posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:34 PM
American governmental officials need to open their eyes to the revolutions taking place in other places around the world right now. People everywhere
have had ENOUGH of the BS that they are subjected to on a daily basis by corrupt, money grubbing politicians. If anyone for a moment even debates
weather or not this same fed up attitude is reaching Americans or not, let me tell you something. Americans are not the stereotypical, fat, lazy slob
that the powers that were would have you believe. Americans can be just as intelligent as anyone else out there. Everyone across the globe is HUMAN.
As humans the people are deciding WE want our power back. We want the responsibility to take care of our country, not to leave it in the hands of
these war hungry, greedy fat cats that sit in office chairs all day long making piss-poor decisions about our world. I have some news for you, this is
a world wide event. A global movement against tyranny and oppression. The PEOPLE will no longer tolerate this ridiculous government and their
insanity. Things like jailing a woman for trying to do the best for her child. Denying everyone the right to freedom, the right to peace, by forcing
us to go to wars and fight for what? For freedom, for peace? I think not. You see in the media nothing but negativity, half of it isn't even true.
Well the people are fed up. If things continue down this horrid path of deception, the people WILL take back what is rightfully EVERYONES. This is OUR
planet, and we'll be damned if we are going to let ANYONE ruin it, or ruin us. Be it tall people, fat people, small people, white people, black
people, it doesn't matter. We are all humans and we all want to be free. Our freedoms are being taken away one by one and we aren't going to stand
for it any longer.