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World Gripped By Anti-Government Riots; America Next?

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posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by 00nunya00

Well, actually its because you dont have the best of everything over in America which makes me question why you're all so apathetic. Hospitals who only treat the rich and those with insurance! people who have lost their homes sheltering in shop doorways! Whole cities laid waste such as Detroit and New Orleans... growing unemployment, involved in wars you can't possibly win, and to round things off, a president who goes cap in hand to China!!!!
Oh yeah, you have the best living standards in the world, just as long as you're working or rich... If you're not your fellow Americans turn their back on you and leave you to rot. And as for us Europeans being fascinated with America... Correct, after all, you lot are so thoroughly entertaining...

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

LOL, there's no homeless people in the UK.
No cities there are victims of the recession. Y'all weren't involved in both wars that we started----as you say, "cap in hand" to help send your soldiers to their deaths as readily as we did. No one in the UK dies from lack of health care. Again,

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by 00nunya00
reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

LOL, there's no homeless people in the UK.
No cities there are victims of the recession. Y'all weren't involved in both wars that we started----as you say, "cap in hand" to help send your soldiers to their deaths as readily as we did. No one in the UK dies from lack of health care. Again,

The only people who are homeless in the Uk are those who choose to be homeless for whatever reason. Anyone homeless can put in for a council house or in some cirumstances are put up in hostels. There are victims of the recession but nowhere like in America, and we only got involved in your wars in Iraq because Bush and Blair had preplanned it way before. And no one, absolutely no one dies in the UK from lack of health care which is free and accessible to all. There may be long waiting lists but your treatment will be free of charge and the best that is available anywhere in the world.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

News flash----we have all of those exact same homeless services in the US. NO ONE in the US does not have access to a shelter----so long as they're not on drugs or alcohol. So everyone in this country is homeless by choice as well. Read a little.

So you admit your country is every bit as complicit in the wars as ours? They "pre-planned" them right? So your country sucks just as much as mine. Why did you even bring the wars up as a slam against the US when you believe the UK planned them too? You just slammed your own country.

And you think no one ever died on those waiting lists because treatment didn't get to them quick enough? Seriously, dude. Read about your OWN country.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by 00nunya00

You're clearly confused... Of course I'm slamming my own country, as you put it. I hate my government and the way they are doing their utmost to destroy this once great nation. I think this is why I believe there will be trouble this spring and summer, maybe even violence on the streets or a national strike. Thats why I asked what would be the catalyst for similar trouble taking place on American soil, but you went off on a tangent and decided to tell us all how great all things American are. Well, stand by for some bad news, as you're in the minority if you really believe that as most yanks are as fed up with their government as we our fed up with ours in the UK.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

Oh, clearly you were slamming your government. That's why you spent 3 posts telling me how much worse the US was than the UK.

No one ever said life in the US was perfect or that most American's aren't unhappy with their government. Americans haven't been happy with their government since the 60's at least. But that doesn't mean we're willing to go destroying our country and killing each other to correct the problems. We have faith in the system we set up. Maybe that's going to be proven a mistake, but at least we tried.

And you'll find out real quick that if you go bashing anyone's country, even if they hate their country they will most likely defend it----as you yourself did just a few posts ago. I'm allowed to say mean things to my sister---you're not. That's how it goes.

Don't hold your breath waiting for your country to rise up and take itself back----very few people understand what that would actually mean. You think it would be all Egypt and slogans and Anderson Cooper? Wrong. That's now how we do it in the West. We crush our uprisings before they even grow legs. You'll disappear before CNN ever gets a camera on you. Have fun with that. The best you can hope for is to escape into the hills before the gates come down.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by CholmondleyWarner

Well, actually its because you dont have the best of everything over in America which makes me question why you're all so apathetic.

Well arent you silly for not figuring it out then, when you have all the ingredient right here in front of you.

We are so apathetic because we have the best propaganda machine in the entire world, the best entertainment, the best distraction. You really answered your own question, you just didnt think about it long enough.

We are more isolated (via the media) from the rest of the world, we have little to no idea for the most part, what is going on anywhere else, including Canada and Mexico. On top of that, we are fed a continuous stream of how everything we have is the best, absolute top notch, everyone wants to be us, and we are fed the idea that supporting the Corporatist status quo is the only way not to end up starving in a ditch somewhere.

Your governments in the EU have been watching, however. Your propaganda machine is pretty much up there too. You obviously believe a lot of the propaganda about us. The sheer size of the US also acts to keep us apathetic, we are so spread out, and it will with you lot as well. Plus, all the moving of labor in across your borders will break down your (the peoples) sense of community, tradition, history, and unity, as it has here in the US, and you will end up losing virtually everything you are crowing about now. You will come down to our standards, sooner or later. Unless you take control of your nation before they destroy your national identity.

Globalization is not good for workers in the first world. Not in America, and not in the EU either. Our little percentage of the worlds wealth is going to be spread out among the new labor forces in China, India, etc. The rich arent chipping in, btw, their money is their own. In fact, they are going to take advantage of the supply/demand relationship to take more of that wealth from us, and we will all share the little that is left. Oh, and if you dont like it? What are you going to do about it? Globalization will make it nearly impossible to have democratic change.

Get used to it.

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