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If the Illuminati control Masonry I do not care

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posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

I strongly disagree with you that the Egyptian god was the real god the reason the real god (Biblical) parted the seas for Mosses and his tribe and then had the water crush the Egyptians is because the real god was on Mosses side and the fake god or gods that the Egyptians believed in did nothing....

As far as Aleister Crowley gos you and me are never gonna see eye to eye on people like him or Jake Parsons, i think he was evil on a Hitler scale in terms of the spiritual sense and you think he's some kind of good teacher...

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by CIAGypsy
reply to post by King Seesar


I, too, find my strength and devotion in the same God as you (most likely). Practicing magick doesn't change that in the least. In fact, angels (especially the archangels) play a very prominent role in most of my rituals, as does the various names of God (Hebrew, Latin, etc...). Ritual and ceremonial magick is nothing more than a tool. It does not define your beliefs. It can be used for both good and evil. As with any tool, it is based upon the intent of the magician. If you learn the symbolism and meaning behind so many aspects of ritual magick, you'd probably be surprised at how much of it is used in the church you already attend. I bet I could go into any church and ask the majority of the parishioners if they understand the meaning behind various aspects of their service and I'd almost guarantee that they'd have no clue. They don't understand why Christ offered up his body and blood. What these two things actually mean and signify. Or why the priest swings a censer, etc...

There is much that can be learned from esoteric knowledge.

Of course there's things you can learn from esoteric knowledge but i'm not for it in terms of a agenda for TPTB you can also learn knowledge from Buddhism Hinduism ect ect i just don't treat that knowledge as religion in terms of my spiritual beliefs....

As far as magik gos i just disagree with it on a fundamental level, of course there can be different meanings as too why a spell caster casts a spell but too me it's all no good and i guess we just agree to disagree...

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by King Seesar

fair enough....

To each his (or her) own.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

I'n my previous post i meant Jack Parsons not Jake Parsons....

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by King Seesar

I'n my previous post i meant Jack Parsons not Jake Parsons....

I think Crowley's lifestyle is far from what we ourselves should be pursuing, but to compare him to Hitler, who ordered the murder of millions of people, is a little over the top. Crowley's "evil" consisted of the fact that he was willing to publicly criticize the status quo, both political and religious, and had a tendency to be able to expose hypocrisy in otherwise "respectable" people.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by King Seesar

I'n my previous post i meant Jack Parsons not Jake Parsons....

I think Crowley's lifestyle is far from what we ourselves should be pursuing, but to compare him to Hitler, who ordered the murder of millions of people, is a little over the top. Crowley's "evil" consisted of the fact that he was willing to publicly criticize the status quo, both political and religious, and had a tendency to be able to expose hypocrisy in otherwise "respectable" people.

I see where your coming from i really do but the fact that his teachings are far from what we should be striving to copy is where we hit a impasse, there's nothing to be learned from Crowley except what not to do in theology and your right Crowley's lifestyle is something we should not pursue, again i'll state i'm not pro magik but i think if your going to go down that road (and i suggest you don't) that Madame Blavatsky would represent a much better teacher of occultic practices, and my comparison of Hitler to Crowley wasen't in the physical sense but in the spiritual, one must remember that Crowley was pro Nazi and his writings at the time echo this sentiment....

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by King Seesar

I see where your coming from i really do but the fact that his teachings are far from what we should be striving to copy is where we hit a impasse, there's nothing to be learned from Crowley except what not to do in theology and your right Crowley's lifestyle is something we should not pursue, again i'll state i'm not pro magik but i think if your going to go down that road (and i suggest you don't) that Madame Blavatsky would represent a much better teacher of occultic practices, and my comparison of Hitler to Crowley wasen't in the physical sense but in the spiritual, one must remember that Crowley was pro Nazi and his writings at the time echo this sentiment....

I sort of see what you're saying too, but a couple of points to be added here.

Most of Crowley's actual teachings are pretty interesting, and can lead one to a little bit of enlightenment. He was extremely well-educated in esoteric symbolism, Kabalah, Hermetic science, etc. On the other hand, he didn't always live up to his own ideals, but then again, neither do we.

I'm not a big fan of Blavatsky, mostly because the majority of her historical theories are so untenable. The one thing that makes Crowley superior to most of his colleagues was his insistence on the scientific method, and the practicality that arose from it. Crowley didn't waste a lot of time talking about Lemuria and root races. Instead, he would take a subject like Yoga or Ceremonial Magick, document his personal experiences with them, and then give his opinion on how and why they worked from a scientific viewpoint.

Crowley was not pro-Nazi, and indeed, his personal representative in Germany, Karl Germer, was arrested by the Nazis and sent to a concentration camp due to his connections to Crowley. Years earlier, Crowley had himself been expelled from Italy by Mussolini, and he had a very low opinion of Fascism.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

In some of Crowly's writings he seems to allege of a master race that echos Hiter's own ideals on the subject so in a sence he may have been officially anti-fascism but he agreed on some of the topics..

Again i'm not pro magik but the reason i suggest Blavatsky over Crowly is because at least with her you might learn deeper meanings of theology in genral, kind of like what CIAGypsy was talking about that there's knowledge to be learned from esoteric studys if your gonna go down that rout...

edit on 10-2-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Illuminati agenda is on track. Order from chaos. The tides will be turning.

If we go back to Adam Wieshaupt agenda on the Bavarian Illuminati . One of them was the elimination of state/gov.

This is in process right now. Have you noticed the chaos in government? Riots in Egypt? hmmm.... its all randomness? Or social engineering? True Masonry at its finest. Architects of the minds

Existence of Bavarian Illuminati exposed on Cramer?

In that video, you can see another hand gesture (with masonic symbology)... Same one that Bush is doing in our other thread here:

edit on 16-2-2011 by ThreeThreeThree because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by ThreeThreeThree

Yup, that seals it, a medieval woodcut proves the theory.

News flash, not everything is a conspiracy perpetrated by the Illuminati. Social disorder existed way before there was an Illuminati and has existed since their demise.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by ThreeThreeThree
Illuminati agenda is on track. Order from chaos. The tides will be turning.

If we go back to Adam Wieshaupt agenda on the Bavarian Illuminati . One of them was the elimination of state/gov.
You clearly believe Bush was part of this conspiracy. So you're saying a sitting US President was actively trying to destroy the US government? Interesting theory. If he was already in charge, what would he gain by making his own position of power useless?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus
reply to post by ThreeThreeThree

Yup, that seals it, a medieval woodcut proves the theory.

News flash, not everything is a conspiracy perpetrated by the Illuminati. Social disorder existed way before there was an Illuminati and has existed since their demise.

I never said EVERYTHING IS A CONSPIRACY. You just make stuff up in your imagination.

Just because social disorder existed before there was an Illuminati does not mean they may not be involved some way. Thats your logic to discredit no illuminati involvement? Wow.... this is the intelligence of the world... of the droid robotic masons. lol

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by ThreeThreeThree
Thats your logic to discredit no illuminati involvement? Wow.... this is the intelligence of the world... of the droid robotic masons. lol

said the guy who thinks anyone who lets their fingers touch is secretly communicating their affiliation in some secret society you have yet to name.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by ThreeThreeThree
You just make stuff up in your imagination.

Like how everyone is flashing secret signs at each other through paintings and wood-carvings?

Just because social disorder existed before there was an Illuminati does not mean they may not be involved some way.

Which makes the converse even more true, just because there is social disorder does not mean it is from sinister group that may or may not exist.

Thats your logic to discredit no illuminati involvement? Wow.... this is the intelligence of the world... of the droid robotic masons.

No, it is called, "Where is the evidence other than your opinion that the Bavarian Illuminati still exist and are also influencing the riots in Egypt?"

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by ThreeThreeThree
Illuminati agenda is on track. Order from chaos. The tides will be turning.

If we go back to Adam Wieshaupt agenda on the Bavarian Illuminati . One of them was the elimination of state/gov.

You clearly believe Bush was part of this conspiracy. So you're saying a sitting US President was actively trying to destroy the US government? Interesting theory. If he was already in charge, what would he gain by making his own position of power useless?

I dont clearly believe he is involved. I believe in the possibility. I have no evidence or facts to back up the theories, but I see connections.

Masons are considered builders, but they are also the destroyers (maybe thats the "clandestine" lodges I hear Masons speak about- but just a guess). Forgot which Mason/book I read that from, but whatever.

I also dont know if GWB is a Mason, but I believe in the possibility.

All political people are just puppets. He has no choice in the matter. GWB will probably always live a good life, so I doubt he has much to lose at all.

Whats going on in the world is very big in the sense of evolution for the human species.

Its galactic in the sense of some occult philosophies. We are literally entering a New Age and a New World Order. We will be entering a One World Government. Or more appropriately, as Physicist Micho Kaku puts it, a TYPE 1 civilization.

We are a primitive, TYPE 0 civilization.

The NWO is part of human evolution and it will happen.

Secret Societies have known this, but not all societies and not all members. Its the occult side of secret societies.

In 10, 25, 50 years this planet will be very different, for the better. It may take longer than 50 years to get to a TYPE 1 civilization, but in that time a lot will happen.

Technology is advancing so fast. According to Scientist Ray Kurzewil , we will be merging with technology. Well, those that wish too. Those that wish to basically "live forever".. Immortality..Thats what he supposes.

Immortality, Alchemy, Secret Societies, our future of the human race.. there are connections.

Heres Ray Kurzewil new Documentry coming out March:

Also, computer intelligence is vastly improving. Just yesterday (its on again today), i was watching Jeopardy.. And the top 2 players in Jeopardy played a computer and lost.

Watson the computer 35k, second place human was 10k. Today is the last day of the series with Watson the computer.

Theres a lot of occult theories and philosophies about this. But I dont have the time nor do I care to explain any of it.

Its only my personal beliefs and theories anyways.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus
Like how everyone is flashing secret signs at each other through paintings and wood-carvings?

No, because I provided the evidence to show they all do/show the same hand gesture. Its in the Masonic Library.

Which makes the converse even more true, just because there is social disorder does not mean it is from sinister group that may or may not exist.

I agree it COULD make it true.

edit on 16-2-2011 by ThreeThreeThree because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by network dude

Originally posted by ThreeThreeThree
Thats your logic to discredit no illuminati involvement? Wow.... this is the intelligence of the world... of the droid robotic masons. lol

said the guy who thinks anyone who lets their fingers touch is secretly communicating their affiliation in some secret society you have yet to name.

I know you don't beleive sign laguage exist in secret socieisties.

Thats okay. Its your opinion.

My opnion stems from evidence and a library far bigger and greater than yours when it comes to the occult and masonry. And, also have contacts in Masonry just like you do.

When I find out from my personal contact what it means thats all I need to know.

ATS Masons are not worthy for that information.

edit on 16-2-2011 by ThreeThreeThree because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 04:02 PM
I think TPTB have a good smoke screen up as we speak you got so many people worrying about zionist jews who only comprise a small part of the power structure when shri law is were the break down is opening up for them, they will use this for the time being to get some of there agenda across with out some even knowing it...

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by ThreeThreeThree
My opnion stems from evidence and a library far bigger and greater than yours when it comes to the occult and masonry. And, also have contacts in Masonry just like you do.
Getting into a dick measuring contest now? Classy.

When I find out from my personal contact what it means thats all I need to know.

ATS Masons are not worthy for that information.
Good. Does that mean you'll shut up about it here then?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton
Getting into a dick measuring contest now? Classy.

Nope, just that i have more information available to me to make a more informed decision. Or atleast look at things from more perspectives than just Black/White.

Good. Does that mean you'll shut up about it here then?

Nope! I want everyone to have more information!

Im a paid poster! Not going anywhere

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