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Mysterious Missile Launch Over California - 11/8/2010

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by boomadatigger

The FAA did not say there were no jets in the area.

Did you even read what I wrote? I was correcting the person's language. He was saying another poster said there was no jets in the air when the person actually stated there was no jets in the area. Saying there is no jets in the air is radically different than saying no jets in the area. And no, I wasn't asking a question so your response shows you weren't paying attention to what I was trying to put across.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Gumerk
What bothers me is at the end of the msn news video, the guy being interviewed says that this is the type of thing that could fuel conspiracy theorist forever. Does this make anyone else think twice? It almost sounded scripted, I don't know, just caught my attention.

That remark has all the signs of a disinfo exercise.


posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:23 PM
Seems to me the News Media has been deliberately making big deals out of airplane contrails at sunset for some time

Newfoundland UFO/Missile residents want answers.

Ball of Flame over Seattle explained - Sun hitting contrail

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:23 PM
I'm gonna quote

Originally posted by kissmygrits
Ok guys : I have been launching missles for 12 years. I have seen them up close 2-3 miles away. I know one when I see one. This is 100% a ICBM size missle or as we call them a Launch vehicle fired into the sky from about sea level.

Now, from where the helo was taking the pictures and because of the angle of the launch ( they never go straight up) the missle will climb and then taper off the accent to what might appear to be almost level if the video is taken from the air at elevation say of 5-10,000 ft. it would look like the it is flying almost level with a slight upward angle. This is moving way to fast to be an aircraft. I am also ex -military -8 year navy so I do know what I am talking about. I think we are just Flexing the ole USA musle to wanr whomever is watching to back off and not get any ideas. If yiou look closely at some of the videos you can see the main engine still firing so How could this be an aircraft. KMG


posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by woogleuk
Here is an example of a contrail and the plane being lit up to look like a rocket booster:

Nice vid but one thing I notice is a "PLANE"...
Funny, I cant see that in the vid we are discussing.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by hardeeboy
I'm laughing at some of the post on here all the conspircay people, it was an aircraft people you were seeing an optical illusion is all, anyone that knows anything about flying will tell you that.

Hardeeboy Starwars Jedi mind trick:

Originally posted by hardeeboy
I'm laughing at some of the post on here all the conspircay people, it was an aircraft people you were seeing an optical illusion is all, anyone that knows anything about flying will tell you that.

gullible people:
Yeeeees, We think it was an airplane after all.

Move along....

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:24 PM
This was definitely staged so people would witness it, but why?!

China has been making serious threats for the latest trillion dollar stimulus that the Obama Admin is pushing for next year. Maybe this will spark either a military or financial response from China so global currency/government will take over...

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by underduck

The FAA would of confirmed the flight path and number via GPS and/or radar, and they have yet to do so. Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said. "So far, we've come up empty with any explanation." Former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Robert Ellsworth said, "It's spectacular… It takes people's breath away. It's a big missile."

The upper atmosphere at LAX was also relatively dry on the 9th and I see no other contrails in the video.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by joe7pack
I have to admit that the first video looked very much like a missile launch, and the second video looked like a plane contrail.

The question needs to be asked, are we sure the second video is of the same event. If it can be proven that it is, it may actually be just an airplane contrail that from the first angle looked very much like a missile launch.

I personally don't think the are of the same event. There's no info as to where the second video came from. It is very different from the kcbs vid. Although there are similarities in color, nothing else really seems to match up.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:26 PM
I cant help but feel that some of the skeptics/debunkers are really reaching out here to prove the plane theory, yet we've seen very little evidence to back up these claims. From a missile theorists POV, we have the video and i think that speaks for itself.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by boomadatigger

Ok. My apologies.
But the FAA said neither thing.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:26 PM
I don't see how you can accidently let off a rocket you don't just hit the red button and pheeew there it goes there are procdedures and protocal to launch a missile or rocket... There is no way it *was accident* there is no way from the projectory shown being 35 miles from the coast of cali and 20-25 miles off catalina island that a passenger jet airliner took off in the middle of the ocean. If it was simply a military jet then it had to be launched from a aircraft carrier clearly the NAVY is saying they didn't do and the FAAhas NO REPORTS or blips on the radar at the time of the incident... So this leaves imo a missile or rocket sent to space maybe to launch a secret satellite maybe or testing a new secret payload missile.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by hardeeboy
I'm laughing at some of the post on here all the conspircay people, it was an aircraft people you were seeing an optical illusion is all, anyone that knows anything about flying will tell you that.

Well, I'm on the fence, both sides have good arguments, however we have some ATS members who claim to be long time pilots or witnesses to many missle launches Like the guy in the middle of this page (TheRepublic) who don't think we're looking at contrails.

Who are we to say him and others like him are "conspiracy people" for you to laugh at?

Edit: you're on ATS, are *you* a funny conspiracy person?
edit on 9-11-2010 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Myendica
was that this morning? whys this in the gray area?

This seems interesting. How long could a missile fly around and not detonate or strike a target? I'll check back. thanks

They where trying to float a story that it was an optical illusion and it was really an airplane that was flying at the time. I know complete BS, that was a rocket and if my airplane had that much smoke coming out of it's engines I would be telling the pilot to land and land quickly because we are on fire. They have to know where the rocket went because of the radar systems, and they would also know where it started because of it being detected once it came into the radar envelope. And for them to say that a private company may have done it and didn't warn the FAA and the other numerous federal agencies in regard to launching a rocket in airspace is ludicrous. And what private launch platform is 35 miles out off the coast of California. But what that mileage does say is that someone was making sure they where in international waters and here's the key, which direction did the rocket go.

If it went to the west or north west or southwest away from the US, it tells me that they wanted to demonstrate something to the US. One that they can get in close, two they have the capability to launch a submarine ICBM missile or missile, three they chosed to vear it off course into the ocean and four we can do it again with REAL warheads. I believe this was a submarine launch and it may have been China, in response to what has been happening in regard to our financial situation (QE2 and others).

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Hundroid

Well if the US defense system can be fooled so easily it means we are not safe at all. Isn't that scary?

Yes and No...
Yes for the obvious reasons but no because it may make the US think twice before invading another country..
Maybe that's what this was all about..A clear warning..

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by learnandpasson

Will you please post a link to this "confirmation"?

And either way I would like to point out that saying there were several commercial jets in the area at that time would mean that there would be several visable trails in the sky... Oh and when they had the flight schedule in advance why would they need 24 hours to look and see if there were jets in the area? One would think they could look and have an answer almost immediately....

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Phage

Don't you think the Pentagon would have been able to find out, within minutes if not within seconds, if it was a comercial plane?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by boomadatigger

Ok. My apologies.
But the FAA said neither thing.


posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by thecinic

I never said it did, i said it was an example of a plane being lit up (by the sun) making it glow like the tail end of a rocket, btw, its sunset in the vid, hence the red

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:28 PM
well there are two options, either the government was surprised by this and it was some sort of missile launch that they didn’t know about, or the government knew it wasn’t a missile the entire time but purposely fed speculation and the media stoked this for them as some sort of elaborate disinformation game.

if it indeed was not a missile than the government and media are working together with this by showing selected clips of it and editing the clips to make it look like a missile. I have not seen an unedited clip of the entire flight of this thing yet. Maybe this is some modern version of war of the worlds to see what people will buy.

Whatever it is missile or not, one thing is clear... our government is inept and corrupt. inept if they can’t stop a missile from being fired of the coast of LA, or corrupt in foisting propaganda and fear mongering dis-info going 24 hours before commenting on the news that it was an airplane the whole time. And don’t give me any crap, if it is a plane they knew the exact route it took at the exact location of the "missile" and they have an airplane n number for it. Aviation isn’t some wild west where planes come blowing in over the pacific without contacting anyone and leaving no records. If it was up there especially at that altitude they knew about it. if they are withholding this information to play games with the populations minds, then they are the true terrorists.

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