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Mysterious Missile Launch Over California - 11/8/2010

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:37 PM
So anyways... I have sat here for about the past 45 mins trying to keep up with the replies to this post... I agree with former Deputy Secretary of Defense and former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Robert Ellsworth when he said... Americans should wait for answers from the military.
This is probably the best bet right now... I'd like to stay up and read more and more and more... but the bickering back and forth, has lost it's amusement factor for me...

It also has occurred to me that others may have the same feeling about moving away from this thread read here and here .

I for one, do hope that we can have an official explanation soon... time is ticking

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:37 PM
Maybe it was Hermes delivering a message to Poseidon from Zeus and he was in a rush to get back home! Something good on the boobtube tonight?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by flyingfish
Good stuff guys

Epic fail on the media! there will be an explanation soon on type of aircraft and media blunder.

This guy thinks he's Penn Gillette. Dumb*ss.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:39 PM
Looks like a missle

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Wookiep

Originally posted by flyingfish
Good stuff guys

Epic fail on the media! there will be an explanation soon on type of aircraft and media blunder.

LOL wow.
What a douchebag! If he comes to ATS I hope we see a banning!

HE IS RIGHT. This is going to be a huge embarrassment for the MSM and others. I don't like his style but the guy is SPOT ON.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:40 PM
The military knows what it is. Why won't they tell us? Because its not ours. It was from a foreign power achieving two objectives:

1. Demonstrating that they have the capability to get close to our shore and fire a missile.

2. A warning of things to come.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:40 PM
Jesus Christ!!

46 pages in one day! - and day is not over yet.

All the "gloom and doom" prediction authors are having a field day with this one.

This will turn out to be nothing more than.....

A tight lipped government secret.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:40 PM
Everyone check this out

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:41 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, I think this is pretty simple. This did not come from the US or any US entity. Think about it, the US launches missiles all the time for a purpose, but they always do it off of a foreign coast to send a message. There is no reason the US would launch a missile from 35 miles off the US coast. Another country launched from that close to the US to send a message, just as the US has ton many times before. The message is obvious; they are saying they can get that close and there would be no defense from that distance.

So the question become who and why? My personal guess would be that its no coincidence about the G20 summit, and that it was China sending the US a message due to our devaluing of the US dollar. Not only would QE2 devalue the dollar, China's US debt holdings, but also slow down China's economy. I think this was a very coordinated reminder to the US govt that China (or whomever) will not take the fiscal policies of the US lying down, and if it comes to it, will result to military actions. In my opinion, even though ignored by most of the media and downplayed here on ATS, I think this is one of the biggest news stories in quite sometime. A ballistic missile fired by a foreign entity 35 miles from LA. This is huge folks....

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by windwaker
Something just occurred to me. Could this be the beginning of someone in the military trying to stage an overthrow of the government?

Right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing...Sounds like Civil War to me.

That'd be juicy! You know, it's actually possible, as no one knows (well, someone obviously does). The military ain't speaking, the govt. ain't speaking, but yet, Obama's coming home right now, right?

I would love to see a new civil war. I think it is time to take back the country. I feel there's a kind of revolution starting up, I'd like to be American to be part of this.

I really hope it's a military overthrown, but at the same it for the best. We don't know the Army's personal agenda. They might want to overthrow govt., but then?

NASA should be overthrown as well, it's fraudulent, disrespectful, and they're all a bunch of ****** liars. Then they manage to get there I-don't-know-how-much millions, or billions of dollars a year...

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:41 PM
Well it's all over.

Google News top story "Mystery Solved? Missile Launch Could be a Jet Contrail".

Back to Sliz-eep Shiz-eep

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:41 PM
Darn this thread is moving fast... I posted at page 20, went back to work and now spent 30 minutes catching up... I've totally flip flopped on this one and now think it's a plane as well (rather than arms deal with a dog & pony show - I know that's out there, but that's real, big business and I always follow the money).

First off no one buys newspapers with this headline: "At 39,000 Feet, Delta Airlines Flight 88 Leaves a Beautiful Contrail for Picnicking Families to Enjoy"

You buy papers, or read sites, for bad news mostly. FOX News gets this principal very well, hence why half the USA is scared all the time - they sensationalize news. Period. Earlier in the decade there were fierce debates about entertainment and hard news getting mixed together on the US evening news. You know what, the hard news guys lost the argument because the public is frankly getting dumber and dumber and hard news topics are difficult to understand, so today's public skips over to Paris Hilton and such.

This is FOX News - they are pandering the dumbest Americans that are unable to fully grasp complex issues so they boil every down to talking point, bullet points. And they interject entertainment with their opinion shows.

So it's not a missile, the video is an optical illusion of a plane, but FOX News knows sensation when they see it, so they are exploiting it the "unknown," especially with a new wave of Americans disenfranchised with their president now tuning in.

Welcome to FOX News, prepare to feel raped, desperate, then slightly empowered to blisteringly angery. It's a ratings game for advertising dollars, and those using this medium to justify a missile are seriously out of whack with the rest of the world.

EDIT TO ADD: Let me clarify, if you are only getting your news from FOX, then you need to take a walk and consider what is reality for you.
edit on 9-11-2010 by Jason88 because: engrish

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:41 PM
On FOX news about 25 minutes ago, they had Breaking News and said, the Pentagon, U.S. Navy, etc. have said that it was not theirs and America didn't do it.

So, if we didn't do it, who did?

Some heads are rolling right now in the U.S. military --you can bet on that. This is HUGE.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Gab1159

but yet, Obama's coming home right now, right?

Is he cutting trip short, or was he scheduled to come home right now?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by flyingfish
Good stuff guys

Epic fail on the media! there will be an explanation soon on type of aircraft and media blunder.

I have only met one other person in my life that made me want to beat his @#$ just for him being himself.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:44 PM
Unfortunately, it's not a jet, missile, or any man made object. However, it was done by my pet bird who had morning sickness. Sorry, for this inconvenience.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by johnny2127
Ladies and gentlemen, I think this is pretty simple. This did not come from the US or any US entity. Think about it, the US launches missiles all the time for a purpose, but they always do it off of a foreign coast to send a message. There is no reason the US would launch a missile from 35 miles off the US coast. Another country launched from that close to the US to send a message, just as the US has ton many times before. The message is obvious; they are saying they can get that close and there would be no defense from that distance.

So the question become who and why? My personal guess would be that its no coincidence about the G20 summit, and that it was China sending the US a message due to our devaluing of the US dollar. Not only would QE2 devalue the dollar, China's US debt holdings, but also slow down China's economy. I think this was a very coordinated reminder to the US govt that China (or whomever) will not take the fiscal policies of the US lying down, and if it comes to it, will result to military actions. In my opinion, even though ignored by most of the media and downplayed here on ATS, I think this is one of the biggest news stories in quite sometime. A ballistic missile fired by a foreign entity 35 miles from LA. This is huge folks....

This is pretty much what happened. However, your part about no defense is wrong. Trust me if one missile hits, China would be wiped out. The only way we lose that type of war, is by letting it happen. I prefer the Dollar to be strong but this free trade crap and no taxation on Chinese good is killing us...I say just destroy money and never have currency again.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by johnny2127

Ok, I have one question for you??

How would military action and bombing the smithereens out of the USA alleviate any of those issues??

Just sayin

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:47 PM
"CONTRAIL" shows up on Satellite!!! ???



I found these interesting - why would the contrail from a jet be so large as to show up in a Satellite photo?

If it is a jet - why is only one "CONTRAIL" showing up with all the other air traffic?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Shivering Coward

Again everyone saying the news is saying it is just a contrail it is all coming from one person. It is not coming from an official source as of yet.

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