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Mysterious Missile Launch Over California - 11/8/2010

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posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by windwaker

Ya know how the thing with 9-11 was we had the lone gunmen pilot episode and then there was tom clancy stuff about the hijacking of 747s used as weapons ALL BEFORE the event.

Get this...THREE top video games made in the past 2 years all involve basically the same scenario.

- An EMP blast taking out the US defenses and blinding us.

- A sneak attack by the russians on our soil.

*While the games offer slighly different versions of the events they are essentially the same I will explain*

Modern Warfare 2 - Just straight emp blast and a russian attack...And I must saying playing call of duty defending american suburban neighborhoods gives it an all knew meaning....but then maybe thats what the PTB want.

Bad Company 2 - Was a "scalar" device (call Tom Beardon right?) but essentially the russians do sneak attack the US at the end as the credits roll.

Tom Clancy's Hawx - A private miltary force (think blackwater with jets) manages to take out our defense satelites and then while blind launch a full scale invasion.

This is all something to think about..

The theme is plain as day. A EMP "attack" and then a russian invasion. In reality I wouldnt doubt a Russia/China tag team.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

In a few hours from now, the site mods will close this thread because someone already said that it is just an airplane. Just like the El Paso lights are just the Golden Knights skydivers.

Wasn't involved in that thread, but last I checked, most media outlets reported the military stated they don't know what it is, yet they also claimed that is is no threat to national security. So, until there is an official statement on it, saying what it is, it remains a "mystery missile"....

So, in order to assess this (no threat), they DO know what it is, but aren't willing to state what it is (as obviously (just based on these kind of ambiguities in the past) it's classified, and they had the bad misfortune of being caught on a news camera)...

The fact that we're all still here seems to indicate it was an embarrassing "oops" moment versus the start of a nuke attack. (thankfully)...

There are actually some noise going around that it was an ICBM (nuke?) that was released but was intercepted by the Galactics. No nukes will be allowed to detonate in our planet anymore, so they say.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by JimOberg

Posted here:

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:51 AM
TV Show "Dark Angel" also had "Big Pulse" as a starting event. This is normal if you want to have certain scenario to unfold. Without disabling electronic equipment, USA would not be vulnerable. I don't see any conspiracy in this.

Russia attacking USA - not very likely. Russia and USA are much bigger friends than they want it to appear. It was Russia who helped Unionists in Civil war (against European threat) and sent its fleet to protect American ports, and cannons, etc. In WWII they were allies, American help to Russia was crucial. Those things are not easily forgotten and are not incidental.

It is more likely that a staged global crisis will happen with intention to hide alliances. (Like the Cold war was, for instance.)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by destro423
reply to post by windwaker

Ya know how the thing with 9-11 was we had the lone gunmen pilot episode and then there was tom clancy stuff about the hijacking of 747s used as weapons ALL BEFORE the event.

Get this...THREE top video games made in the past 2 years all involve basically the same scenario.

- An EMP blast taking out the US defenses and blinding us.

- A sneak attack by the russians on our soil.

*While the games offer slighly different versions of the events they are essentially the same I will explain*

Modern Warfare 2 - Just straight emp blast and a russian attack...And I must saying playing call of duty defending american suburban neighborhoods gives it an all knew meaning....but then maybe thats what the PTB want.

Bad Company 2 - Was a "scalar" device (call Tom Beardon right?) but essentially the russians do sneak attack the US at the end as the credits roll.

Tom Clancy's Hawx - A private miltary force (think blackwater with jets) manages to take out our defense satelites and then while blind launch a full scale invasion.

This is all something to think about..

The theme is plain as day. A EMP "attack" and then a russian invasion. In reality I wouldnt doubt a Russia/China tag team.

Again, the launch in question occurred on the 8th, NOT the 9th.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:54 AM
Not sure if this has been posted yet, Source : ARRSE ( UK, Army website for information) Posted by Signalman..

Seems its the authorisation certificate for a launch sequence, Sub contractors seem to be the culprit,s here.
They seem not to have run it bye the Navy top brass for some reason..


Hope this helps, Apolz if posted already...

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:57 AM
I was talking to my buddies about this and we arrived at a possible conclusion: Chinese sub launching a missile off our coast to show us that they have the capabilities to strike at us at any moment. It's possible that they could have made it near Catalina Island undetected, after all they were trailing a US battle group for a few days a couple of years ago. Either way, I'm not resting easy seeing as the missile launch was less than a hundred miles away and I'm right next to Camp Pendleton.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:58 AM
Theres also this from beforeitsnews. Apparently there were bombers sighted prior to the missile? I dont know how true it is as im over the pond but one reason im posting this is there were threads regarding wierd sounds wether it was sonic booms or something else but heres the link.
Also the cruise ship that is or was stranded off the cal coast i posted details earlier within this thread but obviously no one else barring me sees any connection.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:00 AM
I think i've got an legitimate answer. This is an Iron Man Prototype test launch. The object is large, no one has any idea who or what launched it im prettt sure this or something like this is the answer.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:02 AM
I just love the way the government comes up with out of the world solutions that fly in the face of common reason. I must admit, they are trying harder than ever to try to to make people see an apple while in truth, it is really an orange. Even Stevie Wonder can tell it is a damn rocket come on. Give us sheeple a break.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by Prove_It_NOW

Right now I am just waiting for the FAA to confirm what plane it was. I think they'll say sometime tomorrow to end the confusion

And you'll believe them, right? I really doubt the gov't. will say it was a missile, if they say anything. Of course they'll come out and say it was a plane. Believe whom ever you want. I'll opt for doing my best to figure it out for myself with the help of people here at ATS. So, tell me, how do you tell the difference b/t plane trails and missile trails? I've looked for over an hour for pictures of plane contrails with spirals like the ones in the Calf. images. This is the best I've found. Plane Contrails

Now compare: Missile Spirals

I live in Colorado Springs. I see contrails and chemtrails everyday: both military and civilian. Show me plane trails that spiral like the Calif. images and I'll back up a notch and keep looking for proof. I like debunkers because I learn from them. All I want is proof other than from the govt. And if it is a civilian carrier then why doesn't the gov't say so? It would be so simple for them to sooth all the sheeple's minds....just tell them it was a plane and it's over with. Doesn't make sense that they wouldn't say something to this effect. Surely they know if there was a plane there at that time or not. Actually, I believe they have known from the beginning what it was. But then it was around dinner time. Perhaps they were eating. Seriously, please if you can, show me some pics of plane spirals as tightly formed as the missile spirals. I'll drink some coffee to stay awake just for

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:06 AM
It's NOT a plane, look at it's velocity, it's angle, and the fact it seems to be in boost stage> midphase by the end of the video, what civilian or military aircraft do you know of which use boost stage ignition?

If this was an airplane it would have been deunked by the military PR long before now as such, they dont let things like this spin in the wind.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:07 AM
People, please!

The only right thing to do at the moment is to stop freaking out! And if you are not - to help others to stop. Fear is a virus! And that's what they need! It is obvious fear-mongering - what a "coincidence" that a media helicopter was just at the right place! That doesn't mean there's nothing going on... But the right direction of thinking is what WE can do about it.

Can we figure out what exactly happened? No. How could we with all that disinfo everywhere? So why is all that waste of time and nerves? Let's see what we really know for sure...

The only real fact that we have is that TPTB cannot be trusted. Also their minion - the massmedia. So stop playing by their rules! You know these facts for years now. Why are you still playing by their rules and falling to their malicious tricks?

Start thinking for yourself and stop building theories on disinfo and rumors! There IS a solution and it is right before our noses. Just pull their plug and use your OWN MINDS. Did we forget that we have a mind of our own and let somebody else think for us? What are the things that we really know for sure?

The first thing that comes to my mind is that WE ARE SANE and we should stop acting the other way around.
edit on 10-11-2010 by ElevenFlint because: spelling

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:09 AM
After almost 100 pages, we still have just one lousy video which, because of skilled zooming, gives false impression that the object (plane or rocket) moves very fast, which in my opinion is illusion. The thickness of contrail gives impression that it is a rocket rather than plane. But, we haven's really seen the beginning of ascending, nor we have a continuous following of this object, which appears to be moving away (west). If the video lasted longer, it would be much easier to draw conclusions.

Other information adds to confusion. Speculative comments on TV from former officials, disinterested comments from Navy, AF and Pentagon, FAA... no one seems to care to give a precise information about this "almost an event".

This all feeds conspiracy feeling and goes well along the real tension that is building up - the economic and political crisis gaining its momentum.

So far, taking in account all potential crisis attractors (NK, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan, or Somalia), it seems that the PTB have not yet decided where to create the real damage so that they can have an excuse to "bring order" to this chaotic world which is actually their own creation...

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:09 AM

edit on 10-11-2010 by DangerDeath because: Mods, please delete...

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:09 AM

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:10 AM
Hi there everybody, First post here.

Sorry if this has been mentioned and dismissed, I've tried to read the whole post before commenting but cant keep up!

I think all the posibilities bieng discussed here are valid and plausable but to me none of this makes much sense.

If looked at rationally then I think its fairly obvious that the authorites are fully aware of what is going on(either in hindsight or not).

Has anyone considered that this is simply a way to bolster support for funding defense? I live in the UK and given the current economic situation more and more people are calling for defence budgets to be lowered and the money spent rebuilding the economy, hospitals schools ect.

I realise that sentiment is different in the US but a "Scare" like this can alter public opinion across the globe.
Thats what I think this is, Nothing concrete which is odd. If its a plane they would know its a plane and prevent fear. If its covert then they would have prevented the media from releasing it or released a statement that would have prevented fear. saying they do not know allows fear to breed without reason.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:15 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by Crutchley29
It's NOT a plane, look at it's velocity, it's angle, and the fact it seems to be in boost stage> midphase by the end of the video, what civilian or military aircraft do you know of which use boost stage ignition?

If its not an aircraft, please explain to me why the contrail gets darker as it reaches the “pinnacle” rather then lighter, unlike every other single dusk/dawn rocket launch that I have ever seen or seen a photograph of? Where are the noctilucent clouds left by the stage separation?

Originally posted by Crutchley29
If this was an airplane it would have been deunked by the military PR long before now as such, they dont let things like this spin in the wind.

When the FAA re-ran the tapes of that time they were looking only for anything that was fast moving, and unauthorized in the airspace. That means that this object was both identified and not moving fast.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by Enthropy

I'm sorry but i must interupt you.

Phage and others presented a very reasonable solution. Contrails from the horizon is the "scientific" explanation. Do you have anything better?

I disagree with that concept in this case, but it would be foolishness to dismiss it as you have, and incredibly bad manners to insult someone as you have. Apologise.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by destro423

All I have to say is...

"A rifle behind every blade of grass"

They will have to nuke us to stop us. They will have vast numbers of "werewolf" units hunting their sorry butts.

This is why we cannot allow gun contol.

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