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Mysterious Missile Launch Over California - 11/8/2010

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by timepolarity
I've already posted this idea a few pages back, but I thought I'd flesh it out a little bit more:

- About 2 weeks ago, the U.S. military lost contact with 50 nuclear missles for nearly an hour.
- A few days ago something that looked like a missle launch could be seen in the skies above Phoenix.
- Yesterday another missle launch was observed off the coast of CA.
- The official response to the supposed missle launch off of CA has been mostly silence, with a few conflicting reports from various sources.
- Obama hastened his return home today from his trip to Asia.

- Some group gained control of these 50 missles and has since launched 2 of them - either intentionally disabling them after launch, allowing the U.S. to do so, or not anticipating this capability would be available to the U.S. military.
- These launches are either attempts at using the nukes or demonstrations of their capability meant to threaten the government.
- The military was initially unaware of the extent of this breach until recently, at which time the severity of the crisis required Obama to get airborne and/or return home.


There is also something troubling about how the information regarding losing command and control 2 weeks ago was released. That sort of information is top secret and if not should be. Yet the story was known within days of it happening. Our adversaries shouldn't know so quickly that we were having issues of C&C so why did the military allow comment or release the information and again so quickly. There was a quote from the first story 2 weeks ago that is still chilling me.

"Over the course of 300 alerts — those are 24-hour shifts in the capsule — I saw this happen to three or four missiles, maybe," says John Noonan, a former U.S. Air Force missile launch officer who first tweeted word of the issue. "This is 50 ICBMs dropping off at once. I never heard of anything like it." "There are plans and procedures available to deal with individual broken missiles," Noonan adds, "but they are wholly inadequate to handle an entire squadron of missiles dropping offline."

Wired link

At what point do we order a stand down of our none bomber based nuclear triad.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by ProfATS
So what if a country or group is launching ICBM's to US and we are attacking the incoming missles with top secret patriot type missles? You got loud noises in Florida and NC.. Missle launches going off in AZ and CA and am I dreaming or was someone saying a missle launch in Key West, FL? Bright light meteors going off in Canada???
Or perhaps it is the US showing the other countries a new technology that protects us from ICBM's? It is just amazing that all this is happening! Not good stuff

The noises in NC were meteorites hitting the atmosphere.. I'm positive because I've seen 2 of them the past 3 days.. Friday night I saw a huge one but it seems no one else saw the lights only heard the booms.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:17 PM
My theory...

Test launch, not expected to be viewed, or seen, they were hoping it would be blown off as a contrail....

Actual launch to follow, during evening hour, when suprise can, no doubt, be achieved...

No basis, simple hunch, and nothing short of speculation to back it up...

Sorry, but thats all I can come up with, this is one bamboozle of a mystery, for sure.....

***One more question, I assume the Pentagon has checked with all of our Boomers, to see if anyone's missing a missile or two?????
edit on 9-11-2010 by freetree64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:18 PM
did any report mention the helicopter ? maybe im wrong but my first thought was a "chinook" ..maybe its just my monitor

would be interessting to hear what the pilot saw

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
Gotta make all you guys in the US feel safe and secure,lol.

Most are!!!!!!!!!!!!!


posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:20 PM
If this was a contrail then why the long wait to just come out and say it. Like other people have said the faa should have been able to just say oh AA-654 was in that area and that is what caused it. But no everyone just keeps saying we don't know what it is yet.


posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:20 PM
sorry, i haven't followed this thread completely.
but, has any other video or images been posted anywhere?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:20 PM
This is how hysteria works.

So, it's a plane after all? I have to tell you, the video had me. I thought for sure it was a rocket of some sort, due to what looked like flame coming out of it. Ah well. Fun ride. Props to the weatherman.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by JohnySeagull

If you had read the article the FAA, the Coast Guard, Navy, and Air Force stated that:

The Federal Aviation Administration, the Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, and California Reps. Dana Rohrabacher and Jane Harman -- whose coastal districts are closest to the offshore contrails -- were at a loss to explain the images.

They were "at a loss to explain the images". How do you work for the FAA and not know what a contrail is. Let alone the Air Force. Explain that please...

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by thecinic
That is no plane my friend it is a missile MSM has been over this all day

we are just trying to confirm where the missile came from

and why it is so secret

it is nothing more then a testing of some sort

if it was an attack the USA would of been hit by now or the target at hand...

Yeah and the MSM can be wrong, I think a lot of people are going to end up with egg on their faces because of a spectacular jetliner contrail at sunset. If i am wrong MODS can deduct 5000 points from my account.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:21 PM
It sure does look like a missile. But, maybe it is this guy........

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:22 PM
Why would a AIRPLANE be taking off 20 miles from catalina island in the middle of the ocean????

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by crashbehr
If this was a contrail then why the long wait to just come out and say it. Like other people have said the faa should have been able to just say oh AA-654 was in that area and that is what caused it. But no everyone just keeps saying we don't know what it is yet.


The FAA did NOT say they didn't know what it was.

They said there was nothing unusal on the radar.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:23 PM
Haven't had time to read all 35 pages so forgive me if this is repeated info ...

NOTAM = Notice to Airmen

Some location near Los Angeles, designated W537, has been declared to be an active restricted operating zone for pilots who are not affiliated with the Naval Air Warfare Center. Pilots navigating primarily with instruments (as opposed to visually) will be steered around the zone by air traffic controllers. The zone starts at sea level and extends up to 39,000 feet, and will be active from November 9th at 8PM GMT until November 10th at 1AM GMT.

Plus I received this email from a trusted friend.....

Yes I was on this in the AM. My take?
> The Why? is another story...the how is easy. Last year we learned about the Chinese refitting and old Russian nuke sub they had purchased for ICBM duty. Nobody cared.
> Need to test it out...shadow it under a Chinese container ship to that point...give the container 5 minutes away...launch and sit still and wait for a scheduled outbound to close in 5 minutes later and shadow out.
> It was not one of our rockets. I have seen many trails from our Von Braun designs and they leave cleaner trails than that. It's "fat" like the Soviet designs and you can see it go into 2nd stage. Ours get so high before they hit 2nd stage that a naked eye camera could not see it. It's the old Soviet Style sub missile which the Chinese no doubt purchased with the sub.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by BillRose

if there is no matter to heat ie air ... then it can't vaporize ... if there is no matter to compress ie air ... then you have no physical blast ... you'd have to hope that it blows up inside the meteor or that somehow the radiation convinces to change course.

basically it's the thermal compression/expansion of air in front of the nuclear blast that allows it to destroy things in its path and you need a medium for that. ie air. just read the article, the explanation is there

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:23 PM

Ladies and gentlemen, I think this is pretty simple. This did not come from the US or any US entity. Think about it, the US launches missiles all the time for a purpose, but they always do it off of a foreign coast to send a message. There is no reason the US would launch a missile from 35 miles off the US coast.

Really, no reason the US would launch a missile from 35 miles off the US coast. Really? What about so it looks like another country did?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by thecinic

Eggs- actly!!! That would be one unique bird (airplane)....

It's the newest thing sea launched airliners, that can pull a 5 g immelman.....

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by thecinic
Why would a AIRPLANE be taking off 20 miles from catalina island in the middle of the ocean????

Its not taking off. Its in level flight heading towards the camera. That's why it looks like its going up.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:24 PM
You do realize this is nothing but a Jet contrail that someone looked at, said "Hey, looks like a missile", then called their local news station reporting a missile launch.....right?

Depending on the elevation of the trail, and your perspective (and relative state of paranoia), the trail can look more vertical than horizontal. I've seen this around me many times.

If I'm wrong, and a missile really was launched from within, or just off the coast of the US, and no one knows anything, I really need to move to another country because this one is completely fuqqed.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:25 PM
So now its a chinese missile launched from a sub a missile they bought from the soviets???? If so the navy would of blown it out of the water if it wasn't from us

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