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Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

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posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 10:50 AM
Why couldn't there have been a satellite in orbit in 1928?
There are many threads here about Black Night satellite

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Riffrafter
reply to post by Riffrafter

For lilmikey20:

It's actually posted here in this thread somewhere. Maybe even twice. I'll take a quick look and post a link if I see it, but I'm a little busy catching up on a few threads, so don't have the time to search deeply right now.

Found ya go:

thanks alot man

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:23 AM
Buf if there arent any cell phone towers.........

Seriously guys I think it goes deep.

Originally posted by Majestic23

H.G. Wells pursues Jack the Ripper to the 20th Century when the serial murderer uses the future writer's time machine to escape his time period.

edit on 21-10-2010 by Majestic23 because: (no reason given)

Well hold on to your panties people because this is getting even more strange.

"The absolute most insulting bit is the notion that Chaplin may have met one of the people reputed to be Jack the Ripper. They spend about 5 minutes on this completely unimportant flight of fancy, 5 minutes of my life that I won't get back anytime soon."


These characters Chaplin, Orwell and The Ripper are pop culture icons and are interlinked in ways other than just timespan.

Chaplin's daughter?

Charlie Chaplin.......Freemason? MK program? A linchpin of Ra?


We have Chaplin, Orwell, Hitler and The Ripper.......Is the Ripper /Time Traveller an older version of the men in black, is it personification of fear?

Notice the circus setting? Where do we think this circus idea came from? There is substantial evidence for the "circus" being an integral part of the "holographic reality" we live in. Consistently people describe experiences in altered states of consciousness where they are taught by strange clown like beings in a circus setting. A good example of this is availible in 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' where the crossover is so subtle but we have the link of altered states, reptilians and the circus. Or check out websites that document trips and oobes.

All of this is reaching of course although the links are tangible and have basis in fact. I would have paid no thought to the video if it were not for the high strangess and the strage shae of the figures hand. Which is just not normal.

I wonder if that location is on a leyline.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Beast Of Gevaudan

Originally posted by itbenickp

Originally posted by Riffrafter
reply to post by Beast Of Gevaudan

God people like you are annoying. You say you're sick of the cell tower comments, well, some members are also sick of you making condescending remarks about it. Do you really need to bring this up in every one of your posts? We get it. This is a big site with thousands of members, you're going to come across the same/similar comments from time to time, deal with it. If you can't then maybe you should step away from your computer for a while.

If some people are going to make ridiculous claims that this is a time traveler talking on a mobile phone or some other device in 1928 then what's wrong with pointing out the most obvious flaw with that claim? People saying that's a weak argument because it's stating the obvious and that it's been mentioned many times in this thread already are using ridiculous reasoning.

Beast - you've totally missed the point.

Same or similar comments are fine when it is accompanied by an acknowledgement that the poster has at least tried to read thru some of the thread, knows that the point has been made before, but believes it deserves a 2nd look because...(insert reason here).

The "no cell tower" point was made very early, very often...and then continued to be made ad nauseum. The first few posts pointing out that fact were made in a light joking tone, but eventually it just gets irritating and shows a lack of courtesy and respect to the other people participating in the thread.

If everyone just starts hammering away at their keyboard before taking a little time to see what their fellow ATS'ers have to say on a topic, this place will quickly devolve into nothing but noise and everyone worth listening to and sharing information with will be gone in flash.

We owe each other better than that.

Thanks Riff. That was my point as well. I gave the entire thread a read, and it got insulting how many times it was acknowledged that we know their wasnt towers back then, just for someone to come barging in 4 posts later and act like they solved the case because they are the only ones that know about not having the infrastructure to utilize cell phones back then. Thats all i was ever getting at....geesh.If i came off condescending i apologize
thats not my way and it wasnt my intent.
edit on 23-10-2010 by itbenickp because: (no reason given)

Fair enough guys. My mistake, I misinterpreted what you were saying.

No worries Beast - it's all good.

And to be honest, I think I also know what you're talking about in a more general sense about people that participate in a thread and don't add much to the discussion at hand except to repeatedly attempt to make "their" point in a way that belittles others views or they assume an arrogant and holier-than-thou attitude, especially in the area of nit-picky or pedantic issues.

I'm with you there.

A place like this will always have those people. As long as the rest of us don't let them get too out of line, ATS will remain a very valuable place to visit.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 12:36 PM
Wow. Ok. New here, saw this topic and started to read it....and read it....and read it....aaaaand read it lol. 59 Pages lol. Lots of reading lots of interesting well thought out theories. You can definately see "something" in "her" hand. While i dont doubt if it was a time traveler they would have some sort of communications device that would be based of of their technology and have nothing to do with any of our infrastructure (past, present and ?future?) So all of the cell towers arguement it moot on that respect (a lot of people really didnt get that point did they?) And if it WAS a timetraveler why are they choosing that time to talk on the device? Good just be as random as being caught on the film. Anyways, in reality it may just be a siemans hearing aid like has been pointed out as well. i dont really like that, cuz i want it to be cooler than that but....lets face it, it probably is.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

Has anyone pointed out the lack of cell towers?

But really just popped in to say that I'm watching and think that the Seimens device is intriguing!


Well played, Heff!

On a serious note, lacking any further info or insight, it appears we've exhausted the range of possibilities with respect to this clip. I know others are still doing some research on various aspects related to this so I'm hopeful some new info will come to light that will either put it to bed or allow us to add it to the mix and discuss in hopes of getting us closer to figuring out the the real nature of the "WTF! - ness" of this clip.

With that said, I'd like to very briefly summarize where I am on this one at this point.

First off, there is something very "compelling" about this clip for me. It's hard to put a finger on or describe accurately, but suffice it to say, this one really got my full attention the instant I saw it.

My take on it right now is:

If it does depict a time-traveler or ET or some being or event that simply has no business being in a film made in CA in 1928:

1 - It is there on purpose as an Easter Egg of sorts. Either just put out there for others to find at random at some point in the future, or as a specific message to a person/being/group.

I like this one for two reasons: - it just "feels right" to me and it gives me a reason to have yet another time-wasting hobby of now looking for other Easter Eggs of similar nature in old pics, films, etc. It's fun and interesting to do and if true, I'm sure there are other examples out there waiting to be found.

BTW - for this to be true, I believe Chaplin would have had to been in on it at some level. Knowing how he worked, there is absolutely no way that he was not aware of the very strange nature of this footage that was included along with the movie.

2 - The Satellite theory. Person is talking on a device to someone, and if a device is needed in the first place to effect the communications, then it stands to reason that some infrastructure be in place to facilitate it. If it's an orbiting satellite, the chances of it being discovered accidently using the technology of 1928 is practically nil. it could also be a ground based device of some sort ( no - not a cell tower...never, never a cell tower
) that would be difficult to recognize or detect by the people of that time, but would allow for mobile communications to happen between our big-footed and ugly-shoed woman and someone else in her coterie.

If it doesn't depict a time-traveler or ET type being but is showing someone talking on a mobile device:

1 - A member of someone in the NWO or other group that has capabilities and technology far in advance of what is generally known at that time. Maybe its a member or representative of one of the families talked about in the Hidden Hand thread, or maybe the two are the same thing...

It has a very simple non-fantastic explanation:

I have not yet seen an explanation that satisfies me. Many of the explanations could explain parts of the wierdness, but there have been none offered that explain all of it. The entire Je Ne Sa Qoui of the portion of clip showing the old woman and odd guy just screams that you are seeing something that is very natural on the one hand: a woman talking on a cell phone - all of her body language and mannerism's are entirely consistent with that, from how she holds her hand to her head, to how she is talking into the device, including stopping at one point because she either heard something important in the conversation or wanted to say something important (we all do this all the time); and very unnatural on the other - The year is 1928!

I'll continue to monitor the thread and if I find anything new of interest to add, will definitely post it here.

This has been quite a little ride. Thanks to all who've participated.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 01:20 PM
So I had my brother watch this last night. Hes the type that usually shoots down everything and I mean everything. I said just watch this video and tell me what you see. He says "A lady on a cell phone." I said yea when do you think it was filmed. He said "Some ass probably made it for youtube." I told him nope its from 1928. He was kind of like trying to be like no way. Then he watched the whole interview and he was kind of in aww. Maybe he will finally open his mind.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by ExCloud

Makes you wonder how many would agree. Certainly if the title of this thread was, "What do you see?"
instead of "Time traveller......" we would probably get responses more like this

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by ExCloud

Well, if that vid gets him thinking and he decides to join the ATS herd, let us know when he opens his intro thread so we can all welcome him aboard!!!


posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz
Okay, while there is certainly a great deal of excitement and interest in this posting, along with a good mix of comments stating incredulity over the fact that, to date, there have been 55+ pages of replies, I really feel this posting is quite rare and unique, as the interest in possible time travelers 'caught on tape' is obvious. Add to this the fact that a cursory Internet search turns up only two other photos of a similar nature.

I suppose that my question to all fellow ATS folks would be: Aside from this Chaplin film premier clip, is anyone aware of any additional potential time traveler photos beyond those of 'Ray-Ban guy in 1940' and 'Mohawk Man on the banana boat'? -IAMTAT

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 02:49 PM
After watching this and footage of Chaplin arriving at the premiere

I did a comparison

See what you think.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by IAMTAT
reply to post by zazzafrazz
Okay, while there is certainly a great deal of excitement and interest in this posting, along with a good mix of comments stating incredulity over the fact that, to date, there have been 55+ pages of replies, I really feel this posting is quite rare and unique, as the interest in possible time travelers 'caught on tape' is obvious. Add to this the fact that a cursory Internet search turns up only two other photos of a similar nature.

I suppose that my question to all fellow ATS folks would be: Aside from this Chaplin film premier clip, is anyone aware of any additional potential time traveler photos beyond those of 'Ray-Ban guy in 1940' and 'Mohawk Man on the banana boat'? -IAMTAT

"Mohawk Man on the banana boat"?!? LMAO...I love the name.

I've never heard of this one. Can you post a link or point me in the right direction on finding it?

I've just started looking for things like this as result of this thread. It's a blast, and I'm learning a whole lot of other things along the way that makes this really worthwhile for me. Everything from film and camera techniques and technologies of the periods the photo's or films were taken, to researching deeper to find out what was going on in history at the time the shots were taken, to all kinds of unknown facts or factoids about the various people or objects in the pics or vids including actors, directors, photographers, historical figures, buildings or locations - you name it.

There might be something to this "Where's Waldo" game as a method of teaching or learning.

There's a business opportunity in here somewhere....

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:18 PM
Finland media they talked this Chaplin video and one woman send old picture from year 1930-1940: it looks like old man is sending txt message


posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Definitely a cellphone, but not a time traveler. At least that's what I think.
And no, I have nothing to prove my case, just giving my 2 cents, 1 for taxes.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Pamie
Why couldn't there have been a satellite in orbit in 1928?
There are many threads here about Black Night satellite

Because we hadn't actually found a way to leave the Earth yet?

That would seem to be the most obvious answer.

That and there'd be no use for a satellite, in which case no need for someone to invent one.

Seriously, are some of you so determined to believe what you want that you'll throw all common sense, logic, and reasoning out of the window?

You're supposed to look at the evidence and fit your beliefs around it, not the other way around.

Making the evidence fit what you want to believe is a recipe for disaster.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 04:09 PM
I was a friend of Andy Basiago when we were kids, and I also do a bit of moonlighting as a time-traveler for The Company. I mentioned this clip to my handler for his comments, and based on the "woman's" rather "Russian" appearance (his words), he authorized me to go back, see what she was holding, and listen-in on what they were actually saying. Turns out, she wasn't Russian at all!


Gentleman ahead of the woman, "Don't look now Mein Liebchen, but it looks like we're about to get our pictures taken!"
Woman walking behind: "Ach Mein Gott!! Zah Vun Day I go out Vis out meine make-up!"

Gentleman: "Oh don't worry! There's a big FAT zebra you can hide behind, no one will see you!"

Woman: "Danke to Gott I have mein black gloves! Valk fast Herbert!!"


Woman stops, looks at the cameraman and shakes her gloves in his direction: "Stop it you dumkopf!!"

Well, some other unkind things were said, but I wouldn't want to violate the T & C.

There you have it, mystery solved!

PS: If you look closely, you can barely make out a bit of movement under the round Circus sign behind where they walk...That was me! Great place to hide, heard every word!

PSS: Later, I suddenly saw Charlie Chaplin walking by himself, so I went up to get his autograph. He looked at me like I was from the moon! He signed my DVD, turned, and walked away. When I looked down at the DVD, it said..."Adolf Hitler!"

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by hande
Finland media they talked this Chaplin video and one woman send old picture from year 1930-1940: it looks like old man is sending txt message


In the Finnish newspaper they say that a Finnish lady (Stella Stenroos is her name I guess) had uploaded an old picture of her great-grandfather to Flickr some time ago. She said that the picture of her forefather had looked so humoristic to her that in 2007 she had decided to add a fake screenshot of a Nokia phone where it says, "One could make money by selling this "text message" idea..." but the rest of the picture is claimed to be unedited.

In the caption it says, translated into English:
"In this picture the great-grandfather of a Finnish woman looks just like he's sending or reading a text message with his cell phone. Photo: Stella Stenroos"

The original picture is possibly from the 1930-1940 era, and Stella's great-grandfather Ernst Stenroos (the gentleman in the picture) died in the 1960s. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find more information about this or even the Flickr page where the picture is from. It goes without saying that we can never know what he had in his hand when the original picture was taken. An original photo – or preferably the original negative – would be helpful, scanned in hi-res to find out the details about the mysterious item in his hand.

Funnily, both these things emerged into publicity roughly at the same time: the film footage about a woman "holding a device resembling a modern cell phone up to her ear in 1928" and a photo of a Finnish gentleman "holding a device resembling a modern cell phone in his hand in the 30s or 40s".

I can't stop wondering if either of these two was actually an "Easter Egg" of some type: the unexpected captured in the film would be revealed and understood only at a certain time, which is today, in 2010

Edit: Found the original Flickr page:

edit on 24.10.2010 by Doc Lithium because: More info

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Sorry guys but she is not a time traveler

A time traveler would not be an old woman wearing a drag and looking like Churchill's grandmother, unless time travelling somehow aged her.

A time traveler would be fit, that's just my opinion
you don't send an someone who looks like the old hag(google sleep paralysis old hag) on a mission in the past, you send Jet li or Tony Jaa

depends what the mission is

and ofc if time travel is indeed possible in the current human timeline the technology to communicate across it would be complimentary - no masts required.

remember the probability of time travel is proportionate to the inventor/s stimulation to embark on the journey of discovery in the first place - movies are where dreams are made - they used to be books

ofc the ear horn and having a snack are always quite feasible. I know which is more exciting.

A method of forming a unidirectional cylindrical light configuration in an appropriate optical medium. The cylindrical configuration can be approximated by photonics crystals, optical fibres, or a stacked array of unidirectional ring lasers
- The Time Traveller by Ronald Mallett when referring to his LOTART device theory.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Riffrafter
Dear Riffrafter,
As per your request:

'Mohawk Man on the banana boat:
forgetomori » Do you feel lucky, time-traveler Punk?

'Ray-Ban Dude ca.1940':
forgetomori » Time Traveler Caught in Museum Photo?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

It does look like a man in drag talking on a cell phone. Although, even if it is a time traveler, there were no cell towers back then and he was obviously speaking to someone else on another cell phone. Here are some other theories:
1. Butch woman hiding her face because she was nervous of the camera and you are seeing a shadow caused
by her hand.
2. Man in drag playing a joke on the film crew and needing to hide his face so they don't recognize him right
3. Time traveler who brought along his cell phone and pretended to speak into it.
4. Man or woman using a hearing aid device.

I also showed the video to my 6 year old daughter and asked her what it looked like the woman was doing and she said, "walking and talking on a cell phone". I guess it must be true then, lol!

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