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Is Porn Dangerous?

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posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
reply to post by nophun

There's PROOF of it having happened with individual rapists before. I'm not gonna go find you links.
Go get some yourself if you're that bored.

There is "PROOF" of an individual devout Christian butchering a atheist with a axe. Let us talk about the ill effects of the bible.

I am not defending porn to defend porn, I am calling you out on your bull# and stupidity.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

so now anger is bad also? you know what, you can enjoy these ridiculous views all you like but the tighter you twist the restraints the worse its gonna be when you finally snap. good luck to you Limbic, you're going to need it.


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
reply to post by TheAssociate

Distracting you?

No, attempting to divert attention from your lack of supporting evidence with...

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
But of course, THEY sounded more like an adult.
You sound like a talkative little kid that's just arguing with me. There's no reason for me to explain anything to you, but one more useless conversation wont hurt.

Ad Hominem Arguments.

And now...

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
You haven't given me any evidence that porn can't cause someone to rape someone else...although there's evidence that several rapists enjoy watching porn.

You're asking me to prove a negative?

You stated a thesis and you've supported it with nothing but conjecture. You can't seem to provide any scientific evidence to support your claim, so now you're simply insulting those who challenge your idea in hopes we'll stop asking for evidence. Good luck with that mindset.

edit on 6-10-2010 by TheAssociate because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:18 AM
I still don't get Limbic's "fantasy" about the world coming to an end. It's disturbing in the sense that he/she is concerned about PORN. Put each on a scale: world's end VS porn. One clearly outweighs the other.

People who have nothing to lose (i.e. those who fantasize and dream about the end of the world) generally have little or nothing to lose (they have nothing to live for). Those people are most likely to commit sexual assault and rape. They have nothing to live for, nothing to lose. Most rapists, I would imagine, don't have wives and/or girlfriends and/or deep relationships with women.

Think about it. If a man has a woman who gives him everything he craves, he is really less likely to rape a woman --because he's gettin' it from his woman! People who say things like "I dream about the world to end and it's a happy fantasy" really don't have much to live for.

Is this ENTIRE POST A CRY FOR HELP? --This is a connection I've made based on the attack on porn and the desire for the world to end.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:35 AM
It does not say any where in the bible you cant have sex/masturbate or enjoy it.

It just says God does not like fornicating...

so maybe God likes fellatio? instead???

show me a verse from the bible that states 'thou shall not have sex' and then I might throw away my toy... no not even then cos my name is not Thou

Originally posted by GhostLancer
Is this ENTIRE POST A CRY FOR HELP? --This is a connection I've made based on the attack on porn and the desire for the world to end.

Could be from a psychological perspective a desire the OP has for his sexless world to end and go and get porn and eat and drink it for a while?

edit on 6-10-2010 by Thurisaz because: edit to add reply to

edit on 6-10-2010 by Thurisaz because: grammar

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 04:52 AM
I just read a lot of the previous pages of comments. The logic I am reading about porn leading to increased levels of rapes is about as convincing as cigarette smoking leading to increased levels of rape. Nit picking apart the cause of rape is about as hard as nit picking the cause of maliciousness and evil. Is it a choice or beyond control? But this is for the philosophy section.

Bottom line: Rape = bad

Don't try to define it more unless you want to dive into the abstract.

Now lets get back into more areas of social divergence from porn being so prominent in our generation and the effects it might have on the next.
edit on 6-10-2010 by TheKnave because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2010 by TheKnave because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 09:36 AM
At the extreme end of the sexual repression scale, what pops up? Porn of course. It has to.

Porn is necessary to society, especially to prim, shy, moralistically dominated society where people have a tee, hee, hee, shy, behind the fluttering fan, attitude to sex.

That's why loving Japanese parents who would never discuss anything remotely biological with their adored children give them, wrapped in a beautiful embroidered silk cloth, adorned with butterflies and flowers and birds and bees, an illustrated "pillow book",to show them what to do with their unmentionable body parts when they get married, to pleasure one another and to make grandchildren for their parents, whom they obey in everything. (Why is there no "gong" smiley?)

Without porn, the moral segment of Japanese society would have died off in confusion long ago.

I might be overstating the case a little, but I do believe that porn serves a useful purpose, in fact, many useful purposes. You could make an argument that it is practically a form of psychological duct tape and far healthier than the various drugs in wide use in today's stressed out society.

Porn helps me stay happy without resort to drugs and I'm not going to stop watching it.
edit on 6-10-2010 by ipsedixit because: Style and spelling.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:43 AM
Is this topic a joke?? If not it would be the writer wich would be dangerous.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:44 AM
people have actually posted their opinion on this unintelligent topic?!! God save us.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:46 AM
Here's my two cents on this:

First of all, I think this entire conversation is missing a very important detail. Before we discuss the merits or demerits of porn and its social effects, we have to first consider whether the relationships, sexual or otherwise, that society deems appropriate are in fact natural.

Now this could be a topic in and of it self, but if you take away the concept of monogamous relationships, I think the perspective on porn changes dramatically. This especially applies to those posters who are of the opinion that porn takes a way from "natural sexual relationships", which have been defined in this post as sexual relationships with romantic involvement particularly between two individual in a monogamous relationship. But I question this definition! Where in nature does monogamy and emotional attachment become a prerequisite for breeding? Sex, by design, is a ideally suited for breeding, however we also derive physical enjoyment from the act, always by design.

IMO, sex is no more than a physical activity which illicits certain chemical reactions within the body causing desirable sensations. The emotional elements and romanticism is something that society has contributed to the mix.

With this in mind, porn, in itself, is not a bad thing. Yes, it can certainly have some effect on the separation between the emotional and physical aspects of sex, but so could being promiscuous.

Do I believe that porn has a direct correlation on sexual assault? Absolutely not. There may be porn users who are naturally disposed, through imbalances or personality, to commit violent crimes, yet the far majority of porn users are not doing this.

What it boils down to is whether non-reproductive sexual pleasure outside of a monogamous relationship can be viewed as healthly or imbalanced.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:01 PM
This is a joke right?

Is Porn Dangerous?

no more dangerous then watching a boxing match.

OP seems to be looking for something to blame, for violence, why not attack sex.. Sounds like someone needs SOMEthing..

Thanks god, the radical right winged religious nuts are not in power!!!!

try to make animals into machines, and see what happens..

Where are these nit wits coming from?

edit on 6-10-2010 by Bicent76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by nophun

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
reply to post by nophun

There's PROOF of it having happened with individual rapists before. I'm not gonna go find you links.
Go get some yourself if you're that bored.

There is "PROOF" of an individual devout Christian butchering a atheist with a axe. Let us talk about the ill effects of the bible.

I am not defending porn to defend porn, I am calling you out on your bull# and stupidity.

Might I ask what the bible has to do with this?

Do you have, like, down syndrome or something?

Just's a beautiful day.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by B.Morrison
reply to post by LimbicSystem

so now anger is bad also? you know what, you can enjoy these ridiculous views all you like but the tighter you twist the restraints the worse its gonna be when you finally snap. good luck to you Limbic, you're going to need it.


Thank you, Morris.

Your concern is appreciated.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:06 PM
What I find repugnant about porn is how it cheapens the act of making love, taking something special and intimate and commercializing it.
Kids get that message loud and clear. I've seen way too many young girls acting and dressing like sluts because they think it's cool. Boys in turn think women are a cheap commodity to be used for self-gratification.
Let me be clear about one thing - porn debases both men and women. Men who would use women in that way are cheap too.
It's the American way though - everything has a price tag on it somewhere.

Those brought up with a religious back ground are made to feel guilty for viewing porn, as if sexual curiosity were something one should be punished for. Religion can be just as wrong as porn and as hurtful to children.
Some people cannot find a partner and for them porn can be helpful, if empty of any intimacy and emotion.
Child porn is definitely wrong and should be punished severely.

Sex should be something special, shared between people (not necessarily just a couple) who have real feelings for each other. If other people don't want that then that is their business. For me as a man sex has always been about intimacy and love which perhaps makes me an oddball in this society. To each his (or her) own.

Nudity is not pornography. The human body is a beautiful thing.

The worst pornography is violence, which children today get overdosed on daily through tv, games and movies. That is most likely the culprit for the increase in sexual assaults.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:09 PM
I believe people who partake in excessive amounts of pornography are a lot like that movie Inception (I know cheesy)

They live in their fantasy world so much and so excessively that the real world and real sex is no longer satisfying.

Pornography is fantasy and nothing more.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals

Sex should be something special, shared between people (not necessarily just a couple) who have real feelings for each other. If other people don't want that then that is their business. For me as a man sex has always been about intimacy and love which perhaps makes me an oddball in this society. To each his (or her) own.

Nudity is not pornography. The human body is a beautiful thing.

The worst pornography is violence, which children today get overdosed on daily through tv, games and movies. That is most likely the culprit for the increase in sexual assaults.

Sex is impulsive and human beings are biologically wired to not be monogamous.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:19 PM
The only way porn could be dangerous is if you burn it onto a CD and swallow the disk... This is strange thread?

Watching and participating in sexual intercourse is the most natural thing in this misguided and media driven world!

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:23 PM
"No, attempting to divert attention from your lack of supporting evidence with"...

That could also be called distracting you from one thing...or "attempting to." If I cared to attempt it, it wouldn't matter. You already beat me to it. You've been rambling on for a while now...I think you're trying to sound smart. It's just not interesting anymore.

And I'm really sorry that you feel insulted by me. I just can't help all that noise.

I don't really know what you want...don't care. If someone else asked for a link to some rapist that was driven by porn, I'd probably give it to them, but not you...
It would be more proof than you can give me to say that porn has nothing to do with it that at least 1...or 8 rapes were motivated by porn, yet that "evidence" wouldn't actually be proof enough, now would it?

What is evidence to you? A guy on some other site that has written it?
Nah, just give up.

I've said this before, life's short, loosen up.

edit on 6-10-2010 by LimbicSystem because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by LimbicSystem

reply to post by nophun

Might I ask what the bible has to do with this?

Do you have, like, down syndrome or something?

The bible was just a example I could have used a man killing his wife over his hockey team losing. The point was obviously showing your "individual rapist" is not a valid sample size. With all the screwed up people in the world I can pretty much point to a individual incident and claim what I want.

I am now stating that any ATS user with a user name starting with "L" knows nothing about ANY topics they post. I summit this one thread by the individual LimbicSystem as proof.

Did I just prove all posts by ATS posters with a username starting with L are ignorant to all topics they create ?

Logic... You suck at it.
Waiting for your next ad hominem.
edit on 6-10-2010 by nophun because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2010 by nophun because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals

What I find repugnant about porn is how it cheapens the act of making love, taking something special and intimate and commercializing it.

There is nothing "special and intimate" about sex to begin with. Have you ever watched Animal planet and observed two elephants having a "special and intimate" moment? Nah....

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Kids get that message loud and clear. I've seen way too many young girls acting and dressing like sluts because they think it's cool. Boys in turn think women are a cheap commodity to be used for self-gratification.
Let me be clear about one thing - porn debases both men and women. Men who would use women in that way are cheap too.
It's the American way though - everything has a price tag on it somewhere.

So you think these girls dress like sluts because they have been watching porn? I seriously doubt it.

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Those brought up with a religious back ground are made to feel guilty for viewing porn, as if sexual curiosity were something one should be punished for. Religion can be just as wrong as porn and as hurtful to children.
Some people cannot find a partner and for them porn can be helpful, if empty of any intimacy and emotion.
Child porn is definitely wrong and should be punished severely.

I agree with your points here.

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Sex should be something special, shared between people (not necessarily just a couple) who have real feelings for each other. If other people don't want that then that is their business. For me as a man sex has always been about intimacy and love which perhaps makes me an oddball in this society. To each his (or her) own.

Sex has been about two things since the beginning of time, procreation and recreation.

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Nudity is not pornography. The human body is a beautiful thing.

The worst pornography is violence, which children today get overdosed on daily through tv, games and movies. That is most likely the culprit for the increase in sexual assaults.

Honestly I think the unwillingness of people to raise their kids to be discipline, productive pasts of society is to blame for the increase in sexual assaults and violent crime.

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