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Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

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posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:37 AM
wind -up music box DUHHHHH

tinkle tinkle pingg pingg

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:03 AM

So how many others in the clip are also frequent time travelers?

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:04 AM
great post. really interesting but most likely a coincidence. Just looks like an individual holding their hand to their ear in order to clasp it or whatnot, than acting surprised or silly upon catching wind of the camera eyeing him/her.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:22 AM
It looks to me like someone holding their collar up around their neck to me. I don't see anything in his/her hand. I see them grasping the rim of their collar. Am I just not seeing it correctly? Great old footage either way, though.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:37 AM
i doubt he's a time traveler because even if he was at least he would have had a much more advanced form of a communication device other than something that looks like today's crappy cellphones. And who could he possibly be calling ?.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 07:35 AM
I do not believe it was a time traveler, but that it was just some lady scratching her hat-pin/hair/etc while talking to her hubbie who habitually tunes her out and she doesn't really seem to mind (much as was the case with my great grand parents.) I would like to point out something, though. Old women of age, size and heart conditions can* have ankles, feet and hands like those. So she wasn't a beauty, how common was plastic surgery back then?

That being said, if going with the theory....

The future scene .. a time-travel tour trip .. vacationers/tourists often travel in packs. And they don't all have to be lovely, just able to pay the fare. They would come prepared to wear the clothing of the area to mostly blend in (not accounting for the hideous print shirts and mismatching shorts with trademark camera) The 'phone' has been pointed out to be about the size of today's cells or larger and that they should be smaller.

How are you going to get a cell signal without a tower? *DUCKS* Ok, just kidding.. But to pack a self-signaling boost into a future phone it might require making the phone larger than the current standards or could not fit in a future bluetooth.

She is certainly talking in that scene and does seem surprised to see the camera there, thought I would think that someone from a future era would be able to apprehend the footage before it made it's way into the movie or at least neutralizing the cam.

Or, someone in the future googled the ancient incident, found this site, was convinced we summed it up as a fluke and had a logical explanation and decided to leave it be lest it cause a gap in information and really call our attention to it

*crawls back under her rock*

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 07:51 AM
Here is good answer? (sorry if this was already here):

1924 Siemens patent for a compact, pocket sized carbon microphone/amplifier device suitable for pocket instruments.


posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by winnieothewind

I do not believe it was a time traveler, but that it was just some lady scratching her hat-pin/hair/etc while talking to her hubbie who habitually tunes her out and she doesn't really seem to mind (much as was the case with my great grand parents.) I would like to point out something, though. Old women of age, size and heart conditions can* have ankles, feet and hands like those. So she wasn't a beauty, how common was plastic surgery back then?

That being said, if going with the theory....

The future scene .. a time-travel tour trip .. vacationers/tourists often travel in packs. And they don't all have to be lovely, just able to pay the fare. They would come prepared to wear the clothing of the area to mostly blend in (not accounting for the hideous print shirts and mismatching shorts with trademark camera) The 'phone' has been pointed out to be about the size of today's cells or larger and that they should be smaller.

How are you going to get a cell signal without a tower? *DUCKS* Ok, just kidding.. But to pack a self-signaling boost into a future phone it might require making the phone larger than the current standards or could not fit in a future bluetooth.

She is certainly talking in that scene and does seem surprised to see the camera there, thought I would think that someone from a future era would be able to apprehend the footage before it made it's way into the movie or at least neutralizing the cam.

Or, someone in the future googled the ancient incident, found this site, was convinced we summed it up as a fluke and had a logical explanation and decided to leave it be lest it cause a gap in information and really call our attention to it

*crawls back under her rock*

Winnie, i have been following this thread since its inception and i gotta tell you that is the most feasible and thought out post that i have seen in at lease the last 30 pages
loved the wise crack about the towers as well lol, good thing you ducked, i was one of the ppl gettin fed up about that....and stated it alot
, but its all in the past now. As much i would love to see this thread go on further, i think it might be safe to say this has been de-bunked in many different fashions. I hate to say it, because i wanted it to be a TT but....alas i will admit that it is not

Peace, Love, and Kindness

edit on 25-10-2010 by itbenickp because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:03 AM
In the late 80's early 90's, this image would be confusing or not even discussed because cellphones were huge. IMO cellphones will not look like they do today or even be used in the same way in the near future. So don't you think this is rather ignorant of us to think because what we know of cell phones currently, this must be someone using a cell phone that only we are used to at this moment in time? In other words your all stating this "time traveler" must be from our current time and if so why do we not wear these style of cloths? Ok, yes "it" would want to blend in so wearing cloths of the period make's sense, but I would think there might be something recognizable other than the cellphone from our period???

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 10:21 AM

OK, I took some screen caps of the youtube video, I wish I knew how to blow them up.

My first comment is, please watch the six minute snippet from the dvd. If you are an Old Hollywood buff, you may know that a lot of scenes like this, "premieres" and such were staged, and scripted, and many if not most of the characters we see are performers, not average joes.

With that said, I find the man's lack of a face in the above picture very odd. It appears he is wearing a flesh covered bandana over the lower portion of his face. Clearly, the man is hot footing it along, and in one of the pictures it is pretty obvious the movement of his hand is putting a cigarette box into his shirt pocket or something similar. His lack of a face is weird.

The female it appears to me is clutching at her scarf or jacket collar, fiddling with her hair, in general over acting probably giddy from being chosen to be filmed.

Anyway can anyone take my pictures and blow them up? I hope they are helpful.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT

This should be a working link to the mohawk time traveler guy on the banana boat from 1905.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
Wish I had sound....I give it about 1 hour before it's debunked.

Nice find, though. S & F!

There is nothing to debunk. I do have the movie and the woman appears there, no doubt about it. What it is that she is caring, that I cannot explain, but the footage is authentic.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Telos

I believe the footage to be authentic in terms of period. But the context of the footage is what I wonder about. It is presented to us as "newsreel", off the cuff, spontaneous footage from the movie opening. But it feels to me like it is produced.... Possibly a pick up shot, staged and filmed as "filler" for the news footage - or even just on a whim by Chaplin for other reasons.

Just a "as long as we're here, why don't we get a few shots of people walking, talking, etc... Fetch me a few extras and let's get a camera set-up" thing.

A Hollywood movie premier, even then, was like they are now... Crowds, red carpets, etc. This footage lacks the look and feel of the actual premiere.


posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:33 PM
Hmm perpaps the person is using a hearing aid?

I've downloaded the clip and zoomed in on the person and there is nothing that actually suggests that she has anything IN her hand.

She stops at the zebra figure and starts turning in the direction of the camera, as the clip fades to another clip.

At the very end it seems that her middle finger and to an extend her index finger moves upwards in a way that wouldn't exactly make it impossible to still being able to hold on to a cell phone, but it just seems so... unnatural.

It could just be an illusion caused by light and shadow, but my point is that I don't think there is anything IN her actual hand.

However, it doesn't look like she's adjusting a hearing aid either.

I can post some blown up pics as soon as I figure out how to upload (uploading should be easy, but I don't know what host to use)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 03:55 PM
It's weird that I can't see the woman's reflection in the window pane second to far right. It's clear when the man's reflection shows up, and it's pretty clear that it's him -- you can see the white collar/mentally sync it with his walk. But for the lady-man :-), you can't, even though she has more white on her than him. You can tell when her reflection should appear, but it's right on the edge of when the cut happens. It still seems like I should be able to see it for a moment. I was simply looking to gleam more info from reflections/shadows.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 04:49 PM
People have said if it was a mobile, there would be no networks.
What about a walky-talky.


posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by shauny
People have said if it was a mobile, there would be no networks.
What about a walky-talky.


everyone has already said this a million times and answerd ur question

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 06:03 PM
Her shadow is there so ,i doubt its been put in ,she could be holding a purse in her hand if she has a toothache or ear ache .But she definately looks like she is carrying out a conversation with someone not just talking to herself ! She stops ,like people do with a mobile phone to think about what to say next .I dont believe in time travel .She doesnt make any attempt to hide what shes doing ,if she had advanced technology and i can imagine a big fat old woman having it ,if someone at that period was advanced enough to possess it ! but kept it to themselves ,a hard one !!!!!

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 06:29 PM
Ok. I get that the woman/man could possibly be a time traveler but if that's a cellphone then how is there a signal to communicate through? Unless I'm mistaken there were no cell towers back then.
edit on 25-10-2010 by IllMannered because: .

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 06:32 PM
ok so i saw this video being reported on channel nine Today Show twice this morning........

They had no more to add to this thread btw

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