treatment...


posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by purplemer

The Fifth Amendment (Amendment V) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, protects against abuse of government authority in a legal procedure.

The Eighth Amendment (Amendment VIII) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights which prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines or cruel and unusual punishments.

Once again, why are you just giving me quotes. What did they do that violated these amendments? "Scholars say" Scholars say alot, but only proof or credible evidence means anything.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Santh
reply to post by purplemer

The Fifth Amendment (Amendment V) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, protects against abuse of government authority in a legal procedure.

The Eighth Amendment (Amendment VIII) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights which prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines or cruel and unusual punishments.

Once again, why are you just giving me quotes. What did they do that violated these amendments? "Scholars say" Scholars say alot, but only proof or credible evidence means anything.

did you click the link i gave you or try googling for the letter....

“For nine months, Manning has been confined to his cell for twenty-three hours a day. During his one remaining hour, he can walk in circles in another room, with no other prisoners present. He is not allowed to doze off or relax during the day, but must answer the question “Are you OK?” verbally and in the affirmative every five minutes. At night, he is awakened to be asked again “Are you OK?” every time he turns his back to the cell door or covers his head with a blanket so that the guards cannot see his face. During the past week he was forced to sleep naked and stand naked for inspection in front of his cell, and for the indefinite future must remove his clothes and wear a “smock” under claims of risk to himself that he disputes.”

“The administration has provided no evidence that Manning’s treatment reflects a concern for his own safety or that of other inmates. Unless and until it does so, there is only one reasonable inference: this pattern of degrading treatment aims either to deter future whistleblowers, or to force Manning to implicate Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in a conspiracy, or both

extract from the full letter....
also explains the violations, maybe you should try reading it before you comment next...

The sum of the treatment that has been widely reported is a violation of the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, and the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee against punishment without trial. If continued, it may well amount to a violation of the criminal statute against torture, defined as, among other things, “the administration or application… of… procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or the personality.” Private Manning has been designated as an appropriate subject for both Maximum Security and Prevention of Injury (POI) detention. But he asserts that his administrative reports consistently describe him as a well-behaved prisoner who does not fit the requirements for Maximum Security detention. The Brig psychiatrist began recommending his removal from Prevention of Injury months ago. These claims have not been publicly contested. In an Orwellian twist, the spokesman for the brig commander refused to explain the forced nudity “because to discuss the details would be a violation of Manning’s privacy.”

edit on 12-4-2011 by purplemer because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:46 PM
It's dissenters are silenced, not praised.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by purplemer

How about you get an opinion of your own and post your own thoughts on the subject instead of giving us alot of copy/paste.

"I was stripped of all clothing with the exception of my underwear. My prescription eyeglasses were taken away from me and I was forced to sit in essential blindness."

Those are HIS own words. He was stripped down to his skivvies and searched. He wasn't nude. Thats normal for a prison search/inspection. They took away his glasses, I'm sure thats normal procedure also, since anything can be a weapon, and almost anything can be a hiding spot.

Now, can I get your argument in your own words on this?

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Santh
reply to post by purplemer

How about you get an opinion of your own and post your own thoughts on the subject instead of giving us alot of copy/paste.

"I was stripped of all clothing with the exception of my underwear. My prescription eyeglasses were taken away from me and I was forced to sit in essential blindness."

Those are HIS own words. He was stripped down to his skivvies and searched. He wasn't nude. Thats normal for a prison search/inspection. They took away his glasses, I'm sure thats normal procedure also, since anything can be a weapon, and almost anything can be a hiding spot.

Now, can I get your argument in your own words on this?

opinions are cheap and two a penny. they do not add much in the way of debate. i can give you his legal defense too if that helps you.
sofar i am yet to see you address any of the points i have raised. really you are looking like a low level troll. i have provided facts. something you are yet to provide...


posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Thats because you haven't made any points.

And how is this a debate on what they maybe are doing? And when it comes down to it, his abuse case will be decided depending on how his treatment is viewed. They haven't violated any of his rights, most of which he gave up when he stole government secrets and got caught.

And the facts that you claim to have shown, are exactly my point in this. Sounds like he's in prison, not being tortured.

Furthermore, Define troll.

edit on 12-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-4-2011 by Santh because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Gestas
All those files show War-Crimes nothing non substantial..

Wrong. They most certainly did not all show war crimes. If he only leaked things like the video showing the wanton execution of the journalists, I'd have more sympathy. He had no business leaking thousands of classified diplomatic cables. He alone got himself into this mess. He's fortunate he was a US soldier, and at worst will get a long prison sentence. Most countries would execute someone for what he did.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Compass99

Whats the matter with you talking like that? You are sick sir. Get help

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by aravoth
The fact is that Bradley Manning upheld his oath in the most honorable way possible. By exposing the crimes of the United States government

Care to list these crimes? And one diplomat telling another that the British ambassador is a drunk doesn't count.

Despite what people may believe, the truth is very clear here. Bradley Manning swore to defend the ideals forever enshrined in parchment that founded this country. And he did that beautifully. That young man has more courage in his left fingernail, than the whole of his oppressors have in sum.

By his own admission, Manning committed treason because "People have a right to know." Now that thousands of people are dead because of his concern for the people of the world to be well informed, how does that make you feel? Would you have released the documents?

Originally posted by Gestas

He Joined the Military to protect what he held Sacred.. His birth place.


All those files show War-Crimes nothing non substantial..


You are what I like to call a Sellout.. You get paid to spread disinformation which you don't even realize is harming yourself, You are being used BECAUSE MONEY DOESN'T EXIST its a Machination to instill Neo-Serfdom Do you think the VIKING KINGS used money? No only the Citizens under them and it was a form of trade not a form of Power because 80% of the time PEOPLE DIDN'T WANT THE GOLD.

Hell there were only 2 classes back then The People The King.

In america there are 5 disctinct classes.


You are the reason I am a Politician.
edit on 12-4-2011 by Gestas because: (no reason given)

DON'T DO DRUGS KIDS! You could end up being a politician.

edit on 4/12/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Santh
reply to post by purplemer

What part of that is inhumane?

Why do you applaud and encourage mistreatment of U.S. Citizen Bradley Manning? Doing so makes you no less a psychopath than those who are administering the mistreatment by "just following orders".

Ever wonder why the criminals who have been exposed by the leaked info aren't being subjected to the same or worse conditions than Manning? It's time that some of the real criminals in the U.S.A. are exposed and held accountable. Just ask yourself, why aren't they? The answer is, in part, that your support of anything done by those in "authority" just perpetuates the present system.

edit on 4/12/2011 by dubiousone because: Toning it down to avoid a T&C violation.

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