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World Gripped By Anti-Government Riots; America Next?

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posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 08:58 AM
Cant you see whats going on here?....Time to hit the mute button, step back, and look at the big picture.

Almost the entire sothern coast of the medditerranian sea, from the straits of gibralter to the suez canal, are up for grabs.( major political unrest). If I had visions of militarily controlling commerce and everything else in the region , I couldn"t script it any better. Let the grunts fight it out and then step in to be the voice of reason.

As long as we are kept busy quarreling with our next door neighbor, The guy across the street can pretty well do as he wants without anyone knowing or caring.

Egypt , Tunisia, Yemen, ...etc. Its a power grab in slow motion.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 09:17 AM
Reaction?! From the US people?! ROFLMAO

I wont even start writing my thoughts on that...might get me another ban.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by CholmondleyWarner
The best was, in my opinion, to stop them is by simply saying "NO!" If everyone refused to comply there's not a great deal they could do about it.

This is my belief also. I believe that if we here in the US of A go out, buy 2-3 months of food and just "stop" working and paying bills etc that there will be no choice but for the banks and government to pay attention. Think about the USA completely grinding to a halt - and what effect that would have on the entire globe.

Such a passive maneuver would cripple the power elite completely. They do not have the power to make 310 million people go back to work... the problem of course with doing something like this is how to get the engine running again with 'new fuel'.

I say if this ever happens - the new democratic government of the republic should not be paid. I believe we should abolish the monetary system completely (kill capitalism) but yet maintain our structure of government (yet have a true democracy instead of a representative one).

Yes, Democracy can exist without capitalism... and it isn't Marxist to think so.
Imagine a world where people get up in the morning to go to work because they have cause to - to better humanity without the influence of material wealth. Pipe dreams, I know... but if we can all look around at what is killing people throughout the world - it is greed.

Cures for cancer and AIDS - with our 21st technological achievements, we should have had them. The health and drug companies make trillions a year off people dying and being sick. We are a comodity, we feed them - why have us be healthy if it would ruin the income of the mega corporations?

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by lifeinthematrix
Reaction?! From the US people?! ROFLMAO

I wont even start writing my thoughts on that...might get me another ban.

Since you won't I will. (doubt you would get banned unless you swear).

The people of the US are so dumbed down and so ignorant of the world around them it is pathetic. The American people would rather watch reality TV, and become programmed by TPTB rather than face the truth about what freedoms they have lost.

I do think it will take more than what the rest of the world puts up with to get citizens to rise up to take their country back... there is a powerful message streaming through the airwaves of the USA: "Sleep, everything is Okay, sleep."

Don't be angry at people for this - I don't think that a lot of it is their fault. This all started from the institutions of learning - many were never taught critical thinking, and worse there is a lack of common sense. It has been stripped away from the majority for a reason - and we are seeing the end result...

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by LifeInDeath
The President has a 55% approval rating. There needs to be a lot more discontent than that before you get major riots, I think.

It was far lower than 55% BEFORE the shooting in Tuscon. Which is strange because all he did was have a couple of press conferences (moment of silence) etc..
The Govt knows that tragedies can boost a presidents popularity, even if he doesnt do anything.
Thats cause for a conspiracy theory in intself.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Animatrix

Poll ratings are pure buffalo buscuits....

You really cant give much credence to them as the results are always skewed before the polls are taken.
To get the desired results from any survey or poll, all you have to do is to phrase the questions properly, and then ask them to the right demographic of the population.


posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 10:48 AM
I just want to mention one thing - I remember back in 80's and 90's here in Central Europe we always watched CNN and BBC to give us idea what is going on in other parts of the World.. What happend since then?

Why is Al Jazeera (English) only source of information with cameras and reporters in Egipt. It was exactly the same with Gaza Flotilla..

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:01 AM
In Egypt the looters are targeting luxury condos and the like. So I wonder, who are the looters going to go after in this country? When the stuff in the stores is all gone, where would they go after that? I feel sorry for any one living in the cities.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by alonzo730

Gated communities would be my guess. Nasty business all around, as the "guards" hired to protect those who live inside are just as likely to strike the wealthy as poor "looters" are, IMO.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by martinkb

Because the corpomedia outlets here have become increasingly controlled and consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, and those hands have agendas. The primary agenda is steering and manipulating societal behavior and keeping its audience asleep, and distracted.

Covering 'uprisings' against tptb flies in the face of everything they are trying so hard to keep control of.

Pretty sad when foreign networks are more free than the supposed "land of the free".

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:07 AM

America is not next! America will be the last country to wake up to the New World Order, I'm not joking. Americans have their heads stuck too far up their asses, yes I'm American. All they care about is sports, Hollywood blockbuster movies, and celebrity gossip. Don't get me wrong, there are people who are aware and trying to wake people up. But the majority of America is clueless.
edit on 29-1-2011 by Sabier because: Changed the word "ass" to the grammatically correct plural form of "asses".

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by kroms33

I resent everything you said, why? Because it's the absoloute truth in a nutshell and I don't like being in the middle of this picture.
As much as I love this country it has become an embarassment and a breeding ground of arrogance and greed. Many citizens in this country are soooooooooo out of touch, it's sickening to watch us just rollover when told.
What pisses me off the most is thinking how hard our fore fathers worked to make this country what it was and watching our current gov and citizens flush it down the crapper, like no ones watching or cares. Americans have endured and over come many hardships, many have died and risked their lifes for our country's freedom and liberties and here we are throwing it all away. Hard to watch.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:09 AM
First time poster. Long time lurker.

I keep reading that Americans will not protest. That Americans are sheeple and are a sleep. While I do agree with this to an extent, I also believe that economic collapse, riots, revolts, etc. are self fullfilling prophecies. If enough believe it, it will happen.

I strongly believe that if gas was 6 bucks a gallon or bread was 9 bucks a loaf, you can be rest assured that you would see protest/riots in the streets by Americans. Will we see those types of things happen? Its anybody's guess.

Looking at what these protests in the Middle East did to oil yesterday, $4-6/gal. gas seems possible.

I guess time will only tell, but to think that Anericans will not say anything if commodities continue to rise, for whatever reason, is absurd.

Just my opinion though

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:12 AM
Hi shermanoaks,

Sorry I disagree, I'm American. Even if gas were to go up to $10.00 a gallon there would be no riots or protests. Americans are truly that apathetic.


posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

i think its all planned to bring in one world government theyll con us into thinking its good for us like everything else and all the dumb people will follow suite.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

World Gripped By Anti-Government Riots; America Next?

The planet is in a never-ending cycle of anti-government revolt as riots that plagued Europe last year now spread like wildfire through the Middle East and beyond, threatening to accelerate bloody clashes and force the hand of authorities as the risk of a new Tiananmen Square-style massacre grows ever likelier. Is America next in line to experience unrest that has touched almost every corner of the globe?

(visit the link for the full news article)

I am not sure what to make of the Egyptian Riots at this point. I do know, violence and looting is not the answer. It just makes things worse. From what I see, their is violence on both sides. I am not sure of the answers when a populace wants change, but what they are doing does not represent change, it represents chaos. They are destroying their own home ( pissing in their own pool ) in the name of change. I do understand the need for change and a better government and a better way, just not the methods ... I would thing if a rally of people that constitutes the majority of the populace were marching on the capital, the current leaders would accept they want change and reform and would rationally give way to immediate talks on getting it done and possibly having the current system step down in Lou of the new one the people are asking for.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Sabier

As long as there is government controlled electricity and mandatory television, there will be no riots.

Take away the TV and the Internet and all bets are off, however. :p

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Sabier
Hi shermanoaks,

Sorry I disagree, I'm American. Even if gas were to go up to $10.00 a gallon there would be no riots or protests. Americans are truly that apathetic.


I totally disagree with you. I live in the US as well. Although high gas prices would not prompt a riot. Their are many things that can. It would be more like the Katrina/LA looting and pillaging, Their would be no actual point to it. But a certain "class" of people would be ready to "get back at the rest of us" in the name of looting and pillaging and pissing in their own pool. Egypt wants true change.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Maybe your are right, but what happens when those that still have jobs, can only afford 3 days worth of gasoline instead of 5 and end up losing their job? Where I live, it is not uncommon for people to commute 40 miles one way to work everyday. Short of moving to the city to cut their fuel cost, which evryone would most likely be trying to do, what would they do?
Again, I do not buy into the whole Americans are sheeple theory. Some are, yes. Most are apathetic to an extent, yes. But at the end of the day, when it affects them directly, they will do something, I believe.

I have become amazed over the last coupleof years at the conversations that I have had with total strangers. Conversations that just a couple of years ago, would have never happened. It truly amazes me sometimes at the amount of people that are starting to realize that current events are starting to affect their day to day lives. maybe it is isolated to where I live, but I doubt it.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:29 AM
And it shows also that we the people dont have to accept what our governments are doing, using us as " Free " slaves, yea you heard me right everyone is a slave if you like it or not, as long as you need money to buy food, to pay the electric bill to pay for water to pay your tax that comes from your government, you are a slave of your government and or governments, people should demand that the governments lower their tax or remove it completely, actually the perfect system would be that everyone would just work to maintain the human race but no payment, people dont need money if the government gives what is needed, all people have to do is work, do their jobs to maintain each other. this way you wont have rich or poor you will have less wars and less anger, i hope we will go this way it would be better for everyone on this planet. OUT WITH THE MONEY SYSTEM. AND AWAY WITH THE GOVERNMENTS. think about it when you look at that dollar bill or your local currency... its just paper with a number on it.. nothing more managed by your government to keep you under their thumb as a SLAVE....

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