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Victory in Britain!! Prime Minister says multiculturalism has failed

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posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact

Originally posted by andrewh7
I think you're getting your terminology messed up. Liberals are supposed to be seeking greater government intervention. So, you saying that liberals are paranoid about big government is an obvious oxymoron. I think it's hilarious that neocons first complain that college campuses are packed to the brim with liberals and in the same breath state that liberals are less intelligent and sophisticated. So, which is it? Are schools dominated by liberals or are they lacking in liberals? Make up your biased mind.

see that is another aspect of the liberal left (in my country of course)

personally I am an individual, I am a true non conformist...

I am a liberal on some issues, I am a conservative on some issues, I am a democrat on some issues and I am a republican on some issues.

is there something wrong with that via your personal dictatorial and wishing to draw lines ideology ?

Yeah. In the same way I draw the lines by saying the sky is blue and water is wet. I am defining words from the dictionary. You might want to contact the media and tell them Webster's dictionary is running a semantics dictatorship. If you think that adopting the commonly known meanings of particular words is non-conformist, you may wish to abandon English altogether and start speaking your own language that no one understands except you. Spouting gibberish to yourself as you walk the streets in your underwear will really let everyone know how much of a non-conformist you really are. Good luck with that.

edit on 6-2-2011 by andrewh7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by andrewh7

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact

Originally posted by andrewh7
I think you're getting your terminology messed up. Liberals are supposed to be seeking greater government intervention. So, you saying that liberals are paranoid about big government is an obvious oxymoron. I think it's hilarious that neocons first complain that college campuses are packed to the brim with liberals and in the same breath state that liberals are less intelligent and sophisticated. So, which is it? Are schools dominated by liberals or are they lacking in liberals? Make up your biased mind.

see that is another aspect of the liberal left (in my country of course)

personally I am an individual, I am a true non conformist...

I am a liberal on some issues, I am a conservative on some issues, I am a democrat on some issues and I am a republican on some issues.

is there something wrong with that via your personal dictatorial and wishing to draw lines ideology ?


so there is something wrong with me having varying opinion on subjects ? humm I wouldn't know it...

maybe it is why we have such a large congress and senate in my governmental system where everything is voted on by majority.

or is this just a conspiracy and not so and I am uninformed ?

good luck with in your dictatorial black/white mindset...

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Pr0t0

This kind of lame stereotyping is why nothing ever changes. In the last election there was a certain few who weren't rascist but asked people to vote BNP as a protest vote to show that none of the three usual parties cut the mustard. Of course, people then started to go on about Britain being rascist..And who were these faceless people!? Members of the three main parties who didn't want to lose votes...
While I don't agree with the tattoo'd, skinheaded, nazi fraternity, I am totaly fed up to the back teeth with being a second class citizen in my own homeland! Muslims come over here and demand a mosque be built.. I wonder if I went to settle in Iraq and demanded a catholic church be built whether the courts would see in my favour? In fact, I wonder if I would ever be seen again...

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 11:59 AM
Theres a mosque in town quite nice on the eye better than the council flat tower blocks , may i ask i what building youd prefer over a mosque ? If you built a traditional british church there in an predominate asian area it would be a questionable decision imo and im a white atheist . and also , in town there is an army recruting office now THATS a buliding that offends me

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by The People Party
I agree with you to a certain extent. What bothers me is I don't recall him being overly alarmed at the rise of extreme right wing groups such as the EDL and the fact that they have formed alliances with other extreme right wing groups from the US and Europe. I know many EDL members claim it's not a racist organisation but judging from the racist chants and aggressiveness sometimes escalating to violence at the majority of their demos I'd say otherwise.

The age old divide and conquer scenario springs to mind.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

Well rest assured that the money did not come from the ratepayer. THe moslems often fund their own building. I have heard that the Saudis donate money for mosque building.

On a different note you have a great screen name.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 12:24 PM
Thank God a politician finally cut through the crud and spoke the truth. Multiculturalism has gone way too far and it is obvious from the lack of assimilation by Muslims in France and elsewhere that they don't want to mix with Western Civilization. Why must we force people to accept others? Why can't we just allow people to decide for themselves instead of letting our governments spew out all this multicultural propaganda which all too often trumps logic and the truth. When a system becomes more important than the truth there's a problem.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by spikey

So,put laws into place banning religious extremism. Every time I see a video on the news,I see LARGE groups of extremist spitting hate,and a bunch of opened eyed British citizens walking around dumbfounded. Take to the streets!! Britain let their country become overrun with hate!! The day I see 2 million Britain's take to the streets,saying enough is enough,is when I see change happen. Unfortunately,what I see is a bunch of folks saying they have been overrun by Muslims. Like they are some invading force. Same thing goes for the US. If you dont like illegal aliens in your country,rise up! Demand that the laws in place,get used. If you protest in the millions,your government will have to listen. Ask Egypt,ask Tunisia. I said ban all religion,because it is a more of a tongue and cheek response to doing nothing. To say multiculturalism failed,is a Joke. Learn to live with the ones around you. You Brits are too busy hating the ones around you,to actually fix your problems.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

I am for freedom,without oppression. I can care less,if your green, brown, or red. I deny Ignorance. Hate is Ignorance. I don't see millions of Britons marching to the failure of Multiculturalism,I see a bunch of people on ATS,justifying some huge victory,at the cost of their own freedoms. I find it sad.

Britain will prevail...

I am glad you're not a racist like the liberal left in my country... but mind you even being discriminatory against Christians or Muslims or Jewish or Buddhist ect... is only another form of racism, it is not exclusive to color.

now Atheism that is a different story, we must deny ignorance anywhere we find it.

Let me Rant please.....=)

Britain has been killing for God and Country since they became a country. Britain hasnt fixed its problems with Ireland or Scotland either. Theirs so much Britain hasnt done. Only the people of its country can fix its problems.Its ironic that countries fight a war on terror,to far flung places in the globe,and wonder why extremists are sitting in their own backyards. If anything,war has failed the human race. You cant please everyone,but you can live in peace. In the US, you have places,that only speak Spanish. People get all in a tizzy,because illegals dont speak English. I laugh,cause I know no one complaining about Little Italy,or China Town. The sugar coating of being a racist is when you justify one race,but hammer another,with complex illusions,on why you dont like it. Call a spade a spade.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by spikey

So,put laws into place banning religious extremism. Every time I see a video on the news,I see LARGE groups of extremist spitting hate,and a bunch of opened eyed British citizens walking around dumbfounded. Take to the streets!! Britain let their country become overrun with hate!! The day I see 2 million Britain's take to the streets,saying enough is enough,is when I see change happen. Unfortunately,what I see is a bunch of folks saying they have been overrun by Muslims. Like they are some invading force. Same thing goes for the US. If you dont like illegal aliens in your country,rise up! Demand that the laws in place,get used. If you protest in the millions,your government will have to listen. Ask Egypt,ask Tunisia. I said ban all religion,because it is a more of a tongue and cheek response to doing nothing. To say multiculturalism failed,is a Joke. Learn to live with the ones around you. You Brits are too busy hating the ones around you,to actually fix your problems.

Where did you get the idea that us British use our valuable time hating immigrants.

Islam is a belief system, it is not a racial group, there are white British hardline Muslims.

You are right though, when radical Islamists preach death to homosexuals, the right to use terrorism, the desire to overthrow our democracy and live under the mantel of Sharia, that women (not men) should cover up their faces we should be robust in opposing these views rather than leave it to the BNP who the vast majority of us
find as obnoxious.

The left will insist on conflating religion with race. This enables them to call anyone who questions radical Islam as racists.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

I am Muslim, my father is Muslim from Iran...when he came to the US the first thing he did was learn english, he learned our way of life, went to Stanford U and integrated into American Society. He has said many times that he may not agree with how some things are in the US but he understands and believes in being apart of the country he lives in, works in and has created a family in. We still maintain our culture but we have many American friends and do not wish for Sharia law EVER.

I really dont understand why people move from the country of their birth because the situation sucks, then live in lets say Britain and want to live in areas with rules, laws and people from which they left for a better life and to have more freedom...these people in my mind are weak and insecure and cling only to what they know...we do not need these types of people living in our countries that do not want to A: learn the language, B: want to be a citizen and C: adopt our legal and moral values...

an opinion from an American/Iranian/Muslim...

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Pr0t0
Find me this many images of moderate EDL members. I struggled to find a handful.

Yet according to the BBC, Abdul Salaam, a Muslim who supports the EDL was applauded by the EDL in Luton yesterday.


We found Glaswegian Abdul in Luton's St George's Square - and he explained why he, a follower of Islam, was standing shoulder-to-shoulder with an organisation accused of Islamophobia.

"The EDL are supporting England, supporting Britain, and I'm British, so why can't I support my country?" he said.

"Have you seen me getting any racist abuse? They applauded me.

How does that square with your UAF and socialist worker infiltrators in the crowd trying to discredit the EDL?

Follow this BBC link and you can watch a video of the Muslim man explaining why he supports the EDL.

No matter how much people like yourself, the UAF and the socialists workers (most of whom, ironcially, have never done a days work in ther lives) try to discredit the EDL with their infiltration tactics, it just isn't sticking.

edit on 6-2-2011 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-2-2011 by ollncasino because: external image

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Pr0t0
Wow, you guys just don't get what this is about do you?

This is not a 'victory' for anyone.

Cameron, though in what he is saying is pointing out what has been blatantly obvious to everyone for decades, is in fact stepping up the ante in the worldwide hatred of Islam.

The timing, to coincide with the protests across the Arab world is no coincidence.

Notice how he does not mention British Sikhs, Hindu's, Jews, Buddhists or any of the multitude of Christian sects? Why do you think this is?

This is a war on Islam, and Islam alone. He mentions nothing of any other cultures.

This speech is potentially the most dangerous ever spoken by a British Prime Minister. The backlash of such comments will cause otherwise reluctant potential extremeists in Britain to act - and when this happens it will cause a nationwide revolt against Britains Muslim population - moderate or not.

Cameron has just set the precident for a genocide in this country. He knows well and good that in order to gain popular support for a protectorate war on the Middle East, to save the interests of Israel, Britains must further distance themselves from the ideals of multiculturalism and embrace national (white) pride - he even flounced the term 'whites' several times flippantly during his speech.

You might be happy for now that Cameron is supporting the integration of Muslims, but let me assure you this will only serve to further disengage the Islamic population from British culture and we will see a rise in attacks of both 'white' on Muslims and vice versa.

Before you ask, I'm a natural British man and I don't see any good coming out of this at all. I think you should all look deeper into the language he is using before proclaiming Cameron has 'said what we were all thinking'. This will be the catalyst for many atrocities - and we now know where to place the blame. Not on Islam, but on the damning rhetoric of this bumblimg political 'leader'.
So if a people (extremists) come to my country and refuse to integrate and go on to create conflict then I cannot complain or say anything in opposition? Because that's what you' saying. You're saying that I can't say anything critical of it. They just gotta sit down and take it. Well, that's not how it works in the real world. People get up and they say something. You may be right that extremists may react to this and harm people as a result, but that's THEIR problem, not Cameron's.
edit on 6-2-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:47 PM
cameron is just pandering to the right wing. hes the most left wing tory on the planet. this is just to appeal to all the bnp ukip tory nationalist gang,
he will not do anything to stop immigration or reverse the effects of multiculti policy.
empty words from an p.r man.
i cant stand this man, he is weak, un-inspiring, snivelling murdoch henchman.
remember the helicopter fiasco in afghan? attacking brown for not spending money on the choppers.
well brown stumped up the cash for new choppers to save the troops from ieds.
guess who just quietly axed all those new choppers? dave.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by dizzylizzy

Where did you get the idea that us British use our valuable time hating immigrants.

When I see Britain's applauding the failures of multiculturalism. When I see Britain's letting their country be overrunning by extremists,for years,and not doing a damn thing about it.No Million man protests,Just pandering to politically motivated mantra. Do you think if the British people would all march for change,change wouldnt happen?

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by dizzylizzy

The left will insist on conflating religion with race. This enables them to call anyone who questions radical Islam as racists.

This is absolutely correct. And still would be if you replaced 'left' with 'too many ATS users'.

edit on 6/2/2011 by DSSONE because: ??

edit on 6/2/2011 by DSSONE because: still learning how to quote etc

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Doomzilla

Ahem. Excuse me. I am not party political but I take exception at your emotive language "destroy" and "savage cuts". The cuts are not enough to actually make a huge difference, granted. But they are necessary to at least begin to repair the damage to the economy caused by the last Labour government.

Similarly, the problem of radical Islam snowballed under Labour too.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:57 PM
UK has failed to embrace and celebrate other cultures. Pretty much letting them do their own thing. You need to have the community involved.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by atomicn

We are still asking them to join the community; we want them to condemn extremists with us (including the BnP).

We want them in our society. But i don't think we should submit to their libel law demands or their education demands.

We've given them churches, given them homes, benefits and jobs, and they still have a problem with free speech/expression in our society.

Again if they hate it so much here that they feel they have to change it; the door is open to the theocratic countries whence they came. But we welcome with open arms too.
edit on 6/2/11 by awake_and_aware because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

Originally posted by Haydn_17
Muslims in the UK don't live with other Britons, they set up areas which are only Muslim areas, they won't buy from white british business owners, they don't vote in elections, they even go as far as setting up there own law system (sharia)

This is the issue.

The truth is only 'some' muslims do what you say, like only 'some' black people do the same, and even 'some' white people.

I see plenty of Muslims in ASDA and Sainburys lol, I'm not sure where your going here, but there are all kinds of Muslims in this country. Not one is the same as the other, just like with anything else.

Originally posted by Haydn_17

If you want to live in the UK, live with other British people, vote in our elections, promote British Values!

Plenty if not most Muslims do this. I think the word 'some' is important when your talking about this subject, it really helps make your points more believable, instead of obviously invalid. Seriously.
edit on 5-2-2011 by _Phoenix_ because: (no reason given)

Clearly a few posters here are still enjoying their upper middle class lives, living in a quaint, Edwardian style English village.

Muslims do not contribute to our economy. Most work and deal under the table to avoid paying taxes. Any earnings are kept within their own community, with a great deal of funds being wired abroad every month (Pakistan, Bangladesh)

If you want to see examples of multiculturalism. u2u me your address and I'll pick you up in my van and we can take a drive to suburbs in Manchester, Birmingham oh and Cardiff. In my travels for work I've strayed into Muslim controlled areas on rare occasions. I've had my van bricked, been threatened with machetes, followed and hounded by Muslim gangs driving pimped out Beemers and Mercs. And just for being a white-van-man.

Cardiff is my personal favourite though. What was once a shining beacon of Welsh rule and culture is now a virtual no go zone. With just about the entire city under Muslim control

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