posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:12 PM
The LAST thing you should do, is stop trying. Don't cut yourself off, don't sell yourself short and by all means, don't stop trying in anything
you do. High school is a b****, any way you look at it, but I PROMISE things get better. People at your age are extremely close-minded to things and
think the only thing that they should concentrate on are the popular topics in life (getting laid, drinking, partying, being well liked). But you'll
very soon come to find out that all of those things are truly meaningless. How do I know? Because I was one of those kids, and I look back now and
hate what I did. I wish more than anything I could go back to freshman year, get awesome grades, go to a spectacular college, be a doctor and help
people. Once you hit college (community, university, whatever) your world will open up. You'll find clubs and organizations that share YOUR
interests, WHATEVER they may be. People are substantially more open minded and understanding. Are there people who think college is an extension of
high school and try to be the most popular? Sure there are, but that's not your issue and people are less likely to ridicule you because of some
If you want some "now" advice? Get involved in things you're into. Whether it's sports, board games, computer programming, fixing things,
whatever. There are people who share your interests and are willing to help you overcome whatever it is that holds you back or makes you feel alone.
Also, keep trying with people, don't quit on trying to make friends. It's cool that you made a group of friends, who cares about their age. You
get along with them and seem to be happy when you hang with them. Call them up and see if they wanna catch a movie on the weekends or do something
the group finds fun/interesting as a whole.
It's hard to give a whole ton of advice without direct questions, but I'd be more than happy to answer any questions or help you out more, just u2u