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If the Illuminati control Masonry I do not care

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posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by KSigMason

Originally posted by Lucifer777
American Masonry: a comedy of Neo-McCarthyists.

In the United States, since a third of all regular Masons are also members of the Shriners and / or the Jesters, Masonry in the US seems just to be a social club where many adherents have rather ridiculous and childish rituals and use their membership as an excuse for drunken parties and having sex with prostitutes; this has absolutely nothing to do with Illuminist ideals; further most US Masons appear to be Neo-MacCarthyist anti-Communists, anti-Socialists and evangelical Capitalists and Nationalists; if there has been an attempt to infiltrate American Masonry by political radicals, it seems to have entirely failed.

This is nothing like what Freemasonry is.

Contradiction one-liners are a poor substitute for argument and evidence. As I have already pointed out to you on another thread, "Freemasonry" is simply a metaphor; Freemasonry does not exist in reality; only "Freemasons (i.e., persons who are Freemasons) exist. Thus your statement "This is nothing like what Freemasonry is. would be better expressed as "This is not what Freemasons are like" in which case I welcome argument and evidence in support of your position.


edit on 22-2-2011 by Lucifer777 because: mis-spelling-itis

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by Lucifer777

your gross misunderstanding of what Freemasonry is, needs to be addressed.

1. freemasonry is not a religion
2. freemasonry is not a charity
3. freemasonry is not a business
4. Freemasonry (blue lodge, core of masonry) does not solicit money from outside sources
5. It's goal is to make good men better.
6. it's a private organization

Knowing all that, it's none of your business what freemasonry does with it's money. It's none of your business what it does behind it's doors, providing it doesn't adversely affect anyone.

You are free to believe whatever you wish about it, but these facts will remain, no matter what you may think. We have no legal obligation to give anything to anyone but ourselves, yet we do contribute to charitable causes, monetarily and with our time. What do you contribute to others? What impact has your life left on the world? What good can come from your rambling tirades? I am sure you don't care about any of those questions since they give you no benefit. So at the end of the day, Freemasonry is a private fraternity made up by it's members, supported by it's members.

Your negativity only amplifies the hole in your heart. I hope you find something besides hate to fill it with.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Mason mike

and this too

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Lucifer777

Freemasonry doesn't exist??? I'm pretty sure it does. You have no idea of what Freemasonry really is. Move along.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Lucifer777
As I have already pointed out to you on another thread, "Freemasonry" is simply a metaphor; Freemasonry does not exist in reality; only "Freemasons (i.e., persons who are Freemasons) exist.
Well, if you're taking that route, none of the _y's exist. There's no humanity, other than the qualities of being human; there's no christianity other than those who follow the christian faith; and there's no Freemasonry other than a collection of guys who call themselves Freemason. They're all abstract concepts. Does that make you feel better?

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