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Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

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posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:12 AM
I think that the woman is singing .. look at the way these Corsica singers sing ... They are quite famous in Europe by zazzafrazz

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by rafael2607

.. and they are not carrying any cellphone sor items...

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:34 AM
There must be a simple explanation I'm gonna go watch it frame be frame to see what I can find. I'll be back. Ohh and great thread.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:42 AM
I've watch it like 30 and I've got nothing. it's so weird.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:50 AM
Please check out Andrew Basiago and Project Pegasus, which is purported to involve space-time travel involvement by a secret U.S. goverment agency. Mr. B makes the claim that he made many trips back in time as part of this program and includes a photograph of himself from Gettysburg, circa 1863, where he was inadvertantly captured on film. I present this only as a related point of interest, reflecting Mr. Basiago's own beliefs. Obviously, I have no way to confirm his story, however, it is one which is extremely interesting, to say the least. Perhaps we can find more potential examples of time travellers 'caught on tape' and bring them to light in this thread.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:51 AM
Though it deffinetly looks like she or he is holding something. And I don't really believe the singing part.
It really looks like someone is talking on a cell like everyday people like u see em now.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:57 AM
I'm sure that any video from over 50 years ago of a crowd of people would display some pretty odd behavior. Just think about watching people walk down a busy street today and the odd behavior of some people. Our minds are a bit skewed when it comes to an older time period because of what we know to exist in our own time period. Everything gets taken out of context.

While I'm not against the idea of the possibility of it being some kind of crazy futuristic communications device, I also realize that we're probably just ignorant to the time period, and typical human behavior of that time. I mentioned in earlier posts about the dental care issues and how many people, particularly older people, would often be moving their mouth rubbing their gums together due to not having teeth which might look like talking from a distance. If you visit a senior home you might still see people displaying this behavior, but to relate what this means back to my initial idea in this post that type of behavior happens less, and less today due to the technology available in dental care causing it to become something of the past. There are all kind of things that might have been common place in 1928 that no one even thinks about these days which could explain exactly what the women in the film is doing. 50 or 100 years from now someone watching something from our own time period could have the same reaction, and speculate over a video clip from 2010 trying to figure out why it looks like someone is walking down the street with a piece of technology from their future time.

Of course video quality is much better today and the person watching it would most likely be able to zoom in and see exactly what is going on in anything filmed in today's world, but the point is while it is fascinating to speculate, and dissect the film making the mind fall into a world of wondrous amazement of time travel we could just all be taking what we're looking at completely out of context.

edit on 23-10-2010 by vexxev because: editied text to make more sense.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:05 AM
Hello and Good Morning Fellow ATSers!

I JUST received a response from George Clarke himself. The man in the video talking about the fact that she is talking on the cell phone and may be a time traveler. He responded to my inquiry about the VERY strange looks of this couple walking past the zebra.

Here is the content of his email, and my response to him:

Hi there,

Thanks for getting in touch and for your views on the film...

After reading what you said, I went back to the film and watched it on my 40 inch screen from the DVD so it was clear, and sure enough, the guy looks a tad messed up!! Well done

The horns on the hat are hilarious, but definately put a new twist on things... and aside from that, there was more things popping up.

The man had always caught my attention, but not because of his looks - it was more about the synchronised walk they both have as they enter the scene. Very strange!

Check it out... and see it you can catch the gems on the Zebras nose strap glowing in full colour - because that's something else I just noticed.


George Clarke

My Response to George Clarke:

Hello George,

Thanks for getting back to me on this.

You should check out the website, as we have a HUGE discussion going on over this very clip that got posted there. That's how I found out about it in the first place.

I don't have a 40" screen, so I've not seen the horns on the hat. Or maybe they were on the head and protruding through the hat.

My theory that I posted yesterday on the ATS site, is that IF these were extraterrestrials, then they could probably disguise their total outward appearance via mental telepathy, to those around them... but they could NOT do this to the camera, which I believe captured their TRUE appearance, which is somewhat disturbing.

Also, I've noted that they appear to either be wearing black wrap-around sunglasses, which are very modern, and not invented in that age, OR... they have BIG SCARY BLACK ALIEN EYES. Which also explains why their hats are pulled down so low over their faces.

One deaf individual who reads lips, looked at the clip, and said she was saying something like "Hear me!" As if it was a command.

There are many nay-sayers on the site... but there are a lot of interesting comments there that you should check out.

Anyway, I've gotten a number of people commenting on my comments regarding this clip.

What a fantastic find!

Of course, the Overlord of the website did point out that it appears to have been stretched to fit a certain format. He also reformatted it so they don't appear quite so huge-footed and handed, but the creepiness factor just simply remains.

The black alien creature eyes are not going away. I shall check for the glowing gems in the zebra's nose. WOW!

I would like to post your comments here on the website and see what kind of response we get from that.


posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by maceov

Absolutely superlative!!!

If I had the ability to applaud you I most certainly would do so!

Now let's hope that we can add the gentleman filmmaker to our conversation and really get some light shed here. His input would be invaluable to this conversation! I know Zazz has also been in contact with him - so maybe we can peer pressure an appearance if nothing else!



posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:15 AM
Ive watched it about 10 times.....and i have no clue!! I mean 1928.....the regular telephone was invented in 1876 so telephones had been around over 50 years, maybe they were already thinking about in the future, like how we do today...Was she placed in the film or was she just a random person? and even if she was placed in the film to walk around acting as if she was talking on some kind of futuristic device... what was the purpose of her role if thats the only scene?? I think its a man... not only are her feet extremely big for a woman, but her hands look to big for her body.... I am stumped!! If it is a time traveler...which seems like a possibile conclusion... maybe that was there mission?? Man this is weird... GOOD FIND!!

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by StarrGazer25

She wasnt "in the movie" this video is a part of the DVD extra's, it was shot at the Premier of the Movie. See the sign for the movie in the background? See all the posts already clarifying this issue? I do agree, its still weird as hell....

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by maceov

Absolutely superlative!!!

If I had the ability to applaud you I most certainly would do so!

Now let's hope that we can add the gentleman filmmaker to our conversation and really get some light shed here. His input would be invaluable to this conversation! I know Zazz has also been in contact with him - so maybe we can peer pressure an appearance if nothing else!



Thank you so much for your kind words, Heff. Your positive, uplifting words are applaud enough. LOL

I'm hoping George Clarke will indeed check out the site also and add his insights. He appears to be discovering even MORE anomalies from the clip that none of us had noticed.

I really like Zazz's thoughtful comments as well. Good to hear that she also is going to the SOURCE.

edit on 23-10-2010 by maceov because: had to correct a word.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:55 AM
Notice the reference to shoes and the poorly fitting clothing...

Andrew D. Basiago at Gettysburg, PA on November 19, 1863 (Gettysburg Address)
(From the Seattle Exopolitics

Figure 1 is the photograph of Andrew D. Basiago as a Project Pegasus time travel participant taken at the site of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863, to which Mr. Basiago had been teleported back in time by DARPA.

Mr. Basiago has publicly answered questions about this corroborating photographic evidence of his time travel experiences in the secret U.S. government program in which time travel was achieved.

Q: Is this [Figure 1] the photo of you on November 19, 1863?

Andrew D. Basiago: Yes. I am the boy standing in the foreground of the image at center-left, looking to his right. My shoes were lost in the transit through the quantum plenum that took me from the plasma confinement chamber at the time lab in East Hanover, NJ in 1972 to Gettysburg, PA on the day that Abraham Lincoln gave his famous address there in 1863. When I walked into downtown Gettysburg, where the shops were, after walking into town along the north-south arterial that led into Gettysburg, a cobbler by the name of John Lawrence Burns accosted me and took me inside a millinery shop and furnished me with a pair of men's street shoes and a Union winter parka that he took from a stack of military clothing in a storeroom at the back of the shop. In this image, one can see how over-sized the shoes were. I can confirm that this image was taken right after President Lincoln arrived on the dais, because when I walked over to this location and stood in this manner to detract attention from my shoes, I had been standing over by the dais, and Lincoln had not yet arrived, and I only stood in this position for several minutes before the quantum field effect produced by the plasma confinement chamber ended and I found myself back in the time lab in New Jersey.

Q: This is incredible, Andrew! I did not know there were pictures. Was this a picture (Figure 1) discovered that just happened to have you in it, or was this picture taken by those with you and you brought it back?

Andrew D. Basiago: To my knowledge, this was the only photograph that was taken in a past or future time when I was time traveling for DARPA's Project Pegasus. I think another breakthrough will come in the form of accounts from residents of Santa Fe [New Mexico] about children suddenly appearing at the state capitol complex there in the early 1970's. Our arrivals were sometimes witnessed. Several of my own arrivals were witnessed. I have spoken with area residents who knew that individuals were teleporting into Santa Fe in the early 1970's. Some of that knowledge resulted from the arrival of teleportees, including myself, being seen by others; other knowledge resulted from the fact that employees of LANL [Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM] were bringing stories about the teleportation that was going on home from work and sharing them with their children around the dinner table in Los Alamos and White Rock.

Q: What were you looking at [in the photograph in Figure 1]?

Andrew D. Basiago: Nothing, intentionally. I was wearing a hodgepodge of clothes: the Union bugle boy uniform that I had been issued back in East Hanover, NJ in 1972; the Union winter parka that Burns had outfitted me in when I walked into town shivering in the brisk autumn air; the huge men's shoes that he gave me when I walked into town barefoot. When I walked over to the dais, several women were gossiping about me (presumably, because I was apparently a bugle boy separated from his regiment or a carpetbagger). I was questioned by two Union officers about where my regiment was bivouacked. I also had a strange encounter with my father, who was dressed as a Pennsylvania farmer and standing in front of the dais, in which he intentionally ignored me. He later said that encountering me there at Gettysburg was how he found out I was going to be in the program. But he was startled to see me and not expecting me to be there, [he] acted like he didn't know who I was. After I was questioned by the two Union officers, I was concerned that I should make myself inconspicuous. We had been trained to avoid being conspicuous, being questioned, being arrested, being detained, and so on, because these things might create complications that would prevent us from getting back to the present. So, self-conscious about the huge shoes that I was wearing and trying to avoid being further noticed, I walked about 100 paces from the dais and stood with my back to the dais looking in the opposite direction from where I knew Lincoln would be arriving. I hoped that by affecting an air of non-chalance in this manner, I would avoid further scrutiny by those present. It didn't work! I ended up becoming the first time traveler from the future to be photographed!

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:56 AM
Below here is a link to Andrew Basiago's site, INCLUDING the picture of him captured at Gettysburg with his oversized shoes that the costumers placed him in. (You have to scroll further down the page for that one though!)

edit on 23-10-2010 by maceov because: had to correct a word.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by IAMTAT
Notice the reference to shoes and the poorly fitting clothing...

Andrew D. Basiago at Gettysburg, PA on November 19, 1863 (Gettysburg Address)
(From the Seattle Exopolitics


Brilliant minds DO think alike. I just posted my info for Andrew Basiago's site, and was VERY surprised to see that you had JUST posted information on Mr. Basiago.

I've said it before, and I'm saying it once more, I find this man to be COMPLETELY CREDIBLE.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:20 AM
Ok so I bought the film and just watched it. No extras on the DVD, even though it's the MK2 one. So the scene is not on it.
Only a funny thing I noticed though. The shoes. Compare the shoes Chaplin is wearing in "The Circus" with those our character is wearing: strangely enough, they are pretty much the same...
A joke by Chaplin? A Hitchcock like appearance?

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by ufool

Sorry I missed your post, this was the kind of stuff I am talking about. So you agree the camera was at a distance too, I figured 20 feet because I was being a little on the conservative side. The person in drag, in my opinion, didn't even acknowledge the camera, as the guy in front didn't either. I think you are right about viewing the entire thing in context. The mystery continues!

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:47 AM
I'm gonna repost my list...and add in some facts we have learned. Feel free to let me know if you think I have overlooked anything.

Facts and tidbits discovered:

1. This footage IS on the DVD of the Charlie Chaplin movie "The Circus". A member has confirmed it and has uploaded the full 6 minutes to youtube in the correct ratio. I'll put both videos below.

2. Since we have confirmation that it is on the DVD, we know the original youtube poster wasn't hoaxing is real footage. Some are still questioning if it still could of been added later...I don't see any evidence for this...pure speculation.

3. With the video in the correct ratio...the womens feet look normal and her clothes look normal. She doesn't look like a hunched over cross dresser anymore (at least to me)...she looks like a women.

4. Many other people in the extended footage are wearing coats, some even fur coats, so the women's coat is not suspect.

5. This is footage of the movie premiere in January of 1928....this is NOT footage from the these are probably not actors...just people attending the premiere.

6. Yes...we know there are no cell towers.

7. Yes...we know it could be an electronic hearing aid

8. This is a fun thread...let's have fun.

The member Buren has posted the full they are again for everyone to see. Below the videos is my list of possibilities.

Clip 1:

Clip 2:

This is a list of POSSIBILITES that have been brought up in this thread. I have listed them in order of what I think is their PLAUSABILITY.

1. Lady is using the cupping technique while singing. It is really the only one that explains both the hand position and the movement of the mouth.

1. Lady is listening to a music box and singing... Bumped up this up to a 1 because it does appear these were small enough to hold in a hand and were around in the 1920's.

2. Lady is using some sort of hearing aid. Early electronic or small ear horn. Why is she talking??? I don't know. This got bumped up to take over the second spot by itself due to interest by other members.

3. Lady is fixing her hair. explaination for the talking.

3. Lady is blocking the sun from her eyes/face. No reason to talk while doing this unless she is saying "ARG...stupid sun"

3. New theory by wuk. Video is edited by the youtube poster...since he is in the film business I am putting this high on the list. He could of shot himself or someone else dressed like a women...used the man in front's walk as a guide and edited this lady in. If someone goes and buys the DVD to confirm this is on the original footage...this plummets to the bottom...or off the list. Sorry wuk.

3. She isn't holding any object at is an illusion or a shadow. Why is she talking to herself??? She may be trying to remember something. People sometimes talk out their thoughts when trying to remember something...and often times we touch our heads when trying to remember something. Also it seems like towards the end of the clip she has an "ah ha" moment like she remembered.

3. Lady is holding a "hand warmer" and holding it up to her ears to keep them warm. Apparently these things did exist during this time period and are around the correct size. Some have stated that she looks like she is dressed to warm for L.A. However someone else pointed out that this premier was in January, and while it doesn't get extremely an old lady it may seem very cold.

3. Lady has a ear injury and is holding her ear because of the pain. Maybe mumbling about the pain in her ear.

4. Lady knows they are filming and doesn't want to be on film, so is hiding her face while ranting about the movie cameras.

4. Lady has a toothache and is holding an icepack to her jaw.

4. Lady was hit by rocks from kids and is holding her jaw while cussing out the kids.

5. Lady is an "extra" and taking direction from the director...this is low on the list because this wasn't an actual movie shoot, but was of the premeir. Still doesn't mean that they didn't stage some people to walk by.

6. Lady is just a crazy lady pretending to talk on a phone. They did have phones back not out of the question she is crazy and pretending to talk on a phone.

6. Charlie himself dressed in drag as a "prank" for the documentary of the premier. His hand could be up by his face to try to disguis himself.

6. Same idea as the above, except it is a random person pulling the prank. They had to have pranks back then...right?

6. Lady is listening to a sea shell.

7. This lady is using some type of early experimental walkie talkie/shortwave radio...maybe she was friends with Tesla.

8. This is a time traveler who is not talking on a cell phone...but is pretending to talk on a cell phone knowing he is being filmed to drop an "easter egg" for future generations to argue about on a conspiracy website.

8. Lady (or man in drag) is an actual time traveller talking on a futuristic communication device that does not need cell towers or satellites. If they have time travel's possible they have advanced communication technology. Some have even suggested they may be able to communicate across time using the same time travel technology used to transport a person through time. Low on the plausability list...just because this is pure speculation with no evidence.

9. This lady went through a "time slip" from another time period or dimension. When she pauses at the end of the is because she just figured out she no longer has a signal on her cell phone (WTH...I'm switching to Verizon).

9. This lady is a time traveler. And she is using some type of handheld communication device that is larger than modern day cell phones.
Multiple sources...kind of the basic idea from the Video. We will call this the default "theory".

9. This lady is actualy a male time traveler in drag using some type of handheld communication device that is larger than a moder day cell phone.

9. This lady is a time traveler holding a time traveling device, communication device, lazer gun combo

9. Lady is a contortionist...from the circus...possibly with a fake rubber hand...because of the unnatural "V" the fngers are making Not sure how this explains what is in her hand or why she is talking to it. But it is needed for the next entry.

9. New theory by wuk *sigh* here it goes. She is a Vulcan...which is why she can make the unnatural "V" symbol. All hail the vulcans...and trekies are nerds...Star Wars rules

9. Some members have been kicking the idea around that this time traveler is one of the Rockefellers. Pure speculation it seems...but still a theory that is out there

10. Lady is from Inner Earth discoverd by Admiral Byrd. They came out of inner earth with their ultra sophisticated cell phones on a scouting mission

10. "Lady" is actually a reptillian alien on a scouting mission

10. "Lady" is actually the servant of the reptillian "Man" in front of her...she is there just to take the attention off of him. Maybe even a drone dressed like a women since their steps are in synch. Still out on a scouting mission.

11. Time Traveler is actually OutKast Searcher. Which is why Outkast Searcher had to be in this earlier time traveler THREAD to help insert skepticism. OutKast Searcher needs to hide his secret of being a time traveler. OutKast Searcher may or may not also be another ATS member in a different time period who thinks he is the one that is the time traveler

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by sum1one

A Legacy of Innovation: Timeline of Motorola History, 1928-2009 Since 1928, Motorola has been committed to innovation in communications and electronics. Our company has achieved many milestones in its 80-plus year history. We pioneered mobile communications in the 1930s with car radios and public safety networks. We made the equipment that carried the first words from the moon in 1969. We led the communications revolution with the first commercial handheld cellular phone in 1983 and the first all-digital high-definition television (HDTV) technical standard in 1990. Today, as a global industry leader, excellence in innovation continues to shape the future of the Motorola brand. See Motorola history highlights below, or download the complete text: A Timeline Overview of Motorola History, 1928-2009 (20 page PDF; 1.06 M)

Timeline of Motorola 1928-2009

Could it be a walkie talkie as well?! Also could she be listening o a handheld radio?!
Skeptical in time travel, in the sense that they would appear as an extra in a movie.
While, the laws of time and space are truly a wonder that we fully understand, I find it
humorous that the man in the video said that the only LOGICAL explanation is time travel.
Is that really the only LOGICAL explanation?!

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by maceov

Interesting, this Andrew Basiago guy....I've often felt I've time traveled in my dreams, and so I find any talk about it extremely fascinating. The picture of him in the oversized shoes, kinda makes me wonder who is taking these pictures, which would hold "easter eggs" for those that can find them in the future. Any other information you have?

edit on 10/23/2010 by The Endtime Warrior because: (no reason given)

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