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Twitter ablaze with UFO sighting reports in NYC. Anyone confirm?

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Juston

New video from youtube that actually shows the "UFOs"

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Juston

Hello ATS ..sorry I do not know how to upload a Youtube video , but an amatuer videographer
has captured a stationary UFO on video that makes a remarkable speeding movement at cuts through
the clouds. The video is from today 13-10-10 from the KLCC tower area in Kualar Lumar, Malaysia.

It looks genuine and amazing UFO footage

The video has just been uploaded to Youtube UFO over Malaysia 13th October 2010

I hope this is useful.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

Lee, please read my first post on this thread. I can personally confirm they were balloons. I saw them closely enough to identify the strings they'd were tied with. I work in a high rise building and witnessed the above around 12:30ish while smoking a cigarette on our terrace (28 floors up).

I understand your rationale about discussion, debate, and the spirit of ATS and message boards in general. However it is neither here nor there.

This thread is titled "UFO sighting reports in NYC. Anyone confirm?" I am posting confirmation that they were in fact balloons. further proof not required. further debate not required. I am making a statement of fact, not a subjective comment requiring validation or discussion.

can an moderator please close this thread already!!!?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by RICH-ENGLAND

I will try and keep this as nice as possible. This is a UFO forum and it should be used for discussing that and not worrying about personal attacks. Did you watch the link even the news in NYC is not sure what it is. They have made there calls. You would think if they were "just" balloons the news would be reporting that. and from some of the video I saw they must be some big balloons.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by DogsDogsDogs
This is the channel 7, WABC report. It looks like a small cluster of balloons to me but :shrug:

You get a star from me... most relevant video so far.

Looking at this video, they are balloons in my opinion. At a high altitude with little wind, they would appear not to move thus the reason they have appeared to people as being motionless.

Look at the :34 and :35 second marks... pause the video and you can clearly see the change in shadows revealing what looks very much like separate objects, round objects that appear to be the same as one would expect from a group of balloons tied together.

Just my $.02.


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by DreamerOracle

If you look at the way they are moving, and the formation they are in. It pretty much proves that that video is nothing more, then a migrating flock of birds.


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by DigitalCamel
What's embarassing is that people on here aren't allowed to have an opinion or open discussion without being ridiculed. I have read through the thread and I haven't seen proof of UFOs or balloons.

It's not even worth mentioning again at this point for me.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by RICH-ENGLAND
notice how all the believers that were telling me to leave and attempting cheap insults have quietly slipped away now we have actual video of the "BALLOONS". funny how that happens isn't it?.

hate to say i told you so..... oh wait, I TOLD YOU SO !!!

hopefully this may teach a few people a lesson, stop posting garbage and rubbish claims, and use a bit more common sense before getting hysterical over nothing, then hopefully we can start to look at some decent material instead of this constant influx of rc planes, distant blurry lights etc etc.

and although i had a bit of fun today i really think this has been an embarrassment to A.T.S.




I agree with you. Honestly the majority of ATS is tearing every credible shred of every theory to pieces. Kinda sucks. People, strive to use your minds, be logical, use correct spelling and punctuation. Don't start off blindly believing, you will be in for far fewer disappointments.
edit on 13-10-2010 by GogoVicMorrow because: ...

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:15 PM
its just probes scoping out peoples reactions for when their mother craft makes its self known

Better get ahold of Agt. Fox W. Mulder and Dana Scully for this one

edit on 13-10-2010 by VenomVile.6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:15 PM
A lot of people say they are just balloons released into the sky over NYC as a hoax to make the October 13th story look real, which could be possible to pull off so lets not get too excited just yet people.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by deprogrammer
reply to post by Juston

Hello ATS ..sorry I do not know how to upload a Youtube video , but an amatuer videographer
has captured a stationary UFO on video that makes a remarkable speeding movement at cuts through
the clouds. The video is from today 13-10-10 from the KLCC tower area in Kualar Lumar, Malaysia.

It looks genuine and amazing UFO footage

The video has just been uploaded to Youtube UFO over Malaysia 13th October 2010

I hope this is useful.

This one was uploaded today indeed.

edit on 13-10-2010 by RuGu HyPe because: Added short description

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by crashbehr
reply to post by RICH-ENGLAND

I will try and keep this as nice as possible. This is a UFO forum and it should be used for discussing that and not worrying about personal attacks. Did you watch the link even the news in NYC is not sure what it is. They have made there calls. You would think if they were "just" balloons the news would be reporting that. and from some of the video I saw they must be some big balloons.

in a word YES, they have and they dld, its pretty much nailed on that they were balloons, and it was me that was getting attacked because people couldn't take me having a joke at their ufo "religion" so you should be telling that to the believers that tried cheap insults on me.

its not my fault they got had is it?. there wasn't anything to this right from the start...

weve got reports of balloons, pictures of balloons and videos of balloons, seriously what more do you need to show you it was balloons?.



posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by chaeone86
reply to post by lee anoma

Lee, please read my first post on this thread. I can personally confirm they were balloons. I saw them closely enough to identify the strings they'd were tied with. I work in a high rise building and witnessed the above around 12:30ish while smoking a cigarette on our terrace (28 floors up).

I understand your rationale about discussion, debate, and the spirit of ATS and message boards in general. However it is neither here nor there.

Yes it is.

Because you claimed to have seen them and could verify they were balloons isn't enough to end the discussion entirely without proof.

This thread is titled "UFO sighting reports in NYC. Anyone confirm?" I am posting confirmation that they were in fact balloons. further proof not required.

...okay and how is that different from someone claiming they weren't balloons and instead alien probes?

Further proof was definitely required, dude.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:21 PM
So nobody thinks they are balloons?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by DogsDogsDogs

Well I have been lurking these halls for many years and this is the first time I hit a link that took me to something like that. I cleaned up the PC and after I get feeling better I will cancel that damn account over there before I get accused of something I am not into.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:22 PM
I thought this site was meant to be about exploring different ideas on the unexplained? Not telling everyone that their opinions suck because they do not conform to your idea/opinions.

Its getting to a point where people post in fear of being made to feel stupid by other members, we do not need to silence each other. This is what TPTB have been doing since the beginning lets not help them achieve this.

I on the other hand, DO believe this thread as a few dis-info agents posting. This is my personal opinion.

Yes, the pictures look like balloons but it could be compared to having someone on the horizon and mistaking them for a small tree in the distance. The main thing, is that we keep open minds to this.

Also here is some food for thought, if aliens knew that we are looking for them would they come in foreign looking ships? Or possible come as something that is familiar with humans? Or maybe even cloak themselves.

Anyway, I'm going to continue reading this thread until I have made up my mind.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:22 PM
As hard is it for me to believe theres been talk about similar sightings in san fran and now puerto rico.

im trying to find some links to P.R news stations. can anyone help ?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by RuGu HyPe

Originally posted by deprogrammer
reply to post by Juston

Hello ATS ..sorry I do not know how to upload a Youtube video , but an amatuer videographer
has captured a stationary UFO on video that makes a remarkable speeding movement at cuts through
the clouds. The video is from today 13-10-10 from the KLCC tower area in Kualar Lumar, Malaysia.

It looks genuine and amazing UFO footage

The video has just been uploaded to Youtube UFO over Malaysia 13th October 2010

I hope this is useful.

This one was uploaded today indeed.

edit on 13-10-2010 by RuGu HyPe because: Added short description

That's lame sauce. Come on. You had to know posting that wouldn't help substantiate any claims. Doesn't lend any thing to the 13th prediction. That was a fake of the worst kind.

The score so far today, balloons in New York City, and cgi ball lightening in Kuala Lampur.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:24 PM
If you have verifiable proof that these were balloons than please post the links, otherwise, you have no more of a definite idea of what it was than anyone else. Even if you think something is a hoax, you still need evidence to back up your claim or it's just speculation. You'd think ATS is the main stream given how quickly people will start claiming everything is a hoax.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 05:24 PM
Ok...ok ok...ok. What I can't understand, is, that just about everyone I know has a dang cell phone with a camera. All these people in the city, and there are only a couple of vids and pics available for this sighting?

Come on! Surely there's more. What about all the people who brag about their iphones, and droids....

Where are you guys with your 1080p resolution vids? Unless you're still carrying a pager.

This sighting stinks of viral marketing.

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