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Victory in Britain!! Prime Minister says multiculturalism has failed

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posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:20 AM
if you cant abide by our laws and support the country you "Choose to live in" then go away simples

If I go abroad I might like it if someone in a shop or something spoke english but if they dont they dont and I put up with it, I dont DEMAND they do as I would in my country / religeon I follow the laws there and behave.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by MrBudgie

Think you've hit the nail on the head.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by MrBudgie

"If I go abroad I might like it if someone in a shop or something spoke english but if they dont they dont and I put up with it"

go to parts of benidorm mallorca fuengirola etc etc you wont have to speak english because all shops bars are english ! B ut its ok for the Brits to do that because " they dont take from the system " apparently .
IMO if an area is predominantly a certain race/religion/ culture then its it normal to build the amenities and services accordingly to supply the people who live there ?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by tiger5

I expect you are capable of using search engines to find the information you need, I am not your teacher and have no motivation to "hold your hand" and lead you from the mass of delusional thinking. That being said, arguing on the internet is like running a race in the special olympics, you may win, but you're still mentally deficient at the end of the day. That's not saying I don't salute the people in the special olympics, or anyone for that matter, that try to prove themselves through force of will and personal sacrifice. It's just the reality of the situation. Everyone has an opinion and you certainly have the right to yours as I do mine. Mine happens to based on research and personal first person experience.

Do you remember how the English monarchy wanted to take over Scotland, "They'd breed them out by allowing the local "nobel" to have first shot at the bride and subsequently more shots if she was "hot." In all cases, invading or imported breeds or species displace or destroy the indigenous breed or species in the host country, it's how nature works and you can't argue with mother nature or her laws, she's a vengeful biatch.

Just in case here is a Link to Search Google but it only has 180,000 references.

Here's another Link but it only has 480,000 references.

Cheers - Dave

edit on 2/7.2011 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:06 PM
Congratulations, OP, you have a leader that is as racist as you are. Gloating about it only makes your willful ignorance that much uglier.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Still not hard evidence just opinions of you and others. No Hard evidence. Yes I can use a search engine . I have been using them for over 20 years. You are set in your beliefs. What is hilarious is that the EDL leader actually spontaneously stated that multiculturalism works! Yes I fell off my chair. It looks like I may have been mistaken about the EDL leader.

look the breeding out idea is a possibility IF they maintain their consciouness. Which is why I mentioned "Hearts and minds" in my previous post. You obviously discount the fact that since WW2 started the military was multicultural I have witnessed parades with an old black woman with a doll laying it at the cenotaph in South America. Upon asking who she was she was mrs X - her five sons left on the same boat to go to England to fight for the mother country. The ship was torpedoed by the Germans. She lost all five sons one time. ABout two years later the rules were changed and no siblings travelled separately.

Unless we analyse the situation correctly we will inevitably come to the wrong conclussion which would lead to a ton of trouble by converting more people to fundamentalism. I repeat that this is not a WW2 battle this is something unprecedented.

Anyway we will differ.

edit on 7-2-2011 by tiger5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:17 PM
It's about time!!!

I've never subscribed to the multicultural society philosophy.

It seems to me, that to have a society that functions, you need to have a common culture. I'm all for celebrating ones roots but if you want to immigrate to a country it should be because you want to be a part of that culture.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
It's about time!!!

I've never subscribed to the multicultural society philosophy.

It seems to me, that to have a society that functions, you need to have a common culture. I'm all for celebrating ones roots but if you want to immigrate to a country it should be because you want to be a part of that culture.

So how did the scots welsh and Irish get on so well over the last century? On can have multiple cultures. Who comes to work on Xmas day or easter monday? People can and do have multiple identities such as trainspotter, parent , lover, graduate, daughter, etc. They just manifest in different times

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:31 PM
I agree that it has failed. If you immigrate to another country, you usually do it because you wanted to leave the place you were from to start. There is a reason you left... a messed up culture. Moving somewhere else and trying to recreate something you once ran from is insanity. What is that Einstein quote about doing things over and over the same way and expecting different results. Remember why you left in the first place and if it was such a wonderful place, please return there.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:46 PM
I agree with other posters. I think the word "multiculturalism" is being misused. To say that it has failed is a gross overstatement. The United States has had multiculturalism since the day the first European ship landed on its shores and we are very diverse and rich country full of many different types of cultures. It's one of the cornerstones of our society. If multiculturalism is a failure, then why do we, in the United States, have Fat Tuesday? Mardi Gras? St. Patty's day? Should we freak out every time a Mexican family has a Quinceanera? What about when a Jewish family has Bah Mitzva? Or when they break dishes at a Greek wedding?

Basically, all that is being said here is allowing a certain aspect of the Islamic culture (mainly Sharia Law) to continue on unchecked has had consequences. This is understandable, but to say that multiculturalism as a whole does not work is not accurate. If certain aspects of certain culture clashes with a country's values then, of course, those aspects should not be allowed to continue, but that doesn't mean that the entire culture should be done away with. Allowing desirable aspects of certain cultures to continue on only serves to make a society richer, imo.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by tiger5

We didn't expect everyone else to change their culture for us, or to ask for special exemptions or stay in insular, closed communities! Yes, we all have our unique cultures, but we happily immerse ourselves in other cultures as well as retaining and sharing our own.

The multiculture that has failed is that of incomers who do not want to integrate with anyone else's culture, and that sadly has become a huge part of the UK's problems and political correctness has prevented any true debate on the matter and has instead insisted that it is the rest of us who are wrong, and that we must unquestioningly accept that they can do whatever they want, even if that means our own freedom of speech and freedom to act as we wish is being undermined.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by nunya13

Nicely put sir , I often think how dull life would be if we all looked the same spoke the same , believed and behaved the same . It would be like Orwells 1984.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Pr0t0

Notice how he does not mention British Sikhs, Hindu's, Jews, Buddhists or any of the multitude of Christian sects? Why do you think this is? This is a war on Islam, and Islam alone. He mentions nothing of any other cultures.

None of those groups has an agenda of world-wide domination. You know, like Islam does.
The Quran states that everyone everywhere must worship Allah under Islam, even if it takes force.

That is is why those other groups are not mentioned.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Thats wonderful. Im very happy for you all. I totally agree that multiculturalism is a recipe for disaster. If you dont want to adopt the values, and customs, and follow the laws of a group of people, dont move to their country. Move to a country with values customs and laws more to your liking.

A nation needs a national identity. It needs to feel like a unit, a collective. The purpose of nations is allow a group of people to band together and compete against other nations, for all kinds of stuff. (which is also why globalism is fail for people and nations) When the competition is too strong within the group, external competitors can easily defeat the group.

Hence here in America the "United we stand, divided we fall," admonition. Which we totally ignored and are paying the price for.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by tiger5
So how did the scots welsh and Irish get on so well over the last century?

Err.. That's because they are almost the exact same in means of culture.
Between a british and an african/middle eastern, there's a huge difference.

Take the homelands of most Muslim immigrants to the UK for example. Would a british immigrant be treated the same way in their homelands?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:44 PM
Some good news at last

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by nunya13
If multiculturalism is a failure, then why do we, in the United States, have Fat Tuesday? Mardi Gras? St. Patty's day? Should we freak out every time a Mexican family has a Quinceanera? What about when a Jewish family has Bah Mitzva? Or when they break dishes at a Greek wedding?

I dont think that is multiculturalism. Jews, Palestinians, Lebanese, Greeks, Irish, Italians, Mexicans, Spanish, Portuguese, Germans, Polish, Russian, Slovenian, etc., in the past all learned to speak the common tongue, English. We all obey the same laws, dress the same, we all embrace the same values. Our culture is the same. We are one people. We are so much one people that new immigrants here cant tell us apart. They cant tell a Russian, German, Irish, or French American apart. People from countries our ancestors came from cant tell us apart. We cant tell each other apart. We are Americans. Skin and hair color might get you closer to guessing, but you are still guessing. You cant tell by our culture.

Enjoying foods, holidays, festivals, etc., these are not problematic. Sure we brought things with us, but what was adopted into the culture was adopted because it was embraced collectively, not because it was shoved down the throats of the group already there. You offered what you had, and some of it got picked up and blended in if people liked it.

What is problematic when a group decides that the laws of the country they move into doesnt apply to them. And they dont need to learn the language, the customs, and adopt the culture of the host country. Our ancestors could not lose their native tongues fast enough. All many of us have left of our culture is beer and corned beef, or whatever, one day a year, because it was an honor to be an American. Our ancestors were grateful for the chance to be here, and they raised their children to be Americans. Not something hypenated.

Its very different from the sense of entitlement you hear from some (not all) more recent immigrants, legal and otherwise, today.

If a people want the land to set up a new version of their old culture, come and take it the good old fashioned way. Thats how it works. You win a war, you get the right to determine the culture. You come in by invitation, often because you have been driven out of your own country, you play by house rules, or you leave. Beggars really cant be choosers. And shame on us if we allow them to.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by Byteman
reply to post by Pr0t0

Notice how he does not mention British Sikhs, Hindu's, Jews, Buddhists or any of the multitude of Christian sects? Why do you think this is? This is a war on Islam, and Islam alone. He mentions nothing of any other cultures.

None of those groups has an agenda of world-wide domination. You know, like Islam does.
The Quran states that everyone everywhere must worship Allah under Islam, even if it takes force.

That is is why those other groups are not mentioned.

Christains fall into that catagory too.

You must kill those who worship another god. Exodus 22:20

Kill any friends or family that worship a god that is different than your own. Deuteronomy 13:6-10

Kill all the inhabitants of any city where you find people that worship differently than you. Deuteronomy 13:12-16

Kill everyone who has religious views that are different than your own. Deuteronomy 17:2-7

Kill anyone who refuses to listen to a priest. Deuteronomy 17:12-13

Kill any false prophets. Deuteronomy 18:20

Any city that doesn’t receive the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Mark 6:11

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Shuzitzu
Some good news at last

Yeah, and when we've got rid of all the brown ones, we can start of the Welsh.

It's all fun and games, till you find yourself in a minority and are used as a scapegoat.
What's gonna happen if they get rid of all the Moslems and then find that the UK is still crap, who will they turn on then?
edit on 8/2/11 by NonKonphormist because: to do editing type stuff

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by NonKonphormist

I agree. Heres a little proof of what really goes down in Britain.

There were nearly eight times more stops and searches of Black people per head of population than of
White people. There were twice as many stops and searches of Asian people per head of population
than of White people, a similar rate to the previous year. The main reason for conducting a stop and
search under these powers across all ethnic groups was for drugs, as was the case in 2006/07.

Based on the 2007/08 BCS, less than 1% of the population of England and Wales had experienced one
or more racially motivated crimes in the last 12 months. Less than 1% of the White population had been
victims of racially motivated crimes compared with 2% of people from Asian, Black and Chinese and Other
ethnic backgrounds, and 3% among people from Mixed ethnic backgrounds. People in the Mixed, Asian,
Black and Chinese and other groups had a higher risk of being a victim of racially motivated crimes than
White people. However, differences in risk of being a victim of racially motivated crime between BME
groups were not statistically significant.3

In terms of offender ethnicity, the offender, or at least one of the offenders, was White in the majority (90%)
of crimes where the victim was White. Offenders from BME groups were involved in a small proportion of
crimes experienced by White people (at least one of the offenders was Black in 9%, Asian in 4% and of
Chinese or Other ethnic background in 3% of crimes experienced by White people). A smaller proportion
of crimes against people from BME groups involved White offenders (54%). At least one of the offenders
involved was Black in 31%, Asian in 23% and of Chinese or Other ethnic background in 6% of crimes
against people from BME groups (2006/07 BCS, Jansson et al., 2007).

Statistics in Britain

A whole lot of fear mongering,when most crimes are done by the majority race in Britain. Pity the facts are not being brought out.

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