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Compasses going crazy...Theories and Research

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posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

Oh goody. A youtube blitz.

1) Berkland uses the shotgun/horseshoes method of earthquake prediction. Make enough vague predictions and you're bound to be right once in a while.

2) Yes the rate of drift of the north magnetic pole is faster now than it was. But not fast enough to be in the Atlantic Ocean or Europe which is what the "anomalous compass readings" from the US would seem to indicate.

3) Polar drift pole shift

4) Polar drift pole shift

edit on 3/22/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Phage

It never has been "where it used to be". It's been moving for as long as we knew where it was. But not enough to make a compass point true east.

Depends where you're standing..
In the right place it would point true east...

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:10 AM
Here is the map of the combined compass and rumble noises as of 5:00 am, EDST 22-3-11. The deviation ring is moving by a few hundred miles a day.

Here in SE Michigan, I was off by 20 degrees Sunday morning. 21-3-11 and it's back to normal.

The rumble sounds are clustered around the great lakes.


posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:21 AM
It seems that the only way to have different reading of magnetic north would be to have more than 1 pole. Below is a link regarding multi-pole magnets that use rare earth elements and cobalt.

multipole magnet

Very technical. Talks about different effects and pole strength, also radial magnets around a sectional magnet. All the section are divisible into 360 degrees. Anyway, if someone with some technical expertise could look at it and see if it is relevant to this, it would be much appreciated. the only way you could have multiple magnetic north readings is with different poles. This seems to explain the variations in readings. At first I though that people couldn't read a compass and compare it to true north but to many reading are coming in different.
edit on 22-3-2011 by jlafleur02 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:33 AM
I was in the national guard and we would have weekend drills. 9 out of 10 couldn't navigate. I would try to show them but they couldn't get it. We layout the map, it show 15 degree offset to the west. I would find magnet north turn the compass to reflect 15 degree offset and their you go. they would always turn the base to the west thinking that is the adjustment but they were always off by 30 degrees cause they turned it the wrong way. I couldn't get it through their skulls that the needle must turn and since it can't, the base turns opposite of the adjusted heading. Not to say that is what people are doing but I think that many reading are off. I would also say that I don't think all reading are off.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by MadDogtheHunter

Just dug out a compass. Reading normal here on the West coast of Ireland.

Sorry I have not been through the whole thread yet because I wanted to post this, but I don't know if anyone has mentioned that you can get anomalous areas. For example there are some areas of N in the Southern Hemisphere.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by billxam

Strange that all the areas marked on your map are the oil/gas extraction areas.

Maybe the rumbling is the collapse of the shale that runs under most of the US now the pressure has been relieved by the GOM and all the fracking!
Maybe it is giving up the ghost and the US is about to sink.
(Only kidding! - I needed a second line.)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 06:52 AM
What might be interesting as well, is for those who have access to frequency analyzers, especially any with very elaborate ones with a wide band to start trying to take various readings. If any of these 'anomolies' are in fact due to man made waves of any sort perhaps they can be detected as to what range they are in and show up on an analyzer. Many of these units are available on-line for not too much money for those with the inclination to know more about their environment, and one might be surprised at the large amount of waves surrounding us and where they come from and how they might affect things.
edit on 22-3-2011 by Tecumte because: wording correction

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Liberterius

What you're not obviously grasping is that 99.9% of peoples "findings" are non-scientific and carried out by people who never held a compass in their hands nor are aware of magnetic deviation. Hence their "findings" are suspect by anyone who isn't wearing a tinfoil hat. Try to keep up will you, no one is debating the shift of the magnetic pole, the pole has shifted as long as we have been measuring it. Duh.....winning.

If you are suggesting that 99.9% of the compass readings are invalid, as scientific data findings, then you been smoking and doing the same # charlie sheen been doing, as clear that delusional, is common lately, and winning, is how you play the game, more so than ever.

Clearly the majority of compass readings are being carried out, makes your observation and statement, very doubtful, imho by more than our average homer, as the fox is sly, will not deny!

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:25 AM
I have a military compass very high grade and it points dead North. It has for months. If you are near something with an electric motor or anything else with electric currents it will throw off a cheap compass.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by JerryB08
I have a military compass very high grade and it points dead North. It has for months. If you are near something with an electric motor or anything else with electric currents it will throw off a cheap compass.

I know some people may have reasons ffor getting tired of hearing this but how about the dozens of 'HAARP-like' and other military systems out there? Would they be able as well to throw off a cheap compass? Did the DOD 'tests' only a month earlier in the SE U.S. also potentially have that capability? Does anyone know conclusively if and when the 'tests' ended and perhaps exactly what was getting 'tested'?

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by watchdog
reply to post by nenothtu

Nenothtu: Thanks for your reply and very happy to hear that your compass is reading accurately.

It reads like it should at home, and it reads like it should at work, but I got some odd readings just north and just south of Alamance, NC that I can't yet explain, within about 5 miles or so of each other. Not gonna post what they were until I can find a reason for them - they were that far off.

Since yesterday was the equinox, I shot the azimuth of the sunrise. The equinoxes are the only time of the year when it rises due east (true - not magnetic). I got some thoroughly wonky readings in that single five mile stretch, which seemed to have magnetic north too far east of true on the south side of the town and too far west of true on the north (north/south separation between readings). The sunrise was, of course, in the same direction (true east) on both sides of the town, but the magnetic azimuths to it were FAR different.

It would have to be two different sources of interference to draw the needle to the west on the north side of the town and to the east on the south side of it, unless they've got some kind of funky magnetic vortex going on there. The overall variation between the two readings was relatively large, so there was some sort of strong draw there.

I'll post the figures later if I can find an explanation for them.

The GPS unit had north right where it ought to be, but it can only tell you where north is when it's moving - has to draw a line between two points to determine the heading, and it can only get those two points by moving from one to the other.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:25 AM
I have said this from the start. I said the OP originally does not know how to read a compass. HE does not know the difference between true and magnetic north. HE did not do any research before making this post....The rest of you don't know how to read compasses and you think because it has been suggested to you that north has changed. It has not changed anymore than the Chandler Belt has changed....It is seriously about time a lot of you get back into some school.

Stop wasting time making maps of peoples NON-SCIENTIFIC DATA. It becomes very easy to find whatever answer you want when you use this method.

If we are worried about compasses and Magnetic North we need Scientific data to back us up. I would seriously say that 99% of people do not know how to use a compass and find their location. I WILL SAY THIS AGAIN, you need a map, a compass, and a point of reference to find location……THIS THREAD HAS NO POINT OF REFRENCE.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:40 AM

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:53 AM
North is still where it should be in NB this morning. Hope you all have a great day!

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Wolfenz
reply to post by Phage

now its accelerated at an alarming rate , Well.. thats what some site's say and what the News Media says

For grins and giggle, go here, download and watch the very first animation at the top of the page (it's a Quicktime .mov file, but windows media player ought to play it, too - mine does). You can see the magnetic pole wandering around the north pole on a map of Earth projected onto a globe, but right there at the end, it stops wandering and takes off like a bullet in a straight line for Russia!

Keep in mind that the data this was made from goes back to 1590, so it's right at the end of it, the last 10 years or so, where you can see it start zipping away, and accelerating as it goes.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 10:11 AM
I haven't read hte OP's post. But I was just reading The Incident at Exeter, a book from the 60's about a UFO sighting at the city of Exeter. There're many sightings descrbied in the book. In a few it mentions how the UFO's messed up compasses. I think iv'e read about this elsewhere.

One of hte examples was from the chilean navy I think from the 50's or early 60's. The UFO in question was 2000 meters distant yet still played havoc with the compasses on hte ships.

Just thought i'd put here for those who might be interested.
edit on 22-3-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by MadDogtheHunter

The owner of my company is a private pilot. He said he has noticed changes in the cokpit with his navigation instruments, and checked with other pilots, just to make sure it was not his equipment, and the same results, all the compasses are off.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by Wolfenz
reply to post by Phage

now its accelerated at an alarming rate , Well.. thats what some site's say and what the News Media says

For grins and giggle, go here, download and watch the very first animation at the top of the page (it's a Quicktime .mov file, but windows media player ought to play it, too - mine does). You can see the magnetic pole wandering around the north pole on a map of Earth projected onto a globe, but right there at the end, it stops wandering and takes off like a bullet in a straight line for Russia! :lol

Keep in mind that the data this was made from goes back to 1590, so it's right at the end of it, the last 10 years or so, where you can see it start zipping away, and accelerating as it goes.

No wonder our poor magnetic pole is 'lost' in all of mankind's competition. And here I thought it was all because 'we couldn't correctly read our compasses'. Imagine what else is out there the public is not told about.

The 6/21/77 NEW YORK TIMES reported that the U.S. shipped a 40 ton magnet (the largest in the world at that time) and a team of American scientists to the Soviet Union. That 40 ton device could GENERATE A MAGNETIC FIELD 250.000 TIMES GREATER THAN THAT OF THE EARTH. The purpose of that shipment was to build a more efficient Magneto - Hydro - Dynamic power generator, which was used to greatly increase the power of the then new Soviet Woodpecker transmitters. This MHD power system helped the Russians REPEATEDLY OVERRIDE, BLANK OUT, AND INTERFERE WITH THE EARTH'S NATURAL MAGNETIC FIELD.'

The United States developed other powerful magnets, capable of disrupting earth's own natural magnetic field. The 1/88 POPULAR SCIENCE described huge new superconducting magnets: "The six D-shaped coils are each 20 feet tall and weigh about 40 tons. ... Each of the magnets reached peak magnetic fields of nine teslas, ABOUT 180,000 times the value of earth's relatively feeble field. FIELDS OF SUCH HIGH INTENSITY GENERATE ENORMOUS MECHANICAL FORCES.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

Thedude: Maybe your compass is broken or you don't know how to read/work it. Just saying

Twinkle twinkle little star.....hehehe I needed a 2nd line.

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