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Twitter ablaze with UFO sighting reports in NYC. Anyone confirm?

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Anthony1138

Dude, show some respect for posters. You can agree to disagree, but there rules we follow to keep this board a nice place to post.
People like you are as worse as the people you claim to despise.

I'd like more info on this before we say it's one thing or the other.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:41 PM

ufo in staten island nyc right now Quote a [snip] ufo just landed down by the beach in great kills, choppers everywhere. They have blocked off the roads to the marina. I saw it touch down but the cops got us out of there before we could get to it. it had a smokey blue look to it, kind of transparent looking, alternating silver. going to get some cameras and im headed back down. I think i can get in through a wooded area if i move quick enough. be back as soon as i can

hmm... was just announced on Jack Blood radio show as well

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

edit on 2010/10/13 by GradyPhilpott because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by lee anoma

Come on...really? There are people simply saying they saw something in the sky and we're trying to figure out what that could be.

Strange I saw an awful lot of people replying that they believed it and were saying those skeptical of no footage at all -- in New York City of all places -- that skeptics were plain wrong.

Believed what?
That people standing in NYC in that video saw something?

I believe it too.
They did appear to see "something".

If anyone said they were aliens piloting spacecrafts, that is a different story.
No one can make such a claim without any real evidence. Even if they are unusual crafts, they could simply be governmental in origin or not crafts at all.

That's the point of talking about it.

So I stand by my saying this lunacy over nothing proven IS a bit embarrassing to me.

Nothing has been proven.
Not even that these were balloons.

What's embarrassing or insane about discussing it?

Even if they are later identified to be balloons, people DID see them.

Discussion about UFOs is what happens in the UFO forum.
Sorry if it embarrasses you, maybe it just isn't your thing.

P.S. Just because your friends and family in NY didn't see anything doesn't mean nothing happened. NY is a pretty big place and depending on their location it is not improbable that they simply were not in the best position to get a good view.

Why are you saying this to me? I never even said anything of the sort.

edit on 10/13/2010 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

That wasn't to you, sorry.
It was mean to be said "in general".

I didn't edit it correctly with a "to those of you claiming.."

My bad.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by RuGu HyPe

I think linking to GLP here on ATS is frowned upon.
Just saying...

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:45 PM
As I am not from the US, I will not take a side as of yet as the pictures of the objects that are supposedly meant to be UFO's. I have a few feelings about this though.

1) If lets say for arguments sake it was balloons, I'm sure New Yorkers have seen many balloons being released before as Times SQ is a place that has a lot of things going on. Such as movie premiers and other such media events. It seems there was something for people to be looking up in the sky like the way shown on webcams and the yfrog video.

2) MSM not reporting on such a major news worthy event.. Could be a cover up.

On the fence;
1) Co-incises with the former NORAD guys book prediction, Many people know about this prediction and possible know that people will be looking to the sky today in hope of it coming true. It hasn't happened in any other city at the time of this post. Which he did predict..

1) If it was a UFO sighting as many other members have expressed the ratio of tweets to pictures is so small.

2) MSM not reporting on such a major news worthy event.. Could be that they have knowledge that it wasn't UFO's at all and decided the miners are more of a story.

Anyway, I will be following this until evidence of it being or not being a UFO from a source that isn't tainted and is verifiable comes to light.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

oh shoot, sorry folks didnt know that, if its that way, just wanted to bring in some new info

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by IrishCream
I'm a wee-bit late (typical for me
), but when I clicked the link for the earthcam @ Times Square, it is saying: "This stream is temporarily unavailable to the public"?!?!?!?!

I only got to the third page of the thread, so I'll go back and read to current and see if there is an explaination or mention of this from anyone else!

it probably just got overloaded with u.f.o hunters looking for the galactic federation of light anti gravity timewarp motherships from gliese aka "balloons"



posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

So you are saying it is okay to freak over some balloons?

Sure I agree it is okay.

Does it make any sense?


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by RuGu HyPe

ufo in staten island nyc right now Quote a #ing ufo just landed down by the beach in great kills, choppers everywhere. They have blocked off the roads to the marina. I saw it touch down but the cops got us out of there before we could get to it. it had a smokey blue look to it, kind of transparent looking, alternating silver. going to get some cameras and im headed back down. I think i can get in through a wooded area if i move quick enough. be back as soon as i can

hmm... was just announced on Jack Blood radio show as well

edit on 13-10-2010 by MrOrange82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Balloons .....back to editing my ghost footage

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by RICH-ENGLAND

Originally posted by IrishCream
I'm a wee-bit late (typical for me
), but when I clicked the link for the earthcam @ Times Square, it is saying: "This stream is temporarily unavailable to the public"?!?!?!?!

I only got to the third page of the thread, so I'll go back and read to current and see if there is an explaination or mention of this from anyone else!

it probably just got overloaded with u.f.o hunters looking for the galactic federation of light anti gravity timewarp motherships from gliese aka "balloons"



That's the official explanation..

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:47 PM
Channel 7 news in New York just did a segment on this sighting. Alot of people staring up in the sky, they had some video of the object. It is hovering for a while then changing positions and hovering again in a different spot. I would think if it was just balloons that the wind would carry them away.

I am right across the Hudson river in Jersey City. I am going out to see if I can see anything over the city.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:47 PM
Here's a heads up regarding sightings. Moscow on 10/10/10 ufo fleet.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by chaeone86
reply to post by Chamberf=6

yes, exactly. Not sure where the non-nyc people are finding evidence, but the videos posted that have been referred to on this site and huffpo show nothing but some people confusedly looking up on a street corner.

Good grief.

You just don't understand.
No one said the video is evidence of anything other than people claiming to see "something" in the sky.
No one said this was evidence of alien-invasions and if they did they are talking out of the wrong end.

We're simply talking about the fact that there is a video of people claiming to see something, twitters about UFOs over NYC, and trying to determine what this could mean.

Discussing a UFO video isn't claiming aliens have come to Earth.

It really is that simple.

It's so simple that it is flying over peoples heads and they are busting in and erroneously calling everyone stupid for believing in aliens or hoaxes.

Please take the time and consider what I am saying here.
I think this fact needs to sink in.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:49 PM
This past night I saw a bunch of UFO's, around 2-3am EST. I brought my camera out but it's just not good enough to capture them - they were too far out and didn't show up at all

I saw a ton though, making patterns, at one point I saw one on one side of the sky, and directly across the sky (let's say one was North other was South) it was in the exact same position just moving up and down side to side.

There were also a few that flew by so fast and bright that I didn't even get a good glimpse at them other than enough to know it was not a shooting star or any sort of aircraft (made no sound).

I also saw a few following some airplanes close bye, I knew they were not other planes because they were flying around them hovering, speeding up, going in circles around them etc. at very close perimeters.

I really did try to record/take pictures but no luck, hopefully one gets close enough and is bright enough soon that I can grab some shots.

By the way this was outside Philadelphia, and honestly every night they have been out recently, like clockwork. It's pretty insane and I'm starting to wonder what is going on because I have never noticed them before the past few months.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:51 PM

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:51 PM
Here is a picture from Twitter of the objects in Use the Twitter search engine and type in 'NYC UFO' to get a good idea of what is going on.

+2 more 
posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:52 PM
What's embarassing is that people on here aren't allowed to have an opinion or open discussion without being ridiculed. I have read through the thread and I haven't seen proof of UFOs or balloons.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

Good grief. You just don't understand. No one said the video is evidence of anything other than people claiming to see "something" in the sky.

Yes they have. Haven't you been reading the same thread as the rest of us here?

if they did they are talking out of the wrong end.

I absolutely agree.
edit on 10/13/2010 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by lee anoma

So you are saying it is okay to freak over some balloons?

Sure I agree it is okay.

Does it make any sense?


You're not making sense.
I never said such a thing.

Who is freaking out around here?
You mean the guy in the video?

The people standing on the corner seemed quite calm to me.
No one was screaming, no one was in a panic. They were just "looking up".
Maybe you're projecting.

If you are concerned with the level of cool-headiness in this thread then you should have posted about that, not come in and called everyone embarrassing for trying to understand what was going on.

- Lee

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