posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:01 AM
Why do they thing 2013 will not happen? 2012 aligns earth-sun-black hole at galaxy center. This will cause what the ancient Hindu refer to as
Samavartaka or as others call the fire of the east or purifying fire. Based on my field unification theory in physics using only projective
geometry(!) the alignment would cause energy and space to separate, magnetic fields would do the work. The result; earth will become +ionized as all
electrons move only one direction, to galaxy center. This will wipe all magnetic and maybe even ram memory everywhere, people will seem to appear and
disappear like those sailors did from the Philadelphia Experiment, we may have some nuclear powerplants blow up, and 144,000 people will leave earth
for 7 years to return as teachers according to Jehovas witnesses. I have trouble following all the evidence of that last remark, but I have yet no
better alternative explanations. Also this electrical storm to come on Dec21,2012; it may provide such ionization that all nuclear waste on earth will
suddenly disintegrate in heat of billions of degrees. Extreme +ionization does this.
I think that by January 2020 the earth's spin axis will change 120 degrees putting the new equator on the west coast of the U.S. right up through the
Baja. A point just east of Minsk in Russia never changes climate of the 3 possible spin axis which each last 12,900 years. Before during and shortly
after that axis change, many people will die from major disasters, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc...but no telling how many.
As far as ufos, aliens, secret agendas, I believe it all, but don't think that telling everyone how ufos work is the answer to anything.
The scientific evidence I've outlined in videos on my youtube channel mikefromspace.