reply to post by mossme89
There are small games, and there are bigger games. the small ones are win-lose and the big ones are win-win.
If you make it your goal to be accepted by people who are themselves fake, defensive, and judgemental of others then you will always lose and never
feel whole. Those people are lost, they're asleep, they've forgotten who they really are, if they didn't then they would know better than to treat
another that way.
This is a good quote from Alex Collier " The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry from lifetime to lifetime"
A lot of NDE'rs experience is that we are actually one soul playing the game that we are individuals, and that game can be played in this stepped
down reality, were we play these seperate roles, but when finish the game and go back up there, we get to see how we affected the other people, we get
to feel it as if we were the other person, because at the highest level we are. There is only one of us here, seems to be the prevailing truth. Just
be the genuine self, the one who knows that you are an eternal spirit, that this isn't your only one life, that what truly matters is how you treat
others, so that when you go back to God, you look back at the ripple effects of your existence on all souls here, and you feel proud of the imprints
you left in time.
You are so not alone in your experiences. So many people have felt the way you do, that is the way the baddies who set up this matrix wanted it to be.
They want the society to be egocentric, materialist, selfish. They want people to self-destruct by pointed them toward material pleasure, instead of
spiritual fulfillment.
The people playing the big games know it doesn't end here. You keep coming back, lifetime after lifetime playing these games, but on this particular
planet, there are bad guys pulling the strings, who want people to be stuck in the small games, the ones that are win-lose, so that when they find
themselves spiritually atrophying, they can turn to drugs and other self-destructive stuff and ultiimately benefit the bad guys dream of an enslaved