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Mysterious Missile Launch Over California - 11/8/2010

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:17 PM
Sky news are reporting this as a missile too! Even giving a launch time!!!

Sky News Link
edit on 9-11-2010 by albertfothergill because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:17 PM
It's totally possible that it is a plane, and probably likely, but I have watched contrails and studied them a lot in my life, and this one honestly does just look weird. I just watched the video that shows the closeup and it looks more like a space shuttle or rocket or something.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

It is possible. That would explain why the Navy didn't know it happened. I'm sure
after a missile count things will become much more clear. (If they do an inventory).

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:17 PM
You can clearly see at the horizon a launch trail. This baby was launched and has an arch path:

Missile launch trails

Compare it to mystery missile:

Mystery missile

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:17 PM
To everyone posting it was a plane by using the one guy who keeps saying it. Here is a quick report of the camera man.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Phage

You or anyone else calling this a plane has no explaination why the FAA cannot tell us exactly what plane that was. All it would take is checking radar data from that time and direction.
Just heard on Fox, the Pentagon has issued an order to count all missles.
So how is that easier than checking radar and flight plan data. Still too odd for me to agree plane,mainly because it's been 24 hours and still no official explanation.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Diplomat

your avatar has completely mesmerized me and i do not care if it was a missile or a plane I am just looking at your picture

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Hack28

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
My daughter's father works for USAF Space Command/DoD/Norad and this is his job - to monitor all launches all over the world. He watched this launch as it happened and monitored it.

He knows what this is...but wont tell me. Grrr. I have tired trust me.
edit on November 9th 2010 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

Why would a mod lie to us? if this is in fact an airplane why would they not simply say its a plane, and i quote "he watched this LAUNCH"

so what do we believe it was an airplane and our own mods are lying to us (not what i am accusing you of greeneye i believe you) or that it was a plane that has eluded explanation from the government.

Good point but maybe Greeneyedleo jusy missquoted..Easy slip but who knows??

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by LifeInDeath

The contrail starts over the mainland in that picture, and if you continue the line farther inland (compare it to the same location on Google Maps, or something similar), you'll see it seems to lead pretty much all the way to Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, CA. This is a large airport that handles some pretty big planes (in addition to lots of smaller, private/corporate jets).

I think it's just a contrail from a plane coming from this airport.

(Replying to my own post here to add a comment...)

Could also be from Van Nuys Airport, not far from Bob Hope Airport or even LAX, assuming the plan took off towards the North and then turned West.

Assuming that contrail on the satellite pic is the same event, then it's got to be an airplane contrail.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:19 PM
Makes you wonder why people still trust the official story of 9/11.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:20 PM
Good point, we can't take the cameraman's word lightly, he had a great view afterall.

He said:

"Whatever it was, it was spinning up into the sky kind of like a spiral," and was easy to distinguish from condensation trails from jets, he said. "It was quite a sight to see. It was spectacular."
edit on 9-11-2010 by Diplomat because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by rushunt
reply to post by Diplomat

your avatar has completely mesmerized me and i do not care if it was a missile or a plane I am just looking at your picture

Might be the best avatar I've eve seen, honestly...

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by albertfothergill

SKY News is owned by Rupert Murdoch just like Fox News. Expect this plane-is-a-missile non-story in the NY Post tomorrow and the WSJ (I hope not the WSJ, so far he's kept that outlet fairly untouched).

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:21 PM
If the Pentagon doesn't know what it is after so many hours, you are in big troubles. If they do know but don't want to tell you, you are in big trouble.

You are in big trouble.

My 2 cents : That was a missile, send by the US so it looks like from another country. They need a war but don't really have reasons to start one, so...

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by crashbehr
To everyone posting it was a plane by using the one guy who keeps saying it. Here is a quick report of the camera man.

So then it was a missile that was invisible to radar and that the gov't doesnt know about and that no other party is taking credit for. Riiiight. Or it was just a plane flying at 35,000 feet seen from head on at sunset. Which is more plausible?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by crashbehr

Thanks for posting that, I hadn't read the pilots statement yet.
Climbing like a spiral huh? How many airplanes spiral as they fly?
Anyone have any footage of an airplane spiralling through the sky that's not crashing?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by crashbehr

Good post..
From the cameramans statement.

"Whatever it was, it was spinning up into the sky kind of like a spiral," and was easy to distinguish from condensation trails from jets, he said. "It was quite a sight to see. It was spectacular."
Phage, the same credible link you used..
A spiraling contrail??? hmmmm

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:23 PM
Here is a better version that shows more of the video and from a closer view. No way you can see this and still say it's a contrail.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:23 PM
Shep smith on fox news right now is following this story, he asked Have you ever seen a plane that looked like that??? The object was neither launched or took off 35 miles off the coast of cali 20 miles from catalina island.... NAVY the pentagon they are all saying it was not them... No one is coming clean and no one knows for sure but I am going to say IMO it is NOT just a plane.. As much as I would love this to be just an airplane because that would be easy for me to comprehend it could also be a black ops operation testing that even pentagon news sources arn't told about.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift
Damn kids.

Damn kids and their music.


Originally posted by 0zzymand0s
Lets assume that the Chinese would transport their troops via sea going vessel. They would need 125,000 ships to transport 100 million soldiers. We would see those ships being built. We would see them put to see. We would see them being loaded. 100 million soldiers gathered together in one place would create a human blob the size of Los Angeles that would be visible from orbit.

Logically, China's 100 million man army is only a threat to their land neighbors.

Actually China did have a rather impressive leap in their cargo ship building numbers some years ago, and of course they can easily hold troops, I think actually there were some design aspects that were unusual for simple cargo vessels. - Taiwan started getting all nervous cos they are just a short hop over the water, there would be no time to stop an invasion force just rolling up one day and dropping off tens of thousands of troops tanks and whatever else it takes.

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