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Compasses going crazy...Theories and Research

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posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

How effective, just out of curiosity, do you think a speakers magnet would be if it were not stronger than the earths magnetic field...How effective do some of you think a REFRIGERATOR magnet would be if it were not STRONGER then the Earths magnetic field..My point is done, the only people showing "anomalies" are anomalous themselves in the fact of properly utilizing a compass. Hate, call me a troll, but at the end of the day your eyes are closed, mine are not.

The ATS threads recently seem to me to take the lines of A - a false statement B - recognition and backing up of that false statements account C - intelligent debasement by what will be referred to as "trolls" D - disparagement and casting off of said "trolls" actual understanding of reality E - bullying and mass hysteria.

Some people on ATS are truly the ones who if any of you are old enough to remember are the ones that follow the newscaster in the original Omega Man. You are the ones who burned witches at the stake because what they said did not "fit" into your paranoia or limited understanding. As opposed to the followers of Neville, and the light. Enjoy your darkness.

Lets start a thread on how the moon is made of cheese.
edit on 22-3-2011 by Liberterius because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Liberterius

And the point of all that was what? Magnetic north has been where it should be for me, no one has called me a troll for stating it. Then again I try not to go on tirades and make people feel like idiots, maybe that has something to do with it? I have been using compasses for a long time, for plotting offroad trails on maps as I travel them, I imagine not everyone has had the need to use one.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

No, don't think you're a troll (I'm the TROLL duh winning) and agree with all your statements. Was responding to you because I agreed with you, my bad. Not used to this many people being confused about something as BASIC as how to operate a freaking compass! Really says alot about ATS that this experiment is still going on and people who have never felt they needed to join are compelled to join because THEY CANT READ A COMPASS EITHER!! For f-sake, I want my news from someone who cant even interpret a compass reading, or tells me a bear having a freaking stroke in germany (non-capitalized on purpose) is all part of the master conspiracy.........bejephus. Really?
edit on 22-3-2011 by Liberterius because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by Tecumte

The post is at prisonplanet, not NY times. It doesn't seem to include any reference links etc. Normally I won't even bother going to a link that leads there, but I hoped they at least included reference links and gave it a shot. I somehow doubt it is possible to create a magnet even equal to the earth's magnet pull, let alone 250000 times greater... Could be wrong though.

The article from prisonplanet is said to be sourced from the N.Y. Times as follows: "The 6/21/77 NEW YORK TIMES reported...".

This could probably be validated or not if one wished to. Do you think they are lying? Perhaps I will follow up further and see if both that and the similar article alledgedly sourced from Popular Mechancis can be located if you are really interested, when I get a little extra time. Still as I mentioned earlier the link appeared to have quite a few avenues to pursue, regarding man-made things that look like they would easily have the potential to greatly affect earth's magnetic field.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by TKDRL

Actually there are plenty of magnets stronger than the Earth's magnetic field. At 50º latitude the Earth's field has a strength of about 58 µT (microtesla).

That magnet on your fridge? About 5mT, 86 times stronger than the Earth's field.

That magnet in your stereo speaker? 1T, 17,000 times stronger.

Ever had an MRI? 2T, 34,000 times stronger.

The Earth's magnetic field is not strong but it is very large. No magnet is going to change it. But, like a little refrigerator magnet, they can affect where a compass points if they are close enough to it.

I wonder if we had dozens of HAARP like systems and many many 40 ton magnets and tesla coils etc. etc. situated all over the earth (not to mention all of the other things that interfere) if we might be able to create all sorts of interference at least in pockets. (enough to affect some compasses?)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Liberterius

Liberterius: Honestly you don't believe that you and a couple of others can come in here and call those of us who have noticed a changed in our compass recently idiots, that our compasses are broken, etc and believe that you won't get negative feedback as well, do you? Actually I do believe there has only been 1 person that has called you a "troll" and his comments were deleted by mods. No one has burned you at the stake. And no one has questioned your intelligence or the authenticity of your compass reading skills even though you are getting different results. It truly sounds like a case of "you can dish it, but can't take it." And if you don't like the heat, stay out of the fire. Listen friend, if you are going to come in here throwing punches, don't be nieve enough to think people aren't going to throw some back. It truly astounds me when bullies pick on people for whatever reason and then get picked on back and the bully runs to mama (mods) crying because "it's not fair, they aren't allowed to pick on me back. I'm suppose to be the only bully. Can you (mods) please delete them." Pull up your big boy panties for cryin' out loud.

It's one thing to RESPECTFULLY disagree, state why and your opinions. It's quite another to be rude, cuss at people, and call names.

edit on 22-3-2011 by watchdog because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by coolottie

Unless you are standing next to a magnet or a large hunk of steel.

Or an electrical current, which creates it's own magnetic field.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Tecumte

HAARP transmits high frequency radio. Radio waves don't really have any effect on magnetism.

A Tesla coil might affect compasses near to it but it would also create a lot of radio interference that people would be likely to notice. The FCC doesn't take kindly to that kind of thing.

A 40 ton magnet would affect compasses close enough to it. I don't know how close but call it 1 mile just for fun (I doubt it would be even close to that). It would be pretty easy to locate it, it would be it's own homing device. Everyone's compass would point to it. You could drive around with a compass and find it.

edit on 3/22/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by watchdog

Nonsense WATCHDOG, I say your name respectfully and loudly, I never called anyone an idiot ( I used other euphemisms). I say all measured "anomalies" are anomalous in themselves, and probably explainable via simple methods. I say there is no kitty wumpus going on in the Earths magnetic field via proven fact, and anything that maybe the few 1% that actually are using their compass properly is experiencing is an offset is a local anomaly. Period, full stop, end of story. Aside from ragging on me, are you now saying there is an actual anomaly in the Earths magnetic field right now, that maybe you don't understand would ground every transcontinental plane in the air (which has not happened in case your keeping up) and I am wrong, or did YOU MAYBE NOT READ YOUR COMPASS RIGHT? You tell me, we should believe you and care why............Tell me about contrails, and UFO's and HAARP or how you cant read a compass.
edit on 22-3-2011 by Liberterius because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Liberterius

Well, I am in zombie mode, I probably shouldn't be on a forum at all right now lol.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:22 PM
My compass is still fine.
A compass can be effected by just being inside your house.
Think of all the electrical wires running through your walls.
Put a hammer or some metal object next to your compass and see how far it
A compass is a precise instrument,not some toy.
It works much better outside away from any metal then anywhere else.
Heck,I used my L.E.D. flashlight to see my compass better and it threw
it off by 30 degrees.
So they can be very sensitive.
BTW my compass is some cheap hiking compass.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by Tecumte

The post is at prisonplanet, not NY times. It doesn't seem to include any reference links etc. Normally I won't even bother going to a link that leads there, but I hoped they at least included reference links and gave it a shot. I somehow doubt it is possible to create a magnet even equal to the earth's magnet pull, let alone 250000 times greater... Could be wrong though.

The Earth's magnetic field is pretty weak, and getting weaker currently. Proximity to a magnetic field that is stronger at that point will override it. I think they were talking about field strength, rather than a cumulative overall strength. A disturbing part of that article is that they seem to be measuring magnetic field strength in "teslas". That's a new one on me. We always measured the field strength in "gauss". That makes the report sort of suspect, but I'd not say yea or nay until I found a copy of the NYT for that day and looked for the article.

I also thought it odd that the US would provide that tech to Soviets in 1977, while the cold war was raging, then I realized that Carter was in the driver's seat at that time, and I'd not put it past him considering some of his other shenanigans. It could be, but it's another "doubtful" point until confirmed.

Oddly, I can recall hearing the "woodpecker" signal from Russia that the article mentions. It was transmitted in the short waves, and came out of Siberia as near as I can recall. I can't recall the frequency, but it went silent in the 90's. It was a fairly steady staccato clicking noise that could be picked up on any short wave radio, any time of the day or night. I don't think anyone ever figured out a valid reason for it, but it ran for years 24/7, and so must have had a purpose of some sort, even though we couldn't fathom what that was. I first heard it in 1978.

There were a couple of other similar shortwave signals at the time that no one ever figured out the reason for. Some hummed, and some whistled. Reminded me later of one of them when I first heard a dial-up modem do a "handshake". Several "numbers stations" were also broadcasting in the short wave at the time, but we knew the purpose of them.

I'm not sure how a "super magnet" would augment the signal strength of a shortwave radio broadcast, but I suppose it could have been coupled to it to produce some other sort of effect, maybe pulsing an electromagnetic field in sync with the clicking for some unfathomable purpose. The Russians were working at that time on ways to affect the weather on a large scale for warfare purposes, but they only had limited success, and I can't see how a super-magnet would affect that, either.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

A Tesla is equal to 10^4 Gauss, I'm suspect of classes you got edumacated in to not know that. The only thing suspect I would say is your "expertise".
edit on 22-3-2011 by Liberterius because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Tecumte

HAARP transmits high frequency radio. Radio waves don't really have any effect on magnetism.

A Tesla coil might affect compasses near to it but it would also create a lot of radio interference that people would be likely to notice. The FCC doesn't take kindly to that kind of thing.

A 40 ton magnet would affect compasses close enough to it. I don't know how close but call it 1 mile just for fun (I doubt it would be even close to that). It would be pretty easy to locate it, it would be it's own homing device. Everyone's compass would point to it. You could drive around with a compass and find it.

edit on 3/22/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

I have a question,if HAARP did emit a radio frequency,could it not excite the electrons in metal objects
to produce a magnetic charge,or if the ground beneath contain iron ore or quartz,could it excite these
What if an earthquake emitted some low frequency that would do the same,a large quake,say from Japan.
I have to do some more reading on Tesla.
And that fellow who built that coral castle in Florida,I forget his name.
edit on 22-3-2011 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2011 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Liberterius

Liberterius: Sweetheart, using euphemisms doesn't negate the fact that you have pretty much talked down to everyone in this forum that you disagree with. There is more than just one way to call someone an idiot without actually calling them an idiot and you being highly intelligent KNOW this lol.

Responding to your next question, I have NO idea why my compass is roughly 15 degrees off. And as I have stated numerous times, it could be the fact that I live so close to a highly active military installation and they are using/training/experimenting with something that is throwing it off. I have absolutely no idea. I have never claimed to be an expert at such things, but I have a sneaky suspicion that as intelligent as you are (or think you are) that you still don't know it all, because if you did you would be out working in this particular field of study, leading the way in this research, and your name would be littered althroughout the world wide web, instead of on ATS all day. And actually, as I checked RSOE this morning, I did notice and abundance of plane incidents in this country from yesterday, and holy smokes, looks like they correlate to some of the same spots where compasses have been "off".

But I honestly (as of this moment) don't think that there is some huge (said with lots of sarcasm) conspiracy. I just think my compass is off and I am sure there is a logical explanation that I may never find out. Cheers

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by watchdog

Fair enough, and it's usually the red-herring of the uneducated to complain they are "talked down" to. It's called intelligence honey, what you get from years of actually studying a subject other than hypothesizing or watching star trek episodes. My suggestion to you is buy a new compass.
edit on 22-3-2011 by Liberterius because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by watchdog
reply to post by Liberterius

Liberterius: Sweetheart, using euphemisms doesn't negate the fact that you have pretty much talked down to everyone in this forum that you disagree with. There is more than just one way to call someone an idiot without actually calling them an idiot and you being highly intelligent KNOW this lol.

Responding to your next question, I have NO idea why my compass is roughly 15 degrees off. And as I have stated numerous times, it could be the fact that I live so close to a highly active military installation and they are using/training/experimenting with something that is throwing it off. I have absolutely no idea. I have never claimed to be an expert at such things, but I have a sneaky suspicion that as intelligent as you are (or think you are) that you still don't know it all, because if you did you would be out working in this particular field of study, leading the way in this research, and your name would be littered althroughout the world wide web, instead of on ATS all day. And actually, as I checked RSOE this morning, I did notice and abundance of plane incidents in this country from yesterday, and holy smokes, looks like they correlate to some of the same spots where compasses have been "off".

But I honestly (as of this moment) don't think that there is some huge (said with lots of sarcasm) conspiracy. I just think my compass is off and I am sure there is a logical explanation that I may never find out. Cheers

Maybe the Bermuda Triangle just moved inland!

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by Liberterius

First off sweetheart, if you are trying to flirt with me (reference to "honey" or just the fact that you can't resist keeping this conversation going) you're going about it ALL wrong big boy. Suggestions would be flowers, chocolate, dinner and a movie, BEFORE you sweet talk me and insult me all at the same time. Second, you have no idea what my education level is or what I have studied so quit making ASSumptions and "hypothesizing" about my education level or anyone else's for that matter. It makes you look like a donkey's butt. Third, I tell you what, I will go buy a new compass if you will go sign up for some classes in manners. Deal?

OP: I am so very sorry that your thread has turned into this and that I have helped in it. I just have a hard time with not responding and calling people out on the way they treat people. So please forgive me.

edit on 22-3-2011 by watchdog because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

Sound does not affect electrons.

Exciting the electrons of an atom does not not create a magnetic "charge" (there is no such thing).

There is some evidence that earthquakes may be associated with fluctuations of the Earth's magnetic field. The fluctuations are very slight (requiring very sensitive instruments to detect them).

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by watchdog

Deal. I babbled on in my initial response I succinct it here: I love you and all you represent, I cannot believe there is anything wrong with the Earths magnetic field. I referred to you using the nickname "honey" because you had already referred to me as "sweetheart" twice. I am not hitting on you, though I believe you are an absolute doll if you are female I apologize for nothing. Don't refer to me in some sexist term as a man, and I wont you. And finally I am aware one should not start a sentence with a proposition but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Magnetic Field of the Mother - F-ing Earth. The point of this thread is if I'm not mistaken to explore alternate readings, by what ended up being deficient individuals. Keep your eyes closed, I choose beauty and the light. Enjoy.
edit on 22-3-2011 by Liberterius because: (no reason given)

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