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Compasses going crazy...Theories and Research

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posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:21 PM
Gosh - someone talked mean to people, and that changed reality.

Oh, wait it didn't.

What sort of proof would you like from all the people who apparently own compasses, have used them before, but suddenly are too incompetent to read them or know what they've seen before on them?

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Aeons

One suggestion made way earlier on in the thread was taking a picture holding the compass with the setting sun in the view I think. Prettymuch anything that would give perspective on which true direction you are facing, to get a bearing on what the compass should be reading, and where you are located.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:26 PM
I'll quote my post in another thread to throw in here.

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by XtraTL

There is no compass anomaly?

Every handheld compass I've gotten ahold of is pointing more East than it did before.

I'm directionally challenged. I've asked several other people when handing them a compass, "I thought that North was over there." and they all say, "It is," then look at the compass with a bit of confusion.

Fine - your digital data all says that North is in the same place. People I hand an actual floating compass to all think North is a bit West compared to where it is pointing.

Anyone want to check me? I decided in November that the little compass I got my kids might be off. Knock off crap. So asked several people where North was. They pointed it out. I went to the Army and Navy and looked at a dozen compasses, and all of them were also slightly more East. I've gone to several other stores over the last 6 months and looked at the non-digital compasses they have. All more East.

I'm further North than most of the people on the board. Being closer to pole should exacerbate the angle of difference. People close to the equator might barely notice, and people close to the pole should see it more steeply.

Go ahead. Try it out.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by kdog1982

If you have the patience that will work with a bar of steel. Line it up N/S and start banging on it with a hammer. You'll get a magnet.

what we deal the is ,lets say an iron or steel piece of metal that gets magnetise often,say 500 times a day.
Now that metal is protected with a "residual guard" made of brass to prevent it ,the metal armature from sticking and allowing the relay to drop back out.
Over time this metal armature will become magnetised.
If you take this now magnetised metal armature,"shock " it so to speak you will ,in simple terms,knock the magnetism out of it.
Does that make sense?
It's a practical,everyday thing I do.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

Yes. It does. As long as you're not lined up with Earth's field when you do it.
What I was talking about does the same thing. In reverse.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:36 PM
Thanks Phage for your insight .
And all you guys keep up this endless battle,I'm moving on.
An old saying in my trade is"when indoubt,replace it".
Peace Out
Till The End

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:37 PM
After just a short bit of simple research it appears there are myriad ways to create very strong magnetic fields especially if one has access to large amounts of electricty creating energy and too if one uses two sources spread out (or transmitted) to create opposite poles.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Tecumte

yes I agree....

What most dont realize, is if they are wearing pants with a snap or button, or a belt buckle, or have keys in their pockets they pass a magnetiser every time they enter exit a public store such as wall mart, not to mentin the higher powered demagnetizer behind every sales counter/register....most ppl can never figure out why their keys and clothing are magnetic...buttons and such..and keys, pocket knives, etc...etc...

PS the security tag in wall marts stuff makes great compass needles...if in a survival sit....
edit on 22-3-2011 by Doc Holiday because: (no reason given)
Back in college we used a magnetiser and put lil tiny pieces in our buddies wallets and study packs to set off library sensors, and wll mart scanners @ the doors...yes it says de...magnetiser....a magnetiser is just running the de-mag in reverse or reversing polarity...

edit on 22-3-2011 by Doc Holiday because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Phage

I've already stated implicitly and have been denied and blocked, that you cannot teach someone whose eyes are closed the truth.

Some people will believe, regardless of proof, scientific fact, experience and logic, that they "know" something the "rest" of us are simply not getting. Now, don't pay attention to the fact that these in the "know" are generally house wives or fruit cakes or others on the fringe. It only matters that they "know" something the rest of us do not.

The reason they "know" and are so apt to believe anything anyone belches out without the first beginnings of scientific truth or experimental knowledge, is because they are lacking something in their intelligence or psyche and being such a "knower" or sensitive person make them feel part of a larger whole.

This is what the internet has given us. Anyone with a keyboard now thinks they are part of the collective intelligence. As I have said, some of us choose the light, and good luck to the rest of you with your darkness.

Peace out.

edit on 22-3-2011 by Liberterius because: typo

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Doc Holiday

Hmmm you might be on to something actually... I am in the country here, we don't have any of that stuff here. Maybe that is a factor in why magnetic north is where it should be for me here.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Liberterius
reply to post by nenothtu

Haaaaaa, you're a sweetheart Nenothu,

That's what they ALL say!

yes I have my degrees (UW) and you have yours. I'm still suspect brother you never heard of a freaking Tesla, heh heh.

I can't help what you "suspect". Enjoy that suspicion.

Now what's your point! Haaaaaaa.

My point is that you may not be the only Earthling to be able to read a compass, although it appears you're trying to make it sound like you are.

How does this relate to people not being for their ever loving Christ able to read a compass........

Agreed - neither my degrees nor yours have any bearing at all on being able to read a compass. That's a different class altogether.

Because, I think alot of people here dont understand how to use a freaking COMPASS,

maybe so, but that doesn't cover us ALL. Did you use a compass to find your way from Benning to Lewis? It can be done, you know - but it requires more than just MR-1 and MR-2. I guess you could say I know folks who made it from Benning to Lewis, but a compass didn't really come into play in the matter - they had to be able to read one, though. They're the same folks who "Lead the Way". Compass skills are handy for that.

but thanks for you little pee pee.

I don't suppose I really need to respond to that. Not sure HOW to respond, since I don't know what you're fishing for there.

It seems to me thou are jealous or uneducated, don't care either way.

That would be your own perception, and I'm OK with that. I'm secure enough in my own ability that I don't require your validation.

Proper use of Elizabethan English dictates the phrase to be "thou art", not "thou are".

My degrees are on the wall. Now go and play child.

My degrees AREN'T on a wall. They're still in their presentation folders, locked away in a drawer. I don't normally feel a need of any sort to flaunt them. That would seem to be your own insecurity there. To each his own.

The "child" thing is getting a little worn. Perhaps you'd like to compare birth certificates next?

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Liberterius
reply to post by Phage

I've already stated implicitly and have been denied and blocked, that you cannot teach someone whose eyes are closed the truth.

Some people will believe, regardless of proof, scientific fact, experience and logic, that they "know" something the "rest" of us are simply not getting. Now, don't pay attention to the fact that these in the "know" are generally house wives or fruit cakes or others on the fringe. It only matters that they "know" something the rest of us do not.

The reason they "know" and are so apt to believe anything anyone belches out without the first beginnings of scientific truth or experimental knowledge, is because they are lacking something in their intelligence or psyche and being such a "knower" or sensitive person make them feel part of a larger whole.

This is what the internet has given us. Anyone with a keyboard now thinks they are part of the collective intelligence. As I have said, some of us choose the light, and good luck to the rest of you with your darkness.

Peace out.

edit on 22-3-2011 by Liberterius because: typo

I've found a much bigger problem on the net seems to be that no amount of sophisty seems to be able to weigh out over common sense.

The basis of your arguement minus the myriad array of 'charts and graphs and text book quotes' seems to be that people simply can't read a compass.

I'm not convinced that's true.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:10 PM
OK. I have been learning an awful lot about compasses over the last couple of days. It is nearly dark here and soon I will be able to go outside and, weather permitting, site out the 'lode' star. I feel a little like a primitive but I'm a happy primitive because I am learning. It looks like I will probably be able to see it. I think I know how to use the compass well enough now to make a determination. I'll be getting back to you all shortly. Thanks again Phage.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Liberterius
reply to post by watchdog

FYI I was 25th infantry with Ranger badge. You know what that means, and makes me no more reliable than anyone here.

That tells me a lot, Baby. Boy Scouts earn "Badges", Rangers earn "Tabs". Being able to read a compass is part of that process.

So is knowing what Rangers earn.

Your hubby changing his MOS just goes to show how intelligent he is, as most Rangers are (I think) and you know what I mean.

Isn't 25th Infantry still 11 Bravo? Just sayin'...

I think I'm done here.

edit on 2011/3/22 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Frater210

Well if it all turns out to be nothing, you at least learned some valuable info. There are other ways to figure out direction from nature too. This kind of info could save your life one day, if not, you are not any worse off for have learned it.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:15 PM
Liberterius: Wow wait, so now "housewives" are uneducated lol? I'm not going to get into a pee pee contest with you 1. because you're not a housewife and don't have the slightest clue what is takes to run a house, not only raise, but in my case also educate children all by yourself while the hubby is away, and make sure that the hubs is fully supported and taken care of here on the homefront, stateside or not and 2. again you are ASSuming that housewives are uneducated because they have the wonderful opportunity to raise and educate their children, selflessly putting their career and dreams to the side for the time being to make sure that the children aren't raised outside the home by the insufferable public education system nowdays and thugs on the street in her absence.and so that a rude "old man" like you can go out and achieve your dreams and continue to snub your nose at women like me whom without you wouldn't be where you are today. I'm sorry, you have been on ATS all day, please explain to me why you are any different than those deplorable "housewives" you speak of? Oh wait, that's right you have a degree. A lot of good it's doing you sitting at home arguing with us "uneducated" amoebae.

Oh and my hubby is "tabbed" as well. All that shows is that you at some point were able to read a compass and a map (which I never denied you could) and endure being yelled at without knocking someone's head off, sleep deprivation, and severe hunger pains for extended periods of time lol. It doesn't mean you're a genius, but for the record, actually my husband is lol. He married me
edit on 22-3-2011 by watchdog because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:16 PM
Damn, I can just feel the love bursting from this thread, lmao.

edit on Tue, 22 Mar 2011 21:17:23 -0500 by TKDRL because: responded to a person instead of the general thread

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:18 PM
Also wanted to ad that I think it is interesting how the declination has changed in California. I have been reading numerous articles and one from 2003 just gave the declination as 18 degrees. Declination now (2011) is 12.34 degrees or some such. I am beginning to think a lot of us that flipped out haven't looked at a compass in a while and when we saw this post we all pulled out our various compassi and geeked out a little. The best thing is that we are all going to be much more intimate with our compasses when this is all over.
And by the by I am ex-Airborne as well and the damn compass lessons never stuck (I was a medic). Now I am beginning to think that what I am learning on ATS will allow me to take up that Orienteering hobby I always thought might be fun.

Also. this is why I logged on to ATS. I used to be a starry eyed believer in UFOs; now I take part in debunking them. It just gets better and better.
edit on 22-3-2011 by Frater210 because: Meritocracy

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by Frater210

According to this map the declination in Los Angeles in 1984 was 14.5º

This site agrees (within less than 0.5º)
A change of 2º. Not something anyone would really notice.

Now, go find Polaris.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Tutanke owhatcha owhatcha say. That is from Dances with Wolves where you would be the evil, blinded to the truth, white honkey rapist of the Earth, Peace, Love and Truth....

I am a human truth seeker I have my Ranger badge, if you think vernacular takes that away from me, meet me anywhere any time. You will not like the out come.

I've taught children Calculus, if you don't even know enough Algebra to get from one side of the kitchen you are on to the other, do not speak to me.

From everything I have gathered about you, I would not post my "degrees" on the wall either were I you. There's obviously nothing there to show off or be proud of.

Now if one of you simpletons, can prove to someone more educated and sensitive and intelligent than yourselves, that ANYTHING is wrong with the Magnetic Field of the Earth, by all means I await......

tick tock tick tock, see letter C as I mentioned earlier.

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