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Mysterious Missile Launch Over California - 11/8/2010

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:24 PM
A much more disturbing scenerio would be that hackers launched it and
we didn't even know.
That would be a very bad thing.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:25 PM
Since this does seem to be big, even in the mainstream news, wouldnt the FAA jump on this and come out with flight paths of planes during the time frame of the mystery missle? The pentagon dosent know what it was, so why wouldnt they check the FAA records to see where the planes in the area flew?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:25 PM
After the commercial break on now... Fox News... Check it out.

Shep Smith seems unsure.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by backinblack

Originally posted by Hack28

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
My daughter's father works for USAF Space Command/DoD/Norad and this is his job - to monitor all launches all over the world. He watched this launch as it happened and monitored it.

He knows what this is...but wont tell me. Grrr. I have tired trust me.
edit on November 9th 2010 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

Why would a mod lie to us? if this is in fact an airplane why would they not simply say its a plane, and i quote "he watched this LAUNCH"

so what do we believe it was an airplane and our own mods are lying to us (not what i am accusing you of greeneye i believe you) or that it was a plane that has eluded explanation from the government.

Good point but maybe Greeneyedleo jusy missquoted..Easy slip but who knows??

How am I lying? I personally know someone working for 2sws. Im on staff. My identity, etc is known by staff. If this is a missle - then it happened on his watch - he knows what it is, where it launched and by whom. He literally sits there and monitors ALL launches on computers right in front of him (think of Wargams room). I never posted that he verified it was a missle launch. He would not give me any info and I made that very clear.
Everyone was claiming it is a missle - I said he knows about it then.

I am very open to it being a launch and it being kept classified or being a plane. I have no clue nor any confirmation from those in the know. Sorry I was not more clear and detailed....thread was moving fast and everything was happening fast - news and me trying to get information. You can even tell my rush due to my lovely typing

edit on November 9th 2010 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:26 PM
Reply to post by theregonnakillme

Yea, because if you were against war for #s and giggles, voting Republican makes sense. Wasn't it Senator Graham last week that said we needed to bomb Iran?

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by zorgon

So you believe that a TV news team can determine the distance of a contrail?
You believe a TV news team is capable of determining a launch position of a "missile" from a single video? Wow, what do we need radar for?

For real. I think what people are missing here is that a jet flying in from overseas, coming in over the horizon, will look like it's going vertical, when in fact it may be going horizontal. It may look like the origin was from the ocean - when it's really just beyond being observed, because it came from somewhere way over the horizon.

As far as people asking "Where it went", most likely an International airport in the US (not necessarily LAX though, could be any other "International" airport in the US), or if it's a military aircraft one of any number of Air Force Bases spread around the county - possibly one of several in the South-West, but not necessarily.

edit on 2010-11-9 by EnhancedInterrogator because: Fixed spelleiiing.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:26 PM
If it was a plane this story would be laid to rest by now and this thread would be closed. However, you have everyone scratching their heads and running around in circles saying it's a plane, no it's a missile, and not one solid piece of evidence has come forward. Not by FAA or by the military and until they do we will continue to run in circles, lol.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:26 PM
This appears more as a missile because of the thickness of the plume close to whatever the object is and the fact that the object is so luminescent. In the morning light, I really don't think that airplane lights would be so bright, and contrails usually don't appear so thick right near the tail of a plane. To me the comparison photos that are being posted don't show such a thick trail close to the airplane they are following.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:26 PM
...And the United States military has no idea who launched the missile?
Give me a break, I'm not buying it. If that's the case our 50+ year old high-tech missile defense system is utterly useless. The U.S. military was caught with their pants down on this one. If you want to buy this story, I have another story for you to buy...the U.S. couldn't locate hijacked planes on 9/11. Our government knows about every missile launch that happens in the world and they don't know where this one came from?
I'll stay tuned to here the "official story" in the next few days.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:26 PM
I think the pentagon knows exactly what it was and who it was. I also think that this is another country demonstrating to the US that they can do it.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:27 PM
Sheppard smith on fox is followg this. All government agency is saying they did not send it and are asking the millitary to count their missiles.. This does not seem like a plane as simple as that might be it seems more thenjust a plane. Count their missiles?? Like one is just gone missing??

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by pajoly
Here is a better version that shows more of the video and from a closer view. No way you can see this and still say it's a contrail.

Actually, it looks exactly like a an airline contrail. Wanna know why we dont have footage of it flying over? because it got dark out. Seriously, you guys look at this "missile" thats barely moving and think its an ICBM or something traveling at 10,000mph? Come on guys.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by bputman
If it was a plane this story would be laid to rest by now and this thread would be closed. However, you have everyone scratching their heads and running around in circles saying it's a plane, no it's a missile, and not one solid piece of evidence has come forward. Not by FAA or by the military and until they do we will continue to run in circles, lol.

Maybe ATAC or somebody will track down the radar data and show which flight it was coming-in from overseas.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

He watched this launch as it happened and monitored it.

Thats your words not mine.
I'm just saying you may have missquoted if there was NO launch.
I'm not saying you lied

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:27 PM
Shooting Up

reply to post by phantomjack

Originally posted by phantomjack
This is NOT a plane, nor it is a plane contrail, chemtrail, or anything else to do with a "plane"

This was a rocket. Solid fuel if I were to guess. It was not by any stretch of the imagination amateur in nature. It wasnt Bronson testing out a new lift mechanism.

I've seen a few launches myself, for what it's worth, and ironically enough, the helicopter video looks like a missile launch to me, too. If I were to go strictly by that, I'd say it's a missile launch.

The problem is that too many other things don't add up.

The DoD has absolutely zero reason for behaving as they are if this is one of theirs. If it's supposed to be a "secret" launch, then that gambit obviously failed bigtime. I'm pretty sure any responsible agency planning such a move could figure out in advance that launching a missile 35 miles away from one of the largest cities in the world, with one of the busiest airspaces in the world, might draw some attention.

Indeed, witness this thread, and the hullabaloo in the media. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

Granted, it's still rather early and more evidence needs to come in, but it seems very odd that a missile launch so close to LAX wouldn't show up on the numerous ATC radars in the area. That doesn't make sense.

Yes, it's a bread and butter reaction for the conspiriati to allege the FAA is covering it all up, but again, why bother? Why not just announce a launch as per routine and say the Killer Doomsday Missile or whatever is just a weather satellite? Again, it doesn't make sense.

Likewise, for a foreign power to launch a missile so close to Los Angeles would be the worst possible military strategy ever. There would be nothing to gain and everything to lose from provoking the US in such a manner, not to mention the valuable telemetry and signature data exposing such a weapon to US scrutiny would reveal. Volunteering that only serves to make detection and countermeasures easier to develop, and every military power with such capabilities knows that.

So yes, it really does look like a missile launch. A lot like one. But over the years, I've seen a lot of things shown on ATS that were not what they appeared to be.

In this case, based on everything I've seen, my best guess is that it's an aircraft contrail seen from a direction and under weather and lighting conditions that are misleading.

As I mentioned, I could be wrong. If so, nobody dies, it's just an opinion.

I can say, however, that a little perspective can go a long way toward revealing the truth, whatever it may be.

N.B. Meanwhile, in the time it took to write this response, about twenty pages of posts have been added.

For those asking where the mods are, please see: Mods Not Gods

For the members who are all bent out of shape about me being a mod and offering my opinion, please see: Moderators Are People Too. (and they have opinions)

Yes, I'm an ATSer and I get to post here, too.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:28 PM
shep jsut siad theme park went up in flames and no a missile didnt hit it!!!HAHAHAHAHAHA

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:28 PM
The US spy satellites tell NORAD every launch that goes up any where in the world at any time.
We know they know what this launch or whatever was.
Get used to it, our gov. does not tell us anything, except when they want to scare us into passing another PATRIOT act, or invading another country full of third world teenagers and babies.
If it's a contrail/chemtrail and they want us to think it's an ICBM, then that's what most of us will do. If it is an ICBM, too bad for the rest.
Again, get used to it.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:29 PM
Hi, this is my first post. If the Pentagon did conduct a SLBM test and it was caught on film, would they admit it?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by slt63366

Actually, it looks exactly like a an airline contrail. Wanna know why we dont have footage of it flying over? because it got dark out. Seriously, you guys look at this "missile" thats barely moving and think its an ICBM or something traveling at 10,000mph? Come on guys.

How long after launch does a missle reach 10000mph??
How far up is it when it does?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:31 PM
Just found this on NewScientist, sorry if it's been posted already.

don't you feel that all the stops have been pulled out from the msm to debunk this just a day after it happend and just expect people to not pay any attention to large rockets launching off next to a large population of people.
Now come on, how bliss can ignorance be.

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