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Mysterious Missile Launch Over California - 11/8/2010

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by LeaderOfProgress

At this point, the military is working only with video taken from the local news camera, and NORAD and Northcom apparently were not able to detect the contrail on their own.

So all the spy cams and such really dont exist and we have just been played all along about them?

(From your link)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by RequiemAgent
reply to post by BillRose

If a nuclear weapon is exploded in a vacuum-i. e., in space-the complexion of weapon effects changes drastically: First, in the absence of an atmosphere, blast disappears completely. Second, thermal radiation, as usually defined, also disappears. There is no longer any air for the blast wave to heat and much higher frequency radiation is emitted from the weapon itself.

source: Nuclear Weapons Effect in Space

That makes sense if the nuke is being detonated at some distance from the object. What would the effect be if the nuke were to actually hit the space object? Wouldn't the force of the blast directly against it give it some sort of push? Would't the heat vaporize some portion of it?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:09 PM
Did I hear that Obama was coming home early? thought it was a 10 day jaunt?

My opinion....missile. No commitment on why or what for as yet.

Its been a week to tingle the spine of the ATS member, for sure.


posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:10 PM
i think this is exactly what they confusion...till everyone forget about it it or even dont care..

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:10 PM
i say if your not near a window come sundown leave the basement and go outside in the moments leading upto sunsent, between ATS we have North America covered in eyes (as long as they can see otuside :-) )

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
reply to post by woogleuk

IMO this could not have been a civilian launch. You need rocket fuel, apart from the electronic components, and any civilian buying large quantities of rocket fuel would have been noticed by the DoD, and they would have investigated the matter.

IMO this was launched from a submarine, and there is a real possibility that it was launched by another country as a show of force, and also to show our military that they were able to get through our defenses.

I am thinking China, or even Russia.

If this happened twice as a member says i wonder if they would try a third time.

Also, if it was a civilian launch wouldn't they have come out by now to get credit for the launch and to ease the fears of the possibility that it/they had been launched by another country?

I think that we need to remember that there are no nations that build these missiles. Corporations build them. Corporations also sell nations rocket fuel. The private sector does everything now, and a corporate cabal can literally wage war on the planet if they are the right cabal and have been building their own weapons all along.

Reminds me of the old master who tells the young gun "I taught you everything you know, but I didn't teach you everything I know." The modern global defense sector conglomerate doesn't have a national identity, and it doesn't allow any government full access to its inner sanctum. There's literally nothing that a big multinational defense supplier can't do if it decides to. If a cabal invloves the right corporate alliances (bio-tech, petro-chemical, intel-technology, professional security - as in Blackwater or others, banking, and telecommunications, shipping/transportation) there's no nation on the planet that would be able to effectively counter an aggressive act. We've privatized everything. Everyone has.

If no US military branch was responsible for that missile, then maybe it was a "shot over the bow" from the company that made that missile, and the military knows more than it's telling about why that missile was launched in broad daylight and in plain sight over one of the most densely populated regions of our country.

Or maybe the sensible guys who dismiss everything (except for the threat of Liberals in positions of power) are right about everyone getting worked up over nothing. Personally, I've been waiting for another public threat from the corporates, so I'm not surprised. They want their Bush tax cuts to stay put. I expect to see the Congress approve a 2 year extension when they meet to discuss it. This was a little ham-handed, but so was 9/11.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:11 PM
It looks like a plane to me. I find it bizarre that anybody would think otherwise. I have seen lots of contrails at sunset that look like that. The angle of the sun makes the contrail appear brighter and fuller. The trick is not to look at the contrail way behind but just the first few hundred meters. There are two distinct trails coming from each engine . One is dark one is light. I think this is because one is shading the other.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by matadoor1
Okay, I'm shocked that I can't find anyone else with this theory (apologies if I missed it)....

These launches are attempts to destroy an object/meteor/asteroid that is threatening to enter the atmosphere. One that may cause serious damage if not intercepted They keep launching, when they keep missing it, as the proper orbit and acceleration angles come into the right launch window.

It's the only theory that makes sense, other than North Korea showing us that they have a tactical sub armed with missiles that they can park right off the coast and fire at us at will. Because no other country would dare to do that, other than them.

Sorry, I SERIOUSLY doubt terrorists, they wouldn't fire a shot across the bow, those missiles would have impacted a city.

They don't "bluff".

They kill.

I have been following this thread all day since page one. I agree with you as I did a few pages back about the meteor. I'm like you, it is really the only thing that makes the most sense.
Does anyone know how to see how close any meteors might be to Earth? TPTB sure wouldn't tell if we were about to get hit because of the mass panic....

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by thecinic
If you keep ignoring facts then your ignorant

Missile confirmed

they are not reporting it as a missile because it is some type of secret training excerise and the payload could of been top secret.

Watch your video again, it says no such thing.

The reporter says the Pentagon has no idea.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by matadoor1
Okay, I'm shocked that I can't find anyone else with this theory (apologies if I missed it)....

These launches are attempts to destroy an object/meteor/asteroid that is threatening to enter the atmosphere. One that may cause serious damage if not intercepted They keep launching, when they keep missing it, as the proper orbit and acceleration angles come into the right launch window.

It's the only theory that makes sense, other than North Korea showing us that they have a tactical sub armed with missiles that they can park right off the coast and fire at us at will. Because no other country would dare to do that, other than them.

Sorry, I SERIOUSLY doubt terrorists, they wouldn't fire a shot across the bow, those missiles would have impacted a city.

They don't "bluff".

They kill.

I already beat you to it!

But good to see that I am not alone on this one. It makes as good a sense as any other of the explanation I have read here so far!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:13 PM
So now they ARE saying its a plane?
A big friggin multi engine jetliner that snuck past the FAA,NORAD and Northcom??
Gotta make all you guys in the US feel safe and secure,lol.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by tarifa37
It looks like a plane to me. I find it bizarre that anybody would think otherwise. I have seen lots of contrails at sunset that look like that. The angle of the sun makes the contrail appear brighter and fuller. The trick is not to look at the contrail way behind but just the first few hundred meters. There are two distinct trails coming from each engine . One is dark one is light. I think this is because one is shading the other.

Read this:

So which airline was it? What? Nobody knows? After 9-11 you're telling me even the FAA can't say what aircraft made this?...

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
Wasn't there a story not too long ago about how a jet contrail could look like a missle launch under the right atmospheric conditions.

Trust me, subs don't "accidentally" launch nuclear weapons and you can bet that EVERYONE in the defense department would know about it.

Correct. Yes a jet contrail can look like a ballistic missile. It is all about perspective. Footage from California back in December 2009.

People assume that the contrail is going up as per a ballistic launch and especially when the trail is coming out of the horizon. Contrails can vary depending on the weather and atmospheric conditions.


posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:14 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, I think this is pretty simple. This did not come from the US or any US entity. Think about it, the US launches missiles all the time for a purpose, but they always do it off of a foreign coast to send a message. There is no reason the US would launch a missile from 35 miles off the US coast. Another country launched from that close to the US to send a message, just as the US has ton many times before. The message is obvious; they are saying they can get that close and there would be no defense from that distance.

So the question become who and why? My personal guess would be that its no coincidence about the G20 summit, and that it was China sending the US a message due to our devaluing of the US dollar. Not only would QE2 devalue the dollar, China's US debt holdings, but also slow down China's economy. I think this was a very coordinated reminder to the US govt that China (or whomever) will not take the fiscal policies of the US lying down, and if it comes to it, will result to military actions. In my opinion, even though ignored by most of the media and downplayed here on ATS, I think this is one of the biggest news stories in quite sometime. A ballistic missile fired by a foreign entity 35 miles from LA. This is huge folks....
edit on 9-11-2010 by johnny2127 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:16 PM
Dunno if this page has been posted

But John Pike, a defense expert who is director of, said he believes he has solved the mystery. "It's clearly an airplane contrail," Pike said Tuesday afternoon. "It's an optical illusion that looks like it's going up, whereas in reality it's going towards the camera. The tip of the contrail is moving far too slowly to be a rocket. When it's illuminated by the sunset, you can see hundreds of miles of it ... all the way to the horizon.

The more I look at the video the more I am starting to agree, it is moving far too slow to be a rocket, and if you look real hard it seems to stay above the clouds all the way to the horizon........

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by kennylee

Originally posted by matadoor1
Okay, I'm shocked that I can't find anyone else with this theory (apologies if I missed it)....

These launches are attempts to destroy an object/meteor/asteroid that is threatening to enter the atmosphere. One that may cause serious damage if not intercepted They keep launching, when they keep missing it, as the proper orbit and acceleration angles come into the right launch window.

It's the only theory that makes sense, other than North Korea showing us that they have a tactical sub armed with missiles that they can park right off the coast and fire at us at will. Because no other country would dare to do that, other than them.

Sorry, I SERIOUSLY doubt terrorists, they wouldn't fire a shot across the bow, those missiles would have impacted a city.

They don't "bluff".

They kill.

I have been following this thread all day since page one. I agree with you as I did a few pages back about the meteor. I'm like you, it is really the only thing that makes the most sense.
Does anyone know how to see how close any meteors might be to Earth? TPTB sure wouldn't tell if we were about to get hit because of the mass panic....

one of the major flaws i could see about that theory would be if an interplanetary object were close enough to be firing surface to air missiles at it would be close enough that every amatuer astronomer in the world would have to be involved and keeping it quiet.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:16 PM
That is no plane my friend it is a missile MSM has been over this all day

we are just trying to confirm where the missile came from

and why it is so secret

it is nothing more then a testing of some sort

if it was an attack the USA would of been hit by now or the target at hand...

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by thecinic
If you keep ignoring facts then your ignorant

What facts and where are you getting them from?

Originally posted by thecinic
Missile confirmed

When, where, how and by who?

Originally posted by thecinic
they are not reporting it as a missile because it is some type of secret training excerise and the payload could of been top secret.

A top secret exorcise in full view of millions of people?

Originally posted by thecinic

Fox News, fair and balanced. Yeah right. This clip means nothing.

edit on 9-11-2010 by Cyberspy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by thecinic

Cruise missiles do not fly at high altitudes.
Once the initial booster burns out and the jet engine cuts in there is no visible exhaust.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by AutOmatIc

Originally posted by tarifa37
It looks like a plane to me. I find it bizarre that anybody would think otherwise. I have seen lots of contrails at sunset that look like that. The angle of the sun makes the contrail appear brighter and fuller. The trick is not to look at the contrail way behind but just the first few hundred meters. There are two distinct trails coming from each engine . One is dark one is light. I think this is because one is shading the other.

Read this:

So which airline was it? What? Nobody knows? After 9-11 you're telling me even the FAA can't say what aircraft made this?...

The FAA don't care what it was. They have stated that there was nothing unusal on the radar. That doesn't bloody mean there was nothing on the radar. It was a plane. You think they could give a rats which one. Those guys are sitting pi**ing themselves over this.

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