Originally posted by CholmondleyWarner
Well, actually its because you dont have the best of everything over in America which makes me question why you're all so apathetic.
Well arent you silly for not figuring it out then, when you have all the ingredient right here in front of you.
We are so apathetic because we have the best propaganda machine in the entire world, the best entertainment, the best distraction. You really
answered your own question, you just didnt think about it long enough.
We are more isolated (via the media) from the rest of the world, we have little to no idea for the most part, what is going on anywhere else,
including Canada and Mexico. On top of that, we are fed a continuous stream of how everything we have is the best, absolute top notch, everyone wants
to be us, and we are fed the idea that supporting the Corporatist status quo is the only way not to end up starving in a ditch somewhere.
Your governments in the EU have been watching, however. Your propaganda machine is pretty much up there too. You obviously believe a lot of the
propaganda about us. The sheer size of the US also acts to keep us apathetic, we are so spread out, and it will with you lot as well. Plus, all the
moving of labor in across your borders will break down your (the peoples) sense of community, tradition, history, and unity, as it has here in the US,
and you will end up losing virtually everything you are crowing about now. You will come down to our standards, sooner or later. Unless you take
control of your nation before they destroy your national identity.
Globalization is not good for workers in the first world. Not in America, and not in the EU either. Our little percentage of the worlds wealth is
going to be spread out among the new labor forces in China, India, etc. The rich arent chipping in, btw, their money is their own. In fact, they are
going to take advantage of the supply/demand relationship to take more of that wealth from us, and we will all share the little that is left. Oh, and
if you dont like it? What are you going to do about it? Globalization will make it nearly impossible to have democratic change.
Get used to it.