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Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

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posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 11:00 AM

I've got the Deluxe 2-DVD 2003 Edition and can confirm the following;

1) The woman/man appears on the DVD Extras, not the film and does include the footage which everyone is talking about. The extra is called "The Hollywood Premier (1928), which goes on for about 6mins." - It's on Disc

2) The woman/man feet are not as long on the DVD, confirming what many have said its the youtube format which has stretched the feet to abnormal size.

On the back of the DVD Cover it does state the following about the clip
'Reportage of the star-studded premiere of The Circus in Los Angeles'

Inside the DVD is a 12 page booklet/supplement which has a lot more information about the clip. The section about the clip in the booklet states;

'The Hollywood premiere 1928 (6 minutes)
The world premiere of The Circus took place at the Strand Theatre, New York, on 6 January 1928. Three weeks, on 27 January, the much more spectacular Hollywood premiere was presented at Grauman's Chinese Theatre. The forecourt of the theatre was populated with larger-than-life model animals, and enlivened with circus side-shows, which can be glimpsed in this news film, distinguished by the rudimentary proscenium in which they are framed. The artists include Alice from Dallas, the 503-pound fat girl, and Lady Ruth thirty-two inches tall and fifty-two pounds. The more sophisticate acts, presented in a circus tent setting, are from the stage show produced as a prologue to The Circus by the showman Sid Grauman, famous for such lavish productions. Titled 'Ballyhoo, this prologue starred Poodles Hanneford, the Ace of Riding Clowns and his troupe, Pallenberg's Performing Bears on their bicycles, a lion tamer, and Samaroff and Sona's performing dogs. The stage design adopted visual motifs from the film, like the star-decorated hoop and the clowns, costums.'

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by itbenickp
reply to post by Hefficide

Agreed Heff!!! Maybe we can get a dozen or more people asking about the cell towers or satelittes without reading the thread? I was thinkin about going back through the thread and counting how many times people have said "ya we know there wasnt towers" then 4 posts later its like "But they didnt have towers back then, it cant be a cell phone" Do some kind of ratio on it or something. Im bored at work. Might do it. Might not. Or i could count how many people have asked why an extra in the film is looking at the camera. Not realizing that the film clip is a DVD extra of the movie premier lol. These are not extra's they are not in the actual movie. They are pedestrians that happened to be recorded during the premier of the movie lol. That being said, it still is weird as hell to watch lol. It has a creepy vibe to it. The dude looks weird in front of her.....the whole thing is just weird.....

And i also find it insane that some of the mods are asking about the cell towers too LMAO

edit on 23-10-2010 by itbenickp because: (no reason given)

God people like you are annoying. You say you're sick of the cell tower comments, well, some members are also sick of you making condescending remarks about it. Do you really need to bring this up in every one of your posts? We get it. This is a big site with thousands of members, you're going to come across the same/similar comments from time to time, deal with it. If you can't then maybe you should step away from your computer for a while.

If some people are going to make ridiculous claims that this is a time traveler talking on a mobile phone or some other device in 1928 then what's wrong with pointing out the most obvious flaw with that claim? People saying that's a weak argument because it's stating the obvious and that it's been mentioned many times in this thread already are using ridiculous reasoning. How does that make the argument any less valid?

Speculating that this could be a communication device from our future is very convenient isn't it? I mean, we could come up with all sorts of fantastic ideas couldn't we? I'd rather use obvious facts to try and get real answers than entertain inconclusive wild theories.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
I'm gonna repost my list...and add in some facts we have learned. Feel free to let me know if you think I have overlooked anything.

Well, what I see isn't on your list, but I think it was mentioned earlier.

The man and woman are together. She's just one of those people that never shuts up, so he just tunes her out and walks ahead. Maybe they been married a long time. . She's wearing light colored gloves and is trying to adjust a loose clip earring. When she gets to the end of the zebra's butt, she realizes she's not beside him, pauses, sights him and starts walking again, still talking. People see a cell phone because her hand is up.

I don't see a time traveling reptilian cross-dressing alien with a future communications device, but hey, that's just me.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 11:57 AM
If I was a time traveler I could think of a billion better things or times to go to. Why would they decide to go and be in the background of a Charlie Chaplin film? And talk on a cell phone? Why not bring something better back?

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by maceov
Hello, Maceov...I appreciate your input and contributions to this intriguing original posting.
Assuming for the sake of discussion...(and fun) that this man/woman IS indeed actually a time traveler (possibly in like manner to Mr. Basiago), then we can assume that there may also be a potential aspect to these visits which may center upon the witnessing of significant historical events (i.e. The Gettysburg Address, in Mr. B's example). This being the case, in reference to the individual in this film from the Chaplin premier in 1928, we might want to query what the actual historical significance of the particular time and place of this sighting may actually be (assuming, of course that TPB connected with secret goverment time-space teleportation programs are not all that particularly interested in the historical significance of movie premiers).

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:33 PM
Hi Endtime Warrior,

I suggest that you go to this link and listen to all of his YouTube interview, and then check out Project Camelot Interviews on YouTube as well. Also, you can listen to many fascinating things from Coast to Coast AM also on YouTube.

Prepare to have your mind broadened and enjoy!

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:34 PM
How would a cell phone work with no satelites in the sky?

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:40 PM
It's definitely a woman, she has a distinct over weight frail woman wobble walk.... she has boobs too. It's no man!!!
As to who she is talking to, probably the man in front of her, her husband, family etc.. As to why her hand is next to her face can be numerous of reasons,......... nothing unusual here folks...

edit on 23-10-2010 by imitator because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by IAMTAT
reply to post by maceov
Hello, Maceov...I appreciate your input and contributions to this intriguing original posting.
Assuming for the sake of discussion...(and fun) that this man/woman IS indeed actually a time traveler (possibly in like manner to Mr. Basiago), then we can assume that there may also be a potential aspect to these visits which may center upon the witnessing of significant historical events (i.e. The Gettysburg Address, in Mr. B's example). This being the case, in reference to the individual in this film from the Chaplin premier in 1928, we might want to query what the actual historical significance of the particular time and place of this sighting may actually be (assuming, of course that TPB connected with secret goverment time-space teleportation programs are not all that particularly interested in the historical significance of movie premiers).


Thank you! I'm not utterly convinced that they ARE necessarily Time Travelers. I'm not saying that they aren't either. BUT what I am leaning more towards, due to their otherworldly looks - (George Clarke stated that the man preceding her has horns sticking out of his hat!) - that they were simply ET's visiting our world, or assigned here, and simply mingling with the locals. I am again ascribing to my theory that they were able to manipulate the minds of those around them, who simply saw them as normal. LARGE BLACK EYES aside.

And then again, if they ARE inter-dimensional beings, they could simply open a vortex and step into whatever time period of their choosing.

If they are just simply extraterrestrial visitors, they could have joined the crowd to determine what kind of people we are. An explorational field trip of sorts...

According to nearly all sources on the matter, ETs have been visiting us for well over 200,000 years.

The possibilities are endless.

I'm merely asking people to keep an open mind.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 01:40 PM
If you hear hoofbeats, don’t look for zebras.-Unknown

Perhaps the lady is just blocking the Sun light from her eyes and talking to the guy in front of her.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:19 PM
I know that this will get completely ignored, but has anyone considered that this is perhaps a crystal radio? These things were very popular in the days when AM was still big, and they didn't use batteries, just a germanium (or other crystal type) diode and a few other parts, and the signal was fed directly into a small speaker. The output of the speaker wasn't very loud, because it was only being driven by the power of the AM wave that the little device received. If someone was on a noisy street, listening to music (and perhaps singing along), they'd likely have to hold the radio to their ear to hear it, especially if the signal wasn't quite strong. As far as the hand motions go, I've seen old ladies at church that do that when they sing as if they're having a fantasy of directing a choir. Just a thought.

Either that, or the evil overlords have had cellular technology for a long time, and used it to communicate amongst themselves throughout the centuries until their plans were realized, at which point they introduced the technology to the average man, with the obvious requirement that the average man's communications be monitored to build a psychological profile on him and develop marketing techniques that can tie the average man up into materialism so that he will never see what's important in life, and will therefore be content to work himself to death for, effectively, nothing.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:35 PM
Although it may appear to be a cell phone, it is most likely a Siemens handheld amplifier for hearing impaired. Here is a link to the site:

This device would have already been out for 4 years and explain why it is up to her ear.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:46 PM
I am just wondering. What camera's were used in this time period. Would a time traveler from say 30years from now know it was a video camera or would they think it was a single shot camera and have time to get by? Did they have actual sets or just go around with a camera and tell the actors what to do well the crowd and people walked around not really giving a care like they would today?

This is just a question? Could this "time traveler" not have realized they were even on camera? Maybe the person filming was like hey get out of the film and thats why they looked over?

This is just asking I don't know what was used in this time period.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:48 PM
This is my opinion only I believe this was a Bat phone that used a signal that was being bounced either off an unseen Earth ground signal, tower, satellite or Moon Bounce That was speeded up to a real time hypersignal. This was an alien visitation verses a time traveler. This alien was disguised and look how short and squady the being looks. ^Y^

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:50 PM
"Woman in 1920's in Face Hiding Shocker!"

Sorry, but the most obvious answer is OFTEN the correct one. Woman walks past having seen camera and hides face.
Black thing could be shadow, purse, spectacles case...

And yes, there were "big" and "butch" looking women in the 1920's. To suggest this would be unusual shows a complete lack of basic common sense. Which just adds to the idea that he's seeing what he wants to see.

Sorry guys, but all I see is a woman walking past with her hand to the side of her head. Suggesting that we can assume the person is possibly a time-traveler is a completely bizarre and nonsensical response to an otherwise strange character.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:56 PM

I'm from the future.

Cool NewAgeMan. Dose ANYTHING extraordinary happen on December 21st 2012?

edit on 23-10-2010 by TSOM87 because: Forgot to add posters name

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by maceov

Interesting alternative (ET vs. TT)...and I agree they are here amongst us now and have been with us 200K years ago...and well before. In this particular instance, I would argue against the individual being an ET, as a hand held mechanical communication device would not only be unnecessary, but would, in fact, be a redundancy where ET communication is concerned.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 03:10 PM
If we assume that he, or most likely she (breasts) is a time traveler, then with that technology cell towers would not be needed, nor sats. It might be a device to report across a time gulf what she was seeing - in which case we now would be as clueless as the people in 1928 to explain and understand its technology.

Or it could simply be a large woman with an ear-ache holding a poultice to that side of her head against the cold - this was before Penicillin.

Ordinary people at that time were not paid; there was no residuals clause in films for "extras" - anyone caught on the street could be filmed without their consent, unless specifically hired for a film.

That said, what I saw looked like a device of some kind, thought it is interesting to note that Penicillin was discovered that same year as this film, but its human application wasn't tried till 1930.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by rafael2607
I think that the woman is singing .. look at the way these Corsica singers sing ... They are quite famous in Europe by zazzafrazz

Raphael...this too could be a possibility....then again...this is a conspiracy site and when they make up their collective minds what "IT" is, one can throw out all those other possibilities like dirty bath water. One track thought, locked in a box...

edit on 23-10-2010 by Holly N.R.A. because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

Injury is possible. But the seashell is a stretch in the middle of Hollywood, not close enough to the sea. Unless she was a crazy is Hollywood!

As far as Charlie Chaplin's taste, that wasn't the movie itself but the showing/premier.

What was the movie about? Could it have been a publicity stunt?

Even so, I looked into Walkie-Talkies and as I assumed, they were developed in WWII, some 12 years after this footage. Just the same, we know things tend to be around a while before general usage. However, a small hand-held device is a bit of a stretch - the first walkie-talkies were gargantuan, bigger than those first cellphones. Hand-held transistor radios weren't around yet either.

I don't know about time travel, but certainly some early listening device that was only available to the elite, assuming it's not just a shadow, that is.


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