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World Gripped By Anti-Government Riots; America Next?

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posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by shermanoaks

Maybe your are right, but what happens when those that still have jobs, can only afford 3 days worth of gasoline instead of 5 and end up losing their job? Where I live, it is not uncommon for people to commute 40 miles one way to work everyday. Short of moving to the city to cut their fuel cost, which evryone would most likely be trying to do, what would they do?
Again, I do not buy into the whole Americans are sheeple theory. Some are, yes. Most are apathetic to an extent, yes. But at the end of the day, when it affects them directly, they will do something, I believe.

I have become amazed over the last coupleof years at the conversations that I have had with total strangers. Conversations that just a couple of years ago, would have never happened. It truly amazes me sometimes at the amount of people that are starting to realize that current events are starting to affect their day to day lives. maybe it is isolated to where I live, but I doubt it.

I can see your point, as I am in the same situation with a long drive to work. I now car pool. The saving is astronomical to say the least. And I am finding out. Their are many people willing to partake in carpooling to save gas and wear and tear on vehicles. It has done great things for my pocket book. Although high gas prices are looming. They are also unnecessary given our oil reserves etc ....

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by kroms33

Sounds like you got this figured out. People often think that democracy and capitalism is somehow inherently tied together. If that were true, why do we see capitalist dictatorships in the world? Anyway, I totally agree with you. If people united on their own and became self-sufficient, the government would eventually have no choice but to adapt since there would be no clear enemy. It would be the purest and most peaceful form of revolution ever.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:55 AM
I can see your point, as I am in the same situation with a long drive to work. I now car pool. The saving is astronomical to say the least. And I am finding out. Their are many people willing to partake in carpooling to save gas and wear and tear on vehicles. It has done great things for my pocket book. Although high gas prices are looming. They are also unnecessary given our oil reserves etc ....

I agree and many people are doing this. However, being someone who has carpooled before too, it can be a pain in the butt when it comes to someone running late or needing to stop by the grocery store after work. When carpooling, some individual freedoms are given up and truth be known, most people would rather have the ability to drive themself to work. This is the exact type of thing, in my opinion, that would build up to causing someone to protest, especially since as you say, we do have large oil reserves.

I do believe that Americans will do all they can before they take to the streets. But I also believe that there is a tipping point in which people will/would feel like there is nothing left to do.

What you are doing is helping you sustain your situation for the time being. But there is no guarrantee that it will forever. Carpooling usually involves several people living in a some what central location. At any time one or two of those people could go to work some where else or lose their jobs with the company. One could easily find themselves back into the same situation of having to drive themself. I do hope that this does not happen in your case, but it is a possibility. Apathetic or not, Americans will tend to do what they can to solve their own personal problems, just as you have done. But the time could come when viable solutions simply do not exist.

And I quess one reason that I refer to gas as a major problem is that affects the cost of literally everything from the fuel for your car to the price paid for a loaf a bread. It has broad range of effects on the economy.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 11:55 AM
Welcome to the 21st century, the age of the INTERNET!!

Governments are slowly (way way way too slowly) finding out that they can't keep on acting like a******* and then expect this to be hidden forever. Thanks to WL and the Internet in general, information is freely available...bad stuff comes out a LOT quicker nowadays, and the people don't like it!

Great development imo

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by alonzo730

You know, they reported looting very early in yesterday's coverage, which didn't sit well or make sense to me. And now there are some tweets saying that these are "badged security" people doing the looting.

Maybe because blocking communications backfired and got the people out of their homes and into the streets, they needed to activate plan B (oh there's looting!) to get people back to their homes to protect them.

But who the hell knows, both al Jazeera and the tweeters may well just be making this all up and this is a bit off topic.. .

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 12:05 PM
To answer the question: No, of course not.

Eh? The editor of PrisonPlanet writes sensationalist nonsense? Who knew?

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by shermanoaks

I can see your point, as I am in the same situation with a long drive to work. I now car pool. The saving is astronomical to say the least. And I am finding out. Their are many people willing to partake in carpooling to save gas and wear and tear on vehicles. It has done great things for my pocket book. Although high gas prices are looming. They are also unnecessary given our oil reserves etc ....

I agree and many people are doing this. However, being someone who has carpooled before too, it can be a pain in the butt when it comes to someone running late or needing to stop by the grocery store after work. When carpooling, some individual freedoms are given up and truth be known, most people would rather have the ability to drive themself to work. This is the exact type of thing, in my opinion, that would build up to causing someone to protest, especially since as you say, we do have large oil reserves.

I do believe that Americans will do all they can before they take to the streets. But I also believe that there is a tipping point in which people will/would feel like there is nothing left to do.

What you are doing is helping you sustain your situation for the time being. But there is no guarrantee that it will forever. Carpooling usually involves several people living in a some what central location. At any time one or two of those people could go to work some where else or lose their jobs with the company. One could easily find themselves back into the same situation of having to drive themself. I do hope that this does not happen in your case, but it is a possibility. Apathetic or not, Americans will tend to do what they can to solve their own personal problems, just as you have done. But the time could come when viable solutions simply do not exist.

And I quess one reason that I refer to gas as a major problem is that affects the cost of literally everything from the fuel for your car to the price paid for a loaf a bread. It has broad range of effects on the economy.

The car pool works well, We all agree on certain rules, and it works. We leave at a designated time, if everyone is not their, then they get left behind. We give courtesy calls if things happen etc ... . That's how its supposed to work. People working together to make things better. If you find yourself with people that create conflict no matter how organized a group tries to be. Then those people can go it alone.

Of course oil prices affect everything else. We make due. If you want epic fail, then epic fail you will have. If you want change, then change it. I am not sure what to tell you. Its obvious governments are to hell bent on their own agenda. Everyone complains about corruptions, and I agree, their is. But, no one does anything but complain. Start small, with a well working car pool. If one can organize success without conflict ( protest is ok, that's how compromise comes about ). Then move to something else, til we can get to a point where we can create change for all without destroying our own homes and cities.
edit on 29-1-2011 by VI0811 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-1-2011 by VI0811 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-1-2011 by VI0811 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-1-2011 by VI0811 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-1-2011 by VI0811 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-1-2011 by VI0811 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by VI0811

Awesome, Egyptians are looting their own history, their own heritage. ( the museums ) I just don't get it. I've decided that this is epic fail.
"Were not fair or free" the Egyptians say, but they start by stealing their own history to sell for profit, That makes them no better than the government they are trying to overthrow ...... ( I know not all are like that, but the corrupt have a way of ruining things for the just )

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 12:28 PM
I find it kind of hypocritical of the U.S. president telling the Egyptian dictator not to use force against its citizens. Whenever a group of U.S. citizens decides to protest, we get clubbed and tased and then charged with misdemeanors and felonies for voicing our discontent. Our kangaroo courts are nicely setup to admonish us and then take our money in the form of fines and free labor.
I hope the Egyptian people succeed in ousting their dictator and show the rest of the world that enough is enough when it comes to government oppression. My only concern is the Muslim Brotherhood taking advantage of this and taking it in a direction that should not be.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by VI0811
reply to post by VI0811

Awesome, Egyptians are looting their own history, their own heritage. ( the museums ) I just don't get it. I've decided that this is epic fail.
"Were not fair or free" the Egyptians say, but they start by stealing their own history to sell for profit, That makes them no better than the government they are trying to overthrow ...... ( I know not all are like that, but the corrupt have a way of ruining things for the just )

Ah yes, I just heard about this sad situation. It also happened in Iraq when the U.S. invaded. Epic fail on those who decide to loot the world's history. Then again, I hope this gives Zahi Hawass a very bad headache for hiding the other stuff they have found at Giza that they do not want to reveal to the rest of the world.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by goingsouth

This is EXACTLY what I was thinking as I started seeing multiple headlines speaking of protests errupting in different countries but all in the same area. Someone is trying to do a little house cleaning.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 12:41 PM
What i see in america,is a ton of people that are afraid to fight for what they believe in.
Everyone in america seeks everyone they knows exceptance,and fighting for anything in america is considered bieng a terrorist.
That kind of mindset is what maid america such an evil,egotistical country. If you choose to do anything besides compete for the best clothes house and car,you will be hated in america,by the majority of its people.
So,when the the country is falling,with only the government to blame,instead of fighting the monster,americans will rob each other to stay afloat. You better believe that,because it's already happening.
Crime is at an alltime high,and these balless figures choose to fight their fellow citizen instead of the monster that put them in their place.
I guess they would rather be a felon,then a fighter.
edit on 29-1-2011 by miracleretiree because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Kratos40
I find it kind of hypocritical of the U.S. president telling the Egyptian dictator not to use force against its citizens. Whenever a group of U.S. citizens decides to protest, we get clubbed and tased and then charged with misdemeanors and felonies for voicing our discontent. Our kangaroo courts are nicely setup to admonish us and then take our money in the form of fines and free labor.
I hope the Egyptian people succeed in ousting their dictator and show the rest of the world that enough is enough when it comes to government oppression. My only concern is the Muslim Brotherhood taking advantage of this and taking it in a direction that should not be.

I guess the rally's you go to use violence to get your message across. Is this so ? All the rally's Ive been to have never resulted in violence. I agree with the president. If you hate our courts so much, why don't you get educated and get into the court system and change it. Or find someone to work with to make it better. Doing nothing results in nothing getting done. bitching gets you nowhere.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 12:57 PM
Obama's poll numbers were already on an upswing before the shooting, but his handling of that (his speech in Tuscon, mainly), definitely added a few points, I'm sure.

As for this poll being sponsored by CNN, the Wall Street Journal I know co-sponsored the poll that came the week before this one, when his numbers were at 53%. The polls itself is conducted by a top independent polling company (some of which are better than others - I would never trust Rasmussen's numbers, for instance). But the point is, the WSJ is most definitely a Right leaning news organization who co-sponsored the same poll a week earlier with CNN, so I wouldn't let that alone affect my judgment as to the usefulness of the poll

Also, I would not characterize CNN as Left leaning at all. They are pretty in the middle, at least from my POV. MSNBC is a Left leaning news org, to be sure, and Fox is way to the right. CNN is in the middle (and mostly pretty crappy, at least on TV - the website is decent).

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by miracleretiree

That is because the vast majority of us have been duped into thinking it IS our fellow Americans we need to look out for. The conservatives want to kill liberals and the liberals want to take all the conservatives money. That's what we are told. Its much easier for us to direct our anger at our neighbor than it is to direct is at people we've never met, i.e. the government

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 01:17 PM
The thing is if there is a riot in America it will be hard for the states to be united. If it got to a certain point our communications would be disrupt(internet, phones etc) transportation would be disrupt as well. Most US citizens will just listen to avoid conflict. Most of us would not go against the government while those who would will be unorganized and ineffective and would be jailed or in extreme conditions. The only way the US citizens could make a difference through rioting and whatnot would be to start planning beforehand. There would have to be likeminded people all across the states willing to fight for what they believe in and they would have to be strong enough in number to rally the ignorant majority of the remainder of the US citizens. Most Americans remain ignorant of major injustices that are happening now so there needs to be a big wake up call.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by VI0811

Originally posted by Kratos40
I find it kind of hypocritical of the U.S. president telling the Egyptian dictator not to use force against its citizens. Whenever a group of U.S. citizens decides to protest, we get clubbed and tased and then charged with misdemeanors and felonies for voicing our discontent. Our kangaroo courts are nicely setup to admonish us and then take our money in the form of fines and free labor.
I hope the Egyptian people succeed in ousting their dictator and show the rest of the world that enough is enough when it comes to government oppression. My only concern is the Muslim Brotherhood taking advantage of this and taking it in a direction that should not be.

I guess the rally's you go to use violence to get your message across. Is this so ? All the rally's Ive been to have never resulted in violence. I agree with the president. If you hate our courts so much, why don't you get educated and get into the court system and change it. Or find someone to work with to make it better. Doing nothing results in nothing getting done. bitching gets you nowhere.

The protest/rallies I have attended were pretty civil except for when the pirate revenue collectors of the state (cops) decide that they don't like the way you are holding your sign and decide to "harass" you. It's nice of the president to tell other leaders to exercise restraint when he should be more concerned for the erosion of liberties of his own citizens. If I had the time and resources to go back to school and get a law degree I would. But I would be in the minority as the whole system is set up to just be a huge money racket for both sides of the court. I am not complaining, I am just calling it the way it is.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 01:18 PM
I would not be surprise if the US started having riots this summer. Think about it, events are accelerating faster than 2010. If we don't stop the elite now we will have a third world war on our hands. They will then use this world war for the final push like they did the last two. Even if there isn't a third world war # is about to hit the fan.

I don't care if people think I'm crazy or what not but my intuition is ussually right. I'd advise everyone to prepare NOW! Else be swept away by the change of times. The elite know this, they've been preparing for riots everywhere. Egypt could also be a test run for the rest of the world to see if shutting everything down will work. We truly do live in exciting times.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Passafist
I would not be surprise if the US started having riots this summer. Think about it, events are accelerating faster than 2010. If we don't stop the elite now we will have a third world war on our hands. They will then use this world war for the final push like they did the last two. Even if there isn't a third world war # is about to hit the fan.

I don't care if people think I'm crazy or what not but my intuition is ussually right. I'd advise everyone to prepare NOW! Else be swept away by the change of times. The elite know this, they've been preparing for riots everywhere. Egypt could also be a test run for the rest of the world to see if shutting everything down will work. We truly do live in exciting times.

Well if the next WL documents to be leaked (about Bank of America and others) are half as bad as I suspect, it might finally be enough to wake the people up and at least change voter habits. All we have to do is have one five year period where we don't vote for anybody that associates themselves with either Democrat or Republican (in every office and every capacity) and you would see a radical change in our regime.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Passafist
I would not be surprise if the US started having riots this summer. Think about it, events are accelerating faster than 2010. If we don't stop the elite now we will have a third world war on our hands. They will then use this world war for the final push like they did the last two. Even if there isn't a third world war # is about to hit the fan.

I don't care if people think I'm crazy or what not but my intuition is ussually right. I'd advise everyone to prepare NOW! Else be swept away by the change of times. The elite know this, they've been preparing for riots everywhere. Egypt could also be a test run for the rest of the world to see if shutting everything down will work. We truly do live in exciting times.

What do you base your information on as far as riots ? In name of ? Because of ? Although it could happen, whats your trigger ? We all feel change is coming, but its not from governments, its from the planet itself ( another thread ).

Testing grounds ? I don't thinks so. Bases on what ? Listen to the Egyptian people.... ok ... They want change. It would be only right for the Egyptian leader to immediately step down. Also, look how quick the country has been divided into those who want change and are just, and those who just want to steal your stuff and rape your woman. How do you get the military involved in that. How would they know who is friend or foe. You don't. They are doing the right thing by keeping military out of it. Unfortunately, the good people have to step up and protect their stance and just from the looters and pillagers ...

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