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Victory in Britain!! Prime Minister says multiculturalism has failed

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posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 07:57 PM
I am in the UK and in all honesty, the majority of the British population wouldn't know a value if it smacked them in the face, just ask any number of idiots hanging around outside shops harassing people whilst their pit pull cr**s on the pavement.

The British education system has routinely produced mind numbed sausage meat fodder, intrinsically 'taught' to reject anything resembling intelligent thought process, or those destined for university with varying levels of allowed 'thinking'....most aren't taught to recognise a political agenda, motive or the real reason for any policy, they wouldn't dare to think that their government of generally two warring factions could be utilising psychology and mind control tactics with their every word, every tactical move.

The British government invited unsustainable immigration with the full knowledge that the people already here would at least eventually realise it was sucking up every major taxpayers resource there was....the NHS is on it's knees, no longer could they access the same dental, GP or hospital service like they could before, chances are the NHS tourists would be using up the bed spaces and their grandparents who fought for the supposed rights of being a national, would have to wait another 6 months for their much needed operation.

Or that they would find themselves priced out the housing markets, unable to get the property ladder, whilst a hijabed family next door claimed £1500 a month in housing benefit.

Or that, instead of providing a nice community centre for the kids, a mosque was built instead and their children taught foreign religious ceremonies in school.

Or that an Eastern European with more qualifications, would be getting the jobs they applied for because they were willing to be paid less.

Or that the economy would be sent to it's knees, the libraries would have to be closed and anything that gave anything to the community would be shelved..and so on and so forth.

The government did this with full awareness of the friction it would cause, they knew there were insurgents ready to bomb the hell out of tube trains and buses whilst they were fully loaded, yet still they did this. They did this whilst sugar coating and hoodwinking the population with guises of wars to 'protect' the nation's interest, wasting billions on ridiculous 'how great are we' follies (Millenium Dome, amongst others) and how marvelously multicultural and forward thinking the nation is.

And now, the 'new' government has said ooh it didn't work, something has to be done, whilst doing nothing.

Parliament is a charade, just watch it on tv and try not to laugh or groan whilst grown men shout down each other like buffoons in a Shakespearian bar scene and ask yourself ''is this for real?''

The nation has to stop bickering, remember governments never do anything for nothing and see the rationale behind divide and conquer tactics and how, like on this thread, the tittle tattle masks the real agenda, which we all, universally should be questioning and doing something about instead of blindly paying taxes and getting kicked in the shins for it.

Wake up and speak up, let the truth win.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by tiger5
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

What a false argument. Most of the immigrants do not try to change the country. Don't you know anything. What did the Windrush generation do? What did the asians fleeing Idi Amin do? And yet people like you drone on and make blanket allegations to show your political orientation.. It is a handful of moslems.

You use that current terrorism to turn the country back to what? The pre war era??? When you talk about laws remember that there are many law abiding immigrants or else you sound like a BNP supporter.

Try and be specific THe Fundamentalist moslems are the problem not multiculturalsim.

Look at this

2 can play

For it to be a false argument, I would have to be wrong, you're going to have some fun trying to prove that, since throughout documented history empires and countries have been destroyed by multiculturalism.

Yes, the fundamentalists are the problem, they exert their ideology on everyone else, especially other Muslims through social extortion and the fear of reprisals for not operating the way they want. Geez, that sounds an awful lot like ANC terrorists in South Africa in the 1980's. If the other blacks didn't do what the ANC wanted, generally they were killed, raped and/or brutalized in some fashion, it was disgusting. When the Muslim fundy's start putting pipe bombs and limpet mines in other Muslim's mailboxes or garbage cans or torching them in the streets, are you gonna wake up then, when it's too late?

Being called a BNP supporter is such a terrible thing /sarcasm, it's just a label you place on people to help you polarize the world in your own little mind. Don't bother labeling me as I am neither a racist or a bigot, I've just lived all over the world and I know how these things work, but I think that does makes me a realist. Of course working with counterintelligence, weapons programs and in the killing fields probably helped a little too, at least to form my opinions of the *real* world, not some concocted media driven "feel good" fantasy. At least I have real experience. Go read the excerpt on my webpage about the necklacing in Soweto I witnessed one night when I was lost in the middle of a flood or in Angola seeing the aftermath of these mental case fundy terrorists after they skinned and disemboweled people and of course took their hearts to eat them. If and when it gets bad, it will go south real fast. Isn't it better to recognize the problem and correct it BEFORE it gets out of hand? A terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist, skin colour, sex/sexual orientation or religious persuasion plays no role in their behavior, it's all about power and control.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 08:27 PM
For the love of god, all of you stop talking nonsense. The United Kingdom is now a split community. We used to be split two ways between Catholics and protestants and that was about enough, especially if you consider the Irish problem which we in the UK have to put up with for years. Here in gods country muslims are eating away at our way of life, Britishness and our religion. And our own government are on the side of those who aren't even British! And our once great ally, the United States Of America, has a president named Barack "HUSSEIN" Obama...Could Barry be anymore muslim!!?
It's over. For the love of all thats holy, the muslim terrorists have won purely because our own governments are so pathetic that they never really had any opposition! Seriously, how did these terrorists who live in caves bring the might of the west down onto their knees? Obama, Bush, Blair, Brown and Cameron, run for the hills because you're likely to be hanged from the neck from traitors gate. Ordinary Europeans and Americans have been sold out by those we elected to govern us! Sites like ATS prove the point. Europeans against Americans- Americans against Europeans, and the elite sit back and laugh themselves silly. They have succeeded in setting us against one another...Don't play the game. Its not about what country you're from or what religion you follow, it's about the loss of freedom and your civil rights; pure and simple.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Bumface Jones

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

Originally posted by Haydn_17
Muslims in the UK don't live with other Britons, they set up areas which are only Muslim areas, they won't buy from white british business owners, they don't vote in elections, they even go as far as setting up there own law system (sharia)

This is the issue.

The truth is only 'some' muslims do what you say, like only 'some' black people do the same, and even 'some' white people.

I see plenty of Muslims in ASDA and Sainburys lol, I'm not sure where your going here, but there are all kinds of Muslims in this country. Not one is the same as the other, just like with anything else.

Originally posted by Haydn_17

If you want to live in the UK, live with other British people, vote in our elections, promote British Values!

Plenty if not most Muslims do this. I think the word 'some' is important when your talking about this subject, it really helps make your points more believable, instead of obviously invalid. Seriously.
edit on 5-2-2011 by _Phoenix_ because: (no reason given)

Clearly a few posters here are still enjoying their upper middle class lives, living in a quaint, Edwardian style English village.

Muslims do not contribute to our economy. Most work and deal under the table to avoid paying taxes. Any earnings are kept within their own community, with a great deal of funds being wired abroad every month (Pakistan, Bangladesh)

If you want to see examples of multiculturalism. u2u me your address and I'll pick you up in my van and we can take a drive to suburbs in Manchester, Birmingham oh and Cardiff. In my travels for work I've strayed into Muslim controlled areas on rare occasions. I've had my van bricked, been threatened with machetes, followed and hounded by Muslim gangs driving pimped out Beemers and Mercs. And just for being a white-van-man.

Cardiff is my personal favourite though. What was once a shining beacon of Welsh rule and culture is now a virtual no go zone. With just about the entire city under Muslim control

This is what I mean by racism. Youre not talking about extremists. Youre talking about ALL Muslims. I think a big majority of British people, must feel the same. Its like they are a bane on your society. Who elected your officials? Your people gave away your rights to bear arms.They gave up on Muslim colony's,when they OWNED them.Gave up more freedoms on the war on terror,and now give up the chance at peaceful dialog with the so called "heathen" Muslims. I didnt think the British Utopia had a prerequisite to conform to a Tea and crumpets, "whites only" Gentlemen club. The us vs. them thing, is really old.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:20 AM
People, we all know what the problem is, the real question is what is going to be done about it.

The answer......

A big fat NOTHING...

We will not remove those immigrants who preach hate.

We will not shut down the Mosques that allow their premises to preach and train.

We will not put a halt to mass immigration.

We will not impose bans on Mosques blaring out the call to prayers all the time.

We will not shut down other faith schools that teach hateful nonsense.

We will not put a cap on the number of religious buildings in an area for all.

We will not like some countries force a person to have a sponsor and ban a person from getting benefits until they have paid into the pot for a certain amount of time.

We will not refuse people entry who have no use for the country.

We will not start sorting out ALL families who live on benefits that have children they cannot support bar from the dole.

We will not remove people who came here and seriously offend.

Until a huge lump of those are imposed we might as well be shouting in threads like this all day long, its not going to change anything.

If you are expecting David Cameron to green light any of those suggestions and stick to them then I'm afraid you are a complete fool.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by CholmondleyWarner
Here in gods country muslims are eating away at our way of life, Britishness and our religion.

God's country

Which God? The middle eastern one?

Our Religion?

Are you again referring to the middle eastern one, that Rome Spread and HenryVIII bastardised?
Or do you mean our orginal religion, Paganism?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:47 AM
I still keep seeing faith put in the EDL, unless the EDL gets a complete makeover then you have no hope of it doing anything. Using 'specialist' speakers like the odd Rabbi, the odd Muslim, the odd black person isn't changing the perceived face of the EDL, which is a big shaved headed, huge gutted drunken person (the men are worse)

Seriously though, that is about the image most people see in the TV spots and the marches, unless the crowds are made up of all people from all walks of life then the EDL are a non starter, they may well shout a good fight but this has to be done on multiple levels. They need to have people on the ranks who actually understand the ways of Islam and the variations in the Muslim people. They need to be able to target the normal honest integrated Muslims and get them onboard en masse.

If you support the EDL and your initial thoughts are 'paki's out' then you are a disgrace, you are not helping anything bar tar all Brits with the same vile thoughts. What is needed is a united country, people of all colours and creeds standing up to the militant radicals on all sides, we need to stop passing vile rules like Muslim only swimming times, Muslim only eating area's and such like. My in laws eat with everyone else happily, their only difference is the strict choice of meal they eat, they don't however look in McDonalds and think "kuffars" they just look in see like every one else if there's any trouble and then pop in and eat. If you allow people to refuse to mix then you are as much of the problem.

The same deal with devout Muslims who go for jobs, if you don't want to handle alcohol then don't work in a supermarket, if you don't want to show legs etc then waitress jobs area no no. If on the other hand you are an ordinary Muslim following the teaching then you know that the sin is not handling the stuff its actually eating or drinking the offending items, yes, you can be a Muslim and sell beer and wine on behalf of a supermarket. Yes you can be a waitress as long as you are not trying to pick up men.

The same dribble about types of food, while the religion dictates you should not eat from a pig the same rules say that if you have nothing else and you need to survive you are allowed to without sin..

What I'm trying to get across is that there are no 100% hard and fast rules in the religion if practised by a normal Muslim person, they may refrain from certain things but the only hard and fast blunt rules are those made in Saudi for the Militant Muslims, rules made by men for men, rules made for total control. The actual normal Muslims are told to practise their religion as best as possible, its a personal choice to what you can do.

Until we stop appeasing the radicals we are losing ground day in day out...

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by NonKonphormist

Originally posted by CholmondleyWarner
Here in gods country muslims are eating away at our way of life, Britishness and our religion.

God's country

Which God? The middle eastern one?

Our Religion?

Are you again referring to the middle eastern one, that Rome Spread and HenryVIII bastardised?
Or do you mean our orginal religion, Paganism?

Personally I prefer NO religion, for me its proved to be the most hateful thing I've ever been forced to be part of. Having a nun tie my left hand to a chair behind my back as a kid so I could not use my left hand which was my natural choice is nothing short of sadism. Having the very place you live in being smashed to pieces in the dead of night by a mob threatening my parents because they were of differing religions in Northern Ireland, being told they were coming to kill us one night and actually turning up to do so, having to leave everything and run down pitch black roads in my pyjama's and then to get to a ferry and leave the country.

All this as a 7yr old, all because of religion.....

Small wonder I put my trust into one faith, ME.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:11 AM

Personally I prefer NO religion, for me its proved to be the most hateful thing I've ever been forced to be part of. Having a nun tie my left hand to a chair behind my back as a kid so I could not use my left hand which was my natural choice is nothing short of sadism.


My Grandmother in British Guiana got the same treatment as a little girl and she developed a stammer. I can fully understand your annoyance. I have been in and out of the military bases in Northern Ireland during the troubles and was at risk from both sides>

I am glad that we both support some form of multiculturalism.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Multiculturalism causes more problems than it fixes.

No it doesn't ignorance and bigotry causes the problems. Sure people want to come over here because the streets are paved with gold. You must also acknowledge that they are cheap labour and will be needed for the jobs that the natives are too fecklesss to do. recently there has been allegations that Labour did it to fill an area for building voting majorities. I don't know I have no proof.

For it to be a false argument, I would have to be wrong, you're going to have some fun trying to prove that, since throughout documented history empires and countries have been destroyed by multiculturalism.

Well you are wrong. What evidence do you have to back up your assertion anyway? If the history has been documented you would happily give a few links. Sometimes commonsense is not sensible. Commonself actually told people that the world was flat and the sun orbited the eart.

So you assert that the empire fell because of multiculturalism? That is plainly wrong. You ignore wars, economics, being too far stretched geographically, plagues and other biological factors, natural disasters, etc etc, to bash multiculturalism.

So you think that you ar the only person that has travelled and seen all manner of things professionally? Dream on! I have served in two sets of military and still cannot make reference to what I have seen. Believe me I have seen the real world across many continents. I have not been to the Poles nor China.

Being called a BNP supporter is such a terrible thing /sarcasm, it's just a label you place on people to help you polarize the world in your own little mind. Don't bother labeling me as I am neither a racist or a bigot, I've just lived all over the world and I know how these things work, but I think that does makes me a realist.

Go back and read my post. Actually read it below.

When you talk about laws remember that there are many law abiding immigrants or else you sound like a BNP supporter.

So Save your sarcasm for those who are impressed by it.

By way what is your alternative to multiculturalism. I made a few examples but I really want to hear your ideas but please make them practical. Remember the military is multicultural as is the security forces and most areas including the House of Lords

I am glad that you have recognized the need to identify the problem before it kicks off.

Have you ever heard of “hearts and minds”?? You cannot bomb the Moslems into the stone age. You cannot send them back to “Moslem land”. This is very different to WW2 where I must add the entire Commonwealth (58 countires /principalities) fought in a way that was again multicultural on our side.

I have had access to security reports and know that we must support the moslems and ruthlessly root out the fundamentalists. I lost countrymen, a friend and coreligionists in 9/11.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by tiger5

Personally I prefer NO religion, for me its proved to be the most hateful thing I've ever been forced to be part of. Having a nun tie my left hand to a chair behind my back as a kid so I could not use my left hand which was my natural choice is nothing short of sadism.


My Grandmother in British Guiana got the same treatment as a little girl and she developed a stammer. I can fully understand your annoyance. I have been in and out of the military bases in Northern Ireland during the troubles and was at risk from both sides>

I am glad that we both support some form of multiculturalism.

I have no problem with multiculturalism as long as it has no problems with me, if it seeks to replace mine and others cultures then I have a serious problem with it.

As you know from another thread that is where my in laws are from, she had the same issues, she had her hand beaten if she dared use it,,

edit on 7-2-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by Little_Kona

In another 5 years there wont be any church of a western faith in their countries,,anong a few now,,,,kill ya now if you try to start one,,,

What western faith do you refer to?
Wicca, Traditional Witchcraft, Odinism?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:00 AM

Cameron begins extremism crackdown as cash withheld from 'suspect groups'•

Funding cut to Muslim bodies after PM speech

The government has already started to withdraw state cash from what it regards as suspect Islamist groups that had previously been funded to reach young Muslims at risk of being drawn to terrorist networks

And so it begins, the clean up of britain

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:42 AM
I have to admit that it does look as if multculturalism hasn't worked out too well in the UK.
But, I think it's too easy to blame just the immigrants.
How have the UK traditionally treated immigrants?
It's easy to say that the immigrants haven't intergrated, but how were they supposed to?
When I grew up in the 70's and 80's, any families in my area of a different colour, or culture were shunned, and even openly abused, verbally and physically.
So, how were these people supposed to intergrate? Keep taking abuse untill they wear the locals down, or just stay within their own communities for reassurance and safety?
I know what I would have done.
So, I do feel ashamed and disappointed that it has come to this.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:56 AM
For those still not understanding or appreciating the struggle we have in the UK to prevent our whole culture being overwhelmed and destroyed in the next 20-50 years, I have found the following information to enlighten you.

No argument AGAINST what we are saying stands when the light of the following facts DEMOLISHES it...

All taken from the following Telegraph blog post;

What do British Muslims think of the UK?

- 0% of British Muslims found homosexuality acceptable.
- 3% found relations outside of marriage morally justifiable.
- 40% of this poll found Muslims wanting Sharia law in the UK.
- 75% of young muslims want women to wear the veil (or at least hijab) compared to 19% of adult population.

These results are from a poll of Muslim students:

– 33% claim that killing is justified if done to protect religion.
– 40 percent support the introduction of sharia for British Muslims.
– 33 percent support a worldwide Islamic caliphate based on sharia.

These results are from Muslims polled (16 – 24) for Policy Exchange:

-37 percent of young British Muslims want Sharia law in Britain.
-36 percent of young British Muslims think apostates should be killed.
-13 percent of young British Muslims said they “admired” Al Qaeda.

-According to an NOP survey, 2007:
-24 percent of British Muslims deny that the four British Muslim suicide bombers carried out the 7/7 attacks.
-24 percent of British Muslims believe the British government carried out the 7/7 attacks.

-According to Channel 4 Polls in August 2006, reported in both the Scotsman and the Financial Times:
-24 per cent agreed or tended to agree that the 7/7 bombings were justified.
-45 per cent think 9/11 was carried out by the US or Israel.

-16 percent of British Muslims support suicide bombing in Israel.
-7 percent of British Muslims support suicide bombing in Britain.

-NOP Channel 4 polling came out with these results:

-33% of Muslims want Sharia Law as implemented in Saudi Arabia.
-28% of muslims agreed they dreamt of Britain becoming an Islamic State.

-78% wanted Danish cartoonist prosecuted.
-68% want prosecutions for insulting Islam.
-62% disagree with the freedom of speech if it insults religious sensibilities.
-50% said British people who insult Islam should be arrested and prosecuted.

-Between 5-9% say that violence to protect Islam is acceptable.
-Whilst 10-13% found that they “understood” why young muslims might want to become suicide bombers.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by NonKonphormist

I have to admit that it does look as if multculturalism hasn't worked out too well in the UK.
But, I think it's too easy to blame just the immigrants.
How have the UK traditionally treated immigrants?
It's easy to say that the immigrants haven't intergrated, but how were they supposed to?
When I grew up in the 70's and 80's, any families in my area of a different colour, or culture were shunned, and even openly abused, verbally and physically.
So, how were these people supposed to intergrate? Keep taking abuse untill they wear the locals down, or just stay within their own communities for reassurance and safety?
I know what I would have done.
So, I do feel ashamed and disappointed that it has come to this.

Wow - so you think it might be our fault, I mean anything other than blaming muslims for not intending ever to integrate as thier religion commands then not to do!

Everyone else seems to integrate - except the muslims.

Singapore’s Lee: we can’t integrate Muslims Andrew Bolt:

Singapore’s presiding genius, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, on the failure of Muslim integration: In the book, Mr Lee, when asked to assess the progress of multiracialism in Singapore, said: “I have to speak candidly to be of value, but I do not wish to offend the Muslim community. “I think we were progressing very nicely until the surge of Islam came, and if you asked me for my observations, the other communities have easier integration – friends, intermarriages and so on, Indians with Chinese, Chinese with Indians – than Muslims. That’s the result of the surge from the Arab states.” He added: ”I would say today, we can integrate all religions and races except Islam.” He also said: “I think the Muslims socially do not cause any trouble, but they are distinct and separate.” Not endorsing, not rejecting. Just noting. More here from the launch of the book: Lee Kuan Yew: Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going. H/T: TROP

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by NonKonphormist


I lived through those times too. Which is why i try and get people to be clear. Multiculturalism was never the problem. In fact the fundamentalist moslems crave isolated communities to feed the isolated with their agenda.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by NonKonphormist

I have to admit that it does look as if multculturalism hasn't worked out too well in the UK.
But, I think it's too easy to blame just the immigrants.
How have the UK traditionally treated immigrants?
It's easy to say that the immigrants haven't intergrated, but how were they supposed to?
When I grew up in the 70's and 80's, any families in my area of a different colour, or culture were shunned, and even openly abused, verbally and physically.
So, how were these people supposed to intergrate? Keep taking abuse untill they wear the locals down, or just stay within their own communities for reassurance and safety?
I know what I would have done.
So, I do feel ashamed and disappointed that it has come to this.

A lot has happened since then, there has bene plenty of community outreach programmes.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by NonKonphormist

Originally posted by CholmondleyWarner
Here in gods country muslims are eating away at our way of life, Britishness and our religion.

God's country

Which God? The middle eastern one?

Our Religion?

Are you again referring to the middle eastern one, that Rome Spread and HenryVIII bastardised?
Or do you mean our orginal religion, Paganism?

Point well and truly taken...

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

smoke and mirrors.

government funding of these groups is only a very small percentage of funding.

liken it to a trickle of water being stopped to prevent the Nile flowing.

Don't believe the spin from the government.

To be appeased by some measly words is denying yourself reality.

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